
Chapter 58: Relax and Comfort

~Tatsumi POV~

[Rewards have been transferred as such you members only have a week remaining in the My Hero Academia world before you return to your original worlds.]

Looking at the screen that was when I was hit by something in my eyes as I felt them begin to change a bit before I felt a small amount of pain.

It was only a flash, but I managed to feel that something changed from my eyes as I see much more clearly what the reward I got was from as I began to read it more carefully.

[Eyes of the Lord:

As a man designed in the image of a god, the ability to perfectly replicate any move and technique that the user lays his eyes upon, and regardless of the target's speed or power, the user can evade any attack whilst simultaneously countering his attacker with their move.

However, despite their seemingly unbeatable nature, the [Eyes of The Lord] do have their limits; seeing through his opponent's attacks puts a certain amount of strain on the user's nervous system.]

Ok, this is from Adam from Ragnarok if I recall this move correctly it's extremely broken but there is one small problem with this for me.

It's the main fact that I can't properly get it to work for me. The reason the original user could use it a lot better than I could be the fact that he leagues above what I can do, and Adam's strength was enough to HARM a god something that I lack.

Also, add the fact of his reaction speed to my own I can see that I'm very slow to the original of the man but maybe I can use it as my trump card once I get used to the [Eyes of the Lord] against strong enemies.

[Eyes of the Lord] is killer to OP characters and something I won't hesitate to attack to kill if given the chance but that was when I looked towards the others with varied expressions written on them.

With the number of hidden achievements we unlocked, I can expect us to get something good from this encounter. Clearing my throat, I began to talk to everyone as I explained to them what I got and they looked surprised by the power of my [Eyes of the Lord].


That was when I heard Hinata clapped at that as she smiles brightly as she replies to her reward but also that we became more alike as she talked in a happy tone, "Good! That means Ruby, Tatsumi, and I are more alike with our eyes giving us special skills. The reward I got is an ability called [Combo Star] as long as I continue attacking an opponent without interruption, each consecutive blow receives an additional 200,000 pounds of force compared to the previous one. If the chain of attacks is interrupted, then it resets."

What the fuck…


That is so OP for her??!!

Are you trying to create the next Bang or One Punch Man at this point!

Whoever voted for such an overpowered but admittedly great skill to add for Hinata!

That was when I heard a sigh escape from Saeko's voice as she looks at her new sword that looks completely black on the outside of the blade as she began to discuss her reward to us, "Sigh… wish I have an eye ability… So, what I got was this sword from the reward called the secret sword [Bakuzan]. The blade itself is composed of materials called life fibers but condensed into a blade making it cut through any Earthly made material like butter my kind of sword."

I guess everyone has his or her way of getting rewards without complaining much but that was when I heard Kaina begin to ask Ruby in a curious tone about her reward, "So…? You got for a reward Ruby is some kind of pill?"

Ruby nods at this as she began to smile brightly at this as she told the rest of us what she got as she smiles very happy about it, "Yup! And this little beauty will help me get rid of this stupid sea curse! It's called the [Body Purifier] basically how it sounds. From what it said in the description it purifies the body into the best possible condition it could achieve as well as ensure to cure the body of any diseases or curses."

Well, that does sound handy I wonder when –


Never mind that pretty much asked my question as Ruby began to talk to us normally innocently before she replied to everyone, "Ok so far everything is normal? I wonder if it was – Oh no!"


A loud grumbling sound can be heard as we see Ruby begin to hold her stomach and at the same time the black substance was sweating off from her. We all looked concerned as Ruby began to rush towards the bathroom before replying to us, "Sorry guys but the process also said it would take a few hours so I hope that you guys can wait not using the bathroom!"

I guess Ruby is fine how she works I guess?

I'll just chalk this up to Ruby being Ruby doing dumb things but also doing it in her unique fashion. As Ruby was taking care of her business that was when Kaina sighs at this as she began to talk to us, "Sigh… as much as this very enlightened this was, I think it's about time I return home. Although it was great to meet everyone and join up, I think it's time I return to my apartment."

Raising my eyebrow at that I began to ask curiously enough to her as Kaina looked in my direction as I talked to her confused, "Wait apartment? Does that mean you're staying here in Japan then? Even after what the HSPC has done I would think you would leave to the states already?"

She shakes her head at this as she heads towards the door and she smiles at us before replying to my question in an honest tone, "Oh sure I would but how can they find a person when they have no evidence to back up their claims? I mean it's not like everything in my involvement would come out of nowhere unless I want to bring them down with me."

Before swinging the door shut at us when she left she did give us insurance that her secret won't be released as well as having leverage about keeping her freedom, "Not even Hawks would admit it unless he wants to reveal the secret the HPSC has been hiding or the fact I planted a bomb in his head if he even dared to try once he receives my gift? For now, everyone has a nice day."

Well shit, Kaina went all out making sure she stays free…

That was when Saeko placed her finger on her chin as she thinks for a bit before coming to some kind of conclusion as she smiles as she speaks, "Hmm… I like her. I would love how she operates to understudy her. Think me and her would be very good friends everyone?"

Hinata smiles at this as she tries to be positive from the whole situation as she replies to Saeko's question in a happy tone, "I think you and her would be great friends. The personality between the two would go well, I think. But what do you think we should do since we have our week stay here anyway?"

Thinking about it we do have plenty of time to stay here and relax. It's not that often we get a break from our busy everyday lives to enjoy some normalcy once and a while. Plus, I want to test out some things I could do with [Overhaul] so I'm down to stay here for a week.

That was when we all remembered that we have a new function of the chat now and that is the trade function. Right, I almost forgot that we have a new function in the chat now the trade feature.

We all went to the screen of the chat group as we see the 'Trade' function unlocked as we see it come with some instructions like the first one with the 'Shop' feature.

[Welcome member of the Group Chat!

Congrats Members for you have unlocked the trade function of the Dimensional Group Chat where each member can trade between yourselves of what items to give to each other worlds and knowledge.

The trade functions don't rely on points to work but it will only allow a 3 times use before closed for the day and restarts the following next day.

You can trade practically anything you wish including your points by placing the amount you want to add to be traded to the member.

Thank you for reading the trade functions Chat Admin or Chat Members.]

Blinking at these rules for the trade function I have to admit that it's a bit straightforward of what it saying. But the trading points part could be very useful to persuade some members or future members of what we talk about abusive using this on new members.

I see that this trade function is going to have a bit more thinking on what we offer each other from this point forward but I already got what I need so no fear. But I guess I have some to offer in my world but that depends on what I can do for now I can just rest myself at this.

For now, though we all gave it for the day to call it quits to relax and discuss what to do later tomorrow morning.


Later sleeping into the night while I was asleep on the couch since the girls took the beds of this place, I finally heard the sound of someone opening the door slowly as I heard Ruby's voice as it was filled with nervousness, "Uh… Tatsumi can you please come over… please it's embarrassing and I need your help…"

This is the first that Ruby needed something. Did something go wrong for her when she used her reward as I got up to see why she needed my help as I reach my way to –



I see that Ruby in front of me kind of in the term grew up in the right places as her hair seems to have overgrown reaching her back. But her body is what changed the most as I can see she covers herself in a towel.

But even I can tell that she grew more mass of sorts as I see her in more curves on her waist and a plump ass that wasn't there before. Although her chest is bigger than I remember it was but upon closer look at the body.

She seems to be more of her body type vol 8 counterparts although slightly bigger in some areas…

I clear my throat seeing myself stunned for a second as I responded but not without blushing mind you and directly asked of her, "So… I guess your body went through massive changes and you need some clothes that fit you?"

She meekly nodded her head as I sigh at this. At least I know how to weave and create clothes to consulate my poor money as with that I helped her out as I got what little of her clothes and some of the towels used to make a bigger creation I used the [Overhaul] quirk to create for Ruby some clothes that might fit her.

It was a team sport with the number 1 on it as I gave it to her as she began to change when I had my back turned as it would be rude to stare.

When she was done, I looked at her as she suddenly hugged me as I felt her melons on my chest as she responds with tears coming out from her eyes as I heard fear in her voice, "Sorry for asking you like this but… how am I going to explain this to my family about this sudden change! I… really need some advice please… what would my dad or sister say seeing me like this, please… I need help…"


Returning the hug around Ruby I patted her on the head to comfort her sudden change of body and into a fearful state to soothe out whatever she's going through. Looks like I'm going to need to comfort her first before she can return to reason what happens.

This is going to be a very long talk comforting her fears of this to her family. Hopefully Ruby doesn't mind if I use [Overhaul] to change her body back when she calms down at least first.


A/N: The reason why Ruby's body change was because of the reward forcing Ruby's body to become the strongest that she can be so it changed her body to adjust for it. As for being emotional at the moment as Ruby experiences some drastic mood swings more so the fear of what happens when her family meets her like that in the picture I put or not if Webnovel took it down.

A/N Extra: Do you want Ruby's body to change back to normal or not? Also, this was tomorrow's chapter enjoy and have a great new year's day... again.
