
In the Future


Aldrich heard that word and internally frowned. There was about a zero percent chance he was going to see the Scrapheart destroyed if he could get a hold of it,

The Scrapheart was good enough that the Trident thought that Mad Jack could use it to take over the entirety of the Panopticon. Mad Jack was, in more ways than one, an insane techno talent, probably within the top 5 in the world and undoubtedly the best infiltrator in Cyberspace.

This was in spite of the fact that he had very few feats to his name. He mostly played harmless pranks that mostly involved editing heavily PR reviewed messages from celebrities and authority figures into more realistic, albeit crass versions.

For example, there was an incident a few years back where El Dorado, a S class hero in the U.S. widely known for being more of a celebrity than a hero, ran from a powerful variant immune to his gold transmuting powers.
