
Chapter 340: No Intentions

S͇i͇n͇n͇ ͇I͇n͇t͇e͇n͇c͇i͇o͇n͇e͇s͇

Acel had everything ready for a long time, since he came here he had clear his goal, which would be to satisfy and make proud the man who raised him and took care of him for many years, he had always considered him as a father to him. In spite of all the misfortunes he had to live through due to bad luck and the bad decisions he made in his short life. That man who looked as old as Mikel in his last moments of life, had a great affection for him even though he was too hard on him, maybe he had not seen him as a son, maybe he had seen him only as someone to whom to transmit his being, but for Acel that one person who never left his side and was always there in good times and even more in bad, really loves him and appreciates him so much, that he is able to do everything for him, even throwing away the opportunity to have another kind of life away from everything he learned. And to throw away everything he is for something that can be better for him, that would only indicate.

『The less mistakes we make the better we will do in life, since I was a child I used to ask myself every day the same question, why am I so unlucky? I was going to let everything die and me too finally rest without knowing even a small part of where I was born, but since my Father Rick showed up that day, that bad decision ended up becoming something I will cherish forever』-『This world ended up forcing both of us to make the worst decisions, if we are going to be forced to make mistakes, then let that be what brings us happiness and our purpose for being』.

Acel was still sitting on one of the highest towers in Brucelas, it was nice weather, it was sunny even a little more than usual. But this meant nothing to the other people who were doing well in everything, as Acel looked down he could see people walking around according to being content with what they have, either taking a simple walk, spending money from the fortune they have. Going to a job where it seems to be the one they always wanted with good pay. Families that never had any problems and never knew a day of not having bread on the table. Can all of them consider themselves lucky? Can all of this population that you are seeing, have they never made a mistake in their lives? Of course they were wrong, Acel was upset about this and it showed in his gesture. Comparing what one considers bad for oneself and harmful for another are not the same. For these lucky people maybe a bad decision or bad luck is that their dress has torn, maybe it is having stepped in excrement, having dropped their ice cream, having bitten their tongue by accident, that is bad luck according to them. But Acel was clenching his fist because everything he sees is not even a thousandth part of what he and his father Rick had to suffer. There are even people who complain about the good life they have? Do you deserve to be angry because you don't like the clothes you wear or simply because you don't like the food they prepared for you?

『Damned ungrateful with life, I really hate the lucky ones and those who have power over others, they even reproach us in our faces for the kind of life they have...You are doing well, right, and what do I care about that, is it necessary to show it off? of course it is, they need attention and besides everything they have, they want to be known by everyone. Are there people more selfish than those? There are people that even being like that help others and I can't help feeling empathy with them, how nice it is that they share their good luck and fortune with others, I knew it, having achieved many things here is starting to affect me. I must forget about all that and just think about making my father Rick happy, I hate everyone, he hates everyone, lucky strangers to our life, who without knowing us come to reproach and reject us, they like us so much? There is no use improving this world if those above are only the lucky ones, I want them to know and receive all our misfortune』-『I have to fulfill my Father』.

Acel would pass again to see his phone where he had several green lights ready to detonate, he looked carefully at all of them and did not boast about pressing them. But whenever he was going to do it, he did it slowly, either for tension or to make of emotion all the chaos he was about to do. At the push of a simple button you could see in the distance an explosion and smoke coming out of different streets of the city, Acel to this he was happy, yes, let them all suffer from here, let them experience those bad decisions he had in his life and now all that way came to them. 

His plan was simple in simple aspects, what most characterized the terrorists above all are the explosions and direct attacks on the population, but of course, that would be the traditional way to do it and the ones that many would take. Acel came here with that purpose after escaping from the Middle East, here he should be able to achieve what he set out to do on the advice of his father. But everything would be stopped when he got to know that old man, it was like a huge surprise to take him, as if he had known him for years perfectly, quickly could not help but feel a great hatred for such a person. Everything his father Rick had told him since he was a child, every feature, every aspect, every description fit that old man, and when he went to greet him to know his name he knew it clearly.

This old man was Mikel, the same boy who one night destroyed his father and made him see how unfortunate life would now be with him.

For all that his father told him, Rick already knew what Mikel was capable of, so he got information about the ability to see through people, he always told him that he must deceive him by making him see things that are not entirely clear so he would never be fooled, accompanied by being direct on several occasions, because that same night he could see it, when he was a child, Acel's adoptive father, Rick, witnessed how a helpless child, without strength and that at any moment he would fall defeated, thanks to that ability he could face death and be able to get out alive to continue with the fate of his life.

So having that information he had to think of another plan, he can not do what he thinks, he has to have another plan more worked that Mikel is not able to see it, because at the slightest that he discovers it, surely he would already have preventive measures to stop it and never fulfill the promise of his father.

All those years where they saw each other clearly in the eyes, where they pretended to be friends, it was obvious that even though he tried to hide that he hates Mikel and that his intentions are to bring chaos to this city, Mikel never took direct action against him, he knew it, he knew it, so if he knows he is a bad person why didn't he put him behind bars before the bomb exploded. Mikel never took direct action towards him, he knew it, he knew it, so if he knows he is a bad person why didn't he put him behind bars before the bomb exploded.

『Mikel believed in me』-『Just like my hatred towards him was also faked』.

Acel knew it, deep inside he knew that Mikel had hope in him, so he could pretend not to be someone bad and lead a quiet life. As mentioned several times, Acel achieved many things in this town that suffered many attacks and was considered a dangerous place, a terrible record that tarnished the image of anyone who loved with all his heart that city. Acel managed to change it with time, his honest work, the effort he put in, not rejecting anyone who came for help, he always welcomed them with open arms so that they could start again from here. He gave everyone another chance to improve, and the person who always saw this was the same person he "hated" so much, Mikel with a smile always congratulated him for all the accomplishments he made, a hug, a pat on the back, a drink to have together.

He was always being rewarded for his achievements, Acel was always grateful for the congratulations, but deep down he was not pleased to receive all this praise from the person who made his father's life hell, he kept pretending to look like a good boy, he kept pretending that those achievements and congratulations displeased him, the question here would be, at what point does one stop pretending and just appreciate the moment?

Acel knew that if this continued at some point he would stop being what he once was in his whole life, everything he was achieving was starting to affect him, he already felt that everything he was doing was not to please his father, but that what he was doing was from the heart and pure honesty, he really wanted everyone to do well even the lucky ones he knew and empathized with the unlucky ones. Meeting with Mikel and listening to his words was detrimental to Acel, even though he hates him, if he continues to spend time with him, he will also change his mind just as his grandfather fell for the words of that cheerful boy.

No, this did not have to go on like this, he was still not the same as his plan was in progress and it would be the biggest bombing ever seen so far. The only way he could cause great damage in different areas without being present was, of course, by leaving a bomb and that was it. But that would be too obvious, just as he managed to camouflage himself in society, he needed the same to achieve his goal, and looking at a coin he had on his desk, Acel managed to find the answer. 

That was simple and it was in every home, money is money and you never expect it to hurt you, rather money is needed by everyone to do well in life. This was a joy for Acel because he found a way to differentiate between the more fortunate and the unfortunate, the one who has wealth will have more money, while the poor who hardly have enough to eat, will not have a single coin. The strongest will fall and the weakest will remain alive, Acel was happy about this so all these years he dedicated himself to create explosions in the coins and that they began to circulate throughout the city, because after all, who would think that a coin of such a size would end up exploding in your face or in your pocket? Nobody, right? such a thing is only fictitious and to bring it to reality would certainly provoke fear in everyone.


Again there was an explosion in the distance where Acel was doing everything possible to see, it seems that the place that exploded was a jewelry store where a family had previously gone shopping there. Acel to this was happy, he was smiling of course he was, but he feels that if his father Rick was sitting next to him, his smile would not compare to his, he would be ecstatic, grinning from ear to ear. While Acel's expression was just that, a fake smile, from pretending so much in front of others, at the moment when he must be enjoying heart and emotion, it was all becoming part of him too.

An ambulance had arrived at the area of the explosion, but it was too late, the 3 bodies that suffered from the explosion were already lifeless. They wanted to take them to the morgue, but Vie quickly intervened. She approached the corpses where she could hear the special men telling her to be careful, there might be more explosions. But Vie with total security approached them to check the corpses, he wanted to know why there was such an explosion, it could not have happened out of nowhere, there must always be a cause, he checked the officers but there was nothing, at the time of checking the homeless man was inevitable to remember the words he said before, to be snooping on the things of a dead man.

Vie felt bad that she was doing such an action, but she was looking for everything and found nothing. Annoyed at not having helped them and finding the person responsible, she had quickly pulled out a knife where without holding back she cut the victims' clothes, the people present saw this and even told her not to continue staining their persons. 

『This is different, I just want to help them to know what killed them』-『It's horrible to lose everything without knowing the cause』.

As the corpses were completely naked, one could clearly see the difference there was, the 2 soldiers who escorted the Wanderer, their respective sides were burned from the explosion, while the Wanderer was completely his whole body burned and the one who received the most damage. Vie moved closer to watch him and touch the body, he could feel the heat that was fresh, but he quickly realized something, the tramp's waist was more injured and even losing part of it. This could tell him a lot that here could have been the origin of the explosion, quickly as seeing around the corpses, he managed to notice something Vie, there was something lying on the floor that would happen to pick it up and check it carefully. What he had in his hands was a coin that was burned and even bent by the explosion.

Vie knows perfectly well that his special men do not carry money when they are in uniform, they are mostly equipped with their weapons and work tools. So this coin belonged to the homeless man, checking more of his clothes and his body, it seemed to be the only coin he had with him. Quickly Vie thought of the obvious upon seeing the coin and it would be.

『Is this what caused the explosion?....』

But before she could investigate further, she was quickly informed by other of her special men that another explosion had erupted repeatedly in another location in the city. Vie quickly became alert to this and gave orders to confine the area and deploy more men to the area. But she quickly received another report of another explosion in the city. This made her more puzzled as they did not seem to be triggered all in the same location, they were all completely different locations and could even be said to be random.

Vie was concerned and quickly gave direct orders to evacuate all civilians from the city and take them to shelters. They were receiving a high-level terrorist attack and they did not know who was provoking them. Not knowing what was going on and there being thousands of lives in danger, the best thing to do was to put everyone in harm's way even forcing them to go. 

『(But if the real causer is the currency and the civilians bring them...my orders...)』

Quickly all the special men to this abided by Vie's orders and forcibly brought even all the people who managed and failed to witness the attack. The areas where the explosions were triggered, people were so terrified that they began to run for their lives in danger of losing their lives, and the uniformed special men quickly appeared to guide them to the shelters where they would be safe. You can notice how everything is congested and a crowd of people running for their lives, all this while Vie also helped everyone also to be protected, but also through the microphone received reports of possible attacks.

『We managed to detect several bombs thanks to the detector Commander Vie』.

『Perfect! Quickly everyone go to the locations and disarm the bombs!!!』

『Understood Commander Vie!!! ....Eh?....』

『What's going on, soldier?』

『It's not that...more and more bombs are appearing in the radius and in turn others are disappearing...』

『As you said...』

Quickly from what Vie was running to be able to help the civilians, another explosion could be heard in the city, smoke and even flames were causing this chaos. Vie to this was worried because it was the first time that something like this happens in history, she kept running and helping every person who needed her help. All this while thinking about how weird it was.

『(Bombs appearing and disappearing out of nowhere...what is it you did all these years Acel...)』

She managed to get to the building that was on fire, she could quickly see how the people inside were escaping from the fire, she helped them and guided them to go to the shelters. She did not seem to see any more explosions and Vie kept looking at the building to see if there were still any survivors, without fear she went into the building to see with her own eyes. Quickly in the middle of all the chaos she managed to see a worker who was in a ball at the counter of the building, her face said it all, she was completely scared and afraid. Vie was going to help her but when she wanted to take her hand she saw that it was burned and completely red, the whole arm of the worker was completely wounded, but she did not seem to notice the pain because of the shock she saw. 

Vie then looked to the ground and saw a person who ended up with his arm missing, he died instantly after receiving the explosion, this was extremely rare because again it seems that the explosion happened in that man and not in any part of the building or ground. At that moment Vie would hear the terrified whispers of the worker who said.

『Exploded....the customer exploded....his arm exploded out of nowhere....he was going to receive the money while he was taking out his wallet to pay for it...but....out of nowhere it exploded...』

The worker remembers that minutes before, the customer was buying and paying for a piece of clothing, everything was normal until the moment of payment, and at that moment the worker could see him, when the customer was taking out his wallet to take out the money and give it to her, before taking the money with his hands. She managed to notice a spark that was happening, so she quickly ended up hiding under the counter but one of her arms failed to cover it and she ended up hurting herself.

Vie quickly told her to get out quickly or the fire might kill her, but it seems that the worker was so traumatized by seeing the death of someone in front of her eyes. Quickly Vie, not seeing that she had no more time, quickly slapped the worker on the cheek while shouting at her, "Do you want to die? The worker upon hearing this and receiving the blow, began to cry and say that she did not want to die, the flames were making the building fall where the worker quickly got up to run out of the building. Vie also quickly picked up the corpse to be able to be all safe, and quickly when she was outside she started to check the corpse, especially the wallet, again she was guessing that that money could be the cause of all this chaos. He saw the bills but it was simple paper, there could not be explosives here, but he quickly managed to see the coins he had, there were a few that did not suffer from the explosion. But Vie looked at them carefully anyway, if they are explosions according to her theory, then they should explode if they come into contact with fire.

Vie looked at the burning building and without thinking too much she would throw the coin straight into the fire, perhaps the first thing she expected was that an explosion would occur instantly, but it seems that it was not like that. The worker, seeing all the people escaping and the special men taking them to the shelters to be safe, she also wanted to go with them, she could be seen with fear. But quickly Vie would comment to her to stay still and not to go anywhere, but the worker would claim her.

『I'm hurt!!!! Besides I don't want to see another explo----------』


Quickly inside the building another explosion happened intensifying the fire inside. Quickly Vie to this no longer had any doubts about this plus it was the only thing he could think of in his mind, what causes the random explosions were the same coins that people have, it seems that they are modified as bombs and explode either by remote control or timer.

Vie knows this doesn't mean that everything is going to get better, but what he does know is that he just made a bad decision now that he thinks about it. Right now all the people are going to the shelters and concentrating in one place, if some of those people carry the explosive coins with them and they detonate, it would only mean that everyone would die.

『!!!! Do not take any civilians into the shelters anymore!!!! Those who are inside take them out!!!!』

This was heard by all the special men and they were all confused about this, since if they were under attack and the city right now was a danger, it was best to hide the civilians. But he would quickly shout out that the problem was not that the city was the bomb, but that the civilians themselves were the bomb. At this the special men were frightened by the news, the people were the bombs? quickly everyone deduced that some were human suicide bombers at Vie's words, but she would continue to give orders.

『Check and extract all money from people!!!! The coins are the cause of the explosions!!!!』

Hearing this quickly, the special men were confused by Vie's words, were the coins really the cause of the explosions? They know the different reactions people will have to such orders from Vie, but at this moment they don't need to doubt or be sympathetic to anyone, their job has always been to look out for everyone's safety no matter what measures they take. Quickly from the crowd that was entering the underground shelters, they were quickly stopped by the special men who created blockades and barriers to keep more people out. 

In the interiors as they obey Vie's orders and know that all these people are in danger and the money is the cause of all this. Asking them to please hand over the money or that money is the cause of all this, to avoid confusion and for sure a denial from the people. They would use force and each special man would forcibly remove all money from everyone they saw.

Quickly before seeing that they were being robbed because they saw it that way, many of them refused in such a situation, but there was nothing they could do about it, the special men were stronger and brought with them devices to facilitate obtaining the money.

『Get away!!! You're not taking anything from me!!!』

The special man would pull out a taser where he would put to sleep anyone who refuses to hand over his money. Faced with his action and the civilians not knowing why this was happening, complaints would quickly follow and they would quickly accuse them of thievery. The special men were only doing their job, they were doing it so that the people would be free and could return safely, even if on the way they had to be seen as the bad guys.

On the outside it was happening the same way, Vie's orders could not be fulfilled as such, even Vie herself did not know what was the best decision to make, if she decided that everyone should go to the shelters, at any moment there could be a big explosion, but if they did not go in there could be several explosions in different places, there was no decision that would save everyone, there was only the decision of which one would hurt the least, not even that, there was no right decision to make.

Throughout the city became a constraint, those who were oblivious to what was going on in their quiet day, special men quickly appeared and took away all the money they had, distinguishing between taking coins or bills can decide whether that person dies or not, it is better to take everything. Quickly all the people were being robbed in front of their eyes, the ones who brought peace according to now they will only remember them as the real thieves of the town.

Again they took the money from another civilian who did not hesitate to give it to them, he quickly took his phone and made a call, where Acel would answer it without problems, hearing what was happening, Acel was happy with this, he did not expect things to happen this way.

『Interesting, they already realized, but can you tell the information? these lucky people appreciate money, it represents what they are and will be in their life, will they give you something that easy? Of course not, besides many won't believe you, "yes, take all my money, thanks for saving my life" of course not, they will refuse and even label them as thieves, which is happening right now, ah, with this I also just destroyed the image of the officers in the area *smiles* 』-『And the image of whoever decides to stop me will also be destroyed, I'm waiting for you Mikel, come as fast as you can』

What was happening in the city was something that no one imagined, it seemed that they were reliving the era of terrorism along with the current era of robbing everyone who has money. The explosions continued thanks to Acel, several people who were running away from the officers not to give them their money, suddenly exploded for no reason in front of the special men. This only made them feel guilty for not being able to help them and once again with more strength and attempts to save them, when they saw that someone was bringing money, they would do everything in their power to take it away from them. Even when they said that their money, the coins they were bringing were bombs, they could quickly notice the denial of the people who did not want to believe in such a lie and above all, to give up something valuable.

Quickly the image of the officers was stained by Acel, who was happy to receive another phone call where the caller was in one of the shelters, he was now informing him what was going on underneath them. Quickly he was informed that the civilians were opposing, that they did not want to leave and even made the special men fight, all to avoid giving them their money, when Acel heard this he laughed and only commented that they should continue informing him of everything. While Acel was watching from the tower, he noticed that someone was coming towards him.

『With Vie coming first, I'm sorry, but you're not the one I want to talk to』.

Quickly from what she was running in a hurry Vie towards the tower, in a moment she was flipped a coin that went straight to her. Where Acel as if they were coordinated, pressed the detonator. An explosion could be seen blocks away from the tower, the smoke did not let you see, Acel smiled at this, but out of the smoke Vie came out again and proceeded to continue running still badly injured by the explosion. 

『Elders shouldn't do what you do』.

Again from what Vie was running through the streets, different coins began to fall on her and Acel made them detonate just by squeezing them. Vie would dodge the explosions with extreme speed without caring if she had to dirty her maid's costume. To the acrobatics that the old woman was doing, Acel could only congratulate her for this, maybe she could reach the tower and make her face to stop all this. But....

『Vie? What are you doing here?』

When Vie found him she was confused, she didn't know why he was here, but the boy answered that he and Étienne had gone out to buy cake for the party, but in the middle of the road they started to hear explosions and that scared them so much that they started to run, and when he went to hide, he realized that the other boy, Étienne was not with him.

『What? Étienne is missing? He must be around here somewhere, he couldn't have gone far』.

『Vie what's going on, why are there explosions all over the place』


Vie began to see the area and did not notice that there was chaos here, there was no indication that the explosions had detonated here, so what must have frightened the children would have been the explosions that she had been dodging. Vie just reassured the child and told him that they would soon return home where they would be safe.

『We can't go home yet! We have to buy the cake for the party, I hope Étienne bought it because he took the money』

『Money? What money are you talking about?!?!!!』

『Acel gave us money when we met them on the street, he made it easy for us and that's why------』

Quickly Vie would pass to carry the child in her arms and pass to run through the streets in search of Étienne, she was shouting the child's name while desperately searching, she doesn't want anything bad to happen to him for having the coins, she also can't imagine that they had run into Acel, although it's not surprising since he has always done the same thing before. As she desperately searched ,the boy did not understand what was going on, but quickly deduced that Vie is similarly worried about the cake instead of him, so.

『Don't worry about the cake Vie, because I was able to take some money out of the bag earlier *smiles*』.


The boy took out of his pocket some coins that he managed to get out of the bag, with his innocent smile he showed the money to Vie, who quickly without hesitation would take the money with force and would throw it to the sky, but it seems that it was too late as Acel had already detonated the bomb when he saw the situation. Vie quickly prioritized the child and covered him with her body. An explosion occurred where the smoke showed the place of the detonation. Acel was glad to be rid of one he did not want to see. 

The child was frightened but protected by Vie's embrace, while the old woman had supported and served as a shield, her back was completely burned and her clothes were torn to shreds. The child with fear raised his head to look at Vie, who the old woman was with a smile asking him if he was well, which the child began to cry because Vie was badly hurt.

『Don't cry...you will make me lose my strength...』

Vie would end up falling limply on the little boy's legs, where the little boy would start asking and moving Vie's body to know if she was okay, asking her to get up, that she would get better but not to leave her here. Quickly he could hear a communication in the earphone Vie was wearing, it was a recognizable voice for the little boy.


『????Boy? And where's Vie?』

『Vie is....Vie is dead....』

The old woman wasn't dead, she just fell asleep because she couldn't take it anymore because of the explosion, but to the eyes of a child who was only worried about the old woman, seeing her in that state made her look like she was dead. When Mikel heard this he quickly fell silent for a few seconds, he called her to get more information about what was happening, but he never thought that something like this could happen. Cliston was asking Mikel what was going on, when out of the blue....

『Vie this.....』

Mikel started to shed tears from his eyes, he really couldn't handle the news he just received. He started to cry silently, his tears seemed like waterfalls, he really couldn't believe that something like this had happened. That person who supported him and made him overcome several difficult moments, could not fall so easily. So he could stand firm, he wholeheartedly believed and trusted that Vie is still alive, even if the news that a child said so is....

『They say that children are liars, right?....Please...let it be a lie...』

Mikel clenched his fists tightly, he wanted with all his being that what he had heard was a lie, he had to see it with his own eyes, he had to prove it to believe it, that's how it always was since he was a child. Just as he returned home with the hope of seeing his parents again, now he has to return with the hope that Vie is still alive. When he looked ahead again he realized something, in the sky there was a free trail of flight, this was too rare because for something like this to be generated something must have happened instantly. !!!! Quickly Mikel turned to his side and noticed that Cliston was not with him. 

When the news reached Cliston's ears, he did not hesitate to get out of the ship, take his God Form and fly as fast as possible to return to Brucelas. He thought of nothing else but to be able to save her and see with his own eyes if she was really dead, because if she is, then .....

『Who...who did it...I...I'm going to kill him.....matar』

Cliston was trying to process all this feeling that made his whole being angry. It may have been the anger or the thought of Vie being assaulted, but in a moment Cliston had arrived in the city where the attacks were taking place. It was a quick check what he did, thanks to the speed he obtained and the anger he was suffering, he quickly flew through the streets causing even more chaos wherever he passed, the wind that caused made everything that was not well attached to the ground rise. The civilians who were trapped by the special men to take their money, were interrupted by a current that passed quickly and lifted them a few meters, falling to the ground without receiving much damage.

『Oh, I guess it was expected that he would be the first to return』.

Acel from the tower could see a gust of wind moving swiftly through the city. Cliston the only thing he cared about was finding Vie, but in the process he managed to see how the city was, at what moment all this happened, there was chaos and explosions everywhere, lifeless bodies on the ground without anyone being able to do anything to save them.

This accompanied with the adrenaline, the discussion of President R, the exchange of ideas and the image he has of chaos and people's lives. Despite Mikel's words to him, he feels that this time they will not be enough. What hurts Cliston the most he has just recently understood, and that is the death of every person, not even a person, the death of someone who had a life still to tell, that is what makes him come out of his senses. A life that can no longer be recovered.

『Who....who....WHO DID ALL THIS!!!!』

He couldn't take it anymore, it was like a glimpse into the past and even though he could have avoided it, he just couldn't be here. He quickly managed to take a quick glance to the side, where he managed to see a small boy along with an old woman lying on her legs. Cliston stopped at that moment, he had found Vie who was badly wounded, her back completely bloodied and burned, and who was accompanied by a child who didn't know what to do and the only thing she could do was to ask for help.

『Cliston please help Vie』.

The child that accompanied him was asking for help, where Cliston quickly before he was shocked by what he was seeing, he would take Vie and the child in his arms, first he would put a shield over them, this to protect them from the speed he was going to take. He would quickly take them to the first special man he managed to see, he was doing his job, when Cliston stopped to look at him and see that he was stealing money from civilians. The first thing Cliston by quick action was.

『Let him』

I grab his arm where it seems he didn't control his strength and even if it was a slight grab for Cliston. Quickly the special man screamed in pain at this, it looked like he was going to burst his hand with just his grip, at first he didn't seem to stop squeezing his hand, but hearing the man scream in pain and seeing that his hand was getting blood on it. Cliston regained consciousness leaving the man alone.

『Thank you for helping me』.

The man who was about to be robbed thanked and left the scene. But quickly the special man shouted that he must give him the coins, that they are the bombs.

『Bombs? the coins are the bombs?』

『That's Cliston』

Vie regained some consciousness and told Cliston all about the situation. I tell him about the coins being the bombs, I also tell him about the reaction of the people and the measures they decided to take. Quickly the man Cliston attacked was calling more reinforcements to treat Vie, but Cliston now feels bad that he did not control himself at that time, that in the middle of the talk he was apologizing to him.

『Nos nos la hizo....ese Acel if he got away with it』


『Right now he's in the city tower, I'm pretty sure he's controlling the explosions and if we stop him it will all be over, please Cliston, stop him...』

The ambulance just arrived where they were attending and taking Vie away so they could treat her as well as the injured special man. Cliston was confused by this, because although it is obvious to us, this news for Cliston was too confusing, that Acel is the cause of all this, it can't be. If he always saw him as a good person, exemplary and dedicated to others, he can't be the one causing all this chaos, why would you destroy the trust you created all these years?

『Why destroy what you are now...Acel please tell me .... why are you doing all this...』

Quickly Cliston took flight and just as Vie told him, he could easily locate the city tower and could clearly see how Acel was sitting calmly there. He was even waving his hand and telling him to come here. Cliston with hesitation and an expression of may it not be so, was finally next to Acel who didn't leave that fake smile on his face.

『I was hoping and praying that the first one to come is Mikel, he is my main target in all this, what do you say we chat while he comes? *smiles*』

Acel was calm and put the phone away in the meantime, Cliston to this was confused, again he didn't know what to do with these emotions he was feeling. He wanted to believe in the guy he was looking at, he also had hatred and wanted to know who is the one that caused all this chaos, but at the same time he knows that even if he tries and talks to him, even if he threatens him, even the most perverse person in the world, Cliston knows very well that he will try to give him a second chance, because that's who he is, because that's what he wants to become, that's how he was raised, that was his example, that's his....

『Does this sound good to you? 』-『The life that each one of us has, is it ours or someone else's? I've been thinking about it lately, we are what we are because we are us, or because we are following, trying to imitate or equal who we admire, I admire and love my Father very much, since I was a child I always wanted to be like him, I worked hard, I gave everything of myself, I even did things I never thought I would do, all to be someone like him and follow his example, but now that I do it, isn't it too obvious that this doesn't please me so much?』

Acel would try to smile but you could tell he didn't like it at all, all he did was just to try to please someone who is no longer with us, to make him happy, to imitate him to keep remembering what he once was. Is that what really defines us as people? following someone will make us happy?

『I threw it all away to something that would surely make me happier than this, I am very sure that my last days if I had followed this false path that ended up becoming real what made me the happiest, and all because of what? Because of an agony to stop being who I worked so hard for in my life. My father was everything to me and I wanted to be like him, it's the only thing I learned all my life, his teachings and beliefs, I was so sure I wanted to be like him, he would tell me about his experiences with the world and I absorbed them thinking that "The world is mean to us, so I hate everyone", But when I finally had the chance to see it with my own eyes I realized that I had to live it and experience it on my own to discover what I really appreciate in life, I saw the other side of the world, I hate myself so much because I am contradicting my father, I am contradicting what I was all my life. ...I.... cannot accept what I am now』-『I made the wrong decision on my own initiative...and I also feel bad for doing it』.

It was like Acel was opening up to Cliston, the Fatty would switch to his Base Form and sit next to Acel looking at all the destroyed landscape in front of them. As always Acel's words are very open and obvious, ready for anyone to tell him the obvious, Acel was blaming himself for being what he is and having taken everything wrong disguised as right. But Cliston didn't see it this way, right now he empathizes and feels sorry for Acel as he feels he too is taking the same path.

『I also think I'm not ready for this...I didn't take into account all that this decision to be a Hero would bring, I thought it would be easy but it really wasn't, anime and cartoons made it look so easy and fun when it really isn't...I...I...I just realized a while ago that I can't be like my grandmother, she's her and I'm me. ...but anyway that's not going to change what I want to be in the future』-『It's not wrong to take someone as an example, I won't be like my grandmother but I'll try my best to be like her, I thought if I followed her I'd be like her someday, which I would have really liked *smiles* But I didn't take into account that I'm the problem...』-『My life is what will define me, just as my grandmother's life was what defined her, at the beginning I only aspired to have a quiet life with my family, finish middle school, high school, finish college and have a job that I like, that pays well and when I have money and they see that I have become a professional, I can finally help my family and see that I am not a burden to them, I still think I want that and it is still my goal, but since I got these powers, that day everything changed, I do not want this, I did not want to see people die, I did not want to save everyone, it is stressful and too much now that I see it, along with wanting to be like my grandmother I feel the need to save everyone and do the right thing like she does, I know she would do it, if she was in my place everything would be perfect, isn't it grandma? or where am I wrong? please tell me the answer if I am wrong...』-『Living a normal life is what I would have liked most』.

『I support your thinking Cliston, I too would have liked not to have been unlucky 』-『But it's already taken, there's no turning back, not at least for me, I hope you realize it too and that it's not too late on the train you got on Cliston, you can get off whenever you want, that you don't care what others say』.

『No, I'm already here and I have to go all the way, even if I don't like it and I'm starting to hate it, if I don't experience all this in the flesh, I'll never know if it will have been worth it in the end *smiles* Maybe a change will come up and say "Being a hero I like it" Although I don't think it will happen, besides I'm the first one in the whole world, if someone had already done it, I would have most likely asked him his experience, depending on that I would have accepted or rejected it』

『What we are now are we satisfied with it?』

『No not at all, what I am now, at this moment I dislike it very much, so much so that I would take several blows and yell at myself "You imbecile! You shouldn't have accepted it" But I don't want to leave it at that, this journey doesn't end and I want to see how it all ends, how I end up in all this』.

『Yes, I didn't like what I was either, and now I like it even less...if I had continued with the trip, if I hadn't gotten off the boat I built...I would have liked to see what I would have ended up with』.

『You know Acel, we really are the same *smiles*』

『*smile*No Cliston we are not the same and I'm not talking about race or color, you are unique in the world, I am unique in the world, we may look alike but there is always going to be something that differentiates us, in this case, in that you made a bad decision and I made a bad bad bad bad bad decision, and I can't get off this boat anymore, I would only be left to sink being nothing, so *sigh* That Mikel didn't come despite all the time we gave him, I guess this will be decided between us, I'm sorry that all this hate is coming to you Cliston, you really are a good person, with you I didn't feel any threats or other intentions like it is with Mikel』

『What are you talking about Acel?』

『If you are not told clearly you would not understand Cliston, I was the one who caused all this, I was the one who killed the civilians, I was the one who created all this, the happy families for the sole purpose of not forgetting who I am, I was the one who decided to throw everything into the void』.

From the conversation they were having, it was coming to an end. Acel began to tell everything in front of Cliston hoping that this would end, he had it all clear, even if he tried, he knew he would lose to him. The most obvious thing to do is to get angry with him, but Cliston was not, that young man was crying because of how he said it so calmly without fear of being told bad things.

『No...you're someone good...you're someone humble...you wouldn't do all this...you care about people and I understood that, you're fun and funny so ....』

『No Cliston, I threw all that away to go back to what I was, I'm someone bad who just looked for chaos from the beginning, didn't I tell you that you're too good...come on, kill me, I don't stand a chance against you』

『Kill you?...』

Acel was asking Cliston to kill him without hesitation, this hit Cliston like a bucket of cold water, he really didn't want to do it, he didn't want to hear someone tell him that, he quickly objected but Acel commented that if he doesn't do it, he will keep killing more people, that he is the bad guy here. Cliston was refusing so much until Acel took out his phone and showed Cliston the device, and just by giving him a green button, BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

『You see Cliston, if you don't stop me, I'll end up killing everyone, so kill me』.


『Kill me....』

『I can't do it...』

『That you do it』


『KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!』

BOMMMMM!!!! BOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! BOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Different explosions were happening everywhere, in the shelters, in the outskirts, even in places where they were free there was an explosion. Everything was being destroyed and the quiet city was turning into a desolate landscape. Acel was annoyed that Cliston did not kill him so this annoyed him, threatening that now he would explode everyone and he would not be able to save any more lives now. But he quickly managed to see something different in Cliston, he was trembling and afraid, he would clench his fists, his legs would go into position and this only indicated something. Cliston was ready to fight, where Acel was.

『You're not going to become God?』

『No, this is enough to stop you, I will defeat you and let you know that you are wrong, you who suffered the most deserves to have a second chance』.

『That kindness turns to grief, don't do it again Cliston, it's ok, that pose I recognize it, you were training from what I see, come, now let's talk with our fists』-『These same hands will tell you how much he snatched in his best years』.

Acel was also posing and Cliston quickly identified him, he was clearly a Savate, the same fighting style that Mikel taught him all this time. Cliston was going to fight with what he really is and always will be, that's the way he still won't give up until the end. The fight between Cliston and Acel is about to begin, as we will see who is right in the end.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
