
Chapter 182 - Ryuga Hinoō

"Come. Sit, sit." At the Daimyo's invitation Hiruzen took his seat and his two ninjas stood behind him.

Despite being in front of the Daimyo of the Fire country, Daichi had been paying attention to the guards visible and invisible in the room. It was only after observing them that he paid full attention to the man sitting on the couch.

Daichi looked at the old man and he was slightly confused. 'Wait a minute… Now that I'm taking a closer look at the guy, he doesn't look like the Fire Lord I saw from canon.'

Daichi took a close look at the guy and recalled the face that was shown in canon. 'Yeah. That's definitely not him…'

The Daimyo looked to be in his late 50s but Daichi could tell he had a strong physique. He wore luxurious clothes that had gold and red embroidery. He had an oval face with long white hair and a goatee. His green eyes looked as if they were peering into one's soul.

The realization sent a jolt through the boy. Daichi immediately used 'Observe'.

[?] [Ryuga Hinoō] (Fire Daimyo)


'Shit! This guy is over Level 96? I know he's been the Daimyo of this country for several decades. So this change didn't happen because of me. That means… Is this some kind of alternate universe? Why is this happening?... And if this is different then what else is?'

The boy's face didn't show any expression and he looked calm. But Daichi was anxious inside. He felt he couldn't trust whatever canon information he had and it bothered him slightly. 'I've already made changes but in the larger scheme, things are relatively on track. At least that's what I thought… Now… It's good that I found out this now… I need to dig into the history of this world. I need to know what else is different.'

Daichi looked at the advisors in the room and they were civilians with no ninja training.

"I've spoken with Kenichi Garoya. Despite the man's less than pure intentions I've decided not to pursue the matter with him. The story passed down through his family is true. His ancestor did help save mine. And he did lead us to the treasure. So in a way I suppose I owed him." The Daimyo spoke as he recalled the short meeting with the man responsible for starting everything.

Hiruzen agreed with that assessment. "Yes. He has business across the nation. And he is a client that brings missions every year. It was a wise move."

Ryuga nodded and spoke with a smile as he looked at Hiruzen. "My people looked over everything your ninjas have recovered. All the items are genuine. They are indeed the ones stolen from all over the world. And based on the report we've recovered everything."

The Hokage smiled hearing that. "I'm pleased. That will help us during the negotiations. I assume you've already sent a message."

Ryuga nodded his head. "Yes. This isn't something that can be hidden. And I still clearly remember the conditions set forth by everyone."

He was silent for a moment and then continued. "The other Kages and Daimyo's will be sending their diplomats. They'll be here in a few days. Things will become hectic." He sighed and leaned back in his seat.

The kage nodded. He too knew the seriousness of the situation. "Yes. That's why I brought Nomoru Nara with me."

"You know Hiruzen, you could have given me a heads up about this sooner." Ryuga said with a small sigh.

"I know. And I apologize for withholding the information till the last moment but I couldn't risk anything going wrong. I hope you understand." The Hokage said with a small smile.

The Daimyo laughed light-heartedly. He decided to switch to lighter topics. "I know. I know. I'm just complaining for the sake of complaining… How is Asuma? He left a few months ago. He said he was interested in taking a team to train."

The old kage nodded his head. "He is well. And yes, he has expressed his intentions on teaching a Genin team. A new Ino-Shika-Cho team will graduate from the academy next year. I was hoping for Asuma to take charge of them…"

Ryuga nodded. "Speaking of the Leaf ninja academy…" His eyes then drifted to Daichi.

Hiruzen and Kakashi, while outwardly calm, were slightly tense as the Daimyo looked at the Genin in the room. The Fire Daimyo, unlike the other Lords of different nations, was trained from a young age and was a skilled warrior. He had the aura of a powerful ruler.

Hiruzen knew the true nature of the man. 'He can be kind and merciful but he is also ruthless when the time calls for it. He has no qualms about getting his hands bloody if the need arises. If he decides to take Daichi to the capital…'

Hiruzen knew that scenario would complicate a few things.

Ryuga looked at the boy standing behind Hiruzen. "Daichi Hekima. The apprentice of Princess Tsunade Senju. Now Genin under Kakashi Hatake. If the reports are right, then the most skilled medic currently in the capital…"

Daichi was silent and calm as he locked gaze with the man.

"I'm curious, Daichi. Do you think you're the best medic in the capital?" Ryuga asked the boy with a smile.

Hiruzen glanced at Daichi and gave a small nod as if giving him permission to answer the question.

Daichi took a deep breath and answered. "Lady Tsunade has taught me everything she knows. But I still have some ways to go before I surpass her. If she were in the capital right now, then no. I'm only the second best medic."

The smile on Ryuga's face vanished and he looked into the boy's eyes. But several seemingly tense seconds later he burst into laughter. "Hahahaha…. I like that answer."

The laughter died down and he looked at the boy with a smirk. "A man should always know what he's worth…"

He was silent for a few seconds and spoke again. "Hiruzen tells me you're one of the most talented ninjas of this generation. I can see his claims were true. You identified the thief when no one else could and you found the clues hidden by Ichiro. You're quite intelligent."

"Thank you Lord Ryuga. But I couldn't have done it without sensei's help. He was the one who figured out the important parts of the case." Daichi slightly bowed and replied.

"Yes. I'm aware. You're sensei is an excellent ninja." Despite addressing Kakashi, Ryuga's eyes were on Daichi.

"A smart, strong, capable and talented child… Daichi, what do you say you stay here? Your skills will be tested of course, but I have a feeling you'll pass with flying colors. You'll be trained by skilled teachers and you can even join my personal guards…"

Daichi was surprised at the invitation. 'This guy is definitely nothing like the Daimyo in the story.'

Hiruzen was outwardly calm as he listened to the Daimyo's proposal but inside he was surprised at the blatant way the man was trying to poach his shinobi.

Kakashi looked at the Daimyo with a cool face but he too was shocked. 'To think he would have the nerve to ask that question with Lord Hokage sitting right in front of him no less. Rumors about him are indeed true it seems. A cunning bold man who has no problems taking what he wants…'

His attention then turned to his student. 'What will you do? I have no doubt that Daichi at least has an idea as to what the offer entails. Joining the man's personal guards means he'll have wealth, power both political and physical and the risk to his life becomes far less… It's a tempting offer… But I have a feeling I know your answer.'

Daichi gave a polite smile and bowed. Seeing Daichi's expression Ryuga already knew the answer before the boy spoke the words.

"Thank you for the offer but I apologize Lord Ryuga. My place is in the Leaf village." Daichi lifted his head and saw the man looking at him with a serious gaze.

"You're a smart lad. So you must know what my offer holds don't you?" The Daimyo asked the boy with a serious expression.

"I have an idea, yes." Daichi nodded.

"And you're still refusing?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yes sir."

The Daimyo looked at Daichi for a few more seconds and turned his attention back to the Hokage. "There was no hesitation when he answered me. That's a loyal shinobi you have there Hiruzen."

The Hokage chuckled and nodded along. "Yes. Daichi is full of passion and he carries the Will of Fire in him."

Daichi inwardly snorted at that. 'More like I won't be able to accomplish my goals if I stay here. It's a pretty sweet tempting offer though. If I didn't know about Madara and Kaguya I probably would have taken this guy up on it.'

The Fire lord smiled hearing that answer. "Well, let's get back to the topic at hand. One of the conditions set forth when the intel was being shared by the Kages was that whoever finds the treasure gets 10% of its total value in cash. A reward for finding the elusive thief."

Hiruzen nodded his head. "Yes. But I'm sure you know what they really had in mind."

"They were intending for one of their shinobi to find the treasure and then use the cash flow to recruit outside forces and stockpile weapons. They all knew war was just around the corner and it would have given them the advantage. That much money if used the right way could have changed the flow of battle. Thankfully none of that happened." Ryuga replied as he sat back with his legs crossed.

"Yes. It was fortunate that it was these two who found it at this time."

"Yes. But the fact remains. Whoever finds the treasure does receive the sum as reward." The Daimyo then turned to his advisors. "Have you made an estimate on how much everything they found is worth?"

"Yes my Lord. Approximately 682,040,000 Ryo. We took into account the item, their original value and their infamy." One of the advisors answered.

Ryuga nodded and turned his head to the two Leaf ninjas. "Approximately six hundred and eighty two million… 10% of that is 68.2 million Ryo. Even when it's split between the two of you, there will still be a lot of money left…"

"68 million… wow…" Daichi couldn't help but smile at that number.

The Daimyo laughed heartily seeing Daichi's expression. "Yes. You'll never have to work again… But I'm sure that won't be the case. The monetary reward will be handed over to Hiruzen in a few days and you can receive it from him."

"Yes sir." Daichi and Kakashi bowed slightly.

"Now. Why don't you two enjoy your time here? My men will guide you. The Hokage and I have some catching up to do." Ryuga spoke and his advisors stood and motioned Kakashi and Daichi to follow as they bowed to their Lord and left the room.

Hiruzen nodded and dismissed them. Soon the only people in the room were the Hokage, the Daimyo and his two trusted Guards hidden in the shadows.

The Hokage was quick to notice the change in the man's aura. He became serious.

"Lord Hokage, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to reply honestly."

Hiruzen slightly narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"I know most everything that goes on in my city. So tell me, why is Kensei Yasaji investigating the members of my court?" The jovial atmosphere Ryuga gave off was nowhere to be found as he asked this.

Hiruzen looked calm and didn't even flinch at the accusation. He knew the man finding out about the task he assigned Kensei was a possibility. 'Since a few members of the Daimyo court are involved I have to tell him. Especially now that he's directly asked me.'

Hiruzen decided to answer the question. He wasn't worried about the guards hidden in the room as he knew they were some of the most loyal people of the Daimyo.

"There is a war between me and Danzo going on behind the scenes. For the moment it is a cold war. But soon things will boil over. I tasked Kensei with identifying Danzo's contacts here at the capital. I'm sorry for not informing you but secrecy was absolutely necessary. You know how Danzo operates…"

Ryuga was surprised to hear that. He leaned back and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You and Danzo watched over the Leaf together for decades. What changed? What happened?"

Hiruzen sighed at that question. Truthfully he didn't know exactly when the relationship between him and his old friend turned sour. "The nine tails attack did more than just kill our ninjas and destroy the village. It may have been long before then but I believe that was the tipping point for him."

The two sat in silence for a short while. "So what now? Now that I know this, I can't pretend to go about as if nothing has changed." The Daimyo spoke.

"Lord Ryuga, you're aware that the Daimyo can't interfere in the internal matters of the village…"

"Yes. And the same is said for the shinobi village. But you and Danzo violated that rule…" The slight anger in the Daimyo's voice wasn't missed by anyone in the room.

The Fire Lord took a deep breath and was once again calm. "This is going to be a problem… I understand your reasoning, Hiruzen. I'm not particularly happy about it. But I understand."

The Hokage let out a small breath. "Thank you Lord Ryuga."

"This is such a mess. I need you to tell me everything that's happened these last few years."

Hiruzen nodded to the Daimyo's request. But he had a question of his own.

"Yes. But before that, I wanted to ask… Did you ask young Daichi to stay here because of this?" Hiruzen gazed into the man's eyes as he posed his question.

Ryuga looked at the Hokage and smirked. He already had the answer in mind.


Author's Note.

So I decided to create an Original Character for the Daimyo. It came to me a couple chapters ago. Why write the same boring character from canon when I can create a new one. And the change will be explained. There is a reason. But thats long into the future.

With the next chapter this arc will be concluded and Daichi and the others will return to the leaf.

The one important thing I learned when completing this mission arc is pacing. I expected to finish this in like 4 or 5 chapters. But this was too long. In the future I'll try to complete missions without dragging it out to so many chapters… Well, I'll try anyway…

Alright, your turn. Comment below guys. How did you like this mission?

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See you in the next update... PEACE!

MonkWithAPencreators' thoughts