
56 -=How unfortunate=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



As Rimuru was slowly approaching Takigakure, team 7 left Konoha and the news of Kusagakure's complete annihilation spread after someone found the place... I mean, didn't find the place, only a crater was at it's place

Unfortunately, news travelled kind of slowly in this world, after all internet was not a thing


Back with Rimuru, as he got close to Taki

'Hey Isis... didn't Jin woo have the ability to make things out of nothing with mana? can I do that with chakra?' he asked


Skill [Ashborn] can indeed create matter, but it is impossible to replicate the magical properties of the items Jin woo made before>

'Then why didn't it show as a subskill?'


it is a hidden feature, like [Shukaku]'s elementalization> Isis clarified

'Huu... I see...' Rimuru understood


optimization of the earlier blueprints is done, chakra is now the energy used by the machines> Conveniently, The earlier project was done... partially

'Great timing, what are the first ones?' Rimuru asked with high hopes

<Cellphone, digital watch and digital camera> Isis told him

'... meh, I expected better

can't use a cellphone if there are no towers to give signal, a watch is kind of pointless and a camera isn't needed for me but... let's make it anyway' Rimuru decided, cause why not?

Rimuru then used [Ashborn] hidden skill and [Isis] blueprint to make a phone, not useful but maybe it had some games to play?


By creating a new type of technology unknown to this world, the skill [Crafter] was acquired

Fusing skill [Crafter], [Talent], [Poison coating] and [Degenerate] into [Hephaestus, Lord of craftsmanship]> Isis notified Rimuru

Sometimes the VOW seems to hate Rimuru, sometimes it gives him free skills... would the VOW be a tsundere?

*Sus intensifies*


Is it just me or have Ultimate skills turned into commonly seen things?' Rimuru questioned


it is just you, freak> Clarified Isis

'Oy!' Rimuru protested


Takigakure is right ahead> Isis said

'You and your 'changing the topic' thing...' Rimuru grumbled

'Anyway, hide my presence

we made too much of a ruckus at Kusagakure'


yeah, we... sure...

Activating [Devourer Of Gods] [Stealth] subskill

activating [Loki] [Illusion domain] to hide from sight, hide your sound and confuse sensors>

'Okay then... let's find that jinchurikki ang get another bijuu for my bijuudex'


that is a terrible joke>

'...I am getting worse at them...'


Meanwhile, team 7 got to the land of tea, talk about a quick team, it is no coincidence that 2 of them have some sort of connection with the yellow flash

"Okay then team, let's separate here

in about two hours is when we are scheduled to meet out client at that tea house, meet me there by then" Kakashi took out some new info out of his ###, pointed to a tea house and went on his merry way

"sooo..." Naruto said while looking between Luna and Sasuke

"I'm going then" Sasuke told Naruto and went away, ignoring Luna

Who would have thought that he would be so sore about one little comment that wasn't even a lie?

"Then I think we are by oursel...ve...s...

And she is gone... great..." Naruto said in annoyance, why is the universe treating him as a horror movie protagonist all of a sudden?

Wait... does he even know about those movies? questions... questions...

Luna was of course, walking leisurely around the village they were at, when she saw at the corner of her eye someone using a black kimono with red markings

She stopped, took her time to look at the person again, only to see that it was just Side Character G, she laughed at this and turned around

"Wha-" She was surprised to see red eyes looking straight into her own eyes

Dark shadows kept the face of her assailant hidden, albeit it wasn't hard to know who it is, based on the fact that only 4 people are know for having those eyes

Of course she didn't have time to see that, as she fell asleep immediately, because who is she in front of [Loki]?

"This was so easy it seems a bit strange..." Kaede thought in complete disbelief, her clone could only use up to 20% of her Ultimates, so this was easy... too easy for her to believe in such luck

'Let's just drop this random girl unconscious in the middle of the road

If no one is a bandit or pervert on this whole village? her luck

if not... then I would say hypocrisy, since the main body did all that ruckus because of that...

Oh well, who cares?' Kaede decided to go through with her improvised plan, and moved on to do some more important things

Like taking care of the seeds of doubt she planted on that pot called Sasuke


Sasuke was walking aimlessly around the village when a hand grabbed his shoulder

But as a good cliche arc, it obviously wasn't the 'enemy'

Sasuke did a ninja acrobatic twist and somehow made it work, ending on top of

"Naruto?" Sasuke got surprised that someone went after him, even though he made all that performance before

But thinking logically, Naruto saw where he went to, but Luna just vanished with the powers of plot and convenient disappearing

"Ouch... why did you do that?" Naruto waited for Sasuke to do a strange move on him before speaking

maybe he gave up being the main character of this plot after he saw the tragedy that came after the shippuden, and now is looking for some other cliche main character stupidness

Hey, I didn't make the plot, just... made it... okay, It is my fault, sue me

"What are you doing here? didn't you go with the useless 2.0?" Sasuke asked

"Well... I kind of lost her, so... help me find her" Naruto said while scratching his head

I mean, he is a sensor ninja only when it is convenient to the plot, right?

"Why? can't you be on your own? do you really need a caretaker 24/7?" Sasuke asked as he helped Naruto up

"You know what? I don't need your help, I'll search for her myself!" Naruto throwed a tantrum and went away

"If you didn't need me, then why did you search for me on the first place?" Sasuke asked the air, while he turned his back to Naruto

*tap tap*

Feeling two taps on his shoulder he forgot how to pull the same strange acrobatics from before and just turned around like a normal person would, but let's be honest, coming from an Uchiha, acting normally is what is truly strange

"What is it now Naru-" His words got stuck on his throat, what a strange expression...

Because, SURPRISE! It wasn't Naruto


"Hello... Sasuke" Kaede said with a smile, what concerns can a clone have?



Man, I am watching too many poor quality movies recently, huh? what could have possibly gave it away?
