
Chapter 117: Help a Brother Out

~Third POV~

A chance encounter turns Korra from a pro-bending spectator to a pro-bending star.

With her new teammates, Mako and Bolin, the Fire Ferrets earn a place in the championship tournament. But meanwhile, an anti-bending revolution brews in Republic City.

Who are the Equalists? And what nefarious plan does the mysterious man behind the mask have in store for our hero?



At the current times, team avatar are dealing with another issue as the team for the Fire Ferrets were dealing with their debts. More specifically paying for Korra equipment and other things that Bolin and Mako had to do.

Buthakha is the owner of Republic City's Pro-bending Arena and the director of the pro-bending league.

He oversees the league and is responsible for distributing winnings to victorious pro-bending teams and providing equipment for the players. He also collected rent from Mako and Bolin when they lived in the arena's attic.

At this moment he began to collect money from them as he puts his hat back on. An annoyed Korra walks away; Buthakha takes a wad of cash out of his inner pocket and places it into the outstretched hand of an eager Mako.

Mako takes the money but not before Buthakha begins to take some away as he explains to Mako of their paying expenses, "Butakha. I run this whole pro-bending shebang. Here's your winnings from the last match. Ah ah ah, not so fast. First, you owe me for the Avatar's new gear, gym, and equipment rentals from last month, rent on your apartment, and a personal loan for groceries."

Mako stares sadly at his empty hand and turns to a dismayed expression. He turns around irritatedly as he turns and glares accusingly at Bolin.

Bolin makes a sheepish expression on his face as he couldn't help it as he was a growing boy.

At that moment Buthakha makes a smirks grin as he drops the bomb on them making Mako and Bolin's eyes turn wide as he spoke, "Oh, and one more small item of business: The Fire Ferrets need to ante up thirty thousand yuans for the championship pot."

Team avatar looked surprised at this of 30,000 yuans was needed for them to bet in the championship as Buthakha shakes his head sadly genuinely at them, "Sorry, kids. You got 'til the end of the week to come up with the dough, or else, you're out of the tournament."

Bolin feebly reaches after Butakha as he walks away. Korra walks up to them as both brothers look at the ground with sad expressions. They glance at her as she stops.

At this Bolin starts with a high-pitched voice, that slowly lowers to his normal one as he spoke to Korra, "You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you?"

When asked Korra replies as she pulls out her empty pockets but smiles softly while tilting her head slightly talking to Bolin and Mako, "I got nothing. I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me."

A little bit jealous Mako picks up the ball and puts it in a bag; slightly accusing Korra with resentment in his voice, "Then I wouldn't say you have nothing."

Korra and Bolin heard this making her head go down a bit. Korra looking somewhat guilty; tries to speak apologetically to Mako, "Sorry, I didn't mean —"

Interrupting her Bolin replies as he slightly lowers his voice in a sad tone sadly, "No, it's all right. It's just ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own."

Korra apologizes to them for not knowing as Mako picks up the bags with two training balls in it and zips them shut. Then he swings the bag over his shoulder as he spoke for any ideas, "So, anyway how are we gonna come up with the money?"

Bolin gets over-excited as he squats while holding his ferret as he spoke his idea to them, "Oh, oh, I got it! I got it! I've been training Pabu to do circus tricks. Now people would pay good money to see that!"

Bolin excitedly and hopefully looks at Mako, while both Mako and Korra look down at Bolin with a "you cannot be serious" expression.

Somewhat irritably Mako sighs at this as he replies to his brother, "Come on, Bolin. We need serious ideas."

Pabu chitters softly as Bolin holds him close; downcast as he was being serious. Mako began to walk away as he answers Bolin, "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. I always do."

Bolin stands up and both he and Korra eye Mako's exit with a wondering expression. However, the expression on his face showed that of determined to help his brother out no matter what if one were to glances to his side.

Bolin sits down near the Fire Lord Zuko's statue to reveal someone sitting at its base while people are passing him by.

Bolin has a small bridge set up. He is wearing a flashy jacket and a fake mustache, while Pabu is standing on a little can, wearing a bright lime green jacket. He excitedly speaks to the passersby while making wide motions with his arms as he makes his show, "Come one, come all. See Pabu the fantastic fire ferret as he crosses the Ladder of Peril, upside down! Psst, psst…."

The moment Bolin signals Pabu, the ferret jumps on the plank and starts walking across it on his front paws. Bolin softly cheers him on as he spoke to his Pabu Ferret, "Big finish, buddy. Stick the landing. Ta-Da!"

That was when someone throws a coin in Bolin's cup as he shakes his cup, and his excitement vanishes as he hears that there is little money inside it of the single coin that is in the canister as he spoke from happy to sad in that order, "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! You are too kind! Seriously, too kind! You can come back here and put money right in this- Okay, that's fine, that's fine. One yuan down, 29,999 to go."

Broadside shot as the typical red car used by the Triple Threat Triad pulls up to Bolin. Bolin looks up. That was when the driver as he rolls down the window of the passenger seat as the person with red star eyes asked him, "What a bad show my friend. You need to get a better act together but can you tell me what are you doing here?"

Bolin looks at him as he noticed the red car belonging to the Triple Threat Triad as he spoke but is still cautious, "Sigh… I'm in need of some extra yuans. Like about say 29,999 yuans bad only got 1 still need the rest. Sigh…"

The person with the red eyes shaped like a star as he frowns at this as he asked curiously enough to Bolin case, "Hmm… that so huh? Are you in debt to someone actually? Seem a bit young to be in debt to someone though?"

Bolin quickly shakes his hands at this dismissing the idea till he noticed how young the person he was talking to him was, "In debt? Nah nothing like that. Just need cash for the Pro-Benders championships- wait you're even younger than me! By the way cool eyes."

Laughing a bit at the mention of his eyes shining bright red as he replies to Bolin who is innocent enough to not see them as dangerous, "Hahaha. That's a good one. Say Bolin if you happen to be in need of cash I could use some assistance. Extra muscle and a simple experiment since the Triple Threat Triad is under management under my orders."

Listening his eyes widen at this as he was curious of the new changes but also suspicious of the person he was talking to with some interest, "Wait! How oh it's Shady Shin now I understand how you know me. Wait! You mean old man Zolt no longer running and you are? No way he would let that happen his too crocked to ever let that happen unless….."

The younger teen began to smile at this but also expressed a helpless face as he replied to Bolin's question, "Yeah had to break him down first. I'm literally Fire-Benders worst nightmare. But I guess technically speaking Viper is currently in control and follows my orders as to not end up like lightning bolt da gay."


Bolin laughed hardily at that as it was the funniest thing he has ever heard as he responds now being friendlier to him, "Hahaha! Ok, now I know you have to right. No way the Triple Threat Triad will let you get away with that. Anyway, what is the job is if it's not too dangerous right? Hehehe…"

Before replying the younger teen hit his hand on his head as he began to reply somewhat apologizing at this current predicament, "Oh fuck right. I forgot the introduce myself, have I? Man bad manners on my part sorry. I'm Tatsumi and you are?"

Bolin smiles at this as he introduces himself to the named person Tatsumi, "Named is Bolin. So about this job will it earn me enough yuans?"

Grinning happily at this Tatsumi was willing to help Bolin out as he remembered that he was like him with Sayo and Iayso's case as he nodded, "Yeah. I need some help carrying out some herbs from the old storehouse that belongs to the gang. Also, I need to see if you Earth-Benders are fast learners in Alchemy. Hell, I'll only need your time really but you might get to learn something. No worries this ain't illegal."

Bolin thinks for a bit before he agrees happily while Tatsumi opens the passenger car letting Bolin in as he responds to Shady Shin, "Shin you know the location. I want to get my hands on those herbs and plants immediately."

Shady Shin nodded happily wearing some fancy clothing as he replied with a happy smug on his face, "Certainly Boss Tat. Also thanks for that Alchemic stuff to get to wear these fancy clothes. Now no one will call me Shay Shin but Fancy Shin."

That earned a laugh from Tatsumi and Bolin laughed at this as they enjoyed the ride to the storeroom belonging to the gang.


A/N: Finally got to the point where the MC meets one of the members of the team avatar. Also best be prepared for some Equalist smackdown next chapter for the Republic! Hoping anyone getting the Star Wars reference.
