

3rd person POV

Tony felt that he couldn't say no, he really didn't know how to. He immediately agreed but he knew Logan was going to be really mad at him. No matter how pompous and rich the guy was he was always a force not to be reckoned with.

Aila thought nothing of it she noticed that Tony seemed off, his accent was thicker and he seemed to be looking at the entrance repeatedly. Then again they were waiting for Logan so she wasn't sure. She just went through all their things that they needed to sell to pick out the few things she really wanted to keep and put those to the side. Since it didn't take her long to do she started to fold stack and generally organize the rest of it.

When Logan returned he immediately felt something was off with Tony.

"Tony. Tell me." Logan gives a hard look to Tony.

Tony could feel a chill in the air "Aila wants to come with me to town. I said yes"

Logan stares Tony down for a solid minute, before finally turning to Aila. " You want to go to town Aila?"

Aila looks up with a gleam in her eyes" Oh yes I do! I want to see it all the people and how different it might be to where I'm from" Aila was bored. It had been so long she had lost track of the time, and despite keeping herself busy by helping Tony, she was a woman of the 21st century. Going to town to have a look around was a more familiar pass time to her; while it might not have a movie theater or a mall to shop in it was a step up from the literally nothing she had now.

Logan could see just how excited she was. He had no idea why, but far be it from him to stop her. It was a change of plans that he now had to accommodate. He had been marking this territory so wild beasts did not enter and he would have to go as well to be her protector. She could use more people to build up her territory so perhaps it isn't the worst idea for her to go to town.

"Alright, Tony be sure to pack enough for her to eat on the way. I will also be coming with." Tony felt the relief wash though him he was just glad not to face Logan's wrath.

After packing they set off. Going Aila's pace was considerably slower. Tony certainly couldn't carry her since he was carrying all the packed goods. They had added lots of fruits since Aila said she would not be able to eat them all before they went bad.

Aila felt they were going a fairly quick pace. She could tell she had better stamina than before she came to the forest. The first half of the day wasn't that bad to Aila, they had walked several hours through the forest and while it was an uneven area the grass and other foliage was a comfort to her bare feet. Once they set foot on the dirt path she could feel herself slow down but she kept going.

They had set out first thing in the morning and the boys slowed down their pace to match Aila but were concerned for her the entire time. The hour trip through the forest took over two going at Aila's pace and she had slowed down even more once they hit the path. They had though she had just gotten tired until they heard her "Ah" and turned to see her small limp.

Slowing down to a stop Tony goes off to the side to set his bag down and shift into a human so he can take a look at what's wrong. Aila was distracted and didn't think it was a big deal, she just wanted to get to a point where she could get the splinter out of her foot. The path had been full of rocks that were not comfortable to walk on but she had slowly gotten used to that. She stopped paying attention to what she was walking on only to step on something that stuck in her foot and was now really bothering her. She didn't realize that they had stopped till Tony was right in front of her and she almost walked into him.

"What seems to be the problem Aila?" She could see the concern in his face. So she immediately responded.

"Oh I just stepped on something" Logan had also approached from the side so she could tell they were both very concerned. Her attempt to play it off did not go over well with the boys.

"Can I see?" Though he had asked he led her over to the things he had set down and urged her to sit.

She could tell they were both very concerned so despite her trying to say it was ok. She sat down and Tony gently picked up her foot. Tony hadn't realized just how delicate her feet were. It had never been a concern for him before. Aila had no idea what was going through their minds to her this was a normal occurrence when going around without shoes. It was bound to happen at some point. She didn't like them looking at her feet right now, she generally tried to keep them clean during her frequent baths to pass the time but they couldn't look all that good after walking through the forest.

Tony reached over to pull out the small splinter as soon as he did Aila's foot bled. Just a small amount but to Tony and Logan any blood was too much.

"We can't keep traveling the way we have." Tony agreed with Logan.

"I'm fine. It's not a big deal" Aila protested afraid they'd make her go back and do nothing wile she waited for them to come back.

" We can't have you keep getting hurt Aila" Tony tried to comfort her but she was still sending a pleading gaze at the two of them

"Since Tony can't carry you with all thing's he has to carry. I'll carry you. We'll be able to speed up and keep you safe. We should get a cart on our trip back." Tony nods to agree.

Aila was just grateful she could still go, but all thoughts left when she saw Logan shift into a human form.

Sorry I took so long to get this out

D3Kitsunecreators' thoughts