
Chapter 350: Few Days

P͇o͇c͇o͇s͇ ͇D͇í͇a͇s͇

The stay in Antarctica is getting short, these 10 days I had in total to prepare for the exploration is really going fast, in just 3 days I will be embarking into the Abyss in search of the curse that endangers not only the settlement of Antarctica, but the world itself, as Nushi has been able to deduce that it is like a bomb and the fuse would be the world itself, it is really noticeable that we are entering a time where the climate and the environment are going to suffer great changes, the cold that I wanted to feel little by little is becoming more normal and even warm at certain points of the day, it is very common that at the slightest glance at the sun you are starting to get warm and lose the chill that you felt a little while ago.

Global warming would be the fuse, while the bomb would be the Abyss itself, the ice is melting little by little and you can feel it yourself, to think that a continent where the cold abounds only by the passage of time that the same human being has modified without awareness of the consequences. Africa and South America have also commented on certain things, I do not know if it is because of their work but although they do not try to talk about issues of their work, somehow they end up doing it, with this I learned that in countries of these continents, the water has been starting to dry up, and with the reincorporation of Mikel in his work, he realized that also in some countries the water is beginning to be scarce.

It never crossed my mind that water could run out someday, because just looking at the drawing or photograph of the planet you would say "But there is a lot of water" I thought that when I was in elementary school, now that I realize that all that pile of water rather than being a salvation or resource, with what Nushi told me about the rising sea level, it is even our downfall. I guess it is an issue that many of us ignore, if not all of us, the damage that one can cause unconsciously to others because at the end of the day, the sin we do is small, right? throwing our little trash is like... "meh" but we are not the only ones who do it....

『We are unbelievers and no one will take it away from us, we are all lost at some point that the first thing we do is follow others, if one does it and nothing happens to him, then there will be another and another and another』-『"Who cares if I do this, someone else did it then why not me?" *sigh* Just because someone else does something wrong doesn't mean you do it too, why instead of following some idiot who thinks he's smart, don't you think first what you would do, if you made a mistake at least it's your mistake instead of excusing yourself with nonsense, and if you did the right thing, there will start to be a change 』

Is it just me or does he want to teach me something every day I spend with Nushi? These days I have noticed that before starting a training or in the middle of it, Nushi talks to me about the consequences and even with resentment to humans as he refers, I have never heard him speak well of them or congratulate them for their achievements in general, mostly are criticisms to demigrate them more, he always had something to say, always with his toilet paper and other weird things that he carries in his blanket. He always has his gaze either to the sun or to the sea, I don't know what is going through his mind, if there are even times that I don't understand what he says, but somehow I feel that...I feel that...I don't know.

『Hey Nushi, why do you look at the ocean and the sun every morning? I know it's beautiful, but coming from you it must mean something else』.

Cliston, not knowing this, preferred to go easy, he turned to Nushi who was still looking at the sea contemplating all the landscape that it can give, Svein was also with us and he made a quick comment about it, saying that it is always perfect to look at the horizon and imagine things, what things? Well that's up to each one, whether it's a different life, whether it's having a good time, having done such a thing, just let your imagination run wild.

『O even remember those times when everything was different, in my home country or in my little town, mostly we are surrounded by mountains, in winter time even the river and lagoons were crystallized, you really did not feel like leaving home *smiles* But as everything has its good and bad side, the snow came together and the mountains were painted white because of the snow, it was fun to go out and play and have fun with your family, I did have fun when I was little, this view reminds me of when I saw for the first time in all that cold weather, how the sun came out in the darkness to illuminate us with its warmth, I still remember it fondly』.

Even with Svein's words, one could imagine such moments of his life and as he told it, he surely had a great time and even the Fatty made him want to visit that town, in that Svein answered that when everything is already solved, he himself would gladly take him to his native home and enjoy everything he has to offer, Cliston was happy about this, since he did not expect to meet a person with such an imaginative personality in this place. But as if his purpose was to destroy the joy, Nushi who all the while had been listening without taking his eyes off the ocean said.

『You are talking about the past, how much of those memories already, 10? 12? the world is so changeable that in just that time it is already different, even with just a couple of years something you thought you remembered is simply no longer there or different, right Maao? your friends, when you saw your friends again, they were different, you may have said that in other things they are still the same but in other things they are different, the streets or places you knew, they have also changed, one simply can't stay behind, one has to move side by side with time, and how can one stay so far behind the present time? *smiles* leaving aside your case Maao, one does not stay behind, time is what leaves you behind, well you think you are here and now, living in the present, but is that true? There are many people who remain the same no matter how much time passes, answer me both, what time do you live in, yours or the world's?』

With these last words, he left both Cliston and Svein thinking, how happy they were now they felt confused, that time is the same who leaves you behind and of course, it will not stop to wait for you to decide to have a change, no, no one will wait for you to be decided, even if you don't want to and being a reality, you would be forced to live together with the time of the world and not alone believing that you go at your own pace, if you are too slow be sure that no one will sit down to wait for you, no one will appear to shake your hand and take you with him. The world and life itself imposes its own laws that even we cannot understand until someone tells us.

『You for example Svein, for sure now all your past is now the actuality of now, for sure it won't be so cold anymore, the mountains won't be covered with snow, the ponds and rivers won't even freeze this year, and your happiness as a child is totally gone』-『What does it feel like that time has destroyed your past』.

Nushi looked attentively at the Brat waiting for him to say his answer, if he had said it to me, most likely I would have my answer already, but I'm sure Svein will say what he has to say, it's impressive to me that with how little time we have lived together, it's as if I have known him for many years, I guess this is what people mean when they found or met someone who you can get along with for your whole life.

『So you feel, nostalgic? *smiles*』-『I know very well that everything from before to now is different, with all the change that the world is undergoing is inevitable, before coming to Antarctica I went back home to see my family and just as I expected, everything was different, My parents were older, my siblings I hardly recognized, the neighbors and the neighborhood as such, there were many things I recognized and others I didn't, at that moment I realized that, "yes, time has passed"』-『But I quickly answered myself "well, I'm glad"』.

Both Nushi and Cliston were paying attention to Svein's words, who after standing still for a while, decided to sit in the snow to continue watching and contemplating the ocean. What Svein continued to say was that yes, he was glad that everything had changed, he made a quick tour of his town and was surprised to see many things that were not there, there were more houses, new faces that he did not know, as well as many others that were no longer there. He went to study at a university outside his country, and when he finished he came back.

『Let's say that at the beginning I was afraid to leave, to leave behind what I know and gave me so much happiness, it was something that I could not miss at that time, but it was good that I did it in the end *smiles* I could know many things, I could live more experiences, I knew both the good and the bad, it was difficult on many occasions but never impossible, and now all that time spent led me to be here with you, I became an investigator and soon I will enter one of the biggest mysteries in the world, and when everything is solved that present will become the past and I will remember it with great nostalgia how good it was, because it is that easy, remember that time where you were happy and time will make it unique and incomparable, and I lived it *smiles* that's what it is all about for me Nushi』

Svein would turn to look at Nushi who was looking at him mercilessly with those sharp eyes, I thought he was going to answer him again as usual in a contradictory way, but just by looking at me too, Nushi became silent looking at the ocean as well and simply said.

『You're proud of yourself you once said』.

『That's right』

『Well that makes 2 of us, the only one who is missing in this group of idiots is』.

Both Nushi and Svein looked at Cliston who was confused by this, it seems that since the day Svein told him that he must gain self-confidence, Nushi has also been starting to use it. They watched waiting for Cliston to say something, at that moment Cliston for a moment wanted to move his right arm again but it was useless, so with the help of his left arm he delicately sat down on the snow as well and said.

『Unlike you I'm not proud of my past, but as you said, that becomes unique and unpardonable, something that can't be repeated no matter how hard you try now, I've accepted all that bad part of me, I'll dedicate my life now to live it as I always wanted to live it so that I can be at the same level as you two when we meet again in the future, Nushi, Svein, I'll say it someday too *smiles*』.

Cliston said it clearly and sincerely, seeing his determined happy face was something that even Svein was so happy that he quickly patted him on the back while congratulating him for that positive attitude, while Nushi just commented if he can actually say it, because this road is not over yet and no one knows what might happen in the future.

『(What a joke, talking about the future when you're not going to live it, I already decided, to preserve this world as long as possible, the best option is for Maao to stop interfering with it, when humans pollute it will be the end of us and I can't allow that, sorry Maao but I'll kill you myself)』.

『That's the way to talk Cliston! *laughs* Although don't give it too much thought either, no one in their life has ever been so sad or painful to remember it like that, we were all happy for a moment, we all achieved something incredible at some point, be proud of that little achievement, remember that it's only you who has lived it and knows the meaning of it, it's your life and no one can tell you how to live it, don't forget Cliston, the only limiter of our imagination is imagination itself *smiles*』

Svein said it with all his heart seeing so much for Cliston's present, future and past, who was so happy to hear it that he couldn't even contain it. Nushi instead just kept looking at the ocean remembering those times of the investigation, he knows how it all ended in the end, being Nushi the only survivor, but the good times they lived, the discoveries they made, just living together, living that great first experience as it would be the Abyss, having been there and enjoying it, no one can take it away or destroy it, how much fun they had.

『(Mom...despite everything we went through there, I am very proud of that group of idiots who made such a discovery as the Abyss would be, all that joy, sadness, confusion and even the paranormal, would live on in me until the day I die too, maybe...I will see them all again but...) Ah...it scares me just thinking about it...』

At that moment Nushi felt a chill in his body and it was clearly seen as he wrapped himself more in his blanket to avoid it, he really wants to see everyone again, especially his mother, Li Meilin.


As you may know neither of them can cook, both Cliston and Nushi have no experience and no attitude when it comes to cooking. Cliston could only endure 4 days of eating canned food. He still can't believe how Nushi can eat it like nothing else tasting so artificial and even sometimes it looks like you're eating everything but food, he still remembers the meat from one lunch, that thing literally looked like sponge.

『I'll cook』

Cliston seriously got up from the table, leaving Nushi with his food in peace, when he saw that Cliston left his canned food, he didn't even ask him, he just took it to eat it too. Cliston seeing that he really seemed to like it, because it wasn't the first time he did it, Cliston asked him if he really liked canned food.

『If you're talking about taste or texture, I know they're disgusting and I'm chewing on sponge or something filthy, even dog food has a better texture and taste, ah! one day I tried to eat it, and...I was right』.

Now we know that Nushi even ate dog food and ended up liking it, but if he found it better than canned food, then why didn't he keep eating it? This was simple, because while he was eating it he decided to look at what was in the product, and when he saw the ingredients besides the obvious "Not suitable for humans" it contained both vitamin K, and other components such as bone meal, bone meal? ah geez, does that even exist? well, if there is even the well used egg powder or egg flour, why not a bone meal? But leaving everything aside ingredients that obviously humans should not consume, what happened is that.

『After eating it for a couple of days, I got an infection and also diarrhea...I was sick for a week...and...I don't even know why I'm telling you about my misfortune』.

『Yes, I even smell the smell, fuchi 』

『Eh?! 』

『I see you tried to eat different things, what else did you try to eat Yushi?』

『Yes...make yourself pendejo...(Say my name right pendejo) at the beginning I ate pure vitamins, you know, those little bags that inside have a little juice, they taste good and are nutritious, but I ended up giving it up because...the grace of eating is to chew something with texture, otherwise why do we have teeth! Ah!!! I miss eating meat, good meat and not this sponge』.

Nushi would end up saying that he really wants to eat something that tastes good, all this time if he goes on like this he thinks he will lose his sense of taste for food, if the dog food tasted good to him, what will it be next? Cliston said that if he hasn't asked someone else in the settlement to invite him or prepare for him. Nushi commented that he did it a few times in extreme situations, but the way he asked was a little "Give me meat" POM! They would just shut the door on him, and since he rarely left his home, many people knew who Nushi was, heard his name, and how he was dressed, but never saw him physically. Especially for newcomers, can you imagine opening your door and a sick person with a hat on his head, blanket on top of him and coldly tell you "Give me meat" as if it were an order?

『It was useless, I tried to ask acquaintances to feed me, but I think my attitude with them was what didn't do it, seeing their gesture of dislike and obligation towards me was enough to not ask them anymore, if you are going to do it with that attitude then I don't want anything, I didn't even tell them in a bad way.... 』

『Haber Nushi, tell it to me』.

『Give me Meat 』

Yes...the way he said it sounded like an order, accompanied by his sharp gaze and that order that seemed too selfish only thinking of feeding himself. Cliston to this sighed and said that maybe all of this could change if he just added the magic words, when this was heard by Nushi he quickly refused to this as if he was a brat.

『Magic words?...I have to say it again...』

『Why is it hard for you? Come on Yushi, if you say so I'll see what I can prepare』.

『(Again he got confused with my name...) Prepare what, I have my food, the one who wants homemade food is you, go ahead, take everything in the fridge and prepare your food, leave me with my can and...I think there is another maruchan in my room hidden...』

Nushi flatly refused to say it, he didn't see it necessary since for him eating canned food was no longer a problem. Quickly Cliston gave in to this and would move on to be in the kitchen to see what he could prepare with everything he had, after much thought an idea came to him.

『I'm going to prepare an Omurice』.

After a few minutes Nushi looking in his room, just as he remembered, there was a maruchan hidden among his things, this made him very happy since what he treasures most in this world without a doubt is this kind of food. Nushi happily went to the kitchen to heat water in the kettle that once burned. But when he rushed in he found a mess, there were fallen vegetables on the floor, eggs crashed on the floor, the rice was boiling and no one was turning it off, it was even boiling over, and a Cliston was trying to fry a simple egg. But the moment he wanted to fry the egg, Cliston with the previously prepared vegetables, was trying to place them on top of the egg that was frying, but....

『Rice is still missing...ah! no wait!』

Realizing his mistake, Cliston made a wrong move and in the end, the pan with the frying egg literally fell to the ground. Nushi witnessed the whole catastrophe and only said.

『Come to think of it, why did you try to cook if you can only use one arm?』

『What do you have, I thought I would make it, if there are people who can cook with their feet or even their mouth, I thought I could do it too』.

『And now...who's going to clean all this up...』

Nushi clearly didn't want to clean this up, because it wasn't his fault but Cliston's, the Fatty at this looked at his arms again and why lie to him, at that moment he felt he made a big mistake. Nushi silently was only going to take his kettle to fill it with water and previously put it to boil. Cliston would try to use his wind to lift the mess he made, but at the moment he wanted to lift the egg, it seems he didn't make good control that he ended up breaking the egg into small pieces making more dirt on the floor.

『*sigh*I'm going to get the broom and mop...』

『I'm sorry...』

It seemed that they would be condemned to eat canned food forever, but at that very moment there was a knock on the door of Nushi's home. Cliston opened it to see who it was and realized that it was Svein who came to help with the training. But quickly Cliston was giving him the bad news that he is still going to be late since they didn't have their breakfast yet.

『That's a lie, I already had my breakfast, but Maao wanted to be a genius and tried to prepare food, now I have to clean up his mess, really if you weren't sure about doing it then why are you doing it...』

『Loquendo was guiding me how to do it, yes I knew, only that...』

『It's just that this guy is so pendejo even to follow steps, give him the prize for the stupidest of all』.

Loquendo intervened from Cliston's pocket and had no other way to contradict him. Svein who was attentive to everything and managed to hear the situation, would then quickly suggest something.

『Don't worry, I'll take care of it』.

With complete certainty he said, quickly neither Nushi nor Cliston knew what he was referring to. But quickly in the minutes there were, it was somewhat astonishing to see how Svein took both the broom to clean up Cliston's mess, took the mop to make it even more spotless, and as if he was very careful, he also cleaned up the kitchen and all the tools Cliston used for the Omurice.

『What did you try to cook Cliston?』

『An Omurice』

『I don't know what that is but it sounds delicious, if you haven't eaten yet I can prepare you something from my village, I'll go to my home to bring what's missing, you just wait』.

Svein quickly got on the move heading back to his home. At this the kettle was whistling where Nushi was about to feast on the maruchan that will be ready in 3 minutes. Just wait and enjoy, and in no time, Svein had already returned with the ingredients, Nushi noticed that he was alarmed by something, as the brat had brought meat with him. Quickly Nushi stood with his eyes wide open staring at Svein, where the latter was telling him that he would soon have the food ready.

『....Eh...and who says I'm going to eat it...can't you see I already have my maruchan?...』

Nushi refused to do this for some reason as he ate his hot maruchan. They quickly got down to business where Svein already had everything ready to make the dish, quickly the speed in which he cut the potatoes, the way he cut the meat as well, this Cliston watched and couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

『We were always a home cooked household, everyone in my family knows how to cook, plus you save a lot by preparing your own food than buying from the street *smiles*』-『Wait and see, I'm going to prepare real food for you』.

Svein knew that Nushi was listening from the dining room, while the leader of Antarctica was still eating his maruchan ignoring that he was referring to him. He could only hear the sound of cooking, it seemed they were cutting something and then frying what was the food. Svein was making dynamic the way it was prepared that he was saying it verbatim, while Cliston seemed to want to write everything down on a piece of paper just in case.

Even the smell, Nushi could perceive it and quickly as if he was no longer ashamed, he would glance out of the corner of his eye at the kitchen to see what they were doing, and he could see that Svein was holding the handle of the frying pan while telling Cliston to be the one to turn the meat. Cliston was nervous about this as he didn't want to make a mess of it again, but the confidence Svein was giving him gave him the strength.

『Come on, do it Cliston! Ouch...I want to snot....』

Cliston to this worriedly without further ado was doing it, and in the end if he could turn the meat over, where quickly Svein was congratulating him where in turn snot was coming out of his nose. He was having a good time at Nushi's place, but only after seeing this did he return to the dining room. It seems that everything was finally over and could be seen as Svein was wiping his nose while Cliston brought the big dish he made.

『I present!!! Fårikål』

Svein said it with glee being a dish from the region, which is simply game meat whether it be elk, reindeer, lamb, etc. Accompanied with potatoes that were fried with flour and seasoned with salt and pepper, also accompanying them was a portion of cabbage. There was enough where Svein was happy about this, with a smile he told him to try it to find out how it was, at the first bite Cliston was pleased with this, so much so that tears came to his eyes.

『Tastes like home 』

Referring especially to Mikel's orphanage, Cliston ate tearfully where Nushi had not yet finished her maruchan and was turning her back on the food. At this Svein approached him with a plate with his portion of food. Nushi was giving him the evil eye again saying that he had already eaten and was full, but at that moment his stomach growled as he really did want to eat the Fårikål.

『Anda hunger my friend 』

『Hungry your old Maao!!!!! 』

『Come on eat Nushi, I made enough for the 3 of us』.

Svein again offered him the food, Nushi saw the plate and the truth if he was really craving for it, he was even drooling like snot to be able to eat it.Quickly being so obvious he wiped it off and said.

『After what I went through, when I asked for it nobody gave it to me, and now when I am satisfied with what I have they come and give it to me ---------』

They put it in!!! they come and put it in you!!!! Quickly Cliston already seemed to know Nushi, so he quickly put the meat inside his mouth so that he would just be quiet and eat. At this quickly Nushi didn't wait for it and looked annoyed at Cliston where the frenton was telling him.

『Ya shut up we and just eat, it's the meat you wanted so much, isn't it?』

Nushi would look annoyed at Cliston, but after seconds he would move on to eating what's in his mouth and the truth. As if she was avoiding smiling, she would say that....

『Well...it's not too bad-------------』

Svein happened to now stuff a portion of potatoes into his mouth, quickly again Nushi happened to look at the brat in a bad way, but he simply laughed for following Cliston's prank. As if he didn't know how to deal with these 2, he would quickly eat the potatoes and say.

『If you put anything in my mouth again, I'm going to...what, wipe that smile off your face, because you're both happy...』

『It's good, isn't it?』

『Isn't it tasty?』

Both partners were smiling at this, they coordinated to look good in front of this, quickly Nushi felt uncomfortable about this he didn't know what to say, there are many things he dislikes and this would be one of them. Nushi would simply with his sharp look take the meat as it should be, take a quantity of potatoes and everything on the cutlery would say.

『That's how you eat idiots, don't they have any manners?』

Ohh!!! He seems to want to make clear the difference between being human and being cave monkeys. They all proceeded to eat where Cliston actually commented that he would have liked to eat this earlier, but had not been given the opportunity. Svein commented that since he saw that none of them know how to cook and that he would not like them to live on Maruchan or canned food alone he would say.

『I would be happy to prepare food for them *smiles* I want them to eat everything my grandma cooked for me back in the day 』.

Hearing this, Cliston was happy and even commented that he would like to learn how to cook.while the one who didn't want to eat, was the first to leave the empty plate, and as if he had nothing else to say he would only say.

『I order it from you, you cook well』

He would get up from the table acknowledging Svein's talent, but quickly Cliston would give him a voice call, he would go on to look at him seriously about how things should be done, Nushi at this looked at him confused but would quickly know what he was going to say to him.

『How do you say it?』

『....cook well...I already said so....』

『How to say?』

Cliston was even forcing him to tell him how to say it, this for Svein was something new that he did not expect coming from both of them. Nushi was already at the door about to leave, but Cliston again was telling him the how do you say. 

『We have to train now, let's not waste time』.

『This guy...』

『Tha...tha...muc...muc...tha...please count on your support』.

Nushi tried to say it but simply couldn't, in the end he ended up saying something else that we could say was passable. To this Cliston was saying that little by little he will be getting better Nushi, but Svein to this was glad that he was able to help them.

"Hoygan? What about our mutton?

At Svein's home it seems he earned a scolding from his group.


There are only 2 days left until I start the exploration of the Abyss, these last few days although I have to be careful with my arms, I still have to train to be ready. Nushi commented that thanks to my previous trainings, I have a good physique that will be able to withstand the exploration, but when he said it the whisper.

『Damn beefy, skinny we're better off....』

Now that I think about it, if I've gotten to have a better physique now that I see it, and to think that 3 months ago I had the same body as Nushi, but if I wanted to have a goal, it would be to have coconuts! that's right coconuts! to have a well toned abdomen! that would be the only thing I would train! I wouldn't care about the rest! 

Cliston's words to that effect are like those of any teenager at that time. Cliston continued to train his strength with the ball, he seems to have mastered it almost to perfection, with Svein's help he was able to measure his strength better but it is noticeable that he still needs work. Nushi already commented previously, what is missing from the training and could not be mastered will have to finish it already in the abyss. The floors from floor 3 onwards are the most dangerous, so until floor 2 he will have time to advance a little more with the training.

『Cliston is able to lift, throw something physical and textured, but if we put something outside of it he will surely get lost』.

Nushi was referring to the egg that Cliston tried to lift with his wind but ended up blowing it all over the floor. Yes, Cliston can lift a ball or even a big rock with the necessary force with his wind, with concrete objects it seems that there is no complication, but for sure there will be cases where it will not be the case and he will have to make use of many things out of his imagination.

Nushi was molding the snow he previously took, he was making a snow sphere to see if Cliston is able to hold it and winnow it, if he undoes it in the process it's because there is a lot of work missing, most likely that will happen. 

『He must learn to control and manage the matters within his subject, it is something essential in him, after all he is able to control the wind by himself』.

Nushi was walking to the area where they always train, at that he saw something he didn't expect, he had to climb a small snow hill to get there, but when his gaze was in front, he managed to see Svein as if rising or floating in the air. 

¿? This confused him a lot that he would happen to run, he could see Svein descending and ascending in the middle of everything, it was something strange, accompanied by her screams that seemed to be funny and that something was being accomplished.

『What's going on...』

When he finally arrived he could see it, Cliston was making use of his winds to be able to lift Svein to the skies, he wasn't that high, he was lifting him what he needed to be lifted. Svein was happy with this and was even laughing at how funny it was. Cliston was also happy about this as he had not thought of having such an ability. Nushi approached him saying what was going on.

『Since I can fly using my winds, Svein told me that he would also like to fly, I first tried to get him to climb on me so that we could fly together, but he told me that it would be amazing if he could fly on his own, so I thought that instead of lifting balls, I would try to lift Svein himself, despite the fears that I had, in the end I succeeded』.

Svein was insisting to Cliston that he try to lift him higher and higher until he reached the height where they were. It seems that the ball training was working, Cliston created a wind bed that lifted Svein up and kept him afloat. Svein himself shouted if he could take him higher, to which Cliston replied to try.

At that Nushi could see it, as a gust of wind came out of Cliston and seemed to travel a fixed path, he could imagine it as a loop or current of wind connecting to the wind bed which was what allowed Svein to float.

He quickly began to deduce something, perhaps what he thought was always wrong, and now that he remembered it seemed to have always been so. The origin of Cliston's winds always come from him, from his body itself, he is not in total control of the wind but he himself causes these phenomena. Nushi would go on to test his theory by throwing the snowball down the stream.

Pam!!! It was seen as the snowball could not withstand the current and fell apart, Cliston at this turned to look, and when it did. Nushi had a large amount of snowballs that would happen to throw them into the current, many of these were destroyed but some made it to the top. Svein from how happy he was, quickly got hit in the head by said snows.

『Eh? What's going on down below?.... WHAT!!!!』

Nushi had pulled out what appeared to be a lighter from his blanket, with it he lit it at the start of the current, i.e. he lit it near Cliston. The next thing that happened and what frightened Svein was that the wind current that made him rise, had quickly turned into a whirlwind of fire that was going for him, he quickly threw himself from the height that was falling dry in the snow, but there was no need to worry, the snow itself cushioned his fall.

『Hey!!! I'm fine!!! NO!!! What happened there!!!!!』

Cliston at this was confused and would stop by to see Nushi, he was upset that let's say an accident happened. While in the sky, a big smoke could be seen that seemed to still be there for a few minutes.

Nushi had more than clear, the same current was who spread the small flame he made with the lighter, besides being a cold air by the environment, the acceleration was much faster and dangerous than normal. It is known that wind spreads fire and Nushi knew that. Cliston was going to tell him what he had done but Nushi was faster.

『Did you see it Maao?』

『Yes, I saw it, you almost killed Svein because of your madness.』

『It's not crazy, it's evidence, besides we both knew that nothing was going to happen to the brat』.

『...I'm glad you imagine I'm invincible even though I'm not...』

『With this it is confirmed, you are the source of the winds』.

Nushi was sure of what he had discovered, already calmer and more comfortable sitting in the snow. Nushi would explain what he had just discovered.

『Like the case before, you must have seen it I guess, you are the origin of the wind and everything you do has to be connected to you, the brat was flying not because you created a bed or gust of wind below him, the first thing that happened was that you released a current of air from your body, you guided him to Svein and with that he could have floated. There was a connection that held you together, let's call it a thread, a thread that connected with you the origin and source of the wind to the wind current or wind bed, do you understand?


『I'm over there....』

『I'll put it another way, someone who controls the wind, for example if I tell that person to create a whirlpool in the sky, what he will do if he has total control of that element, would be to create the origin in the same sky generating a whirlpool. But if I tell Maao to create a whirlpool in the sky, he will first expel wind from his body, he will be the origin, he will guide it to where I told him and then the whirlpool will be created』.

『Ah!!! I get it, I told you Cliston, Nushi thought you were the avatar...』

『It was something too obvious, why didn't I see it before, all power comes from you and you just don't believe it. Another example, let's put the same person who has control of the wind in space, and I tell him to create a whirlpool, it simply could not do anything since there is no element to control. But if I tell Maao to create a whirlpool for me in space, since he is the origin of the winds, he could easily create it, impossible in space but let's leave it at this』.

『It's clearer now, and what does it affect?』

『There are things you can do better than others, but there will be things you can't do simply because of that defect you have, I want you to take that into account Maao, think about how it could affect your powers when you use it, although this is good for us now, when you control the wind ice it means that you will be attached to it and you will be able to perceive that thread with more nature, it is even more perfect for exploration』.

There was nothing more to explain, Nushi already said it all but looking at it in a positive way, this comes in handy, if Cliston goes around releasing and leaving Wind Threads around the Abyss, the moment he creates a huge one so to speak, everyone will end up connecting with him and he will be able to perceive the whole Abyss. Nushi was happy with this but it seems that Svein and Cliston didn't quite understand it clearly, but does that mean that Cliston will spend most of his time expelling wind from his body to keep the threads of winds attached to him?

『Right...but...he sure succeeds』.

The power Cliston achieved at the cost of training his Base Form, he doesn't realize it but now it has given him enormous energy and growth beyond imagination. They were going to continue training where Nushi handed him the snowball again and see if he could throw it, and as expected, it ended up falling apart.

『By the way Maao....(the brat is still here) Brat throw yourself for a clamatito and a shrimp broth but in 快速地 papi that I am well crustaceo cascarudo』


Nushi threw out words and an expression that even Cliston couldn't understand, Svein was frozen by this as he didn't understand anything. At that Nushi again stared at him even approached him in a threatening manner, and seeing that he stood still he shouted at him.


『Ah!!! I'm coming!!!』 

Svein happened to retreat running on Nushi's errand, he doesn't know what to bring but he will do his best to carry out his orders anyway. Nushi to this was glad to get rid of the brat, since what he was going to talk about was the conversation of the group of World leaders.

『By the way Maao, what did Mr.Lord tell you? I was going to say something serious but ended up saying something silly, for sure he talked to you in private, come on, what did he tell you』. 

『I've noticed that you two don't seem to get along well, did something happen between you?』

『The one who changed was Mr.Lord, before he had a similar personality to Juan, you should have seen them in that meeting, they seemed to get along right? But now he is totally different, if you don't talk nice to him like he says, he ends up rejecting you, you tell him something obvious and he quickly insults you, I told him something obvious and since that day he has been taking it out on me.

『What did you say to him?』

『"Aren't you too adult for those things?"』-『I only told him that because he sent a picture of himself riding a toy horse, I said it with no intention of criticizing him, it was just a comment, but what he answered me was "Let me go! What do you care! It's my life and what if you don't like it! You're just a #############"』-『I censure him because if he said things well R...he's not at all the Mr.Lord of months let alone years ago, it's like he's someone else...』-『That's why I want to know what he said to you, it seems like he let out a hidden and saved topic』

Nushi was talking about her latest experiences with the NorthAmerica Leader, where it seems she made an enemy with him over a silly thing. Cliston commented that he only talked to him about the situation his country is going through and how he felt about it. He told him that he is handling it well without worrying because he knows that the problem will be solved.

『(I wanted to provoke hatred for Maao?....I'm worried about how his stay with Mr.Lord will be....No!...what do I say, if you're going to kill him before it happens, if Mr.Lord contaminates him for sure already...)』

『Although he told me a bit difficult, like he was having a hard time expressing himself, I don't understand why he mentioned Na nowadays, that murderer is already in jail, isn't he?』

『Na? Who is Na? I'm not very knowledgeable outside the world』.

『Well, he was a murderer from 5 or 6 years ago, as I remember he was an elderly family man who committed child abuse, he never killed but left his victims injured, he was caught after he murdered his whole family one night, he was labeled as mentally unstable and now he is in prison, his name was Nakagawa Yuudai, and he was nicknamed "Na" because with the same blood of his family he seemed to have been writing something on the wall』.

This was unbelievable, a fact that seems to have been forgotten, Cliston ended up remembering as the simple fact had left a mark on him. The way he said it was too normal, he expressed neither hatred nor remorse, it was just a news he read some time ago. While Nushi heard about it, maybe he will pass the information to Tomeo and see what he can do.

『What would you do Maao if you came across a case like this, no, let's put it to the extreme, a guy who not only killed many lives but is generating a case in the world, a merciless and cold-blooded person who only thinks of himself, if you had in front of that person Na, who you relate as a family man who surely loved his family very much, what would you do?』

Nushi was perfect for this to know what Cliston's actions and actions would be, even if it's an imagination, maybe what Cliston says is what he actually does. Nushi was waiting where the fatty stood silently and without thinking he said.

『When I read the news for the first time, I thought it was right that he was given a big sentence despite being an old man, but at the same time I felt sorry for that person, I don't know his motives but he did them, he did many crimes but the biggest of all is to finish off his family. If I had in front of me right now a person like you described, without heart, without mercy, who kills even for fun or to generate a change, but at the same time he loves his family and maybe he is a victim of something we do not understand, I would...kill him』.

Cliston's words were serious and too mature so to speak, this surprised even Nushi who did not expect it at all. He even smiled at having obtained such an answer from Cliston. But as he himself said, everything will be known at the moment of truth, that same night when Cliston was trying to sleep he remembered something extremely important that he did not tell Nushi.

『So...what did I do to him on that occasion?』

Cliston was referring to when he was with Mikel traveling to Russia, at that time when they were being bombed and attacked by the Russian army. Cliston remembers exactly how he created whirlwinds in the sky in order to protect himself, he originated them in the air and was not ejected from his body, otherwise the ship would have easily exploded. So...Cliston was slow to fall asleep that night because he couldn't find an explanation for that logic.

『So can I or can't I...?』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
