
Chapter 24: Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 24: Calm Before the Storm

Next Morning 11:00 a.m

Naruto woke up to the rays of sunshine the penetrated his room as he looked across from his bed to see Tsunade sleeping soundly on his left and Hina sleeping soundly on his right. Naruto smiled as he got up, taking precaution not to wake up his women. As he got up, he gave them each a kiss on the cheek as they slowly stirred.

"Well, I will let them sleep for now. Right now, I need to get everyone else up," Naruto said to himself as he left the room. As Naruto walked through the house, Naruto stopped by everyone's room as he managed to wake everyone up. As he continued his trek, Naruto smirked as he entered Sasuke's room.

"Wake up loser," Naruto said to him. Sasuke groaned as he opened his eyes. His eyes slowly took in the form of Naruto, much to his displeasure.

"Shut up dobe, just cause you beat me and Neji last night doesn't make you invincible," Sasuke said to him. Naruto shook his head as he finger swayed back and forth.

"Hey you accepted the dare, and you both got your asses handed to you so you will be helping with the war against Konoha," Naruto said to him. Sasuke sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"Man the dobe wins a round against me and he thinks he is king, though I suppose that is partly my fault for falling for such a simple jutsu," Sasuke thought as he got out of bed. Naruto smiled as he saw Sasuke head for the washroom.

"Oh Sasuke, I will have Hina-chan work on your seal later today," Naruto told him. Sasuke nodded and went inside. Naruto soon left as he went back to his room. Naruto saw Tsunade and Hina still sleeping as he got a gleam in his eye. Creeping close to the girls, Naruto smiled as he gave Tsunade a deep kiss. Tsunade moaned a bit as her eyes slowly opened to see Naruto kissing her. Naruto smiled as he leaned off of her, much to her disappointment.

"Aww Naruto-kun, can't I enjoy it a bit more?" Tsunade asked him. Naruto chuckled as he gave her another kiss. Tsunade smiled as she returned his kiss as she wrapped her hands around his head. Unknown to them, Hina had slowly gotten up only to see Naruto and Tsunade in a hot make-out session. Deciding to start her day, Hina began with a small pout.

"What about me Naru-kun, I feel left out," Hina said to him. Naruto turned to see Hina awake with a single pout on her face.

"Aww Hina-chan, you know I wouldn't leave you out," Naruto said to her as he made a shadow clone. Hina smiled as the clone kissed her lips and embraced her in a make-out session. After 10 minutes of a make-out session, Naruto and Tsunade parted with a single piece of fluid connecting their mouths.

"Thank you for the wake-up Naruto-kun," Tsunade said to him. Naruto smiled as he looked at her.

"I aim to please," Naruto said to her. Tsunade nodded as she left the room in a good mood. Naruto sighed as Hina finished her session also. Naruto smiled as he looked at Hina.

"So was the clone better than me?" He asked her. Hina smiled as she licked her lips.

"Are you jealous?" She asked him. Naruto sighed as he shook his head.

"Actually, yes I am, even if your technically kissing me, it still feels weird to see that," Naruto said to her. Hina smiled as she leaned on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Naruto-kun, I won't betray you for anyone, I love you and no one else," Hina said to him. Naruto smiled in relief as he got a twinkle in his eye. Naruto moved his hands down her body making Hina shiver as he slapped her ass a little. Hina jumped from the action as she looked at Naruto with a surprised look.

"I am glad to hear that Hina, later" Naruto said to her as he left a stunned Hina in the room. Naruto looked to see everyone in the living room as they sat on the floor. As Naruto and Tsunade entered, everyone decided to talk.

"so exactly when are we going to war with Konoha?" Shikamaru asked. Tsunade turned to him as she leaned on Naruto's shoulder.

"Tomorrow, we are going to be a part of an infiltration team. While Onoki and some of his forces hold them between the borders of Konoha and Iwa, we will be dealing with things on the inside so that Konoha will be taken down more effectively," Tsunade said answering his question. Shikamaru nodded along with everyone as they saw Hina come into the room and sit on the floor also.

"So what are we doing today?" Choji asked her. Naruto turned to him.

"As of right now, we were told to relax for tomorrow, he said we are to leave for Konoha at 11:00 p.m tonight," Naruto said to him. Choji nodded as Naruto looked around.

"Anymore questions?," Naruto asked them. Ino brought up her hand.

"Yes Ino," Tsunade said to her.

"Who are we saving when we go there?" She asked them. Everyone looked at her and looked at each other.

"Save whoever you feel is worth saving, that is all I can say," Tsunade said to her. Ino nodded as she left to room. Soon everyone else filed out leaving Naruto, Sasuke and Hina.

"Alright Sasuke, let's get that love bite off of you," Naruto said to him. Sasuke scowled as he looked at the blonde.

"Watch it dobe," Sasuke said to him.

"Alright Sasuke, this process is very painful, but the end result will be wonderful for you," Hina said to him. Sasuke nodded as Hina bite his mark. No soon than that, she pulled back as Sasuke waited for the pain.

"How is this process painful? It hasn't done any-ARGH!" Sasuke yelled as he yelled on the floor. Hina did some handsigns as she put up a privacy seal around Sasuke.

"Thank you Hina, might have gotten a headache from that," Naruto said to her. Hina nodded.

"All for you Naru-kun," Hina said as the two left. Sasuke wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon.

Somewhere in the Iwa district 2 hours later, 1:00 p.m

As they all went their separate ways, Naruto managed to find Gaara.

"Hey Gaara, I can get Shukaku out now," Naruto said to him. Gaara turned to him and nodded.

"Shukaku is very excited to hear that," Gaara said to him. Naruto nodded and walked to the training grounds with Gaara.

Training Grounds

As Naruto and Gaara entered the training field, both looked to see Roushi and Han fighting as their bijuu sat in the shade talking.

"Who are they?" Gaara asked him. Naruto smiled as he looked at Gaara.

"They are also Jinchuuriki and those are their bijuu in human form," Naruto told him. Gaara nodded as he looked at the woman with white hair and the big man with a bald head. As both came down, Roushi and Han turned to see Naruto along with someone.

"Hey Naruto," They both said to him. Naruto smiled.

"Hey Han, Hey Roushi," Naruto said to them. Both nodded as they looked at Gaara.

"Who is he?" Han asked.

"This is Sabaku no Gaara, Jinchuuriki to the Ichibi," Naruto said to them. Soon Kairi and Raimin got up and walked over.

"Wow I haven't see Shukaku in ages," Kairi said to them. Naruto nodded as he turned to Gaara.

"Gaara made a shadow clone," Naruto said to him. Gaara nodded as a replicate of himself came into view. Naruto nodded.

"Now bit your thumb and press on the seal on your stomach, then do the kuchiyose no jutsu," Naruto said to him. Gaara nodded as the clone took off some clothes and revealed the mark. Gaara bit his thumb as he pressed on the seal and yelled.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu," Gaara yelled. Soon smoke enveloped the area as everyone looked to see a man in his mid-twenties wearing a brownish male kimono. His eyes were shaped like tiny shuriken and a smile graced his face.

"Yay I am free," He yelled as he smelled the air outside. Gaara turned to Shukaku.

" So does this mean I can sleep now?" Gaara said to him. Shukaku turned to him.

"Yeah you can Gaara, sorry about that, my chakra runs wild when my container falls asleep, I never knew why, but anyway I am sorry about that," Shukaku said to him. Gaara nodded.

"Forget it," Gaara said to him. Soon Shukaku, Kairi, and Raimin walked off, but not before Kairi could look at Naruto.

"So what did you say to her?" Kairi said to him. Naruto looked at her and smiled.

"Guess," Naruto said to her. Kairi looked at him and smiled.

"Hehe that Kid is most interesting, well good luck Hina," Kairi said as she left with her friends.

"So Gaara, how does it feel to be separated from Shukaku?" Naruto asked him. Gaara smirked.

"It actually feels quite good, but at the same time nerve wracking," He said to him. Naruto nodded in agreement. Soon after his talk, Naruto turned to Han and Roushi.

"Wanna spar with me and Gaara?" He asked them. Both looked at him and smiled.

"Bring it Kid," Roushi said to him. Gaara sighed.

"Didn't we fight enough last night?" He asked Naruto. Naruto nodded.

"Yes, but we are leaving in a few hours, are you sure you don't want your blood pumping before you go," Naruto said to him. Gaara sighed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"oh well, let's go then," Gaara said to him. Naruto nodded as they two charged Roushi and Han.

4 hours later, Shinobi House, 5:00 p.m

Naruto and Gaara smiled as they came through the door of the house. Temari poked her head out of the door to see both smiling.

"And what did you to do?" She asked them curious to know.

"We had training," Gaara said to her. Temari sighed as she looked at them.

"Typical, we have the day off until our biggest assignment tomorrow and you guy use it to train," Temari said as she shook her head. Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh well, do what you love and love what you do," Naruto said to her. Temari nodded her head.

"Yeah yeah Naruto, well see you later," She said as she ran off somewhere.

"Where is she going?" Gaara wondered. Naruto smirked.

"It probably has something to do with Shikamaru," Naruto said to him. Gaara looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm Okay, I think," Gaara said to him. Naruto laughed.

"You have no idea what I mean do you?" Naruto asked him.

"No I don't," Gaara simply said. Naruto sighed and wrapped his arm around Gaara and walked him to his room.

"I think it is time I told you about life Gaara," Naruto said as he closed the door.

With Shikamaru and Temari

As the new couple walked through Iwa enjoying their date, both smiled as they enjoyed the quiet. Suddenly that quiet was interrupted by a loud noise.

"WHAT!" The scream echoed through Iwa, as people all looked around in confusion. Soon Shikamaru shuddered a bit.

"What's wrong Shika-kun?" Temari asked him.

"I think I am going to see the Shinigami soon," Shikamaru told her.

Back at the House

"N-Now Gaara calm down, this isn't a reason to be all bothered," Naruto nervously said. Gaara turned to him.

"I'll kill him, I'll kill him, I'll kill him," Gaara said as he tried to walk out the door. Naruto managed to reach the door first.

"Gaara you have to calm down, they probably haven't even gone that far yet," Naruto said with a sheepish smile. Gaara suddenly grinned, but this grin wasn't meant for good news.

"Good then I will be able to stop him before it does get that far," Gaara said as he shunshined out of the room. Naruto blinked as he looked at the empty room.

"Gaara wait," Naruto yelled as he shunshined out of sight.

With Shikamaru and Temari

Both were quietly enjoying the silence as they sat on a bench enjoying each other's company. As they sat in silence, suddenly Shikamaru shot up.

"What's wrong Shikamaru?" Temari asked him.

"There is a wave of KI coming for us, I can't identify it but it think its-,"

"GET AWAY FROM HER!," The voice yelled. Shikamaru and Temari immediately turned around and saw Gaara running at Shikamaru with a sand spear.

"Oh crap," Shikamaru said as he tried to run, but was blocked by a wall of sand.

"Face you death like a man," Gaara said to him. Shikamaru dodged a blow of sand as Temari shot up.

"Gaara stop I, we aren't doing anything, calm down," Temari yelled at him. Soon Naruto came up also and with a mass of kage bunshins drove Gaara into the ground and restrained him.

"Now Gaara calm down, they are just dating, you don't have to kill him," Naruto said to him. Gaara looked at Naruto and narrowed his eyes.

"Uzumaki if you don't let me go I will kill you also," Gaara said to him. Naruto sweatdropped.

"Just try it Gaara, I am not a pushover and you know that," Naruto said to him. Gaara looked at Naruto and huffed.

"Fine I won't kill him, but should he mess with her I will crush his bones to dust," Gaara said as he got up and walked back to the house.

Sorry about that Shika," Naruto said to him. Shikamaru got up and dusted himself off.

"What the hell was that all about Naruto?" Shikamaru asked him. Temari nodded as she wanted to know also. Naruto sighed as he turned to them.

"I tried to teach Gaara about life," Naruto said to them. Temari and Shikamaru were shocked as their faces paled. Naruto felt it was in his best interests to leave, so he shunshined home.

As the couple stayed there in the park, Shikamaru came out of his daze.

"I can only pray for the Konoha shinobi that we encounter on our mission tonight, Gaara is really going to need a stress reliever," Shikamaru said to her. Temari nodded in agreement as the two walked back to the compound.

"It is nice that he is protective of you though," He said to her. Temari smirked.

"It sure is," She said to him as they walked back.
