
Chapter 33: Conformist

I had already decided, after thinking it through, I'm going to stay in this world, after all it makes me the most sensible thing to do, although I have become somewhat strong and having achieved accomplishments that I never imagined before, well.... I don't think I'm ready for more challenges or experiences that would come in front of me, to start again from scratch, to look for that conformity that I like a lot, to feel good again with what I have, it really scares me not to get it, not to get it again, to lose what I have. I have very much in mind that many people leave everything in search of a new life and goals that they have, it happens a lot in the small towns that decide to go to the big cities and only having themselves in the worst cases and? I really could not do it, it scares me, I feel good being here, I like being here, my friends and family, because they are kicking me out of what I consider my home.... I did not disappear out of nowhere, it is not by my own decision to want to leave, they themselves are kicking me out even resorting to low feelings... they want me to get away from them so much? They say it's for my own good, I guess they think so but...I feel good where I know everyone and I know I will have the faithful help of someone who I would also do the same...so .... why...why is everyone still so adamant that I should leave....start my journey...to return to my true home....

『Who assures me that I can return home...who assures me that something will not happen to me before I return home....who assures me that I will not be alone all this time...someone to trust and everything else...I cannot do that.... if possible, I would like to spend my whole life with a person who at the time of my death, I will not feel any regrets for the life I led...This dependence on someone else...to be taken care of by someone...who taught me that it feels good?....』

I was in my room recovering from the wounds I had, I was already recovering mobility with the passing of the days, how many days passed since Tatsumaki came to make me understand everything? I have no idea, the days are simple and I don't have to pay attention to them at least for now, my acquaintances always have to come, they always do the same thing, they start a typical talk like another, I go along with them, and when I was finally going to lower my guard, everyone...absolutely everyone says I have to leave here...Just thinking about it fills me with an annoyance that...it's not because I start to hate them, I think I would never reach that degree even if they do something very serious, now and later they mean a lot to me. What bothers me is that they want to see me away from all of them, I can even see it in their faces, if they don't like the idea then they don't have to ask or do it. I feel that if I had not made my decision clear that day, they would have made a plan and sent me straight to the Portal of Worlds, if they did I would certainly not forgive them anything, they would still mean a lot to me, but just think about it.....

『Ahhh....I ask for nothing more than to have a simple and peaceful life...If I leave here like Tatsumaki said, what things will be in store for me, I might not be up to it and die at any moment...just imagining having to endure great suffering during the journey and that negative feeling that no matter how much I search, I will never return home...I would end up becoming something that even I don't know what would happen...And what happened when I told all this to Blaze? What she answered is ..... "Try it"...try .... as if it was something easy and simple to do...』-『I'm risking my happiness and peace of mind damn it!!!!!!!!!!』

I ended up hitting a loud scream in my room, really just going back to remember all my conversations with those who are my family and friends, it really hurt so much that I couldn't find any other way to vent other than blaming other people. At that moment I could feel it, someone who has always been bringing me food for a long time was coming, I didn't even feel like looking her in the eyes, since she was literally the one who started all this and instilled in everyone the idea that I should leave. Blaze had entered the room and didn't look at her at all, he preferred to have his eyes fixed on something else, but in all cases, he always kept his eyes down and hidden whenever the Cat appeared. She was leaving the food on the table she had, she didn't say anything, it better be like that, since every time she says something....

『How long are you going to let it go on like this? You really are acting like a real unbearable brat, you weren't even like this when we met you』-『The only one who will eventually cause yourself future damage will be you, one day you'll wake up and you'll be surprised that you'll want to go back home, but how long will that be? How long are you going to continue in this falsehood that you are happy? It will hurt more when you realize yourself the kind of reality that you have been living and will live from that moment on, what hurts the most is to have regretted something that we could have taken some time ago, you say you don't care and you want to stay with us, I won't be even a little bit happy if you make this decision thinking about us, after all, everyone cares about their own life』-『I will continue to insist on you all the time, I don't even care if you hate me, you said you want to grow up, right? If you stay locked up, you'll only be an adult and then an old man who didn't learn anything in his life』.

Blaze always...always had to say something new every day that would make me feel or make me change my mind that I was making a bad decision. I wouldn't look at her at all, where Blaze would always stare at me. At that moment a lot of things came to my mind, the first thing was that....

『You who cares....』

I really couldn't say anything else after listening to her, even if I ignore her, I will always keep her words in mind, because whenever she says something, I get an idea of a possible future with it...that has nothing to do with it, her words are not true, she can't predict the future of the other just by looking at her present, there are twists and turns and changes of mind, don't you know that? I can see it, after time passes, they will forget the subject and I will be able to feel good with everyone again, we will return to talk about interesting and fun things, other times the stupid discussions, the moments of laughter among all, a few dangers that appear out there, that no matter if we get complicated, in the end we will win as always has been. This could be said to be the first level, right? Where everything is relatively simple for the power and strength that I have now, if I stay here and get stronger, I will always be the savior of the day, I can defend and protect my own happiness and that of others....Si!!!! That would be awesome!!!!

『An idiot who knows how to multiply, looks smarter to idiots who only know how to add』.

....De how happy I was getting, I really remembered those words of Tatsumaki and .... really annoyed me a lot. What's wrong with staying here, you suggested it yourself and I agree with you...but at the same time I'm really annoyed by what you said...should you have said it differently? should you have used a different vocabulary? I don't know why...but just remembering everything you said to me making me look like a conformist coward.... really annoys me a lot...why are you saying all that, not even if you were right about my behavior....

『You're all annoying idiots....imbeciles good for nothing...you should stay infected by the Parasite....you're all real annoying and....I wish you understood how important you are to me...but if you don't...then you can go fuck yourself---------』

At that moment when I was getting carried away by my anger and frustration, I felt someone made me stop at that moment, I felt someone warmly grab me by the head, I could feel his affection and love he had for me. And at the moment of doing so, I was very surprised because .... the feeling that was transmitted to me was of .....


It was momentary but ... I could see a reflection ... rather a silhouette of light in the form of my mother, I was really surprised and even wanted to cry, but when I blinked the reality hit me hard again. The one in front of me was just that, my mother, but... she was not my mother at the same time. Zeta was in my room...when did Blaze leave? It was always the same these last days...no...since long before that I don't perceive time as it should. Zeta didn't say anything, she just happened to caress my head where truth be told, she made me feel warm with her affection.

『What were you about to say, son?』

At that moment she ended up asking me something I really didn't want to answer, first I pretended I didn't say anything, Zeta was still calmly waiting for my answer, I told her again nervously that I didn't say anything, but ....

『Sorry...I...I just said it just to say...I really don't hate them and don't consider them annoying at all....』

I couldn't hide it from Zeta, there really are times when just like my real mother, I can't hide it from her, as I feel that if I don't say it, I will receive a scolding that I would regret some time later.

『I like that you say what you think son, but don't confuse that with being sincere, what you just said a while ago about all of us, are nothing more than truths in your life, and if that truth becomes sincerity, it would really hurt us a lot ....』

What Zeta said to me, really made me look her straight in the eyes, I didn't understand perfectly what she wanted to tell me, but she made me understand the message she wanted to transmit me...What I said and thought all the bad things about all my friends...of course it is a truth even if I try to deny it...but...if I continue with that thought, there wouldn't even be a moment when I would feel bad or regret having said it, if that feeling of hate is genuinely sincere, that is what Zeta doesn't want to happen in me....

『I'm sorry....it was momentary...I would never but never really hate them...please forgive me....』

『I know son, you cherish your family and friends more than anyone else *smiles*』

At that moment she gave me a tight hug, it really made me feel good, that I was also going to hug her...I'm not going to lie, it was warm and nice, with this being a mother's hug, but...no doubt the few hugs I received in Primary and that changing in Secondary to a really loving mother, all the hugs from my real mother, are certainly better than the ones I am receiving now....

It was a perfect day, but...as I was looking out the window I was noticing something, like it's a little orange and yellow outside? In that Zeta answered me that we were already in the beginning of the Autumn Season...Autumn?...with that in this time of the year autumn comes here...that really took me by surprise, of course...I had seen it before, but I had not taken it as important as I did now. I smiled when I saw the beautiful calm and warm color that the forest had become, winter is also a great landscape, the whole island is covered with snow, the first year I spent my winter here, it was really fun.

『It would be nice, when winter comes, to have hot chocolate, make snowmen and snow angels.... a war with snowballs...even to be able to eat snow...everything would be covered with snow.... The first winter I spent was fun, but I had not formed the friendship I have with everyone like now, I am sure that this coming winter, will be even more fun with everyone together *smiles*』

I was talking and imagining the future when such season of the year arrives, to this Zeta was also calm and smiling telling me that that moment will come, that only if fate wills, the only thing we must do is wait for it to happen. I was taking out the work that we had postponed, to this I was happy because we still had to finish something, the handkerchiefs that we started to make when X was still in Zeta's body. It won't be long now, most likely we will finish it with today's session.

While we were knitting and Zeta was giving me again the tips and the way I should sew, this really made me feel happy, it was like going back to the past but this time all happy being who we are, I think I really regret what I said before, that they are possessed by the Parasite and so on....

『I haven't asked you before M, but what was your mother like?』

That question I had not seen coming, I could even feel it at this moment, from all the attitude I was showing as a mother, right now I have a friend by my side in whom I can tell her everything. Without fear I would go on to tell her everything concerning my mother.

『She is an incredible woman, I have more memories of the end of her stage would be, she always went straight in a suit and tie uniform, she was a High School teacher and specialized mostly in Communication Skills, and is just as you would expect from a teacher like that, in her role she was disciplined, straight, mature and did everything possible to do her job as it should be done. But that does not indicate that she does not show a more sincere side so to speak, as she often saw cards or gifts at home and told us that her students thanked her and congratulated her for all the effort she makes, she was a serious woman before, but she also had a good time with her students forgetting at times that she is a professional *smiles*』

Zeta was attentive to what I was saying, she really just by looking at her eyes, she also started to admire my mother, and asked me to tell more about her, which I had not finished yet.

『What I told you is the good part of my mother, not that the bad part is the opposite, that she was aggressive and undisciplined, no, nothing like that, only that in those last years, she seems to be having other things in mind, I guess she had problems and became more distant, she was not at home much anymore, she came at night always tired, and as a consequence I was not getting the attention I deserved.... 』-『I remember once when my sister told me about mom's past, when my sister Maya was in elementary school, she said that my mother was more serious since I guess it was her beginnings as a teacher, also at home she wanted everything to be in order and that nothing was dirty, and that if she didn't see something she considered perfect, she quickly called attention to the family that at that time was my Mother, Father and Sister, I was not yet born, my sister summed it up with a phrase of "Example of a Restrained, that's why I do what I want" which for me at the time, I found the phrase incredible, but now that I think about it, I have no idea what my Mother's life was like. ..』

From what I finished telling about my mother, Zeta had remained somewhat thoughtful and drew her own conclusions, that whatever my mother has lived through, it really is a great achievement all that she has achieved in her life. When she said it, it really made me feel good, since I really admire a lot the woman who gave birth to me and raised me for all those years, I was more eager to know what kind of person she really was, since when I went to live with her alone in that apartment, I felt I was going to admire her more, much more than her serious and perfect version ...

『Wouldn't you like to see her again M?』

『Of course I would, I always have her in my mind and see the version of my mother who would give all her attention to her son 』

『Then you must----------』

『Yes, I would like to see her again, but it's not going to be like that, everything that happened before I won't be able to recover no matter how hard I try, I have present in my mind my serious and perfect mother, I would have liked to meet the calm and loving version, but I was swallowed by the portal and now I'm here, you Zeta...you are the one who made me see and feel what a loving mother who cares about her child is like, really thank you *smile*』

At that moment when I said it, Zeta could feel it all at once, from the smile she always has that she enjoys the little things, now are of the rare times when faced with a situation of family and friends, she is with an expression of total disagreement.

『I thought I would never see the tender and loving side of a mother, I was receiving it and knowing an unknown phase for me, but you Zeta...from what I thought I lost all that new thing I always wanted and missed, you gave me what I wanted, that you see me as your son, really, sincerely made me feel good, your words, your affection, that understanding towards me. ...this is how a mother feels when she gives you all her love....*happy* I really appreciate it, knowing that you will keep giving me what I want, I don't need to look for it elsewhere, I have you, my Mother *smiles*』.

I meant it sincerely with all my heart, I wanted to transmit this genuine feeling to the person who made me recover those hopes of a real mother. I was happy believing that I did the right thing, but Zeta is not happy at all, rather her expression of giving me the opposite, would become more and more disappointed...no...rather sad.... I realized that I finished much earlier the scarf she was making, I would take it to see how it was, where I could see that it was really beautiful, it was nice, and with the embroidery she did in a corner, that heart she made, it had been beautiful. I was going to make her understand her good work, but I hadn't realized that she had taken mine, she was holding my handkerchief that I hadn't finished yet, at that moment I don't know why...but the way she was holding it tightly...I thought that....

『Wait!!! Don't destroy it----------』

That was what he was going to do, or so I thought, but with an incredible speed with his hands, he finished completing my scarf that was advancing, in a few seconds he finished it and .... at that moment I felt relieved, because I thought he was going to destroy it, although I would not know the reason, he was giving me the scarf where I could see it perfectly, it had been incredible, although a moment. ...I was a little bit confused with this, it was so perfect that clearly I didn't make it, not even the part that I advanced, only the part that was left....Zeta at that moment over created the handkerchief with his abilities, it wouldn't be as perfect as I finished it....At that moment I was a little bit confused, Zeta was next to me as if he was waiting for my reaction, but...

『You look beautiful Mother, now that we are done with the scarf, we can start now with a scarf, it would be nice a scarf for when Winter comes, what do you say Mother?....Mother?....What's wrong?』

At that moment I didn't object to anything, I was accepting Zeta's job without claiming anything, and seeing that she was even proposing another one. Zeta coldly as I had never seen her before, she was telling me that for the next one it will be the scarf.

『Next time? And when is the next one? Mother? Hey...did I say something to upset you? ....』

『Listen M, you don't understand, do you? I don't know how you saw it, but that creation of the Handkerchiefs, it was something just between the 2 of us, the one you were making on your own, it represented your efforts and achievements...and when I finished it for you and you realized the modification, your reaction is to make another one? What do you mean by that? I'm not always going to be there to help you or to accomplish your goals, if you think that's a mother's job, you really deviated a lot, the one you were doing knitting on your own with my help, even if it wasn't so perfect? you may not be proud, but for me to get to the end, it was going to make me very happy that at least you finished on your own and it wasn't a waste of time...』-『You always have to claim for your efforts M, if you don't, it's like you never achieved anything』.

At that moment when Zeta was talking to me, I could really understand it in my own way, not that I was looking for this, but the fact that she finished this job for me, really made me happy, for a moment it came to my mind that while I have my mother, all the problems we can solve together....no...rather she would be solving all the problems that I impose on her....Zeta was really depicted with me, where no matter what I say, I can't find a way to answer her, she was going to leave my room without telling me....

『Tatsumaki is close to learning the Portal of Worlds, he said that in 3 days he would have it mastered and he would be gone, in 3 days you will also be gone from here M, as I told you, you learned everything you need with our help and you are able to defend yourself no matter where you are, we can't do more as your first step in your life, you have to go back home M, and one more thing before I leave, don't feel that everything will be done for you by someone else, you have to give your effort so you don't feel useless, and you have accepted that. ...*sad* I really don't know, who put that idea in your head son....』

Zeta was leaving the room leaving me a clear advice that I must keep in mind in my life, I myself must strive to get what I want and defend it, or in other words, I myself must be the one who returns home....A this if I was frustrated but ... this time I could not get angry or annoyed, because I feel that the thought that someone will come to help me, is still very present in me....And when I least imagine it, I was already with another visitor.


Either because although I know I'm bad...no...that's why....that's why I want to unburden myself in a way all these feelings, to swallow them would be good....pero....there is always that need to take it out on others, either because I'm still small in this and my emotions, feeling end up winning me, I still do not handle very well this of how I should act. So in this strategic battle that I am having right now, I didn't care about anything, I wanted to win this fight, and I will win the next one, and the next one, and the next one of the next one, because if I lose in one of these fights, I am very sure that the person I have in front of me, will make me understand that I am not ready for anything. ....

The knights moved from one side to the other in a strategic way, in a combat you must always move your pieces well to achieve victory, no matter if you put yourself in danger, that was nothing if you want to destroy your enemy.

『(I could easily avoid his Shepherd's Mate, but...he is playing like he normally wouldn't, instead of using strategies or moves that would give him an advantage in the future, he is just looking to kill my pieces...)』

Looking at the Chess board, Amy could feel the intensity in the way M was playing, it was easily simple to be able to see the difference, as Amy planned her moves so that they would not be in vain, this mattered little to M, as he moved his pieces with the sole objective of leaving Amy without any pieces. M's Queen in this game was sweeping everything, when she had to kill, she did it without blinking, and when she had to put herself in danger, she always had a defense to kill an important piece, in this case M always risked her Queen when she was going to be killed by Amy's Queen, it would be a double kill and both would lose an important piece, the pink one had many opportunities to kill M's Queen, but she preferred to keep her Queen until the end...

『Hey kid, what's wrong with you? Are you taking all your anger out on me? I can get an idea what happened but...that you decided that I should be your target...do you really think I'm nothing? 』

Amy had moved her pawn to the front, where it was in an easy spot for any of M's pieces to eat it, it was a good opportunity for M's knight to make another casualty to Amy's ranks, but quickly M moved a piece that the pink one did not expect, and when she looked at the move, she realized that M had fixed her ....

『(He's going for the King again...he's still going to need moves if he wants to checkmate me...but since he's ignoring my pawn....)』

Amy made her move, her pawn ended up advancing by eating a rook of M, who the Pink was still nervous would move on to M, where she would unhesitatingly continue to move her pieces to ambush the King. At this Amy came up with an idea, it seems that M will do nothing but end this game, then her aim of her must be to get this pawn in front of her, to get to M's last row, if she succeeds....

『You are very impatient kid, let me guess what they told you, that you should go home? that you have to leave? that you are not going to grow up here? Well let me tell you that if you are upset about all that, it only means that you have not learned or grown at all, you have a dependency towards others, in this case towards us, tell me...would you feel very bad if we told you something bad or if we made fun of you?』

『!!! And that if so...at this moment that you tell me something bad...it's really going to make me very sad!!!!!』-『That's why I must win this match!!!! I don't want a great friend like you Amy, to make fun of me!!!!!!』

Pom!!!!!!! I didn't care about anything at this point, I went back to making my Castling with my King to the right side of me, at this Amy was somewhat nervous, since looking at the board, she just realized that....

『(What?...Even though I had noticed it before, she went back to the hasty strategy of the previous game but this time better structured!!....That castling was not only to defend the King, but the rook is now defending and in turn is another piece to kill my King!!!!...) *tsch* I didn't see that coming, I see you don't want me to have a bad image of you kid....』

『Of course not, what person likes to be seen as an imbecile, useless and a failure by the people they care about!!!! I'm going to fight to keep them loving me!!!』

And from one moment to another I had started with my move, Amy's King was being defended by pawns, some knights, bishops and rooks, I could complete my move to get rid of each of them....Si...my strategy is simple, the one who has more pieces will win this fight. I started to attack with everything, where Amy, seeing that I made check, had no choice but to kill my token. Pom! Again a checker that I had prepared ended up killing her checker, once again her King was in check. Pom! Again with another checker I ended up checkmated her king, where at this Amy was again forced to kill my new checker, and by the way things are going....

『(Her king is cornered, she herself by defending it ended up locking her king in a single square, when she has no defenders my last remaining rook will go to kill it directly.... sorry Amy, but really although your taunts are not really annoying, I do not want you to belittle me at this time ...) Here you go down Pinky!!!!』

I had moved my piece and had the King in check again, the only one who has now in his ranks is...nobody, I had already finished them all, I was happy with this fact, my penultimate attacker and who was checking the King, was my Queen who in the whole game had killed many pieces, although most of them were pawns but .... I was happy, because if or if she had to move her King to kill my Queen, and when she does, my rook will have a free pass to kill her King directly.

『(I'm going to win, and since at the start of the game we agreed that the loser will comply with the winner's request, I'm going to ask Amy to...stroke my head!!!)』

At this he was ready to win, but Amy was not moving her pieces, she was thinking about what to do, since all this time she had been focused on her pawn and protecting the king, but...there was one more piece that she had not taken the importance as it should. Just when M thought he had won the game, his queen was killed by....

『!!!!What!!!! His Queen????!!!!』

At this I had completely forgotten about his Queen, which ended up killing mine, either because I didn't see it coming and because of the excitement of winning any way I could, the frustration I felt, I quickly moved to my rook so I could eat his Queen. 

『(Good!!! I did it!!! Although now his king will kill my rook...but that doesn't matter, I have a few pawns back, now that their ranks are empty, I can advance them to.....---------) WHATEEE!!!!!!!!!!!』

At that point I realized a mistake, the King killed my Rook, but that was not the problem, but that the pawn I had stopped before, now had no one to stand up to it...I ended up getting scared, Amy has less pieces, I still have a couple of pawns to crown easily, I just have to stop Amy's pawn from getting to the end!!!! Without hesitation I moved my King from the end where it was so I could kill her Pawn, luckily it was close but...now if Amy was moving her piece quickly, where M could see a face of concern and nervousness for that....

『(I'm going to get there...I'm going to get there...I can't lose!!!!) You won't beat me!!!!』

Pom!!!!!And when I least imagined it, what I had only 2 squares away from my King, was no longer a pawn, but a rook placed upside down symbolizing a Queen...To this I myself knew that...there was no escape, my 2 pawns that I had planned to advance, prevented me from going up, so....I took my King piece and moved it to the front of the new Queen, which....

『You lost kid』

.....I could hear the King's piece fall, I...had lost...at this I really felt frustrated because I really wanted to win this fight, I had even reluctantly slammed the chessboard shut. By now I could move well, the bandages on my body...I was literally to be pulled off....

『Ya ask whatever you want, a defeat is a defeat....』

『Look at that attitude alone, no doubt in this household we don't accept spoiled children like you』

『!!!!!!I'm not leaving here just for losing a game of chess!!!! I refuse!!! It's a no as an answer!!!! If it was a real match, then I'd accept it because!!!! I'm the strongest of all here!!!! You guys are just.....-----....*worried*』

At that moment I couldn't control myself, but at the end I felt worried and scared because...Amy looked at me in a bad way that was enough to scare me away from my words.... if I had finished saying it, I really think I would have earned her deep hatred....A this since the game was over, I just wanted to be alone again, but....

『I'm interrupting something?』

Blaze had appeared in the room at that moment, now that...he was annoyed now much more, I avoided her gaze as I didn't even want to hear from her, for sure she will tell me the same old thing and...now I'm not ready for that. Blaze happened to look at me that these days I really didn't want anything from her, for a person who appreciates her friends, Blaze was also hurt that M considers her to be a nuisance and that she is so to speak fighting .....

Amy who was there witnessing all this, and seeing that these 2 were fighting and that M didn't want to see him at all. So....

『Well, the request I'm going to ask you M is that, you go for a walk in the woods with the Kitten, and so you don't get to be a joke M because I see you are capable, you are going for a 2 hour walk together, you will talk to each other and sort things out, you guys being in that situation, you are really only hurting yourselves』.

When Amy said it, I was really shocked and wanted to say no, but when I did...I really couldn't do it, we were left with that loser promise so....with a sigh I still didn't fix my gaze on Blaze, but I was telling him anyway....

『All right...I'll comply...this is a real punishment....』

I was really frustrated with this, where Blaze to this seems to have come at a good time, as her friend Amy ended up doing her a favor to be able to talk properly to the boy. After removing my bandages and putting on my typical garments, I was ready to stretch my legs, I didn't care at that point, but I wanted to go as fast as possible, I took the lead to get this over with for good but....

『Why hurry, you walking faster won't make the time move faster Hairy Dog』.

『It's not that...well yes it was that...but now I'm walking fast so I won't be near you, I really don't want to listen to you, everything you say is very annoying, this really doesn't concern you at all....』

From what I was already inside the forest, I couldn't even stop or appreciate the Autumn forest around me, I just had my eyes down and doing my best to separate myself from Blaze. When I heard my last words, it seems that this bothered Blaze that from one moment to another, he ended up coming forward to be next to me, and I could feel that he ended up holding my hand....

『Of course it's my business, after all you're important to me!』

Hearing that he said it seriously, it really surprised me a lot, but at the same time it made me conflicted that if he appreciates me so much, why do I want to throw me out of my home...Before I could say anything to him, Blaze seems like he didn't finish his words.

『I will continue until the last day, I already accepted and I will tell you again that you will hate me, I really don't like the idea but .... I would like to know the reasons for your decision, what is it in your original world that is easily replaceable with what is here, tell me to understand it and...』

『Nothing, really nothing...you and this world, you can never replace my real home, everything there and I got, everything is unique that I cherish very much....』

They were walking slowly side by side through the Autumn forest, the dry orange leaves with yellow were falling and had created a natural path over time. Where Blaze upon hearing that M if he was going to talk to him and be honest, he would tell him that....

『You said that you are afraid of not remembering what your original world was like, that for a moment the image of your parents and friends, you forgot them....』-『I would like to know...how was that day, when your life changed M, the day before you were swallowed up by the Portal....』

Blaze was worried about me, and seeing that she didn't insist me like she would before, and that again she is playing with the feeling of pure nostalgia...I...there really is a deep fear of forgetting everything...and before I forget, I have very much in mind how those days were, that morning when I knocked on the door of a home and....

『*happy*Good morning Y*@%i-kun』-『I'm glad you're finally out of your home *smile*』-『So here's to that!!!! Let me congratulate you for being a strong boy, it really must have been hard *warm*』.

A black hoodie girl more than anything else, an attitude that varies depending on the people she's with, but usually warm, caring and somewhat outgoing to say the least. Her name was or rather we all call her Menhera-chan, and she is just as you would imagine, a person who loves those who love her very much. She caressed my head and held me between her chest...it really made me happy her attitude....

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