

Celestial master Gu pushed the door of the ward as he walked inside the ward and then turned to look at Ji Haoyu who was looking at him like a deer caught in headlights, he smiled at Ji Haoyu and his mother who was looking at him in shock, like they have never expected him to say something like this, which was the only reason he was finding this all amusing. 

He turned to look at the old master Fu and then bowed to him in greeting before saying, " I hope you are all right, old master Fu? But then again the red flush of your cheeks shows that you are doing great today." 

" Of course, I am doing good," Old master Fu nodded as he replied with his voice filled with excitement, when the doctors told him that it was difficult for Fu Yu Shen to wake up, he was so shocked that he was going to lose his mind, thankfully, Celestial master Gu arrived in the country and then saved his youngest grandson who was lying unconscious on the bed.
