
I Probably Have To Sigh A Lot Later.

It's Friday. And Friday at Black Book High of Class Two-H (2-H) starts with my science class. I was late. But who cares? None. I sigh once again, looking out the window for cat-shaped clouds. But I can't hope for them this early. There's nothing but 'early' in the skies now but pink and orange. Whilst I'm debating what's the definition of time, my students are acting as they normally do. Being smart and ignoring me even existed. Then again, what's the meaning of life?

I will never conclude.

Not with Nelia here, who keeps looking in my direction in the most discreet and sneaky way possible. She stares at me, not blinking. Her lips look heavy. She really wants to talk to me. She's been like this since the second I took my seat, which was ten minutes ago.

Does Nelia still have no friend to look at instead of me? Sigh…

If I think about it, I was in the wrong from our last meeting, so it's reasonable why Nelia thinks I should be in charge of breaking the ice here.

I can just leave it like that, but I'm not that cruel. And also, I kinda feel bad making her wait like this.

I let out a deep sigh first before calling her, "Nelia."

Almost immediately, her chair creaks. Nelia glances away as she's shuffling toward me with a smile. Oh no, she gasps. She shouldn't smile, probably in her head now. And then she frowned as she came to the teacher's desk. She still has her small smile.

"Eh? Weird." She puts her finger on her lips as she tilts her head. "I heard someone call me here… But it couldn't be Sensei because Sensei and I still are in a (lover) quarrel."

I just ignored what she whispered, "Yes, Nelia. That's me." I say.

"Hey, Sensei." Nelia flips her dark hair.

All right, just say what you have rehearsed.

I clear my throat. "I just want to say sorry. For the way I had treated you last time. I was probably had been a little too harsh on you."

Nelia chuckles, "Big harsh."

"That's… not..."

"Huge harsh!" She pouts.

Nelia is glaring at me with her eyes wet.

Well, whatever. "Ah, I was harsh like you said."

"You were harsh last night."

Okay, she's putting me at the spot here, intentionally. The students nearby are staring at me suspiciously.

I don't even try to fight a losing battle.

But before I could even say anything, Nelia gives me a bear hug. She is pouring her tears on my shoulder. "Uwaaa, Sensei. I miss you nemou. I don't know what I would do if you said nothing."

She pulls away and aligns our faces together. "I have sworn not to talk to you until you ask for forgiveness. That's what the internet advised. Because you've been a huge asshole. I'm glad you finally realized that… Can I kiss your cheek?"

I don't let her make a bigger scene here. I slowly push her forehead. "Let's not Nelia. Please get off me."

Nelia sways her head. "Aww, Sensei is just shy."

I don't even feel my face hot. I just have cold feet. What if someone films us and takes it to the school board? I'd be in big trouble. How would I explain it? I don't want to make myself sound like a victim. That's putting all the blame on Nelia, which is an asshole move.

Nelia finally releases me, runs to her desk, grabs her chair, and drags it to my desk. She sits down, staring at me. I don't miss this at all.

Nelia wipes a small bead of tear. "Sensei, I have many things to tell you."

"Yeah, I suppose so." I slump myself on my seat. "We didn't talk for like almost a week."

"A week? It feels like a decade! I don't want ever to be separate from you anymore."

I look at her seriously, "All right, that's too much. Find a husband later. You should use that line to him, not me."

Nelia pouts, "Why can't you be the one?" She mumbles.

I pretend I didn't hear her.

"Anyway," Nelia starts, "I'm still on about joining your club. Now that we've cleared our misunderstandings, will you let me join?"

I knew she was going to touch on this conversation again, eventually. My hand scratches the back of my head. "Look, Nelia."

Nelia is looking at me with a hopeful face.

"I… I'm still not recommending you to."

Nelia chews on her cheek. She crosses her arm. "I don't like where this conversation is heading. Why not, Sensei? Aren't we cool? I like the club's idea. Occult Clubroom. It sounds exciting. I want to be a part of the fun. Just, like, her."

"Her? What do you mean?"

Nelia sharpens her eyes and glances away. "Yes, Sensei. You can't hide her. I saw the white-haired girl. Short. And wears weird clothing which is very awesome, of course. You were having fun with her."

… So she saw Remelia? And thought we were having fun?

Nelia darts her eyes at me. "We're cool, right, Sensei?"

I can only sigh first. This is not going too great for me. She's taking up the entire space in the conversation and left me nothing but to make excuse.

But I have one small idea. I begin, "Nelia… Have you looked at the other clubs Black Book offers?"

Nelia glances up, "No. They're all pretty lame."

"How do you know if they're lame?"

Nelia raises her eyebrow and uses a finger to scratch her cheek. "Ah, well, I just assumed."

"Is that so?" I smile. Smiling is a great way to convince someone that whatever you're going to say next would be good, even if it's not. So I suggest, "How about I join you on a club hunt today?"

"Club hunting? Should I bring a torch and a big fork?"

"That's… a witch hunt?"

"Is it different?"

"Well, yes." What? Is that not obvious already? Ehem, "We're going to visit every club in here. And who knows, you probably want to be part of the fun with them. Plus, you'll be making new friends."

Nelia puts her elbows on my desk. Her hands hold up her chin. "I don't know Sensei. I'm already inspired by the occult clubroom."

"What the heck is even there that got you inspired?"

Nelia smiles, "You. My favourite Sensei! And as long as you're alive, I don't need to make new friends."

This girl… I just can't. I force a smile. "My idea is good, right?"

Nelia closes her eyes and sucks her cheek in as she tilts her head. Half a minute on the right, another half on the left.

Her dark eyes open up. "I mean, we could try. But I'm--"

I push myself up, shouting, "Great! See you then."

Nelia looks around worriedly, "Where are you going Sensei?'

The bell rings. Well, I guess I don't have to answer that.

I say my farewell to her and remind her few things, "I'll meet you outside of here right at club periods. Don't be late." Because I somehow have to look at Remelia after this club hunting is done. The earlier the safer.

Nelia just replies me with, "Heaven and Hell, I don't know what to wear. This would be the first date we'd have. The very first one! Yah, this is happening, jjinja?"

"Please, just wear your uniform as now." I noticed, Nelia sometimes speaks korean when she's flustered. But everytime I ask her about it she just gaslit me.

"You're right! Just be me! That's what the magazine said,"

And I just leave the giggling girl that way. Today is going to be more hectic than the days I have ever had with her.
