
An Experiment

*Thanks, Fler'Gan. Your potion worked perfectly. I owe you one,* said Aldrich.

*I require no thanks, great Elder, but if you are willing, perhaps a live sample? Of a human that is known as an 'Alter'?*

Aldrich thought about this for a moment. *Alright.*

Walters stared at Aldrich as he loomed over the table, his suspicions evidently still not eased.

"Walters, please, you are inconveniencing our guest. This is quite unlike you," said Casimir.

All Aldrich did was smile at Walters. Walters stared at Aldrich for a few more seconds before he surrendered and walked away with a grunt.

"My apologies, Mr. Vane. Walters is normally such a lovely waiter, but tonight, he is a little off his game," said Casimir.

"It's quite alright. Everyone has their off days and their on days," said Aldrich.

Aldrich was not an idiot. He had not made Fler'Gan's mind control potion ridiculously obvious. He had given Fler'Gan further specifications on the potion he wanted made.
