
Chapter 365: Submerged Part 7

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇͇͇͇ ͇7͇

The Exploration team was now on its way and was on its next step in the expedition, thanks to the Geologist reporting a new opening that would take us further down this path, the truth is this didn't surprise us all, it would rather be the surprise if this was the end of the cave, if it had been like this in reality, I think we all would have left totally discouraged and with that feeling of defeat in our person, what we found so far was no big deal, you can easily find it somewhere else, although I don't want to minimize the Second Layer either but. I'm equally excited about what we might find exploring the third layer, but what if there's another one? what if from that one there's another one? what if from that one, and that one and that one and that one and that one there's yet another one? We would descend so far that we would even see for our own eyes something that was never meant to be seen, there was nothing to be afraid of, whatever is there at the bottom anyway when we discover it will become a reality and even an everyday part of our civilisation, it has always been so since ancient times, something unknown to the time as the birth of fire from a lightning strike on a dry tree, to be always present in our kitchen for our food. The 7 wonders of the world, unearthed civilizations, great works of the world and history that even in modern times continue to surprise strangers and non-strangers, time has passed since their discovery and still remains the surprise as if it were the first day, events that will last forever as something memorable for everyone, that is one of my goals in life too, to discover something that humanity will take well into account and never forget, can I find it in this cave? Although that does not matter, since my search will not only stay here, after this expedition if I plan to go to other remote places on earth, I plan to go to every corner where there are still new things to discover and make this mystery a reality for our world. Although it wouldn't be bad to give yourself some time off either.

『I would have liked to go to Hawaii....』

The team was on their walk towards the 3rd layer, the one guiding them was the Geologist who seemed to be walking as straight as possible, at his command this was more like a military parade than an expedition, we all packed our base in our backpacks and supports, we had a plan while we were at the morning meeting, depending on how the 3rd layer is, we can set up our base well implemented as it was before, but if it turns out to be uninhabitable so to speak, then try to set up our base as well as we could, We had a plan while we were in the morning meeting, depending on how the 3rd layer is, we will be able to settle our base well implemented as it was before, but if it turns out to be uninhabitable so to speak, then we will try to do it as fast as possible, this time not everyone will go their own way, It is preferable that we are all together to do a better job, the South Korean Chief seems to have been watching us all and now he wants us to act according to what we all are, professionals dedicated to their work, we already had our time of fun and games, we even had a party, now we have to do our duty, I also support the idea, preferable to be together, I just hope that the unruly ones don't go wherever they want ignoring our plan, if so that would only imply that they are brats.

『Why so serious? come on come on, that will only put more tension in the atmosphere, the best thing right now is not to keep silent as it makes the obvious more obvious, and I'm pretty sure none of them want that and want to turn the page, we are about to get to a new layer of the cave! You should be excited? Pantheologist-chan! Archaeologist-chan! I'm pretty sure you'll discover something new in that level! Mechanic-chan! Electrician-chan! Be very prepared as we will depend more on you and your help from now on, although you did a good job from the beginning giving comfort to all of us, keep it up! *smiles* Shinu-chan! Geologo-chan! You are 2 of the 3 most capable in this expedition, we are counting on you and your knowledge again! *happy* Cartographer-chan! We'll need you to make a map of the 3rd layer! Don't feel pressured and distrustful, you do a great job, be more confident in your skills if you doubt *smiles* Typographer-chan! We need you to document everything in detail! You're the one who's going to tell our story at the end of it all, you can even add fantasy to your diary, it's your life after all *grin* Nurse-chan! Biologist-chan! Would you like some drinks? *smiles*』

My mother seems to be the one who wants to encourage our group, because since we went out and started to descend, there was still that feeling that if you can say something, that tension can get even more complicated, it is impossible not to talk about that topic after having been so obvious, they tried to relax but it seems that they still can't forget it. Listening to my mother I could only think that she is a busybody, and I was liking this silence I felt, but if this silence continued any longer, I don't think I would have liked it anymore....

『And your son, do your best *smiles*』

I don't know what he meant by those words, do the best you can? I always do my best and that's undeniable, why do you say what is most obvious to me, this woman seems to tend to forget too many things that are too obvious, she always has to keep repeating over and over again as if one is a forgetful idiot, I have a good understanding of what it is you want and desire, to be reminded every now and then of something I never forget, it's kind of annoying....

『I won't say it again...I always do my best if I'm determined on something, so mother please don't meddle again 』.

I was telling her loud and clear and even as a threat as I always addressed her, I always tend to tell her and even look at her in a bad way, all the opposite of how she looks at me, which is always with a smile and a love that overflows in that beautiful expression that I always look at as a child. My mother really loves me very much....Meilin hearing this, looking at her son in his cat cap, again congratulated her son.

『So you say Nushi *smiles*』-『When you show such decisiveness, you really make my concern for you become null but never non-existent for a short period of time...』

At the time of that, my mother was rummaging through the items she brought, and all of us present could hear how a can ended up being opened in the middle of the road, those behind her back and those in front of her couldn't help but turn to look at her because of what she was doing, she was drinking a can of beer so early in the morning as if it was bottomless, and her cheeks quickly turned red giving the impression that she was embarrassed but happy at the same time.

『Now I'm warming up!!!! Anybody else want some? every time we go down you can feel the cold, plus it helps to be relaxing and de-stressing, a little sip doesn't hurt, it calms our heart and affirms our resolve...』

We all listened to my mother who seemed to turn to her greatest friend since she was old enough to drink, at first she was silent. But quickly someone from the front raised his hand where my mother animatedly gave him a free pass to speak. It was the Pantheologian who was embarrassed for some reason, and with incredible strength in his voice he said.

『This time I am!!!.... This time I am going to find something!!! I'm not going to leave here without experiencing with my own body that new sensation that awaits me!!!! You'll see! Whatever I find down there...I'm going to put it in my mouth!!!!』

『So take this one *smiles*』

Meilin was addressing the Pantheologist who also made clear his decision for this new layer where we were headed, my mother offered him the can that she had not finished it yet, with a big smile and supporting his idea she offered him to become happy momentarily with her. The Pantheologist accepted, so to get to where he was, his friend the Archaeologist took the can of beer, he thought he was going to give it to him, but at that moment the Archaeologist shouted.

『And what I find out! I'll show it off to everyone!!!! You'll see!!!』

And he would go on to drink the whole can like there was no tomorrow, to this Meilin was pleased and applauded for his determination. But quickly the Pantheologian's complaints were afloat with his friend, that this was his morning drink, where his friend with red cheeks and contentment only went on to laugh at his friend, but before going on with the complaint. The Mechanic who was in front of the Pantheologian, offered him from his bottle of alcohol he had, where he said.

『You will never lack my support in whatever desire you wish to achieve *smiles* Here, I still have my big reserves 』.

The Dwarf Mechanic was offering him from his bottle with that smile and big moustache he was wearing, to this the Pantheologist was really happy with his words, and seeing him so old by his appearance, he could only reply with a "Thank you grandpa" *smile* And with joy he would go on to take a small sip where this as if of electricity was happening to him, he was also with a silly grimace on his face and red cheeks. The Electrician who was in front of the Mechanic, also offered him from his bottle of alcohol that he had just drunk to relax the body and warm it up, where he commented.

『We also have to do the best we can 』.

Words which encouraged each other. As if it was a continuation of yesterday's party but this time with the integration of Meilin, it was a chain reaction to this, Meilin was throwing cans of alcohol to whoever was missing, when everyone but the least noticed had one in their hands, those who were influenced by the personality of that woman, went on to drink likewise and emphasize their desires, where the Geologist who was in front could only say.

『This drink goes to all the researchers on the planet and their good wishes, may they all fulfil their purest wishes』.

Which to hear him say, really left a lot to think about after hearing his other version from last night. Shinu also had a can of beer in his hands, who with a smile kept it for later, but when he did, Meilin would give him a dirty look, even pouting her cheeks, to which Shinu would respond.

『I appreciate your action Miss Meilin, but I think drinking early is a bad habit, if it's a tradition of yours I think it's better to correct that, but if it's for this special occasion of the expedition in the cave, and especially for the moment we are in, I think it's the most viable option *smiles*』.

Meilin hearing this and looking at him, listening to him, turned to the front as if again wanting to ignore him. She couldn't deal with it, every time she looked at that boy who is the same age as her son, really even the words he uses, he looks more and more like her late partner. Shinu heard a sound at his back, so he turned around and saw how the Cartographer was drinking the can in one gulp, seeing him like that despite how calm and warm he looks, just made him want to laugh at it. While Nushi, who likewise had his can of beer in his hand, really wasn't going to drink this, if he had to play along and also say what he really wanted, just to give them a hard time he wouldn't say it and keep it to himself, he was the second to last in line, the last one being the Nurse who seemed to be listening to everyone, he turned to Nushi.

『And so Nushi, what is your wish?』

『My wish? I don't have to tell you or anyone else, a wish is supposed to be personal and no one should know about it, those who say it openly are not afraid of being stolen...』

『They made fun of your wish before, didn't they? 』


The Nurse commented that suddenly, that even Nushi was caught off guard, why did she say they were making fun of her wish? Nushi clearly denied it since he had never openly said what he wanted before, but the Nurse emphasised that his wish was to fall in love and experience love for his whole life, although that is more of an impossible wish in her words, a true love that lasts into old age nowadays is a rare thing to see.

『If that is your true wish, then what was it you told me yesterday? That about helping the loneliest and so on....』

『That, ah! That's my professional wish! I want to be able to always be there for whoever needs it! Whether it's good or bad, my duty as a Nurse is to look out for everyone!』

That change of mood, now she was happy and excited for some reason, this shocking change of a person, really makes her uncomfortable and she would like to tell him to calm down and that it was no big deal, but every time I see him, I can't help but to see similarities with another person.

『You also told me your wish yesterday Nushi, you said that your wish was to explore every corner of the world, that you would have liked to travel with your family and so on』.

『Ah...yes it's true...』

『*laughs* You tend to forget things too *smiles* 』


『But I guess that's your professional desire, what about your personal desire in all this, mine as you know is to find and experience the purest love possible, it doesn't have to be perfect, if it was, it would actually be very scary *smiles* When I told it once when I was in elementary school, you know there's always the class where we have to come out in front and tell our goals in life, well I came out and joyfully told it and .... everyone laughed and made fun of it...』

The nurse told of how in primary school, she came to the front and with a drawing in hand, not the best drawing of all, she tried to represent what the greatest possible desire would be for her, which was love, between drawings she represented how she wanted to live, both when she grew up as a young girl, adult and even as an old woman. But whether it was because of the age when children took it as foolishness or the children themselves because of their personalities, they wrote this off as one of the silliest wishes possible, it seems that this ended up marking the Nurse, longing for that wish but not getting it for a long time....

『Well, what idiots... making fun of something like that, I would understand if it was an impossible wish, I remember my friend always said that he will have superpowers and become a Superhero, which I would make fun of because, that is impossible, but when faced with a wish that can be fulfilled and everyone can achieve, there is no need for mockery, your personal wish Nurse, despite you being so silly and annoying, I don't doubt your positive qualities and that makes you an important person』-『You are going to find love Nurse. ..』

When she was listening to Nushi speak, the Nurse couldn't take her eyes off him, she didn't know how to explain it, but that indirect but direct way he spoke to you, that way he made his thoughts clear but didn't make or minimize yours, he found a perfect balance between his person and yours. That really was something that Nushi could not understand how Nushi could express herself in such a way, that when she heard the last thing, it really made her happy, when Nushi turned to look at her, Nushi was with red cheeks and a smile on her face. Nushi didn't understand this but quickly.

『(A taken too? You fell for my mother's trickery too? But the beer can is closed...Why are you showing off with that silly gesture on your face...)』

『I wonder Nushi, how come you didn't end up having someone by your side all this time....*smile*』

『Huh? What are you saying? Why are you talking down?....』

『(That attitude that used to be a nuisance to me, now I'm understanding it better and ....)』

At that moment, the Nurse opened her can of beer and drank it as if there was no tomorrow, and when Nushi saw it, he was really scared by this action, he looked at her badly and even now he looked really happy, when he saw even more resemblance to his mother, this made him want her to stay away from him even more. The Nurse looked at Nushi with a smiling face and said.

『Thank you very much!』

Nushi didn't understand, he had no choice but to turn his gaze to the front as if to ignore the event. As he wondered why he said thank you, he really couldn't find a reason to say thank you, and it was even more complicated to him how people could just blurt out such phrases like bread in the morning. His mother Meilin was celebrating with the other members, but it didn't take away from her son's progress, and yes, it's like she said before, he can do anything if he's determined. Meilin told her son to shout out his wish and share it with everyone. This upset the young man a lot, although he had expected that his mother would force him to participate in this, he was one of those mothers who always tries to get him into every possible situation. To this Nushi did not want to say it, but remembering his conversation with the Nurse, perhaps he could say his wish ....

『I want.... I wish...however annoying it is for me...to be able to trust you all....』.

What was this, was it his personal wish or his professional wish? At this, as the majority listened to him, everyone raised their drinks and made a toast to Nushi, that they finally knew what he wished for, in reality many had already made up their minds that maybe his wish was to be the best researcher of all, to explore every corner of the planet, it's not a bad wish, it's incredible, but what he said on this occasion, for everyone it was the best possible wish. Hearing how everyone supported him, it made Nushi feel ashamed that it was no big deal, but the Cartographer who was in front of him turned to look at him with a smile on his face, and with a drawl he said.

『We are all your friends *smiles*』

Which when Nushi understood, he wanted to turn his eyes from one side to the other, but it was impossible, if he turned to the front he had the Cartographer, and if he turned back he had the Nurse, both with an expression of pure gratitude on their faces, which for Nushi was too much, so as a last method, he covered his eyes with his cat hat so he couldn't see anything. Action that for both of his 2 friends, this brought out a genuine laugh.

『『You're really like a cat *laughs*』』

While all was fun and fellowship in the group, it seems that this had not been left behind, the Typographer was also drinking his can of beer who could not stop looking at the background, how the Nurse was having a good time with his other companions, this did not make him feel jealous or anything, rather he was pleased that he was having a good time, but how he wished that the boy who made him laugh and smile like that, was him instead of Nushi. But on the other hand, as he turned to the front, his calm face changed to one of annoyance and seriousness, as the Biologist was in front also happy for everyone's shared desire, to see him enjoying himself...to see him laughing and having a good time, just ignoring him as if nothing had happened last night...this only made him want to crush the can he was holding in his hand.

『("I won't forgive you...I won't forgive you ever...why after making the Nurse suffer now you act like it's nothing, you did it yesterday and now too...don't you care about what happens to her? Do you only care about your own personal desires? I'm not leaving here until you pay for what you did...that will be my personal wish ....")』

It seems that only 1 of those who were all on the expedition, was having a bad time on the tour, or we could say it's 2, as the South Korean Chief had not yet said his wish, and it seems that with all the cheering that was going on, it seems that really everyone was ignoring him as if he was not even there.

『Boys...you're going to make me cry....』

The South Korean Chief had to be strong not to cry over the fact that everyone was ignoring him. After a 30 minute walk, they finally reached the 3rd layer of the Abyss. As soon as they arrived they realised something interesting, the paths were not as wide as they expected, we could even say that the further they advanced the smaller it would become, there were also different paths one could take, if you went in alone and went on your own, you would most likely end up getting lost, they came to that conclusion as soon as they arrived. Quickly they heard someone piercing the ice and leaving a mark next to the entrance and exit of the 3rd layer, it was Shinu who left an X on the spot.

『I'll be marking the places we pass by, I'll also include arrows where we should go back, it's not the first time I find myself in a place like this, the best thing to do in these cases is to mark the areas well so you don't get lost, having a good memory isn't enough, you always have to be cautious 』.

It was obvious that he knew what Shinu was doing, with him it was really more relaxed when it came to exploration. This was also useful if for some reason you end up getting lost and are completely alone, if you wander around and see just one of the marks we put up, you can return to the exit as quickly and easily as possible. Before going in, we made many things clear, first of all the plan of establishing a base is discarded, it is clear that this place is not suitable for this, it is too cold and to build even a small base, there is no space for it, if it were, it would be a really spread out and unorganized base.

『We will explore all together without separating, we will even hold hands if necessary to avoid getting lost, maybe when we find the entrance to the 4th layer there will be more space and we can settle down, but for the moment our goal is to cross and explore everything in sight, we will not do it 100% because it is unknown and dangerous, we have a whole day to do it, we can do it until we find the next layer, and if there is no layer it will be easy to go back the way we came』.

Shinu was planning how our route was going to be, and the truth for me, I didn't see any problem, he is the most experienced, but what made me want to give myself credit for this, is that he was right, the roads are getting narrower and narrower, having more luggage would have worked against us, we can easily pass with our backpacks if we go even in line as we did before. Everyone was planning and giving ideas, but it seems like Nushi was too obvious that Shinu saw him as he was with a proud smile on his face, so.

『Ehh.... you were right Nushi, your strategy will serve to cross this layer』.

『Well yes, you may be experienced, but don't underestimate the intelligence and wisdom I carry with me here *smiles*』

『In your kitty? *smiles*』

『Eh?...No!!! On my head! I'm pointing at my head!!!』

Shinu laughed at this where everyone else noticing laughed, Nushi was pointing at his head but Shinu the first thing she saw was that cute cat hat he was wearing, so noticing it wasn't that hard. Shinu was telling the Cartographer that they could also count on him to make a simple and easy map that would just follow the right path where they found it. It seems to be a bit complicated to draw and trace a single path, but Nushi was happy to do so and with his drawings he was reassuring.

『Don't worry, count on me, I'll help as much as I can to do a good job 』.

That when Shinu saw him for the first time, the way the Cartographer was unravelling, this out of purely paternal instinct, he couldn't help but want to pat his head and did so, while with a smile he was telling him that everyone was counting on him. This action despite how unexpected it was, was not at all a nuisance for the Cartographer, rather he was enjoying it and grateful, every time I see him, the Cartographer looks more like a pure and holy child disguised as a really beautiful young angel. Shinu was stroking his head who turned to look at another who was interested in this.

『Do you want to pet him too, Nushi?』

『No...not at all...I was just looking at ....』

『Ehh...so now that everything is clear, let's continue』.

As it was said, we were now doing our first exploration to the 3rd layer in the cave, Shinu was the one in front leading the expedition, he was meticulous when exploring and he would check with the skills he had the right way to go, even many times when he saw a path and just because of the training he had, it would be labeled as a dead end. Which made me a little bit doubtful, you didn't even go by yourself to see what was there, but lucky for me. The Pantheologist asked that question, so to check it out, he asked him to pierce a piece of ice where they were, this made him happy and when he did....

『Ohh...it pierces easier than the 2nd Layer...*happy*』

This discovery really made him happy, he gave him the piece of ice that he pierced from the walls, and as if he was an expert ball thrower, he threw it with great force towards the path that for some reason was dark...eh? because it's dark...we all expected it to hit something to give us a hint that there was no more path, but ....

Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom....Pom.....Pommm.....Pomm.....

The sound of the bouncing and crashing was heard all over the place which left all of us confused as we looked side to side at what had happened. No one was frightened by this as we all had the answer to what happened. This cave could produce echoes in a simple way, and as there were different ways to go, it seemed that the crash happened next to you, but like all echoes after a while it weakens to be less powerful and .....

『Echo is the phenomenon of hearing a sound after the sensation produced by the sound wave has died away』.

『Echo is produced when the sound wave is reflected perpendicularly off a wall』.

Both Nushi and Shinu explained the reason why the echo was generated in this layer, this made them think that maybe the walls of this layer are the culprit, they are the ones who make the sound return, and being connected with each other gives that feeling of being next to you but .... this is also the effect of the acoustic signal that generates the sound, it is somewhat rare because many think that between a large free space is where the echo is generated, when you are in the mountains and decide to scream, you can hear your echo too but...also in more open places like land caves...large holes that have...in a large structure, all of these have the same factor, they have a large amplifier that reverberates more sound. ..also in more open places like land caves...big holes that possess...in a big structure, all these have the same factor, they have a big amplifier that reverberates the sound more, they all possess a big output area so to speak in the closed space but....

『We are supposed to be inside an enclosed Layer, look for yourselves at the ceiling...the ceiling...?...』

Nushi looked at the ceiling, everyone did the same and hadn't noticed something interesting that had happened, in this cave as well as in the entrance, there were holes everywhere that also connected to the walls, walls and paths that were in this 3rd layer. You would have to be very meticulous and have a keen eye, many of these holes could have great depth and cavity as others could not. But that made one thing clear, this 3rd layer had everything in place for such an echo to be generated in such an extreme way. And upon discovering this...

『This is really interesting...this is really interesting....』

Nushi wanted to say it, but it seems to have been stolen by Shinu, who was amazed by this and didn't hesitate to take pictures with his camera of the walls, he really marveled at the connection of this whole layer, he could stay that way, but again Nushi wondered, "who did this?" Was it really mother nature? The depth and deformity they have, they weren't quite perfect, it's as if it's a beautiful disaster, but this....

『I knew it!!!! There was life here!!!!』

The Archaeologist said it with so much energy thanks to this discovery, just imagining that people like them were passing by here, he could tell, the size was perfect if it was a road and path, all of this was created by an ancient civilization for their daily life and right now they are walking along it! This really made the archaeologist scream and because of the echo, his scream could be heard as if it was shouting in your ear, everyone covered their ears as much as they could where he couldn't stop getting even more excited. But to stop him from annoying everyone, the Geologist quickly grabbed him by his mouth to calm him down, while saying.

『Shut up! I know you're excited, but control yourself, because I'm also holding my breath just thinking...that creatures of fire and ice lived here...surely with their skills they built this path, that would explain the beautiful deformity of this place! Ah, I can't take it anymore! I am fascinated by this place!!!』

The Geologist ended up getting excited as well, who now sided with the Archaeologist and both were sure that their theories were clear and true. I really couldn't deal with these bullies, and I thought the Geologist was like me, someone reserved, Shinu quickly appeared to cover their mouths so that they wouldn't make so much noise, and after a while the echoes finally stopped. They are probably really loud because this is the first time they have received a big sound like this, but in time they are sure to become less powerful as more people explore these places. But it seems there was someone whispering in all this.

『uhm..uhm..I see...that makes sense....eh? That you passed by here and peed right on this wall? I wonder if there's still some left over...ah! you did what!!!????? Well I guess that saves you from the fact that it was a different time...huh? Oh! Why am I excited? It's really obvious, it may be too normal for you, but think about this, now what you consider normal will become something incredible and amazing to the world!!!!! Rather rejoice in this!!! You are fortunate to say that I lived and passed through here!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!』

The biologist seems to be talking to himself again, the things he says don't really make sense. But I agree with his words, in a few years and as time goes by it might be something unbelievable or it might become normal. But in all of this, now we heard a faint creaking sound all over the place, it was as if someone was punching through the wall, the Biologist would turn around to see who it was, if he still had his glasses they would be shining for sure.

『Wow, it's piercing the place where someone previously defecated there』.

『Wuu!!! This ice is easier to penetrate than the 2nd Layer!!!!! Check it out!!!! It looks like he's doing a scraping!!!!! Hahaha』

The Pantheologist was with his drill was really shattering and destroying the wall of ice in front of him. That was the sound of the crunching we heard, the Biologist looked at this and simply commented that....

『Uhm! It might be interesting to see, after all we have the Nurse who will help us, so no problem!!! how about it folks, eh?...folks? Come to think of it, how did they all end up like that?』

The Biologist was talking to himself, where he said friends, it seems that the Archaeologist was so interested that he asked him if he was talking to him, where the Biologist, with a smile, said that of course, that they are all his friends and he will help them in any problems that may arise. So he approached the nurse first and said.

『You have some medicine and pills with you, right? Some disinfectant or intoxicant? You can handle that, can't you?』

『Yes, I brought a few, also for flu or fever which I thought would be the most common...why do you say that?』

『For nothing for nothing, you don't worry, I don't doubt your skills, just look at me! You left me better than when I was this morning!!!! My friends also thank you for the kindness you showed!!!!! Eh? What? Yeah right!!! Would you like to spend more time together? This time I don't plan to do anything that will annoy and outrage you, I learned from my mistakes and I want to get along with you, can you give me your hand for this?』

The Biologist was again straightforward with the Nurse, and even held out his hand as a sign that his bond might improve after yesterday, whereupon the Nurse first looked at Nushi, who paid no attention, and with a smile, the Nurse shook hands with the Biologist and he animatedly waved his hand up and down as if it were a noodle.

『Thank you very much!!! We really appreciate it!!!! This time I'll do a better job of moving our relationship forward, we'll even have sex HAHAHAH!!!』

『Hahaha...yeah...that was sarcasm right?』

The Nurse turned to the Cartographer who was standing next to her, but the Cartographer was quickly embarrassed by this, and preferred to go to another member instead of the Nurse, this was not to make her feel bad, she just didn't want to damage the relationship they had. At that moment the Nurse thought that when the Biologist held her hand, at that moment she felt not just a grip, it was as if many hands were holding your hand...as if they were touching you...as if they wanted you only for themselves...she really felt a sense of control in that....

『I've never had sex before, it will be our first time together! Sex! Sex! Sex! I have to do my best for you guys!!!』

He was walking towards the front with a smile on his face, but at that moment the whole atmosphere was filled with his word of sex, this was too obvious for everyone, but from one moment to another...Pom!.....The Biologist was lying on his face on the ice, the reason was that someone put his foot when he was walking, this was the Typographer who said annoyed.

『"You only want her to please you? As long as you continue with this selfish attitude, be clear that I will continue to annoy you"』.

The Typographer retreated so as not to be near the Biologist, who, without suffering any scratches, commented that if he had had his glasses on, they would have broken in the worst way. He turned to the Typographer to say.

『I'm sorry, I didn't see your foot, if I had glasses I would say I didn't see you because of your size, but I admit it's my mistake, I can't see very well now, I would like to see the same as you but it's impossible for me, so I appreciate my friends telling me and pointing out what is difficult for me!!!』-『You said we should hurry up, didn't you Shinu? Leave it to me to lead the way *smiles*』

The Biologist walked to the front, he was suggested to be the new guide in this layer, Shinu was not entirely convinced, he is the Spectrologist while the other one is the Biologist, each one must fulfill his role but....

『Ehh...Sorry Biologist, I know you're excited to discover the Cloak, but I'm the expert here, I can't let you get carried away with euphoria 』

『Of course I know the situation Shinu!!! An expert is the one who should guide the strangers through this abode where we are!!! And what better than someone who knows it perfectly!!! Leave me in charge Shinu, I know where the bathroom is, I know where the dead ends are, I know where the men were left, I even know how those who were here perished! *smiles*』

『『Eh?!?!!!!! Really!!?!?!?!! Tell me more!!!』』

The Geologist and the Archaeologist listening to the Biologist, they really wanted to hear this as it piqued their curiosity if he ended up discovering something, this call of interest made the Biologist truly happy that he has many things to tell but....

『It's still too early for them to find out, I won't deny it, I like to see that excitement on their faces, and I'd like to see what it turns into when they find out for themselves *smiles*』

『To find out for ourselves? That's obvious! That's the point of exploration!』

The Biologist wants both the 2....no...he wants to be able to see in all that can be reached on this expedition journey they have. The Biologist was again suggesting that he be the one to be in charge of the exploration and guidance in this layer, where Shinu was doubtful of this, but he looked too confident and showing a confidence of the few, he really seemed to say that he knew everything as if it was in the palm of his hand and ....

『Okay, but I'll supervise you and I won't stay away from you, got it?』

『Of course!!! Thank you so much Shinu!!! I can tell you're one of the best decision makers, I promise I will make you see and experience great events and happenings!!!』

Seeing the very real confidence he perceived from the Biologist, that decision he could not ignore and set aside, the Biologist had suddenly taken command and guidance of the other members, who with great encouragement pointed his finger at him to take them to experience the best of the best in this cave. Quickly they all set off and with what little they discovered they wrote it down in their own study notebooks. It seems that the Pantheologist was lagging behind and not to be left behind, this one quickly from the ice that ended up stinging, this one with a jar he had was putting it all inside, seeing his gesture of joy was incredible, I could see it, from before I had seen that this ice has more life than the others, you could tell and it was more accessible to him.

『What's with the chopped ice? Are you really going to get a scraping?』

『That's the idea! I'll be the first to eat a shaved ice from the cave!!!! Just in case Brother don't you have any fruit syrup lying around? strawberry? orange? vanilla? I really like cherry!!!』

『It would be weird if I had one Brother...』

Hearing that they were talking, the Electrician approached them to give them both a taste. He had no fruit syrup, but he could make one with what he had, he always carries with him bottles of alcohol that are fermented with some fruits, that is his secret of his cocktail drink, so this one way with his tools, he would take out the fruits, crush them and mix them with a little alcohol in a dish he had, this also with the help of the Archaeologist, He would crush them and mix them with a small amount of alcohol in a plate that he had, this with the help of the archaeologist who was holding the tools, the rest of us were curious to see what they were doing, even my mother noticed this, as if she was a little girl, when she was ready, she put her finger in it and licked it.

『Ah!!!! It's too delicious!!! 』

『I'm glad it turned out good even though it was unexpected *smiles*』

Meilin really wanted to drink it just like that, but she knew that this was from the group's wacky duo, so she suggested to the Electrician if she could later make said syrup for herself as well. Without refusing, the Dwarf Electrician cheerfully remarked that they might already have a new drink in case they get tired of the classic one.

The Archaeologist helping to pour over the alcohol syrup with fermented fruits, really the 2 stooges, the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist, had in front of them a scratching like the ones you would find either on the street or at home, they really fancied it. But at that moment the Pantheologist pushed aside his raspado, saying.

『This one's mine, I won't do it to you!』

『Eh?!!!!! I thought it was for both of us! That we were going to share it!!!!』

『It's just that...I want to enjoy it by myself...besides I'm stronger...』

『I'm strong too!!! come on Brother!!!!! Share your scrape!!!』

The Pantheologist didn't want to share his candy, while the Archaeologist was pulling his clothes to give it to him, he really also wanted to taste the said scraping they did in the cave. This made it hurt the Pantheologian very much not to give it to him, as he really wanted to share it with his Brother but .... when he took the first bite he shouted ....


It was like a wave that when it bounced off the walls, it ended up being so loud that we all fell over with the sound it generated, my eardrum was really bursting from this, where he took advantage of the fact that everyone was lying on the floor to swallow the scraping he had done, and when he finished, he was really happy with his cheeks flushed and that imbecilic face. It seems that this guy is able to put anything in his mouth, where the Biologist was recovering from the big noise and looked at him and said.

『Does poo really taste good?』

The Biologist seems to know where the scratching that the Pantheologist did, he could have easily told him not to put anything in his mouth or eat it, but it seems that he didn't care, that must be the reason why he told the Nurse beforehand if he had medicine for the diseases, but anyway, the Biologist was smiling and in a simple way, he already has his first experiment with whom he will help his friends to see what happens to the human being, when one is intoxicated.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
