
Chapter 15

"Why are you wearing that?" Art asked me who just arrived home from the hospital.


"Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I wondered.                               


"You look like Cat woman in your clothes. Your leather jumpsuit is too close to your body." He complained.


"So? You don't seem used to seeing me wearing this."


He clicked his tongue. "Why are you wearing that? Where are you going?" puckered when he asked.                               


"I'll give Doodle a ride to his work then Sketch to school."


I saw how his jaw dropped. "You'll just give them a ride, Rackie then that's what you're wearing?"


"Yes, I will use that car there…"


He slapped his forehead. "You will only use Volkswagen, Rackie! It seems like you dress like you're going to w—" he stopped and looked at me while I'm grinning. "Don't tell me you're going to use the other car?"


"I won't then." I said then tightened my safety gears. "Guys, come on!"


I saw Sketch and Doodle staring blankly while in the middle of the stairs. "Why are you wearing that?" they asked.

"We might encounter something on the way." I joked. I looked at Sketch's uniform. Fortunately, his school uniform has longsleeves and is gray in color, the leather jumpsuit I asked him to wore inside wasn't obvious.


I told them to come down to put on their safety gears. Art shook his head as he entered his room. Flood suddenly arrived.


"What the—!" I glared at him. "Sorry, sweetheart." He said while smiling. "Sorry, it seems like I saw cat woman in you." He added staring intently at my face. "Why are you wearing that? It's early and that's what you're wearing." His tone of voice suddenly changed.


I looked at him in shock. It doesn't seem like he's Flood that I know who's in front of me right now. "Wow! Is that really you? Flood the pervert of all pervert!"


He was surprise by what I said. "Ouch! Rackie, I'm not a pervert, yes I'm annoying and sometimes I do something against my profession but I just can't really help but be conservative with you and my twin."


I smiled at him. "I know. We're going, I already cooked breakfast so just eat. Art is already there, keep the house clean at all times, okay?" I said then patted his shoulder.


We're on the road to Sketch's school. "What's the problem of those people?" I asked. Sketch and Doodle just shrugged. I sigh. "When we dropped Sketch to his school, can we go through the shop first?" I ask Doodle.


"It's okay but why?"


"I'll ask someone to fix this." I replied that the reference was to the car we were using.


"Huh? Is there a problem with this car?" Sketch asked with panic.

I chuckled at their reaction. "Nothing. I'm just like this when I haven't used it for a long time." They sat up well and seemed to be able to breathe. "Wow! That reaction is kind of exaggerated." I said as I laughed. "Sketch, we're here."


I told Doodle not to come down. As I removed Sketch's safety gears, I noticed a lot of people looking at us. I stopped for a while and noticed his school. 'Familiar' I whispered.


I heard Sketch sigh so I looked at him. "Please hurry." He says seemingly uneasy. I just hastened to remove his safety gears.


"I'll ask Lunar to fetch you later." I whispered to him and he nodded as a respond.


While we were going to Wisdom's shop, I couldn't forget the name of Sketch's university. I frowned when we passed so I suddenly turn the car.


"Don't turn suddenly!" Doodle complaint.


I'm surprise, I forgot I'm with Doodle. Since we can't see every reaction on our faces because of the helmets we are wearing he doesn't know I'm smiling. I saw Wisdom relax, I blew the horn… Wisdom jumped in panic even I was startled, I didn't expect this car to sound so loud. Frowned when Wisdom approached, he's obviously mad. "Wrong timing…" I whisper while biting my lower lip. I heard a series of knocking on the window. I motioned for Doodle to come out, when I openened the door I saw Wisdom step aside a little. He's glaring at me so I removed the helmet I was wearing. "Sorry." I hesitantly said.


He took a deep breath then lost the frown on his forehead. "You came." He said shortly. Oh, yes! I'm really wrong timing.


"Uh… I'll ask you to check that also I don't want the horn to be too loud." I said. He just nods. I flatten my lips. I asked Doodle to sit for a while.


"You, what is that? Will I repeat all your work?! Do your work properly!" I heard him scold one of his shop companions. He entered his office and sat down on the sofa.


I stopped at the head of the door because he seems like he would kill any moment. I was devastated when he looked at me then prompted me to come in. "I know I'm in wrong timing, sorry." I apologized.


"Not really, just a bit." He said without looking at me.


I closed my eyes for a while then closed the door after coming in. I sat next to him then looked at him. "What's the problem?" I asked but he didn't reply. I touched his cheeks and turned to face me but he looked away. "Tell me where it hurts now baby and I'll do my best to make it better." I start singing. He turn to look at me. "Finally! Your temper… do you have visitor?" I joked on.


He reluctantly removed my palms from his cheeks then sat up. "I don't have time for jokes, Rackie."


"Then tell me." I said.


"What else do you need other than to check that car?" he asked without looking at me.


"Motor. I'm giving that guy a ride to his work." I replied.


He stood up then took the key hidden in his drawer. "Here, use it." He said then went out of the office.


He wasn't really in the mood so I just let him, it's rare for that man to get out of the mood. I'll just let talk to him later when I go back to pick up my car and return his beloved motor.
