
170 -=Sasuke vs Itachi=-

*clang* *clang*

Itachi got up with a metalic sound

Sasuke was quick to notice that Itachi had some metal plates on his leg, he couldn't tell if his leg was just revested in metal or not though, not even with his sharingan

"Your leg..." Sasuke said without thinking

But hefore he could continue that line of thought, Itachi appeared in front of him

'body flicker...' Sasuke immediately saw the jutsu used

But in just an instant, Sasuke slashed at Itachi with a sword

Itachi, who also had his sharingan opened, lest he falls for a genjutsu, that would ne embarrassing, saw the attack and easily dodged it, but he was left confused

'Where did that sword come from?'

His sharingan analyzed Sasuke entirely, but not even then he saw some seal, or anywhere he could store that sword

'Wait... it couldn't be...' Itachi suddenly widened his eyes

sending a bit more chakra into his sharingan, he broke the genjutsu

"I see... that's ingenious Sasuke..." He complimented

"Hn, of course" Sasuke narrowed his eyes, he had expected Itachi to see through that, but not so quickly

what happened here was a little trick Sasuke managed to do while trying to use genjutsus like Luna

while his genjutsus were very bad when not affecting someone directly, bit instead creating an illusion on the world, it was still enough to do some basic things, like hiding a weapon

Itachi's arm blurred and with trained movements he took out a kunai from his ninja belt, hiden behind his Akatsuki cloak

Itachi didn't lose time speaking, instead he rushed at Sasuke

Now that the illusion was off, Itachi could see that Sasuke was actually with 2 swords, one in hands, a red one, and another still in the scabbard

He payed attention to that, it is of utmost importance to keep track of your opponent's weapons


Sasuke's sword erupted in flames as he rushed against Itachi as well

Itachi had to hide a grim at that, that is also why his robe had such a high collar

Imbuing your weapon with elements is nothing new, but using very destructive elements like fire or lightining without damaging the sword is a proof of skill, one of which he could only be proud, since he never delved into that particular nin-bukijutsu before

*clang* *clang* *clang*

With very fast speeds, Sasuke and Itachi jumped around the throne room while Sasuke attacked and Itachi defended his attacks

both of their sharingans barely looked at their opponent anymore, frantically looking between their weapons and the room tryimg to formulate any kind of plan to get an edge on the fight, but as soon as they made a plan, their opponent saw through their plan with their sharingan

it was a cicle one Itachi had to break since he was on the loosing end of this exchange

while he was only using chakra to keep his sharingan open and nothing else, he had so much less chakra than Sasuke because of his disease that it was comical

'Flame wheel' Sasuke thought while soing a complete frontflip with his slash's momentum, creating an wheel of fire that expanded outward, making Itachi jump back to dodge

Itachi was pleasantly surprised, if Sasuke could keep up with jim like that, his future was bright

differently from Itachi's futire, which was dark, like a true ninja hidden in the shadows

In a movement that surprised Itachi, Sasuke put his sword back on the scabbard

'what is he planning?' Itachi thought

Sasuke then took his other sword in hands

'I see... he is trying to divide the damage between his swords sp that they don't break?' Itachi theorized

"I think that was enough of a warm-up, don't you think so, Brother?" Sasuke said with an edge on his voice when he said brother

"Indeed, it was becoming a bit stale" Itachi said


"My thoughts exactly" Sasuke said before suddenly vanishing

Itachi's sharingan spun at very fast speeds, just to be able tonfollow Sasuke's movements

'So fast?' Itachi thought while barely being able to block most attacks, having to evade some as well

'No, that is not it...

I see... he did it again' Itachi didn't take long to see through Sasuke's plan

he was using his new genjutsu skills to make his movements blurred specifically to the sharingan

'It seems that his understanding of the sharingan is very good'

Itachi didn't speak throughout the whole time, but he suddenly started to easily avoid Sasuke's attacks and even counterattack makng Sasuke having to defend

"Don't tell me... that is all?" Itachi said in a disappointed tone

Sasuke's attacks got faster, yes, and he was under no illusion that one hit of those lightining covered blades wasn't going to slice him cleanly in half, but his attacks gkt so much... lighter

yes, that's the word, his attacks had much more weight before

Itachi thought back

'It seems like he was using flames to boost his sword right in the moment it was blocked, using a small ammount of chakra to deplete my stamina... smart, if you can go through with it, that is'

"Of course not, we are just starting afterall" Sasuke said, but unknown to both Sasuke and Itachi, tere was a sad glimpse behind Sasuke's eyes

'Lightining charge' Sasuke thought

Dashing towards Itachi with incredible speed, Sasuke toom his red sword out mid-way through his attack

Using both swords, one covered in flames and one covered in lightning, Sasuke did a cross slice attack at Itachi, aiming for his neck

'I see... so that is why' Itachi was not even bothered by it, instead he was analyzing Sasuke's swords

he concluded that one was made of chakra metal attuned to lightning chakra, his blue sword, that he now knew the color, yet his red one seemed to be made of spirit metal

spirits... he didn't know much about them, apparently long ago the uchiha clan had a spirit contractor, one with a fire spirit, and that is why they have fire affinity so often

but those are just legends he read about, he couldn't be sure

but what he could be sure, was hat Sasuke trained with the 'flame princess'

It all made sense, fire sword, spirit metal, some of his moves even resembled hers

as for the lightning, he could put 1 + 1 and deduct it was Kakashi

'Well... time to take this seriously I guess...' Itachi decided to stop holding back so much and threw his kunai, that was only not damaged because he covered it with chakra right before every impact hit it, at Sasuke

Sasuke easily dodged it, but it was not meant to hit him, but to get Itachi time

Itachi took out a scroll, and before Sasuke could even glimpse at the seal, he immediately unsealed a sword from it, burning the scroll right after with a bit of fire chakra

"A sword?" Sasuke asked

While his brother was a good fighter with basically anything, he was much more versed in using tantos, much because of hisndaily training with Shisui years ago

"I started using ut as a hobby, it just seems fitting to use a sword against a sword user, don't you think?"

Sasuke noticed that Itachi was acting weird, but he couldn't guess why

"Doesn't matter anyway"

But before Sasuke could attack Itachi again, both of them fell into a cliffhanger

