
A Reasonable Understanding

Medula rubbed her forehead, sighing. "Why should I take this deal? Can I simply not keep this body forever mine? There is nothing you can do about it."

"Like I said, I want us to be reasonable here," said Aldrich. "Because if we get unreasonable, that tends to teeter us to extremes, and I am very much in home with extremes."

"Is that so? Tell me, what is your idea of an extreme?" countered Medula.

"That body is a worldwide treasure in the Alter world. Even now, people are looking for it, among them, the most powerful beings on the planet. I could tip the world off and lead them to a Sign, join them all as my party members, and help them reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

This realm is powerful, yes, but against an attack from an entire world? The odds are questionable."

"You would dare to invade the Necropolis?" Medula narrowed her crimson eyes as they burned with infernal glint. "To ruin that which has given you so much already?"
