
151 -=Curse of hatred=-

"Mangekyou, huh? so that's the name... I was wondering if you would know..." Sasuke said with a pensive face

"Oh, please

I hav-... HAD one as well... You know that you were there when I awoke it" Kaede said, faking sadness and then annoyance, playing her role perfectly

The good thing about being a slime is that there are no muscles that will twitch or heart that will increase the heartbeat and give away your lies... well, that's one of the good parts, but not the only one anyway

"Uh... so... I wanted to ask how this worked and all..." Sasuke said in embarrassment

'How did I forget such an important thing??' He screamed mentally

"I'm pretty sure there are some scrolls about it in the Uchiha library..." Kaede said

"There isn't, I checked" Sasuke said

"Naka shrine?" She asked again

"No..." Sasuke said in a weird tone

First, because he never saw Kaede go to the Naka Shrine, so he didn't know how she knew about that

and second, because there actually were some scrolls about it, none about how to awaken the mangekyou, but some about basics, like the downsides or know abilities

but Sasuke got those scrolls and didn't read them, because he wanted to have a reason to talk with Kaede

well, that and he didn't know if those scrolls were even the right ones, he only read 'something sharingan' (Mangekyou Sharingan) on them and took it

"sigh... ok, let's see... do you know what the mangekyou is? the downsides and the origins of them?" Kaede asked

"No... not at all" Sasuke obviously lying, answered

Kaede only rolled her eyes at his obvious lie but proceeded

"The Mangekyou is the next stage of the Sharingan, right after the three tomoes stage, to unlock it, the user has to go through extreme emotions, like when awakening the Sharingan, but much worse, are you with me?"

"Yeah... I got that part" Sasuke said

"Ok, the emotion in question is not fixed, it could be anger, grief, sadness, shock, heck, even happiness or surprise but good emotions are hard to get to such extremes necessary to awaken the mangekyou

When I was under Rimuru's control, he told me that it was because of our clan curse" Kaede explained

"Curse?" Sasuke asked, having never heard of any curse on the Uchiha

well, asides from his brother, that is

"Yes, the curse of hatred

From what I understood from his words, our clan is much more prone to having extreme emotions, when we like someone, we are crazy about it, and when we hate, we forget about the whole world if it means killing said person"

As Kaede explained, Sasuke's expression turned grim...

'Why do I feel like she's talking about me?' He thought

and apparently, it showed on his face, as Kaede immediately called him on it

"I'm not talking about you, dumbass, I'm talking about every Uchiha out there" She pointed at Sasuke and then explained

'Or down there... most are buried right now...' she added in her thoughts

'Was I so easy to read?' Sasuke had a weird face as he thought that

"Yes, you are easy to see through" Kaede nodded

"!!" The shock was evident on Sasuke's face, but Kaede ignored that

"Since our clan has many extreme emotions, it was easy to imagine where it would end, we closed ourselves from other clans, since most Uchiha didn't like any other clan, and kept ourselves together since we liked each other

I think the sole exception is the Senju clan since our clan has begun to respect them after they got wiped out as a sign of respect to their former rivals... Anyway, back on topic

That is what Rimuru described me as the curse of hatred since normally we only evolve with negative emotions" Kaede concluded, making Sasuke nod in understanding

"But I also think this curse has to do with another thing" Kaede said, and Sasuke immediately paid full attention again

"Everything and I mean EVERYTHING we see with our Sharingan... we see it all when we close our eyes, and since most Uchihas awaken, strengthen our use the Sharingan during sad, angry, or other negative-emotion-driven situations, most Uchiha ended up going crazy because of that"

Hearing what Kaede was saying, Sasuke couldn't find any way to disagree, yet he felt bad about it... Kaede left it unsaid, nit that was exactly the path he had been following, wasn't it?

"That was actually the reason I had my sharingan open 24/7 when Rimuru was controlling me" Kaede said

"Wait, what? you did that because of this?"

"Yeah, there is no such a thing as one Sharingan only just because I was half Uchiha, that's stupid

I only had one, because if I had two open, the control would break, and as such, Rimuru didn't allow it to happen

Anyway, the best method to combat the craziness brought by the Sharingan is to use it to record happy memories to offset the negative ones"

Sasuke immediately understood that by changing the topic, Kaede meant she didn't want to talk about that, so he kept his questions to himself

"Okay, but... what does that have to do with-"

Sasuke started, but Kaede interrupted him

"Everything! As soon as you start using this eye, you will notice its power, and if you don't create an offset to your negative memories, you'll start to use it un-sparingly and one of the downsides of the mangekyou, is that the more you use it, the worse your vision gets" She explained

"So... you're saying that..."

"That if you use it too much, you will go blind

that's why when you use it, your eye bleeds"

Hearing that Sasuke got shocked... he didn't think it could be this bad, but apparently, he shouldn't rely on this new power so much

Kaede couldn't also tell him that he was an exception, because of Indra, since not even using Rimuru as an excuse would help in that case

"There is another thing I wanted to ask you..." He said, uncertain

"Shoot, what's it?"

"Well, Kakashi is at the hospital, since he got frozen and all, so I was wondering if you could ask Shizue san to help me train?" Sasuke asked

"... Sure, why not? call your team, I'll ask Shizue sensei for it..." Kaede said, receiving a grateful nod from Sasuke before he flickered away

"Sigh..." Kaede sighed, as she looked at the cliff from the last chapter, which was slowly closing

"This is interesting and all, since Sasuke having a mangekyou already is nice and all, but...

this doesn't bode well at all..." Kaede sighed again

As per her words, It was nice that Sasuke awoke his mangekyou Sharingan, but the implications of this...

'...What does our future await?' She thought

Sasuke may be an idiot, but he will surely want revenge on Konoha after he resolves his hatred with Itachi... which means that this identity as Uchiha Kaede has its days counted

'... should I plan a way to make 'Kaede' die?'

oops, chapter should have been posted yesterday... my bad

Joao132135creators' thoughts