

That's right I'm Jack. I ain't no one special not by any means. I got my stories though, lots of 'em. See, I don't know where I'm from seeing as all my memories before I turned 10ish ain't no where to be found. They say I just stumbled out the forest and fell down in front of old man Jenkins place. I grew up with the help of that man. He let me stay with him if I helped out his farm. He didn't make enough to afford to feed me I ate way too much for that. So I started to odd jobs for everyone I could. As I didn't have no past, I didn't have a name. I was called boy for so long till old man Jenkins went along and said I was getting to be a Jack of all trades. It stuck.

When Logan approached me I knew something weren't right. See he always had an escort and there was a big hoohah of rumors though the people before I even see a trace of him. This time he came straight to me before I could hear it. I never would a thought he would run. I always seen him unhappy but to leave a sure future was something I don't think I understand. Then again he never says shit. One sentence is too much for that guy. Honestly he said a lot for him. I Found what he said crazy. Not that he was one to mess around. I figure I help him out get a decent profit and if there isn't any thing there I take what he can't use back with me and go into business. If he wasn't cray and this was for real I wouldn't lose nothin' so it all worked out for me.

Agreeing to help is one thing but getting things moving is another. That boy worked his ass off and that made me need to work my ass off. I swear that took half the time it should have. I can't even remember what I did, I was so rushed. I passed out once there was no more work and when I woke he already had everything ready and was waiting for me to eat so we could take off.

Thank the heavens that while he can go fast as hell, I have better stamina. It wasn't a long journey but he sure wanted to get back and then what to I see as soon as we get there the damn punk slow down so much he actually stops. He just waits there. I was the one holding all the stuff! I would have liked to put it all down and I was in the mind to tell him off when I see someone rush up and hug him.

She basically shouted with her thoughts that he was back. I was happy it meant I too could talk to her. Permission is important not just for politeness but to make it easier to sent thoughts to the right person. Get a feel for where it needs to go. Logan wouldn't even know but I tried it before and it's damn hard. Like throwing a stone at a bird with your eyes closed before you even seen the bird.

The last thing I expected happened then she seemed shocked. Like she didn't know we could talk. Perhaps she wasn't expecting me?

When he says he brought company I had thought of a lot of things that could happen. I came with him under the impression she was expecting him to bring someone back. Now I imagine that I seem old or will be questioned. She could run me off or ask about the things. Treat me like furniture. I heard the rumors of some mean females.

She sits there, grabs Logan's face and looks him in the eyes "Do it again" Logan just tilts his head. Then she goes to my face "Was it you?"

"Was what?" I automatically respond. I can feel Logan's Stare telling me I was rude.

"That!" she responds with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Communicating my lady?" Logan say with his big word and the face title. I feel the stare telling me he was giving me a good example. I'd roll my eyes at him if my face wasn't being held.

"Yes O.M.G. yes I been wanting someone to talk to . . . or think to, but the three days I wasn't alone no communication and then I was and this whole thought thing is cool. " she goes off looking first at Logan then she looks back at me "Your a horse."


"Are you going to stay here with me now?"


Sorry that It's been some time since the last chapter. I wanted to get it out sooner but I work on this best when I use my work computer and I was out with covid for a week.

I'm all better now

D3Kitsunecreators' thoughts