

Just as Allen reached the doors of the throne room, the doors opened automatically, letting him enter. In the room, the Tsaritsa was alone sat on her throne while in the middle of it, there was a pillar formed by ice, and caged inside it was Ellen.

Even when caged into the ice, Ellen had a calm and peaceful face, seeming to only be in a deep sleep, however, her body hasn't grown at all, being exactly the same as it was 6 years ago when she was frozen.

"Your Highness" Allen wanted to see if Ellen was fine, but he knew that the first was to wait for the Tsaritsa's decision.

"You have grown Allen," The Tsaritsa stated with her usual emotionless voice "beyond my expectations. I never expected you to reach this place so early."

"It is an honor, your Highness."

"You can already stop any pleasantry. I am well aware of your thoughts about my person, you can openly show them, it does not matter. You are now a Harbinger, I am not searching for flattery or even obedience from you, only power. So if you truly desire to please me, become stronger."

"So?" Allen said relaxed with a light glare at her "What will happen with Ellen from now on?"

"I used her to push you for strength, it is a known fact so there are no reasons to hide it now" The Tsaritsa declared.

*Cr* The ice pillar started cracking.

"The trial of your previous crime has lost all purpose and with it, its guaranty."

*CRRR* The pillar completely shattered releasing Ellen who stood floating in the air and started slowly falling until her feet reached the ground.

Just as she stood, she opened her eyes slowly revealing a little change from what Allen remembered. They were still bright or even brighter than before, but what before were pure yellow ones, now the lower half of it had turned pale blue.

Her eyes quickly became sharp, her iris moving all around trying to discern her unfamiliar situation, not really knowing where she was or what happened.

"Ellen!" Allen jumped towards Ellen, taking her into a hug while he couldn't control his tears from falling 'Finally. Finally, I saved you and we are together.'

With the hug, Ellen's body tensed and she pushed Allen away with her little hands "Who are you?" Ellen glared at him, her eyes showing full hostility, trying to hide her own alarm. However, as she focused on the person who was hugging her, her eyes widened, the hostility disappearing from them.

"A-allen?" Ellen said weakly as if proving it. From what Ellen knew, Allen was his twin brother and had always been shorter than her, it was impossible for him to have grown suddenly so much, but she knew him. His hair, his nose, his cheeks and even his little different eyes had changed a little, but Ellen had no doubts that he was the one in front of her.

"Allen!" Ellen hugged him tightly, both siblings encircling in a strong embrace. They stood for a minute like this, feeling each other before they separated a little, but kept their hands joined.

"You're fine Allen! After Kirill attacked, I didn't know what would happen. I was incredibly worried" Ellen said between sobs "But what happened with you? How is it that you have grown so much?"

"A lot of things happened, Ellen" Allen lightly smiled as he took a handkerchief and cleaned Ellen's tear "You have been sleeping for over 6 years. I need to explain to you a lo-"

"I apologize for breaking such a touching siblings' meeting after this much time, but we still have some matters to end." The Tsaritsa interrupted.

Allen quickly stepped forward, keeping Ellen behind him, guarding her against the Tsaritsa's gaze. He really had lost his cool after seeing Ellen again, especially after seeing her much better than he remembered, his last memories being of a bedridden one.

"Wait for a moment. I'll explain everything shortly" Allen said to Ellen before turning to the Tsaritsa.

"What's more to talk about? I'll take Ellen with me." Allen said with determination. He could remember all the times that Ellen had taken care of him, keeping her role as an older sister. Now it was his time to protect and look after her.

"You are free to take her now as the trial had ended." The Tsaritsa stated "However, her condition while improved has not been solved yet. If I were to do nothing, she would shortly weaken, forcing her to be bedridden again and who knows what would happen then."

"What do you want?" Allen glared at the Tsarisa while tightly gripping Ellen.

"The situation had not changed much from before. It is all about my expectations of you." The Tsaritsa explained "Before, my expectations barely were able to make me act like that, merely freezing and stopping her to become worst. Now that you have become a Harbinger, I can help you a little more proactively."

"While Ellen is inside Snezhnaya City, I can assure her security and health, but I cannot control it once she leaves."

'So rather than caging her in ice, now she will be caged in the city' Allen looked at Ellen who gripped his shirt tightly 'It's better than before as I would be able to see her, but nevertheless she will still being kept a hostage against me.'

"Can Ellen's illness be completely cured?" Allen asked.

"Yes. It is within my power to create that possibility, for her weakening to not return even outside my influence." The Tsaritsa informed "However, you have done nothing for such a request."

"What do I need to do?" Allen asked.

"I am in the thought that the promises must be followed and the achievements must be rewarded." The Tsaritsa stated "Your taking of Columbina's has brought me no gain at all, quite the opposite. I lost one of my strongest pieces, obtaining a..." she looked at Allen "subpar one."

"If you really aspire for my favor. Help me in my crusade" The Tsaritsa request "Either become stronger than Kagome or obtain a Gnosis. Then, I will award you with a favor."

"I understand." Allen nodded.

"You have one free week until your next mission. Rest and recover the lost time with your sister." The Tsaritsa announced "You can go now."

Allen turned around, smiling warmly at Ellen and taking her hand, both leaving the throne room.

"So this is little Ellen. It's a pleasure to meet the young lady" Leaving the room, Pantalone was waiting for them "I am Pantalone, one of your brother's benefactors."

"Hi" Ellen said coldly as she glared at Pantalone with distrust, clenching Allen's hand tighter.

"It seems that I am not really well-liked by children" Pantalone smiled joking "Let's hope it changes in a near future."

"Why are you here, Pantalone?" Allen asked.

"Our talk has been cut short for your meeting with her Highness so there are some things to talk about..." Pantalone smiled, seeing Ellen's open hostility towards him "But of course, they can wait. Nothing too important." he turned to Allen "I came to guide you to your new house."

"New house?" Allen glared with doubt.

"As I told you, as the new Columbina, you have inherited everything from her. So rather than continue living in one of my properties, I supposed that it would be more correct to live in your own house. Let's go."

"Take this" Pantalone threw them some coats. For Ellen a blue one and for Allen there were a white one as every Harbinger and a blue normal one. "I suppose that you want to keep your secret hidden. Don't let others have any doubt."

"Ellen wear it and don't take it off until we have crossed the snow wall" Ellen nodded putting it on, hooding her.

Allen took the white one, wearing it "Ellen don't be scared by this."

Ellen made a confused face that quickly turned to a shocked one, her eyes widening as she saw Allen's changes, becoming a beautiful girl.

"I know that it's a little strange, but I am still myself." Allen smiled at Ellen.

Ellen looked alarmed as she looked Allen over, glaring cautiously at him before she blinked in surprise.

"I've become the new Harbinger, Columbina. And this image is a somewhat side effect." Allen explained "I'll explain more about it later, but for now while I am like that don't call me by my name."

Ellen recovered a little and smiled mischievously "Should I call you sister now?"

"Hm!" Allen laughed "Yes, you can."

"Are you sure, Columbina?" Pantalone asked lifting an eyebrow.

"If we are to live in Columbina's place, it will create more doubts seeing us siblings alone, never seeing the true Columbina." Allen explained "I know that we could pass as her subordinates but if I must leave Ellen sometime alone, I want to give her some protection. The status of the sister of a Harbinger being quite good. I won't let her be bullied ever again, neither by grunt nor elites."

"But Ellen better not show much. I want for people to know that I have a sister for them to not act against you, but I don't want your image to be fully related to Columbina" Allen explained warmly to Ellen "Once we are able, I will take you out of this region, so better not be related with a Harbinger."

"I understand" Ellen nodded cutely.

"Seeing your decision. Let's go" Pantalone guided them.


Over the throne room, the Tsaritsa turned over her chess board. In the middle of it, a black pawn surrounded by ice and a black Knight.

The black Knight started trembling, breaking until it collapsed, revealing a black pawn in its place while the ice of the other black pawn broke down.

"Let's see what you both promote into."
