
Chapter 360: Submerged Part 2

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇2͇

That day started with a light breeze from Antarctica, although it was sunny it was as if it wasn't present because it didn't warm you up at all, you needed to be warm and especially if you are going to go into a place that most likely will be much colder. I think I'm in perfect condition to go in, at least my mobility is not damaged, because in the morning my mother wanted me to put on extra clothes, it was a martyrdom this morning, as if she was really worried about me and as if I had returned to be a child. My mother spoiled me and even gave me a lot of attention, more than usual? That's right, her limit of motherly love as she calls it seems to be no limit.

『I would give my life for you son! I would even give my life!!!』

Hearing her say that while she kept dressing me with clothes on top of another, already when she noticed I looked like a ball of cloth rather than a person, I couldn't see her with what expression she was in, but by that way of shouting and how I always remember her, she surely made a silly face emphasizing again what is obvious. Taking advantage of the fact that she might not hear me if I spoke, let alone see me, I just whispered.

『Giving your life is saying too much, I know you're annoying and a nuisance but...you're the only family I have...』

I was at the Entrance and everything so far will be a mystery that they will gradually uncover, Nushi at first instances noticed something, looking at the ceiling or upwards, she noticed something, there was seepage of the breeze that they have been feeling while heading here, this was something weird, since it seems like the place was closed, even if you concentrate on listening you can feel the breeze gently touching your ear.

『(It looks like the roof is made of ice capable...or is it perhaps stone formation that reached the roof? I can't see well, the ice and snow on top of it doesn't make it clear what the entrance is really made of...)』

He kept looking up trying to figure out what was above his head, maybe try to fragment or scrape some part of the walls to even see and get an idea of what exactly this cave entrance is, since to Nushi it could easily be considered simple ice or stone formation, but no...for some reason he feels that the material is something else.

『What are you seeing son? Is there something up there?』

『Yes...I have a feeling there is something upstairs...!!!! I can see it, it looks like there are snow clumps on the roof, can it be removed somehow...』 

Now that Nushi took a closer look, he noticed that it wasn't mostly ice that was above their heads, but that there were large clumps of snow on the roof and there didn't seem to be any turbulence at all. Meilin looked at this and was quick to pick up some snow from around her, began to make snowballs and as if she were an expert at throwing the ball, she threw hard at the snow. This obviously did nothing, rather it seemed to join with the cumulus, Nushi knew it was what her mother wanted to try, but it seems that this one is not going to give up until she falls.

『Fall? You expect the snow globe you throw to make that snow fall? Do you know that the speed and force taken by the snow globe is completely absorbed at the moment of collision with the object it hits? Especially if it's bigger and harder, you won't achieve anything』-『It's snow and the way it can come apart, just modifying the base a bit should be enough to make it fall』.

But while Nushi was talking, his mother kept throwing several snowballs against the snowdrift that had set his eyes, one after the other she kept throwing it with all her strength, until from one moment to another, as if they were coordinated, the snowdrift began to give way. This pleased the mother and made her son understand, where Nushi could only remain silent before his mother's ingenuity. Snow was falling little by little, it was getting weaker, before long the snow pile should completely fall to the ground, the others in the group seemed to have entered the First Layer so.

『Eh? Penguins?』

Nushi managed to see how at the entrance penguins were coming in a line, he became alarmed and worried that the snow was going to completely give way and just crush the group of penguins. Quickly Nushi would run with all his strength to see what he could do, but in those seconds that he ran, he was thinking about what action to take, what could he do at this moment? The most concrete would be to take the penguins in his hands and get away from danger, well! That was the best option for this problem, Nushi was running hard where he hoped that the snow pile would not fall yet, but at the moment of grabbing the penguins he got a surprise of his physical condition.

『(They are too heavy...I can't move them....)』

He tried to carry them but quickly his body was giving way completely, the penguins quickly to this seeing that Nushi came quickly, this they saw it as an attack so they quickly pecked Nushi's hand to get him to release them, he quickly released them because he couldn't with the pain he was feeling. But at that moment the snow pile finally gave way where it all fell due to the force of gravity. Nushi could no longer move or anything, instinctively the first thing he did was to crouch down and protect his head with his hands, just closed his eyes in the hope that nothing would happen to him.

『Are you all right, Nushi?』

When he opened his eyes, he didn't feel cold at all, the snow that must have fallen on him must have buried him and seeped into his clothes, making him even colder. But it was the opposite, it was like a warm heat that made him feel loved every second that passed, when he turned around he realized something, his mother had acted as a shield, before the snow fell she came with speed and hugged her son tightly. For her that moment was like a danger where at all costs she had to prevent her son from suffering it. 

『I already got snow on my chest *smiles*』


Both were coming out of the snow in different ways, while Nushi was pushing aside the snow with his hands, Meilin looked more like a zombie that was resurfacing from the ground, first pulling out his hand with force and then his whole body finally coming out of the snow. But it seems that they were not the only ones buried in the snow, since the cumulus ended up burying alive another being, Nushi was alarmed thinking that surely it was the group of penguins that he first wanted to protect, but then he heard a little sound and when he looked to the side, they were completely safe. Knowing they were okay made him feel like he did good, although now that he thought about it.

『It's impossible for a person to die from this accumulation of snow, it didn't grab enough strength to cause harm nor did it make it difficult to get out』.

『But you still panicked and scared Nushi *smiles*』.

『Fear? Why would I have to be afraid? It's just snow』

『If you hadn't been afraid you wouldn't have bent down and closed your eyes, what's more, I wouldn't have even done anything, but seeing you really believed that something bad was going to happen to you, I couldn't help but come to you to help you 』

Nushi did not think the same as his mother, for him he was not afraid at any time, it was just a reflex instinct that every human has, you know, there are times when you just can't move because something overcomes you or you are afraid, afraid? I am not saying that I was afraid at that moment, I know that nothing was going to happen to me, there is nothing really dangerous here, I just stayed still because the penguin bit my hand...the hand? ....

When he saw his hand, he saw how the penguin pecked him not only once, but many times, it ended up tearing small pieces of skin from his hand, he kept looking at it and it was the first time he saw something like this, it hurts so much to be pecked by something sharp? This was something new that he discovered and he needed to write it down in his notebook, so before the pain got worse, he quickly took advantage of the snow, first of all he needed something to prevent direct contact or else some microorganism from the snow might get into his wounds....

『Mother did you bring some plastic just in case? Eh? Mother?』

When she turned to see her mother, she quickly fell backwards in the snow, her face said it all, she seems to have a giant fear and even seems to suffer from tremors throughout her body, while repeating that her son Nushi was injured, just imagining her son in a deplorable or extreme state in terms of injuries, was what Meilin was most afraid of, and as mentioned before, when faced with a major fear your body instinctively will either act anyway or simply surrender to the chaos.

『I had forgotten that when I scraped my knee in elementary school, my mother didn't know what to do back then, she just kept crying and blaming herself for not taking good care of me while apologizing....』-『(She is capable of great feats, but in the face of small things she is the first to give up....) I'm fine Mother, stop acting like that, you're embarrassing me....』

His mother reacted to this, she wanted to talk but the sight of her son with wounds on his hand, the fact that he was dripping blood, only made her tremble with fear and cry as if she were a little girl. They thought they were the only ones at the entrance, but it was not so, from the other pile of snow that fell, there was a head at the bottom of everything, it was looking at them without looking away, which when Nushi realized this, she quickly told her mother to behave, where she as a little girl told her that she was a little girl.

『Everything is going to be okay right? You're going to heal right?....』

『....Yes mother, everything is going to be fine, this wound is nothing, but if we don't do something soon I might even lose my arm』.

『The arm?.....』

At that moment the mother was crying harder, she seemed to make a waterfall with her tears, to this Nushi stressed to her that it was a joke but if they don't do something soon then her hand will take time to heal. At that he remembered that there is a nurse with them in the group, it would be best to go with her to attend to him, but his mother clung to her son like never before as he kept crying, it was strange to see him and even the person who was still buried said.

『The adult most seems to be your Son Nushi, while you Miss Meilin seems to be the daughter hahaha *laughs*』.

At that moment that person was coming out of the snow as if it were a snake, to finally introduce himself or rather for us to know who he was. This person was the Biologist of the group, the one in charge of the study of life in this exploration of the Cave, always with his circular glasses and that attitude of wanting to know more about everything. Literally when I saw him, he reminded me of a college classmate who was always attentive in class and was one of the first to look up, when I saw this Biologist I felt that this would be his future. It seems that he had returned since he had previously been able to deduce with previous studies that this would be where the penguins gathered, all the way to the cave was with his eyes spinning excited at the time the penguins appeared, he also saw the snow and could notice the footprints of the penguins, seeing him smile as if he had something in his hands when he discovered something really makes you doubt him.

『As I guessed, good thing I came back since my deduction was correct, the penguins are heading to the same cave as us, what for? I don't know, but we'll find out』-『When I returned to the entrance I noticed that a pile of snow was going to fall on top of them, I quickly managed to push them away and save them, but unfortunately I was the one buried, no problem! I managed to see that those eggs you are carrying are safe and sound, right, Miss Meilin also jumped in to protect you Nushi, I guess you tried to save the penguins first, thanks for your concern for the wildlife!!!』

The Biologist did look like a brainiac more than anything else, he even talks like one, when he finished his words, he stared at me and gave me a thumbs up for my action, which I guess is ok...no...I don't know, I just tried to do something that he did at the first try, but at his thanks I didn't know what to say or how to feel, why are you thanking me in a simple way?

『It was just a few penguins, don't thank me』.

I said it sincere and clear about my opinion, the truth I didn't see it that much, but it seems I chose the worst words to say, as I could see how his expression changed to a much more serious one and he approached me to give me what seems to be a lesson.

『Were they just penguins? Were they just animals, you mean? That's why they are already less than us? Eh?! Allow me to correct you Nushi since I see that despite your intellect you are very wrong 』-『All living beings on the planet deserve not say the same treatment as a human, if not that they receive the same treatment as a being with the right to life on this planet, or I will tell you more simply, if it is in danger we must help it, if we can do something we must help it, if we have the skills and intelligence to help them we must do it, being an animal does not mean that it is our pet, a game and even an object to reject! Although they do not express it as we can understand it, they still feel and understand everything around them in their own way! My job as a Biologist is to know more about them and to discover in my own way how important they are in life, it was so since I was a child and it will be so until my last day, I would give my life for my job!!!!! And you know what Nushi! I see that you understand it too!!!』

『Eh? (I thought you were going to scold me...)』

『The way you despite your minimal conditions not even close to a human, you tried to save the penguins while putting yourself in danger, that was a delight to know, you have so much respect for yourself but more for others that you superimpose them on your ideals, no doubt you're a great person Nushi!!!! If I'm in trouble, I know that you'll go for my help too *smiles*』

『(This guy superimposes his thoughts on others...) Yes...I'll do what I can...』

Again with a thumbs up, the Biologist already managed to have a new friend who will help him when he is in trouble, it could even be said that he already considers him a friend after seeing such action from Nushi, but for him this was nothing but danger to his person, no doubt he prefers to stay as far away from him as possible, he doesn't like at all that people impose their thoughts on him nor vice versa. Just listening to him, Nushi was already too tired, in that quickly Meilin finally came to her senses and as if she was an airplane, she carried her son on her sword and quickly told him to take her to the nurse of the exploration, they left running while Nushi was only like a noodle, his body trembling, he sighed thinking that hopefully this is the only weird one of the group.

『Oh! If you don't know the way find the penguins! Their sense of direction is enormous!!!』

The Biologist was also setting off, leaving his presentation to the group at an end. But it seems that in the face of so many words and new events that were happening, they ended up forgetting why all this initially took place. From the cumulus of snow that fell, these quickly to be empty and silent, quickly seeped air little by little but with more force. And literally on the roof of the cave, a huge hole had appeared in it, and when a great gust of wind filtered through, as if it were a chain reaction, the other clusters that were trapped at the top, began to crumble and fall, concluding with the true appearance of the entrance, it was like a great sphere of huge holes everywhere, not only the air and the cold filtered through, but also the rays of light after a long time also entered the cave.

『(I would have liked to look at the roof...but if I deduce it, the most probable thing is that that accumulation of snow has been covering a hole but .... there must have been many holes because of the amount of snow that covered them .... I would like to analyze it better...that is not something that forms by itself, something must have made those holes ....)』

They already made more progress than they expected, and when they least realized how cold it was outside, little by little it was turning to a much more normal and even casual temperature, it was not cold but it was not so hot either, in fact, because of the coats they were wearing, that itself was making them warmer than normal. One person seems to be returning to the Entrance, she was the nurse of the group, she had been sent to bring the missing members, Meilin shouted for help when she saw that she was in front of her.

It seems that the exploration group settled in this new area that they still consider the First Layer because of how easy it was to get there. Remember that the cave is a descending way and each one has its levels where one can wander at will. For them the First Layer was called the entrance while this one was considered part of the First Layer, but of course it was really the Second Layer.

As soon as they arrived they had already built their own tents, they left their things inside and above all what was most striking, was that as their clothes that they were wearing gave them heat, what they did was to lighten their clothes and now they look more casual as if it were a normal trip. 

On one side was the Geologist who was analyzing the new area we were in, always with his magnifying glass being too cautious in every move he made, it was too weird to see how all the seriousness he put in his work to then tell us a theory or hypothesis of the most surreal possible, I can see that when we meet to share information we come out with a story all weird. 

There were also the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist who, without a moment's delay, were already drilling the ice with their picks and small hand drills they had. This duo seems to only pay attention to what they truly believe, I see that the South Korean Chief has been calling them a lot of attention, but they still want to drill the ice and the walls here.

『You'll see, I will find a mammoth or even a frozen animal and exhibit it in my country's museum!!!! You'll see professor and fellow University students...the past is still with us, we just need to relive it!!!』

Yes... more than a Pantheologist, he seems to be an evil scientist whose goal, as he has repeated many times, is to bring back to life the species or specimens of prehistoric times. He also wants to find the fossil of a saber-toothed tiger, or even one of his biggest dreams is to dig up with his own hands the remains of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which...I would like to rummage through his head, why he thinks he can find all this here ....

『The civilization that lived here must have had the domans and with their strength they managed to conquer and make Antarctica their own, there are many cultures that lived in the rest of the world, but what about Antarctica? I'm sure there were also people who adapted to these conditions and....The Snowman! Maybe that myth is the people from here because on second thought it makes sense!!!! The deeper we dig the more truth we will find about Antarctica,nay, the World!!!』

『A snowman!!!! I want to dig him up and have my classmates and my old professor congratulate me!!!!! I have to show it to him before he dies!!!!』

I understand why these two became friends, they coordinate too well and have the same thought with each other, as I said it looks like a bad scientist with his lackey next to him, the roles are interchanged so they are the 2 in one. I will also avoid being together with them because the truth is they can't be more wrong, I think it would hurt me a lot if one of them corrects me in some part of the trip, I hope it won't happen.

The Cartographer on the one hand, this one seems to want to go unnoticed from what I see, when we talk to him or speak to him, he simply as if he could not speak, it seems that he was communicating with his drawings, it was a little difficult at the beginning what he wanted to say not because we could not understand him, but because he drew perfectly well, seriously, why this guy is not an illustrator? I feel that he would earn better than in this job. He spent his time as you can imagine walking around and drawing as he saw fit, I always thought that the quiet ones are 2 things. Either they're smart or they're idiots, although now that I think about it that applies to everyone, but not talking complicates your life *sigh* I wish I had gone with him to the same university, it would have been fun I think....

I was looking around me while I was being treated in the special tent that our nurse has, as I guessed from the 2 guys only the girl came, the truth is you don't know how grateful I am for this, she looks young so....

『Ready, now you just need to let your hand rest, don't do too much force with it or the wounds may open up, if you feel it burning, just first put this special plastic on top of your hand and put ice or snow on top, it will relax and lower the pain *smile*』.

I finished bandaging my hand, so it feels like this to be with this cloth, of course I was watching the process and it looks interesting this profession, as I thought it is not only to place the bandage, beforehand is to place a bandage or cotton on top, although with the cotton you have the risk of leaving hairs inside the wound but this girl did it with great care, it looks like she is an expert. I tapped her on the shoulder giving her my congratulations for the good work, where she, as if she was the only good and normal one in the group, thanked me back.

『(I would like to thank you for being another woman in the expedition, I was afraid that my mother is the only one, she was like a sheep among a bunch of wolves, but it is obvious that in front of an old sheep and a young sheep, the wolves will prefer the fresh one) I am really sorry, your sacrifice I will reward you 』.

Nushi was serious that the nurse didn't understand this, she just answered that she doesn't want to be anyone's sacrifice, what's more? Why would she be? Nushi got up leaving the infirmary as if he wanted to leave it to the girl's imagination, but at that moment Shinu was waiting for him when he spoke to Nushi, although he didn't express it so much, it was seen how his body trembled from head to toe because of the fear that he didn't expect.

『Is your hand all right now?』

『Yes it's fine, now I'm going to do my job....』

『The nurse must have told you not to overexert yourself if you want to recover, you are injured and need to be at rest, better go rest for today』.

『....It's just my hand, I can move it and even force it if I want to, me forcing it a little will cause nothing, what's more, it's my problem if I want to continue this, it won't hurt you or the others, just leave me』.

『Eh...you really think so? I'm going to tell you since you don't seem to be clear about it Nushi, we are all a team now, I can't allow forcing someone to work who is obviously not fit』.

What was this feeling again, Nushi felt again as his chest or his whole being said that he should stay away from this guy, he wondered to himself why this guy seems to care if at this point and by the way he addresses him, he must realize that he does not like him at all. Nushi to this remained silent and proceeded to retreat from Shinu, who this seeing that he was behaving like someone childish and spoiled, will not go to stop him, but simply tell him.

『You are not alone, you can rely on us for whatever you need, I am very sure that we will not deny you nor will you deny our request Nushi, we are a group or if you want to describe it better, we should be friends』.

To this Shinu said with clarity and seriousness in his expression. He was saying this for a way to give Nushi confidence that he can trust others besides his mother, to this Nushi stood still in his place, he wasn't going to turn his gaze, he doesn't want to look at this person, so he was simply replying that.

『I will try to become friends with everyone but least of all you, I don't do it because you told me to, I do it because it's something that needs to be changed 』.

『Ehh...You do it because your mom told you right?』


『*smile* Look at that in the face of your adult attitude you still have traits of being a brat, I like it 』

『(Brat? Did he really call me a brat? *tsch* This guy who thinks he's trying to help me ....)』

Nushi withdrew from the small settlement they had made in the Second Layer without knowing that it was. And during these small hours that passed, each one continued with his own thing, on the one hand not to be near Shinu again, Nushi went back to the entrance of the cave to finish analyzing what he left at the beginning, of course always next to his mother, it literally seems that she will not leave him even when he becomes an old man, and the worst thing is that he knows that he is capable of doing it.

While the group after analyzing the area well, they made clear several key points of the place where they were. The ice was much darker than where they were initially, they also decided to make their small settlement here as it meets the requirements of being habitable, which the Archaeologist deduced and was boasting with laughter that there is surely civilization below. While on the other hand the Pantheologist has been trying to dig out the ice but was unsuccessful, it is too thick and difficult to penetrate with difficulty, they are still going to stay about 2 more days here to analyze in detail this and the Entrance, their plan was simple, if they discover a new lower level they will take 1 or 2 days to get as much information as possible, so with this mechanics if the maximum is 4 layers according to the Archaeologist, they should leave in less than 10 days, or that is the plan, although anyway if it takes them more time, they brought extra supplies from the Mechanic and Electrician so that there is no excess of food, the worst thing in an exploration is that food is missing, according to Shinu's experience, the lack of nutrients blurs your vision and makes you lose consciousness, and even your brain will start to take measures so that you are still standing.

『I will try to make a thin and long perforation where I can enter a plastic straw...I'm sure there are microorganisms in this thick ice...at least it will be my consolation prize if I don't find a Pterodactyl』.

In his mind the Pantheologist had the idea of introducing a plastic straw and sucking with force the limit he managed to reach, the truth is that his way of thinking makes me really doubt his capabilities, this was also seen by the other members that it could be dangerous if something that should not be introduced into his body is introduced, but the Pantheologist confidently said that there will be no problem, it is only ice that was previously water, he also commented that he had a good defense system in his body.

From what they were planning how their days will be now, the truth is that everyone is satisfied with this, they did not expect that they would quickly find this area and even for being different from the Entrance, it would be strange to call it First Layer, so with a vote where those present participated, they ended up baptizing the place where they are as the Second Layer and the Entrance as the First Layer. Now that they want to make a recount they realized that 3 of its members were missing, they looked at the time and it was about to get dark, you have to be careful in Antarctica, at night the temperature can drop to -20 degrees, but in this place as long as they are warm can be above even 10 degrees. They did not take into account now that they think about it at the time of the year where it is.

『In Antarctica the day lasts 6 months and the night lasts 6 months, but that doesn't mean that all the time it will be sunny and all the time it will be dark, or vice versa』-『But what if you say so your SouthKorea Chief, it looks like you have been here living for a while』

『Yes, for those who don't know guys, we are entering the time of the 6 months of Antarctic Night, this is because the rotation axis of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun』-『In the time of the 6 months of the day, even if it is night the sun still illuminates us with its rays and it is clear night, but to our misfortune in the time of the night, the only light we have is from the moon and as you know it doesn't illuminate us that much, so it can look too dark in the evening hours, and it goes without saying that during all this time, it will be night even when it is daytime, sorry for not taking this into account at the time of the planning to the Expedition, I won't deny it, I was also excited at that time. ...*smiles*』』

The Chief of South Korea gave the information and data a little late, but anyway the members of the group all responded that they already knew that this was going to happen, after all they are not going to explore something unexplored without first finding out about the area where they are. As they are inside a cave, it is recommended that when the 6 months of night fall, they always have flashlights, candles or something with which to illuminate their way.

『We have 5 days before the 6 months of night starts, well, in order not to get too complicated, let's get this over with before those 5 days!』

Shinu spoke decidedly where everyone raised their fist in high spirits, where again the Archaeologist was inferring that when the 6 months of night comes, that may be the time where the true civilization of Antarctica wakes up and shows itself as it is in the world! Yes, he is a bit out of his mind or at least has a screw loose. At that Nushi and Meilin had finally returned with new information, to this the Chief of South Korea was welcoming them but remembering that there was still one member of the group missing, it seems that they forgot about that topic before what they were talking about.

『I FOUND IT!!!!!!』

A shout was heard in the distance, who was the Biologist who all the time had taken advantage of an oversight in the meeting to escape to continue searching for the penguins. He was happy and his glasses were shining because of the happiness he felt, his hunch or rather his deduction that the penguins might be in this cape was clear. He followed the footsteps of the penguins until it seemed that he finally arrived. He came across the nest of penguins that were sleeping and between their legs were.

『Eggs!!!!! There are the eggs!!!!!』

He shouted it with joy without caring if this woke up the penguins, it seems that this was what happened, and as if it was the first of many, the penguin prepared and went to peck him and defend his eggs from the third ones. As soon as the whole group went to where they heard the scream, they managed to see how the Biologist was smiling and very happy with this, but that penguin was pecking him nonstop all over his body, but it seems that in addition to Biologist, he is also a Masochist.

『Shouldn't we help him?』

『I'm going to get my emergency kit!!!! I'll be right back!!!』

Nushi was worried about this but it seems that he can't act at this time, the nurse was going to bring her things to attend to the Biologist, who Shinu listening to Nushi, this one simply told him that there was no need, that he may see a weird masochist in front of him, but not to forget that everyone here has one more reason why they came to Antarctica settlement.

『Eh eh eh!!! *laughs* Don't you remember me? It's me! The guy who saved you guys from getting snowed on!!!!! Look at me!!! Don't tell me you don't remember me anymore? That would make me sad, come on come on, I'm not going to do anything to your balls, ok? rather my scream must have scared you, I'm the one who deserves to ask for your forgiveness 』

It struck me as odd that you treat the penguin as someone who understands your words, clearly you can't and are rather endangering yourself by trying to do something that won't work. Nushi saw this and was feeling sorry for him more than anything else, he was coming up with a plan to scare the penguin away, but at that it seemed that the animal stopped pecking at the Biologist and just stared at him, proceeded to raise his hands as a sign that he would do nothing and said.

『We are not dangerous, I just couldn't limit my desire to see nature with my own eyes *smiles*』.

『(.....Seriously no one is going to stop him? Why is everyone staying as if it's something normal, it's weird, very weird! Ahhh!!! Who sent me with these weirdos!!!)』

And as if everyone was against him, the penguin really left him alone and went back to his nest in peace, the other members were amazed by the ability of the Biologist, who with his shiny glasses emphasized that he had it all figured out thanks to the friendship he had forged with the penguin before. They congratulated him and even applauded everyone, they said that he was dumb but that very thing made him get everything he has so far, even Nushi's mother, Meilin was surprised that this.

『I didn't expect anything from him, but I see that he's a real man, Nushi would you like him to be your new daddy?』


Imagining that madman as his father and seeing him every day at home, simply makes him worse torture than hell. At Nushi's shout, everyone made him shut his mouth so he wouldn't wake up the penguins, which made Nushi blush, who silently and in a controlled manner, all present laughed at this. Upon returning, the nurse was treating the biologist, but now that he thought about it, wouldn't it be better to take him to his sickbay? To this the Biologist refused as he wanted to take advantage of all the time to see the life of the whole Antarctica, to know how it is and its mysteries.

『This is why I accepted this trip 』.

The Biologist watched and he was not the only one, it seems that everyone was infected by his attitude and from afar they watched as the penguins hatched their eggs giving them enough warmth. As he commented that hopefully when they are ascending they will pass by and he will be lucky enough to see the eggs hatch at that moment, it would be a nice farewell and congratulations to him. Nushi could not understand this, it was a nice experience but the strangest thing was that this guy who looks more like he is out of his mind, has managed to spread his attitude with everyone, overlaying his thoughts on others... Nushi retired to the settlement they made to simply rest, and tomorrow he will tell you what he discovered in the First Layer.


crack....crack....crack....crack.... could be heard faintly as something was breaking inside the Abyss, it was not the ice fragmenting, that was more direct and fast. But what was being heard breaking was soft and even followed, from one moment to another of the eggs in the penguin nest, little by little they were hatching, you could see the beaks as they struggled to break the shell and go out to the outside world. The sounds they were making were a call to the parents to receive them with affection, which was again as soon as they hatched, placing them between their legs to provide warmth and feeding them with food.

『They regurgitate in the mouth of their young what they hunted and stored in their stomach to feed them, it's the first time I see it and the truth, it's disgusting and that makes it incredible *amazed*』.

Svein watched from afar who couldn't get over his excitement at being able to see so close up what life was like in Antarctica. He was not alone, there was Cliston with whom he had previously called him going to the First Layer to warn his companion, he wanted to share this moment with him and they quickly returned to where Svein found the nest. They arrived just in time and even the penguin that went to chase him away, almost missed the birth of his calf.

『"Where are you going gone!!!! Your baby is about to be born!!!"』『"I'm sorry! But that very cute, charismatic and smart guy looked like he was going to do something to us, I couldn't let a guy like that near our nest!!!"』『"Excuses! You wanted to leave me abandoned and go with someone else for sure! All penguins are the same!!!"』『"But...male penguins are the ones who take care of the egg...."』

『Only the males? What about the females?』

『The females do most of the hunting, although once the hatchling is born they take turns feeding it』.

It seemed that Svein made a game of making up what the pair of penguins who were in the nest would say, since to his eyes it really looked like he was going to start a fight with them. Cliston could only emphasize that his friend was not going to lack creativity. They watched as the eggs finally hatched where Svein was happy with this, and even told Cliston to take a picture taking advantage of the moment, but he didn't want to from here, he wanted a close up picture with them so.

『This asshole likes to be in danger, one day he's going to go with Diosito』.

『Don't say jokes Loquendo, here it goes 』.

Cliston was thinking what a fun first day of the expedition he is on, and he really appreciates that Svein took the time to let him know so we could see this moment in life together, with a smile Cliston wished the whole trip would be like this, always full of smiles, laughter and ...


Cliston took the photo but it seems that the brightness of the flash was too much, what's more, he had not even put such a mode on it, this was rather caused by loquendo as he said.

『Now you assholes run away if you don't want to get pecked!!!』

Svein laughingly took Cliston with him in his hand while it was obvious that the penguin that had been chasing him was now resuming his role as the good father he is, although you could see that his penguin partner was looking like he was going to leave the house again. Svein was laughing while Cliston just wanted to confirm it again, that these days he is in Antarctica really do not stop.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
