
Chapter 28: Walking

Everything was fun and laughter all the time, there was no reason to complain in my situation, after all, what you like or dislike depends on how you yourself persive it internally and externally, really everything that was happening did not affect me in the least, everything was still as before, although there were so many changes, Those unknown facets of my classmates was something new and I got to know more about them, the classes I received from all the time, the games and hobbies we played, the jokes we made as well as the simple fact of talking about anything and having a good time, and also something very present, that I really didn't feel alone at any time. ....

But there also seemed to be a feeling coming up that I thought was right, there was nothing that bothered me and it was also the kind of life I was looking for initially, it's something from the past that I could take back and I like it, but.... for some strange reason I felt that maybe it was not the right thing to do, there were many moments in the day when there was simply nothing more to do, everything was pure silence, it was so calm and quiet, that instead of being relaxing that I believed at the beginning, little by little I felt that not all the time I wanted it to be like that, I didn't even want to talk, because...there would be no one to listen to me or an answer that I didn't expect, everything, so to speak, had to come and be created from me....when I "conversed" with my companions, they never said anything, they never moved their mouths, beyond that you owe sounds to their emotions, there was no answer that surprised me or that I didn't see coming, after all although I was accompanied, it was as if in some way I was communicating with myself trying to decipher the other person in my own way, maybe that's why I paid much more attention to the others, in their behaviour, their movements and their expressions, I really wanted them to tell me something to get rid of this strangeness and monotomy that I am supposed to like so much. ...The days were fun... but as I thought before, little by little doing the same thing for a long time without expanding more, and having a huge world that you have yet to see and explore before your eyes, every time I looked out the window, that dream of having been able to explore more was what at the beginning of this adventure made me advance a little and the goal of becoming someone better...that.... is not something new, since long before I already had that same purpose, and I see that I am easily influenced by the easy and the monotonous, if I have what I need that I consider to have already advanced a lot, I get to settle for it, I am not so ambitious if I am satisfied, I prefer to stay in the place where I know that nothing will change and every day will remain the same....but.....

What I am currently living is not the satisfaction and conformism that I want, I will not aspire to more than my main goal, which is to become the best version of myself, I will not throw away all the effort that my friends gave me, if along the way I learn more and become stronger, then I will accept it, if I am in the obligation to advance even more. ...I guess there must be a good reason why I'm doing it, I don't think it's heroic at all, I don't really care about that, but if I aspire to be better, maybe it's purely on a personal whim, which I find very difficult, I told you, if I reach my maximum, something really horrible must have happened to break that barrier.

And what do I mean by all this? Well, I simply like the life I lead here, I like it and at the same time I don't, I shouldn't focus only on myself, I'm not alone in this world, what people feel also counts and that at the same time influences me, I'm not very empathic with everyone and much less am I able to look after all people and living beings, I am only really interested and concerned about those who are important to me, like most people in the world, you will not compare the affection you have for a relative to a stranger you don't even know, because that's what it is, there is nothing special that makes you feel more than "Poor thing, well, let's continue" unlike a family member that destroys your soul, and I could also understand something new in this time that has passed, that the way you see what matters to you, you must understand that other people also see you that way, the friends you made, they care a lot and they worry about anything small that happens to you, a stranger on the other side of the world, what are you going to interest him? just as you are going to be interested in him? I felt like I was alone in the world and that even though I really cared about them, I didn't show it like I should have, I don't think they cared either, if I did something that really bothered them, they would do anything to stop me, they wouldn't even hesitate, they wouldn't even think about it, they wouldn't even have that feeling or that feeling of. ... "I don't really love you, so I have no problem correcting you if I see you doing something I don't like" they wouldn't stop at any point to think that they are doing something wrong, they would just do what they think is right and .... The Parasite is still searching for its purpose and reason for being alive, but it still has a long way to go to find that purpose, after all it is not so far from what they all really are, it is still clinging to its main mission, let's not forget that from the beginning, it has always tried to possess M and if he is going to struggle, then it will not hesitate to do what is right for its mission, the way it has interacted with M all this time, it could be said that it was by the Parasite's own will but. ...can you really call it that? He prefers to acquire the virtues of who he comes to possess at the time, all that kind treatment and concern for M, was nothing more than Zeta's influence, if it had been someone else, a stranger, most likely he would have really treated M like a prisoner...what was shown all this time, was a false personality and emotions that the parasite himself knew, after all to learn, you have to first imitate him, and with the passing of time with your own experiences, you will have really learned, in this case, to truly love and care for someone.


M has also been able to understand that in all this time that he spent ...., deep down, he didn't like feeling lonely, deep down, even though he said that he liked to be with his friends, he was really talking to himself, he didn't find excitement in the days, everything he tried to do, was to get out of the monotomy and feel that the person in front of him was really a person that mattered to each other, it was really strange at the time, feeling that strangeness he didn't like at all. He didn't really want a change as such, he could still be the same guy he was yesterday, but he was starting to feel that that shouldn't be just what others think, if they agree with M, fine, let every day be the same, but don't restrict yourself at all, because for someone conformist, it's not bad to try something new, not seriously or with airs and graces, just experiment and...at the end of the day, see that it wasn't bad at all to get out of your comfort zone. That's something that M learned without realizing it all through elementary school, the new world that his friends, all his friends, taught him, inspired him and made him grow that sense of, "It's okay to have no change, but it's also okay to experience new things" If you both agree on one of the 2 things, then you can move on to the next relationship ....M to this by just focusing on him and him alone,but he wants to hear it from the people he cares a lot about, whether or not they really like the life they're currently leading....

『I'm here now...all that you endured and hid all this year that passed...you can unburden yourself to me...even though you've grown up a bit...you're still a kid M....』

Blaze has spoken to .... after a long time...Blaze has spoken to him, sincerely talking to him and showing him the true affection he has for M, this was what he needed for a long time, that feeling of true affection and concern for someone, he could notice the difference with the other companions possessed by the Parasite, not at all Blaze's actions and words, they were just imitations or teachings on the way, it was something pure and that was what made him shed tears silently. ...M wanted to cry like a little child, but for some reason he was holding back, so in the middle of the embrace, M asked him ....

『Blaze, do you...like this kind of life?』-『Do you want a change or don't you want a change?....』

It seemed that I was going to run out of voice, since I really wanted to know how Blaze felt, to this he stopped hugging me to be able to look me straight in the eyes, maybe it is because he did not stop crying silently, but Blaze in the same way that he had just cried a little while ago, he was giving me his answer that as I imagined it....

『I don't like it, I hate it, I detest it, from the beginning I wanted to destroy with my own hands all this kind of life we've led...I couldn't stand it anymore, the people I was surrounded by, they weren't my friends, they were just imitations and falsehoods, they were lies straight to our face pretending that everything was fine and that we liked it. ...to like it?...to have someone else decide what to do with my life? to be taken over? to be made to create this false feeling in me that everything is fine? I don't like it at all...and I don't like it even less to do it to my friends...the times you said that you really like this life a lot, I...wanted to shout at you and be able to tell you』-『You are not alone!!!! I am with you!!! So please, don't fool yourself....』

At that very moment when she told me, I remembered those times when she was really annoyed when I told her that I liked the life we were leading or as long as there is no change, I am happy. At that moment Blaze was holding back the desire to be able to make me react and not lose and deviate from my true path, which is to be able to improve until I either reach the end, or destroy my path, but there is still a long way to go for that, my goal must always be, not to lose who I really am.

When I understood everything, finally...finally I could really let it all out...I cried as if I was a baby, I cried as if they took away a child's candy, I cried as if I had lost someone important, I cried with the simple fact that I couldn't take it anymore, what does it matter if I grow up and become an adult, they are all people that with what they care, they will all be heartbroken. Now it was me who threw myself to hug Blaze, I didn't say anything and I just cuddled into her chest, who Blaze when she saw me, didn't push me aside, she was glad that I was unburdening myself with her, with her hand she caressed my head, she wanted to make me understand that everything was going to be better from now on and that we still have another chance.


Already after a few minutes, I could finally get myself together and be like new, I felt better knowing that Blaze is with me, yes.... I couldn't take off my smile at all, when Blaze turned to me to tell me something, I attentively answered him and stared at the Cat, who when she saw my happy expression, it was like... if she was ashamed to see me and if she was going to tell me something, she preferred to take a few minutes to sort out her ideas. This was kind of weird, because when I finally stopped hugging her so I could step aside, it was strange, Blaze made a sound that...I don't know how to describe it, but when I looked at her again, she was confused and even with her arms outstretched in front, she made the motion that we can continue hugging, which....

『It's not like we're a couple Kitten, better save that cuddling for someone you really love, for example Silver, as far as I understand you guys have a thing for each other, right? 』

When I commented that, Blaze didn't really seem to agree with my answer, he was lowering his arms sadly as if shaking his head and accepting without opposing my words, this was weird to me, normally when he saw that I rejected his actions, he would quickly go into defence mode commenting me that I wasted an opportunity, but it was nothing, he just stood sadly looking down, which I .....

『Although I appreciate your affection Blaze, if I feel sad, then you won't mind if I come to seek comfort in your arms』.

That last one maybe Blaze didn't see coming, but I didn't want to reject my friend's goodwill, when I said it, to this Blaze happened to look me straight in the eyes very excited so to speak, and with a pleasant smile, she was giving me the go ahead that if I feel terrible, then she will again come to give me support.

But back to what concerns us, I have many questions for my friend Blaze, one would be how she is doing to be herself, now that I remember, Blaze in all this time was different from the others, everything about her was sincere and not a fake or imitation like the others, has she never been possessed? Has she passed herself off as one? No...that would be impossible, the main parasite would have noticed...although...we also discovered that she has no connection with her separate parts and that they work individually. .... So...hmm...after a lot of thought, I finally had my first question to ask.

『Kitten !!!!』

『I'm ready to answer you, come with everything!』

『!!!!!!!!!!! ( ̄ω ̄) Has it really been a year? Time sure flies』

『¿?..... Yeah...it's been about a year and a few months...but...I thought you were going to ask something more interesting....』

『So it's been a year.... so I'm already 15? eh...no wonder I feel a bit weird, maybe it's that weirdness I felt, I feel like it was yesterday when I was 13 and now I'm 15 from one day to the next, what a thing isn't it? 』

I got out of bed so I could look at myself and see how I really was, I didn't suffer so many changes, I still have a bit of how I looked as a child, although I did grow a bit but I feel I can go further, yep! This is not my last evolution yet! Hearing me say that and seeing that I was looking at everything, Blaze closed his eyes as if he was wondering if this was really important, and then he told me again.

『I just know that you still see yourself as a child M』(-,-)

『Child boy, I'll always be a child to you, but your Kitten, you must be very old to see me that way since I arrived 2 years ago』.

『*laughs* *proud* Well yes, I am much older than you, clean your ears well Hairy Dog, with this year that has passed, I am 16 years old!!!!』ヾ(・ω・*)ノ『 Write it down in your neurons』

『..... BUT WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!』c( O.O )ɔ

!!!!!!!!!Queee!!!!!!!!! Like the Blaze is 16 years old???? I thought she was a lot older than me, I don't know...she was like 17 between 19, but.....At this my surprise was a lot, I really couldn't believe how old my friend and partner was, I was telling her to her face that there was then no reason to treat me like a kid, I'm only her junior by a year, to which she replied.

『No no no no no, you are my minor for a year, you said so yourself, so listen to your elders』ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

 『But!!!!! Ahhh!!!! That doesn't make sense!!!! Not much of an age difference!!!! More like you're the girl too!!!!』 

At this we started arguing again, it had been a while since we had done this, it really took the monotony out of being able to be so clear and be able to protest against a friend. This was really funny that I kept complaining, but to this Blaze was smiling and laughing, as he was happy to be able to have moments like this again.

But...now I thought about it, so when I came to the island, I had just turned 13, then Blaze was....14 ?????? 14 years old and I looked even worse as a child and even a fetus????? But she was also a fucking brat who didn't know anything about the world!!!! Now it all makes sense of all the problems this chick put us through, her hormones and personality she couldn't control because she was going through the same situation as me! No wonder she couldn't measure up to her behaviour!!!! That explains why she was so stubborn and angry at the beginning, she gave herself airs of being the best, the best at what? The best at giving us trouble, you pubescent beggar!!!! ahhh!!!! Now she's getting on my nerves knowing everything *sigh*...at least she's 16 now, she's growing up and learning from her mistakes, but still.... is giving me a little bit of anger....

『And then, how old are the others? 』 

『Amy is the same age as you, 15, Cream is 8, Rouge is 21, Zeta is 19 and Carmis is unknown, he's a demon who lived for millennia, but he looks like a 20 year old』. 

With the information Blaze gave me, I was trying to do my own calculations, it was simple, so when I got to know them, then Amy was 13, Cream was 6, Rouge was 19, Zeta was 17 and well Carmis...I'm surprised Blaze gave a fixed cipher to Carmis' appearance without hesitation....or he told him so himself....Whatever, so that means that....

『No shit!!!! So the only one of legal age was Rouge???? Luckily there are more now but....guaa.... I really thought they were all older except for Cream...so we're closer than I thought Blaze...maybe that's why I got to care about you more....』

I really couldn't handle this revelation I just had, I was blown away by it all, where to my final comment. Blaze was happy to hear me, and even kind of turned her eyes away as she couldn't hide her joy. But back to the matter at hand x2, now came the real questions I had for Blaze, but at this the Cat quickly interrupted me because apparently she wasn't the only one who was in agreement with all this. As if it was something new and surprising, a portal appeared in front of us on the floor, and out of it came a friend, or rather a compa who, when he appeared, made me scream with joy.


Quickly as expected, first of all as the nobleman that he is, he stretched out his arm with style and care, so that he could kneel down at the same time where he elegantly touched his chest, his gaze was down, but this did not indicate that he was not paying attention to me, on the contrary, he was well fixed on me. When he raised his head, he was smiling and that really made me even happier.

『I'm glad to see you again Master M, after a long time, after a short year, I'm sorry it's been an ordeal for you Master M, but now that we finally got this time thanks to our efforts, I want to tell you in advance and first of all, you are a great guy, you tried hard Master M *smiles*』.

At the end he stopped kneeling, and stood up to stare at me, his words and way of speaking, he really was the Carmis I remember, to also tell me that I tried very hard, I was very happy. Where at last, the 3 friends had finally reunited after a year since the Parasite attacked and took over everyone.

Carmis would go on to answer all the questions I had, but first of all both Carmis and Blaze told me what they knew, and as I had thought and imagined some time ago, these two knew what was going on and decided on their own to solve it.

『I was the first one to figure it out, this was because I couldn't detect the Parasite in our first fight against it on the beach, it survived its last attack』.

『Lie, the Parasite managed to survive because this Demon hit it with his Pure attack before the final blow, making the Parasite have intentions to get out of Big's body, otherwise, we wouldn't be in this trouble』.

『..... Yes...thank you for pointing that out Miss Blaze...The first one I encountered was Miss Zeta, who was acting weird and started not attacking me, but just trying to trap me, so that the Parasite would split its body and enter a part of me, but...』

『But you were able to dodge it, because you're the best at escaping, aren't you my friend?』

From what Carmis wanted to tell the story, both Blaze and M were interrupting his words, to this Carmis wanted to continue but he didn't want to knowing that his 2 friends will surely keep bothering him. But she continued anyway so she could know the context.

『But by using my possession against Miss Zeta, that's when I was able to see inside her and .....』

『Did you see inside her? I knew these demons are dirty, so you took the opportunity to see her underwear?』

『Eh????¿¿?? That's not it, that's not what I'm talking about...』

『Now that I wonder Demon, why is your possession only good against women? there must be a perverted sense there no? Your eyes glow a red colour, maybe you can also see other things with it, maybe like...』

『It's not that Miss Blaze!!!! Only red means that!!!--------』

『Don't be Carmis, by the way Kitten, did you know that Carmis likes big ---------』

『AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Ya!!! I'm not telling anymore!!!!』

At this point we were really interrupting Carmis's explanation, who, seeing that we kept talking bad about him and telling us about his deepest tastes, ended up shouting because he couldn't take it anymore and concluded that he wasn't going to tell us anything anymore because....

『You two are very bad....*sad*』

Carmis curled up in the corner of my room, even pouting as if to make us understand that he was really annoyed by our words. To this I agreed, I think I was too encouraged to finally be able to talk to someone properly, where Blaze was also just joking with his friend to make the occasion more fun. At this we wanted to make up with Carmis, we approached him so we could apologise and that we won't do it again, at this Carmis was still pouting, but after a while, and offering him more biscuits, it seems that he did end up accepting.

『Continuing, I'd better say I could see through her...but I could see through her !!!!!!!!!』-she stares at us but we don't say anything-『I thought they were going to say "Did you see behind her?" referring to the back and .....』

『Carmis, but don't kill yourself on your own my compa』 ( ̄ω ̄).

『Do you like big butts Carmis?』

『Ahhhh....this....if....I'm sorry....』 (*'-`*)

『It's not something you have to apologise for Carmis, everyone has their own taste, and I disagree with you, I like them really big』

At that Blaze commented, both me and Carmis, all our attention was fixed to look at the Kitten, as she likes them big? what does she mean by big? We were really getting so anxious that we got closer and closer to our friend's answer, we even swallowed our saliva for fear of what Blaze was referring to.

『Huh? Is something wrong? Did I say something weird? I like people to have a big heart』.

At his response, both Carmis and I, gave a mutual gasp where it seems our dirty mind played a trick on us, by that he meant the big part, I mean the heart that has a big heart, that is a good person and cares about everyone and yes yes yes yes yes yes, I understand. To this Blaze kind of got scared of us, and even went on to hug herself, and wanting to cuddle with her own tail because....

『Men...they're really sick...』

To this, both Carmis and I had no defence to be able to do anything ('ω`*).

But to finally make it shorter, Carmis and Blaze ended up telling me that when they knew that the Parasite was still alive and managed to possess most of them, first Carmis had the purpose of making a strategic escape to have a better chance, but Blaze stopped her to be the heroes of the day, which ended up influencing Carmis to carry out Blaze's plan, but now that I'm hearing about it, these two really are fools, I mean the plan was that Blaze, by herself to face all her teammates, that her powers and abilities were boosted by the Parasite, that the Cat would win by showing how strong she is, and then Carmis would come with the pure attack to be able to free everyone? ???

『You two are really dumb 』

There was no need to hide it, it was the dumbest plan I could have ever heard, and when I asked who came up with the plan, Carmis slowly pointed his finger at Blaze, who the cat quickly flicked her tail at Carmis' hand to stop him from pointing at her. At this I could only shake my head and sigh at how well these two came up with the plan.

But now I was told the reason why these two couldn't be possessed by the Parasite, while Blaze was fighting with the Parasites, Carmis was collecting pure energy in his fist, it was a good amount to achieve it, but here Carmis was telling me one thing.

『With a huge amount, you can get to expel anything existing outside the original body, but as long as there is synchronicity and synergy, it takes a little longer, first you have to weaken the main body, the Pure attack hits both, the possessed individual and the Parasite, these 2 will struggle to resist the attack, that's why the Parasite when it possessed Big, it didn't manage to be expelled with my first pure attack, but with his later attack, Master M, I managed to expel him』-『If we want 100% success, it's fine what Miss Blaze came up with, first weaken the users and then finish them off with the pure attack, but the advantage we have is that, the Parasite divided his body』.

At this last, Carmis smiled at the time, and we hadn't realised, but Carmis had a somewhat weak pure attack in his fist, so he simply hit himself on the spot, creating a faint screen of light in my room, and I could quickly see it. A part of the Parasite which I guess is the one inside Carmis, ended up being expelled and was in my room, it then went on to tell me.

『The separate parts are not as strong as the main one, so their control is weak in many situations, they have no personality as such, but they all maintain the desire to possess the Successors and will do anything to achieve it, and best of all, they are not synchronised with the main body』.

At this quickly the separated Parasite was going straight for M in order to possess him, but quickly and easily, with a quick attack of a fist wrapped in fire, Blaze ended up destroying that weak part of the Parasite. At this I think I was beginning to understand, then....

『That's right, we avoided the Parasite's possession』.

The way these 2 managed to prevent the Parasite from taking control of them, one is because firstly, Carmis possessed Blaze, and as his theory was true, the first possession is the one that prevails over these weak possessions of the Parasite, although a part of it was inside Blaze and pretending to possess him, actually Blaze was sane all this time thanks to Carmis' protection, that's why she was the most faithful to herself and the Parasite that controlled him could not detect or understand.

While in the case of Carmis, he knew that the pure attack can repel possession, he saw it many times with M, and again he had to test his theory, seeing that they returned with the Parasites after trying to escape, all he had was that, he would use a small part of the pure attack on himself, not to the extent to quickly expel a parasite if they came in contact with him, but he would have enough protection not to let himself be controlled. Carmis was never controlled, he just acted like he was, now I understand his overexpressions and the weird way he acted.....

『I used the same for you Master M, I used the pure energy you had, I condensed it so that it would last much longer inside you and so that the Parasite would not be able to possess you 』.

So the reason why the Parasite didn't manage to possess me during those occasions, was because Carmis implanted the pure attack, now I understand that when Zeta was going to take me by the head, quickly Carmis acted giving me a blow in the whole body, at that moment, he gave me all the pure attack that he had .....

These two are really dumb....their plans and ideas are not the best in the world but.... I was very happy about this, now I understand that phrase that idiots are the luckiest ones. Carmis would move to stand in front of Blaze, and suggest if he gave her permission to hit her, where Blaze was calmly accepting the blow. Pom! There was a slight light, where the Parasite that was inside Blaze was expelled, and was quickly destroyed by Blaze's flames, yes...now I have it more in mind, I think I know what these 2.... want to do.

『Let's save our friends M, with the 3 of us together, we'll make it』.

Blaze was staring at me where it was clear to me, without hesitation I accepted it that the day has finally come, when this falsehood will finally be over.

We are lucky that it has been a long time that even the Parasite has let his guard down, by now he must be sleeping as he has got used to it like all living things, he won't be able to detect anything unless he wakes up. They were telling me the plan they have in mind, and as I imagined it was the same but now better, with the protection that Carmis will give us, Blaze and I are going to have to face our friends Parasites, we are going to weaken them and ....

『But...this is the same thing they did and it backfired....』

『Yeah, but now we're counting on you, fighting by your side M, we won't lose *smiles*』.

Blaze said it confidently but sure that we were going to win if we fought together, which now I understand how Carmis fell for my friend's words. Or that was the original plan they tell me, because Carmis could see that I am closer and closer to learn the Pure Technique at Carmis' level, even better. To this I commented that the best thing would be if 2 users collect pure energy, so it would be much easier to free our friends. To this the Demon said to me if I was training the collection that he taught me some time ago, to this I said yes, but I could not succeed.

『It doesn't matter, with what I'll teach you tonight, by sunrise you'll be able to learn and master it Master M』.

『But, if we stay collecting pure energy the 2 of us...then that means Blaze will have to face the Parasites alone again.... what if we better fight after we collect pure energy? that way we save trouble and ----』

『No, I would like to do that but no, the Parasite is already familiar with the pure energy and can sense it, it will come straight to stop us, now that they are resting it would be a good opportunity, but we would only half succeed, that's why we need you to learn how to use the pure technique and thus win』.

『While you guys collect the energy, I'll give you time and fight against the Parasites, don't worry, I'll even give you a whole day if you're not ready yet』.

At that moment I realised something, Blaze will fight not to defeat them, but simply to be a wall to give us enough time to fight after we are ready. I wanted to stop Blaze from doing it, but I see that it will be impossible, she has her pride and she wants to fight again and see if she can win the next fight.

After we finally had our plan together and knew what each of us had to do, Carmis told us that it was time to go, and then he went back to summon his portal where he now asked him.

『I see that if you can re-invoke your portal without problems, how did you fix the error you had?』

『Simple, I won back the interest of the UltiWorld, I managed to fail because it became interested in Blaze's decision and position of never giving up, but as time passed that excitement and feeling went away as Blaze focused more on other things, and as my love was bigger and never gives up, I became the UltiWorld user again, in order to be an UltiWorld user for a long time, you must keep that which attracted the Magic Book』-『Although I would like to use the UltiWorld as it should be used to make this easier, but let's say it doesn't quite accept me, but we're back *smiles*』

『(Sounds like a shaky relationship....)With that happening, then, what did you focus on this whole year Blaze to make the book lose interest? 』

When I asked him, Blaze just looked at me as if to say "Are you an idiot or what?" I see that I still have the after-effects of imagining imaginary answers.....At this we were finally leaving my room with Carmis' portal, we went outside at last, we were in the forest, again Carmis was going to use his portal to transport us further, but I was telling him to stop for a while, because....

『I haven't been out of the house in a while....*happy* How good it feels 』

It was night, we were in the middle of the forest, it was getting cold, the moon was in the dark sky, the sound of the animals and the wind...to be able to feel all this for myself again, it really was incredible. I didn't expect this, it's a crucial thing we are doing, so I decided to stop and go back to the others, but before I turned around, both Carmis and Blaze, tapped my shoulder to tell me each.

『Come on, walk, a little stroll won't do you any harm Hairy Dog』.

『Simple things like walking make us feel good, experience for yourself in the simplest way all that the world has to offer Master M *smile*』.

At the words of my two friends, I was very happy to have made this kind of friendships, they really reminded me of Menhera and Rino in that little moment. I was happy so I walked together with them, on this night where tomorrow will finally begin and end this falsehood.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
