
Chapter 157 - Battle with Kakashi 01

Kakashi was in front of the Memorial Stone staring at a single name. He had been standing there for over two hours as he revisited the memories of his Genin team. The man looked up and noticed the position of the sun and realized how long he had been standing there.

'It's time to leave. I've kept Daichi waiting long enough.'

The Jonin looked back at the name engraved on the stone. 'I'll see you tomorrow Obito.'

Kakashi turned around and made his way through the forest. His mind went back to the conversation the Third Hokage had with him sometime ago.


"Kakashi, when you get the time I want you to spar with Daichi. See his capabilities. But this time I want you to force him to fight seriously." The old Kage said.

The silver haired Jonin raised an eyebrow at that. "Is that really necessary?"

Hiruzen nodded. "Yes. Only after you have a thorough understanding of his strength and abilities would you be able to train him efficiently. You would also be able to identify his weak spots if he has any and with training can get rid of them."

"Yes. I'll handle it… But… Do you mind me asking… What's this about? You don't normally take such a keen interest in a Genin team." The Hokage taking an active interest in the training of a fresh Genin was a surprise to Kakashi.

"True. But your student isn't an ordinary Genin. He is someone who has extraordinary potential and was personally trained by a former Anbu Captain and a Sannin…"

"But that's not all is it?"

Hiruzen smoked his pipe and was silent for a few seconds. Letting out a smoky breath he replied. "No. I have received some disturbing news regarding Orochimaru and Danzo. Things will come to a collision between the three of us soon and the people I've tasked with the matter will be in the middle of it. Kensei is one of those people and what affects Kensei will also affect Daichi. I have no doubt that Orochimaru will come to know of the boy soon if he hasn't already and knowing him, he'll definitely try to make contact with the boy."

Kakashi's eyes widened at that. He was alarmed that someone like that would one day come for his student. "Wait! Orochimaru's coming for the kid? Lord Hokage, I can protect him from almost any other Jonin but someone like Orochimaru…"

"Don't be so alarmed Kakashi. This isn't something that will happen tomorrow or next week. And it's just a possibility. There is also the chance that Orochimaru will leave him alone but the probability of that is low. I'm not telling you this to frighten you but to warn you. Take the necessary precautions."

The old kage let out a breath and leaned back in his chair. "It's not just Orochimaru but Danzo also has his eye on Daichi but for the moment he won't make any moves. He's more concerned with the movements and on-goings of his organization 'Root'."

Kakashi nodded. "I see. I understand Lord Hokage. I'll test him after the first C Rank mission."

"Good. You need a clear picture of his strength and abilities if you're going to prepare efficient team strategies… Kakashi… As long as Daichi is within these walls he'll be under my protection. But outside… I'm trusting you to keep him safe."

Kakashi stood straight and nodded his head. He vowed he would keep that word no matter what.

Flashback End.

Kakashi had an idea as to what he had to do. Before long he reached the clearing of Training ground 3 and saw Daichi meditating. 'One day I'm gonna figure out the secret behind that…'

Sensing Kakashi's presence Daichi opened his eyes.

"Morning sensei."

"Morning. Ready for today's mission?"

"Yeah. You said we were going to do something different."

"We are." Kakashi walked to the nearby three stumps and placed an alarm clock on top of the one in the middle.

Daichi looked at the scene and felt a sense of Deja Vu. 'Wow…'

Once the timer was set Kakashi looked at his student. "Today you and I will be doing a survival test. And this one is going to be a lot different than the one we had at the beginning."

Daichi narrowed his eyes as he heard those words. 'Something's different about him today. He's a lot more serious than usual.'

"What kind of survival test?" Daichi asked his sensei.

At that question Kakashi's face turned serious as he looked at the boy and revealed his killing intent.

[You have sensed Killing Intent]

Daichi's eyes widened at the implication of Kakashi's action.

The Jonin looked at his student and spoke. His voice was laced with a menacing tone. "Daichi, for this test I'll be coming at you with the intent to kill. I'll try to capture and subdue you. And if that isn't possible I'll try to kill you. Your goal is to defend against my assaults and either defeat me or escape. Survival is the priority of this exercise. Right now it's 10:30 in the morning. This survival test will last till exactly midnight. You'll pass if you successfully defend against my attacks, defeat me or if you hide from me till the time runs out. You aren't permitted to leave the training ground till the end of the test. If you do, you fail. If I capture you, you fail. And if you die to one my killing blows… Well… Try not to die."

Daichi clenched his fists as he looked at the man. He was already releasing chakra throughout his body and was preparing for the coming battle. At that moment a quest appeared in front of him. He quickly read the contents of the quest.

[Quest created - Pass the Survival Test.]

[Kakashi Hatake has decided to test your skills and find out your true power. Survive his test by battling him or escaping him.]


Do not get captured before Midnight.

Do not leave the forest till the test is over.

Do not let Kakashi land any killing/lethal blows on your body.

Survive till Midnight by any means.

Defeat Kakashi.(Bonus)



20000 Exp.

35000 Exp. (Bonus)

Reputation increases with Kakashi Hatake, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Kensei Yasaji.



No C Rank missions for a while.

[This quest is automatically accepted.]

Kakashi continued. "And keep this in mind. If you don't use your full power, all your skills and techniques, you will suffer a painful end."

"I understand. I won't hold back." Daichi replied, releasing his intent as well. The air became heavy and the sound of birds flying away from the forest could be heard.

Up in the Hokage tower Hiruzen was watching everything through his crystal ball. 'This isn't exactly what I had in mind but I suppose it will have to do. This way Kakashi will be able to determine Daichi's stamina and stealth skills, medical prowess and his proficiency in the ninja arts… But still… He's just 12 years old. A child. Would this be too much for him?'

Back in the training ground Kakashi decided to make the first move. "Begin." As the words were spoken the Jonin was already moving at high speed towards Daichi with a punch aimed for his face.

Daichi's heightened concentration and senses allowed him to track every move that his sensei made. He saw the man coming at him in slow motion with his left fist tightly clenched and Daichi's mind began to work faster. His first instinct was to dodge using substitution but there was something preventing him from making that decision. His pride.

'Even after all this time, after all the training, the dungeon fights, if I just run away when someone stronger than me shows up without even putting up a fight then what does that say about the time I spent grinding myself to the bone… A waste.'

It was only a split second but Kakashi was already on him. His left fist coming towards his student.

Even as the Gamer's Mind kept him calm, Daichi's face turned into one filled with rage.

'Fuck that!'

Chakra flooded his body and with a greater speed than Kakashi, Daichi threw his right fist. His punch directly aimed at his teacher's incoming one.

The Jonin's eye widened at the speed displayed by the boy. A moment later both fists collided.


Wind whipped around them from the force of the two attacks meeting head on. The ground cracked below the two but neither one budged an inch.

"Since you're intending to fight me head on, let's begin with Taijutsu." Kakashi said as he threw another punch with his right arm aimed for Daichi's throat.

The young gamer swiftly parried and redirected the attack away from him. He then immediately sent a knee strike aimed at Kakashi's ribs. The Jonin jumped back, escaping the strike but Daichi didn't let up. He quickly rushed at Kakashi and they began their intense hand to hand combat.

Daichi used the skill Analyze to understand his opponent's fighting style and attack patterns. Even though the fight would have been seen as fast paced to most, the battle was only just beginning. Both of them were only testing the waters and feeling out their opponent's skills.

Kakashi sent several powerful punches aimed at Daichi's chest, biceps and ribs. All of which Daichi successfully blocked or parried. 'His Taijutsu skills are incredible. And on top of that his battle senses are far beyond what someone his age should have. And this is only just the start.'

Just as Kakashi was making notes on his student, Daichi was also doing the same to his teacher. 'He's not blocking but redirecting all of my punches. He's trying to conserve energy. That's not a surprise. This is going to last over 12 hours after all. This is a good opportunity for me to go all out. To see where I stand in this world. Kakashi. You will be an excellent measuring stick.'

Daichi sent a punch aimed at his enemy's liver only for Kakashi to block and grab that fist. Immediately Daichi sent a roundhouse kick aimed for the man's head. Kakashi raised his other hand and blocked the kick and the next instant leaned his upper body back to avoid the knee strike that came for his chin.

The Jonin swiftly retaliated with a kick towards Daichi's abdomen and sent the boy flying. Kakashi ran after his student intent on attacking him before he could reorient and defend himself.

Daichi gritted his teeth as he saw his sensei coming for him. In mid air he quickly took out several shuriken and threw them at the man and swiftly went through several seals.

'Shadow shuriken Jutsu.'

The few metal stars quickly became over a dozen, forcing Kakashi to change his path and dodge the oncoming projectiles.

These few seconds were all Daichi needed to safely land on the ground and get his footing.

Both of them looked at each other and took in their opponent's condition. Neither one was hurt or even out of breath.

It was Daichi who broke the silence. "What do you say we take things up a notch or two?"

The silver haired Jonin smirked at that. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing. You know. You might be my favorite student yet."

Daichi deadpanned at that. "I'm your only student." With those words Daichi placed a hand on his scarf. "I'll show you just how strong I really am."

The next moment he took the scarf over his head and threw it to the side.

"Boom." The sound of a heavy object falling on the ground was heard and the ground slightly caved under the weight of the round scarf.

Kakashi was surprised at that revelation. 'He was wearing weighted clothes?'

"How much does that weigh?" The man asked.

"500 Kilos." Daichi replied with a smirk.

Kakashi and the watching Hokage were shocked as they heard how much it weighed.

Daichi moved his head side to side and felt his shoulder pop. "I feel much better now. Been a long time since I took those off."

"Well then, I suppose it's my turn." With those words Kakashi simply lifted the clothing covering his left eye and that action alone would be enough to intimidate most but Daichi was not one of them. Kakashi revealed the Sharingan to his student for the first time.

Daichi looked at the red eye with 3 tomoe and spoke. "Kakashi of the Sharingan, The Copy cat Ninja… You got many names don't you… I've always wanted to fight you."

Kakashi looked at Daichi and then became serious again. "Don't get too overconfident. It will be your undoing."

The boy smirked at that. He cracked his knuckles and spoke. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing."

Killing Intent ignited again as both of them got ready for the second round of battle.

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