
Chapter 332: Tomeo and Mama Lucha Part 2

T͇o͇m͇e͇o͇o͇ ͇y͇ ͇M͇a͇m͇á͇ ͇L͇u͇c͇h͇a͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇2͇͇.

Tomeo was determined to improve in the way he acted in front of these situations, he was always in the middle of the war, either as a participant, strategist, commander, but he was always there to give the stature as he deserves, in an environment where at any moment you can die, you are not allowed to have mercy in front of the enemy they know exactly all the bad things they did, There should be no forgiveness before someone like that, Tomeo knows it very well, that there are some casualties in the enemies rather facilitates the work of judging them to give them the same end, death is the least they can offer after causing so much suffering to other people, if you are willing to give, then you are also willing to receive.

But Mama Lucha was different, the more he observed her as she made her movement of charity towards people in need, the more he became interested in this, either by the initiative he saw in the young Cliston that you can solve everything in another way, he did not see a good example of what he meant by this, but now with Mama Lucha he sees it clearly and is amazed, just talk and understand, be his friend, not even his friend, just looking to help and tell him things as they are, being honest one is how you earn true companions in life. There are many people who have many acquaintances that even seem to know every person in town, surely a relative, your mom or dad, grandfather or grandmother, has so many connections that you wonder how did they achieve that, how do you have so many people who are your friends, the answer was simple, they just are and that's it, they acted as they normally are and that led them to achieve much in their lives, maybe not a good economy in the process, maybe not the future you would have liked, but they got a friendship that will help you, someone who you greet and greets you when you meet in the street and chat, moral support, chatting about how you did in your life, in your day, telling them your cases as you listen to theirs, that is a good friendship, people who manage to become friends with everyone, if they are incredible.

『I remember my grandson Cliston told me about a classmate when he was in 3rd grade, he said he wanted to make friends with everyone, to have 100 friends, that he was cheerful, funny, mischievous but always having the values he was taught at home, I remember that he was always defined with a word "normal" I have not seen him in person that young man, I would have liked to see his face when he heard that he was called that way』.

『Normal? If they were getting along well then I don't think they meant it as an insult, they must have meant it as a compliment or a compliment?』.

『I have no idea, if I meet him one of these days, I would like to know what became of his life, that young boy they called Albert, he left the school where his friends were at the end of that year of 3rd grade, I do not know the reasons but I hope that before everything that is happening, he is well』-『But what I do know, is that the innocence of a simple action of a child like saying a word, can be interpreted as one wants』.

Mama Lucha and Tomeo were walking heading by train to their new destination, they have already been a few days going from here to there, helping those in need, fixing problems they encounter, what they encountered the most around the center of the city, was the same problem of the young people, It is too common that young people refuse to want to be adults, that's how Mama Lucha says it, it scares them in this era, where you have everything at your fingertips behind a screen, that even some of them, being in the real world, don't know what to do, not even being able to say the right word, they get stuck or simply don't speak. Every time I saw this I could only agree with Yuu that it was true, in his population is on the rise to be a Hikikomori, is that bad? For the Prime Minister it was not, if he was here he would surely encourage the boy to go out and make everything he had in mind come true, that he would support him from the inside while he was on the outside. A few days ago they came across a similar case, as the Mama Lucha movement became more known, a mother saw her and quickly asked for help, that her son was locked up and did not want to come out, she told him everything, that she would not scold him or anything, that she just wanted to see her son again.

『Even though I am at home and we are inches away from each other, I feel my son is very far away from me...』

Listening to her Mama Lucha did not negotiate to help her, this wanted to see Tomeo, again if he had to, he would quickly break the door and would have told him his truths, he would have encouraged him but in a violent way more thinking first what he can do and contribute, more he would have left what he feels and wants. That was what the Tomeo of before would have done, but the one of now that already spent a short time with Mama Lucha, the first thing he would do would be to knock on the door, to be opened and talk to him face to face, not to see him as a stranger or a rebel, but to see him as a member of his family, to see him as his son.

『Maybe to calm him down I'll tell him an anecdote...I stroke his head...that calms my children down but...』

Tomeo was thinking whispering, this was seen by Mama Lucha so she smiled to then turn to him to tell him that if he wants to try, which Tomeo did not expect this, he was with doubts and somewhat nervous, despite being in worse situations and more complex, here nothing is lost, life is not lost, a battle and less the war, but he is just as tense as if it were.

『It's okay, I'll handle it』.

Tomeo said it seriously ready to do it, this was like his first test after having studied a lot, both were in front of the door, while the mother also accompanied them, Tomeo knocked on the door, as expected although they had waited a few seconds there was no answer. Tomeo could hear it, it was keys being pressed, the sound of the mouse moving, and a machine working without rest. Tomeo would play again this time with a little more insistence, he was going to talk to the young man but he answered at the end.

『You stop knocking, I'm alive, you don't have to worry, you're interrupting my departure, what time is it? mmmm, I'm going to get hungry soon, can you bring me my breakfast and leave it in front of the door? I'd appreciate it mom』

『Yes sonny...I'll do it now...but please, when are you going to come out of your room? you've been locked up for half a year and you didn't tell me what the situation was...I just want to know what's wrong with you so I can help you...』

『I already told you that nothing is wrong mom, I just got tired, I got tired of making an effort to have a life that I will hate a lot, before that I prefer to do what I like (I felt like going to the bathroom, besides I'm starting to stink)』.

The mother interrupted to talk to her son, she was the only one with whom she could talk about these things, but even so she had not told him the reason for his confinement, she was worried about what was wrong with her son, she only wanted a miracle to happen so she could help her son. Tomeo before this was dissatisfied, he saw the mother all worried and sad about the situation, she was like bad in appearance, everything must be because of the stress she is going through, her son's action is making the mother sick and little by little this family will also fall apart.

『(At some point he must go out either to go to the toilet or eat on the sly, did he at those times not see his mother how she is? did he not see her eyes or her concern? Doesn't he see that his mother is suffering for him? While he is in his little games, I know I should calm down and think of another method, but hearing and seeing this, I simply have to act as I only know how)』

『Son, please open the door, you need help, please son...do it...』

The mother again insisted for the last time that her son open the door, while Tomeo failing to do so this time, will have no choice but to break the door by sheer force. Mom Lucha saw this clearly and saw Tomeo, saw both his face and what he was thinking of doing, she would not stop him, if he is taking it as a test then getting help is not necessary. Another few seconds passed and there was no response to the mother's request, this made her worry more so.

『Step aside ma'am, I will get your son out of his confinement』.

Tomeo took a big breath of air, you could see how his chest and stomach inflated more, for after a loud blowing he returned to normal, he was thinking of destroying the door with a kick, he can't tolerate anymore how that child is making his mother suffer without her noticing, words are also very harmful depending on who says it to someone.

Tomeo prepared himself with strength to throw his kick, but at that moment the door had opened where he finally showed the young man locked up, the mother quickly shouted for her little boy where Tomeo stopped at the last moment. They said nothing at this moment, everything was silent, the mother in shock that something might happen to her son, Mom Lucha calm, while Tomeo was serious lowering the kick that was about to hit.


Pis.........You could hear something was spilling, as he looked down, the pajamas the young man was wearing was starting to get wet, he just peed his pants from the scare he just got. Tomeo looked at this where he could only say something.

『I'm sorry...』

After a while already with new pants and underwear, while the previous one was in the washing machine, they could finally be inside the room of the young man locked up, this of course was nervous and worried, quickly because of the embarrassment he felt, he was telling his mother that he wants these 2 people who are here to get out of the house, which they did not plan to do.

『Ya!!!! Let these 2 people go!!!! If they just wanted to make fun of me they got it, now get the hell out!!!! Even without doing anything I get humiliated...I'm tired of this, Mom!!!! Tell them to go away! I'm uncomfortable with your presence, if I had known you were here, I would have used another bottle』.

To one side of the room you could see many bottles of pineapple coke, which was evident that they were his needs, to see the room in general could be seen as expected, had a closet full of sleeves and figurines, the room did not have a bed, most likely to have more space should sleep on a futon, but everything here was full of garbage bags, it was impossible not to notice the smell, the closet was also full of things that should not be there, his computer was also not saved, it was dusty and next to it there was toilet paper, the TV and the console seemed to have a stain there that was not removed in a long time. And the moment I saw the young man, his hair was a mess, his face tired from hours of playing games, headphones on, the only thing clean was the pajamas his mother just gave him.

『Stop staring at me!!! I'm sure you're criticizing me for how I look or how my room looks, what do you care? when you leave you'll forget all about me, that's fine, I don't need help from the outside, what I have inside is enough, as long as I'm in my house I know nothing bad will happen to me』.

The boy was still reluctant to receive help, his mother was talking to him to convince him, how old is he? his mother said he is 16 years old and he is in the second year of high school, or at least he was going to study. Tomeo was still watching how to solve this, while Mama Lucha stood at the entrance without saying anything.

『You're wrong』

Tomeo said it without mincing words, both mother and son turned to look at Tomeo, their expressions were clear, the son was looking at him wrong while the mother was worried, but it seems that Tomeo even if he tries to act like he should, in the end he will highlight what he really is, he raised his finger to point at him and tell him a lot of things.

『Don't you even realize how wrong you are!!!! This is your room but it looks like a rat's cave, you feed on junk that you are not even able to throw away the wrappers, fix your room a little! You should take a bath every day and not every time you are sick! Look at your eyes, they are tired and red, straighten up! And take off those headphones! No! You'd better get up and walk around a bit! I've found out more about you, if you take off your headset and touch your head, you'll see that it's squishing!

『SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!! Ahhh!!! Why are you criticizing me if I didn't do anything!!!!! That's why I don't want to see anyone or receive anyone besides my mother!!!! Everyone criticizes me for the way I am, it's wrong, I know it's wrong! But don't say it to my face! And why should a stranger care about me, it's my life! You have yours, it's good isn't it? you are one of those people that can be outside as if they were at home, but there are others that their home is their home and they are not when they are outside, get lost old fat man, I'm not going to listen to you anymore』.

Tomeo was having a discussion with the young man, when the mother heard about the subject of the headphones, quickly she would gently take it off to find out if it was true, while her son was still talking to the adult, at first she didn't see anything strange, the messy hair was hiding it, so she would go on to stroke back and forth slowly to find out if it was true, and when she did.

『If you were my son I would certainly do everything to help you and correct you』.

『Well, it's a good thing you're not my father, you don't even understand me or try to understand me, you sure are a bad father who doesn't even see his hi-------』

『It's true....』

The mother interrupted the discussion, the son when it was his mother and noticed that she was caressing him, he stopped to look at her confused, she was caressing his head and he just let her know, when was the last time he received this affection? despite being very close, it was very distant the family they were. The son was nervous and blushing, how to react to his mother's affection, he even seemed to have forgotten, when he looked at her face, he quickly saw the truth.

『It's squashed...』

The mother commented caressing her son's head, while the young man saw everything, his mother was paler than he remembers, her hand was transmitting a little cold, she had bags in her eyes, what was it that she had...a disease? The son wanted to help her but could not say a word to her, but at that moment the mother would cry in front of her son, she took her hand off his head and fell on her knees, the son tried to touch her with his hands but again something stopped him, what was it, he wanted to help her but did not have the initiative to do it.

『No mother why are you crying, are you in pain? fever? flu? what do you have? shall I bring you some pills from the medicine cabinet? please tell me what's wrong mother, I don't want to see you like this anymore...de.... stop crying...please...』

The mother was still crying while the son was standing in front of her, it was like an invisible wall that did not allow him to touch his mother or get close to her at this time, but in reality there was nothing, he did not understand why the young man could not do it, he was already extremely worried, he looked at those who were with him to ask for help.

『Please help my mother, she is suffering, I do not want her to suffer...Do something!!!! Please!!!!! If she is in pain please cure her!!!! If she lost something please get it back!!!! But don't let her cry anymore.... please...I beg you』

The young man was asking for help from Tomeo and Mama Lucha, who the latter was just looking at the situation, she wants to help and she knows how to do it, but she wants to see how Tomeo would solve this in her own way, yes, that was it, she didn't have to imitate him or be just like her, everyone has their methods of solving things, Mama Lucha wants to see how the Leader of Asia handles an external family problem.

『Okay, I'll do it, I'll help you, but you're going to have to pay me before I do it』.

『?....Pay?...why do I have to pay you! I'm asking for your help you idiot!!! I'm saying please!!! Just help me when we're in trouble!!!』

『Everything has a price in this life kid, not everything is free for those who don't make an effort, getting something for free is a privilege or a luck, and you don't have any of the 2, I know perfectly well how to cure your mother, but what are you going to pay me with if I do it?』

『Money...money....everyone in this world wants money, but I don't have money...isn't there any other way you can help me? Please』

『You don't have money? uhmmm...then how about paying me with your computer? If you give it to me, you can rescue your mother』.

Tomeo was looking at the young man's computer with interest, when the boy realized this, he quickly sweat cold all over his body, it's like he froze instantly, they said something important to him, he looked at his computer and didn't know what to answer, it wasn't an immediate answer, it was a late one, when Tomeo realized this, he quickly closed his eyes because there was no remedy with this young man.

『(If I give you my computer my mother will be saved, but my computer....) I give you my TV!!』

『Give me your video game consoles』

『My consoles? (.....Why my consoles...can't I give you my TV or my backpack that I don't even use anymore...why don't you just help me for free...I hate...I hate all this...why people are like this, they always want something in return. ...can't we just help each other? this world is tainted and infected, people like him who ignore us and even ask for something in return...I hate them...I hate them all)』

The young man looked at Tomeo in a bad way, while he didn't seem to retract his words, minutes passed and Tomeo was still waiting for the young man's answer, where the young man was fighting with himself, he was gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, his mother was still crying but this time silently, until.

『(Ahh!!!! It's okay!!! it's okay!!!! Take if you want everything from my room and go!!!!! I just want you to save my moms, she is my family, the only one who accepted me despite what I became...seeing her like this hurts a lot...) My computer....and my consoles....take...take....*cry* don't take them away...please don't do it...let us live quietly please....can't we be a happy family? I...hate this...』

Tomeo had it from the beginning, this was the answer that the boy said at the end of everything, since he hesitated to save his mother or lose his sense of life, this boy is very selfish, too selfish, he wants to be given everything while he does nothing, and it is not only him, there are many more in the world that for reasons that nobody understands and only they know, they want all their dreams to be fulfilled, and in those dreams they are completely different from what they really are, and that makes them happy and at the same time makes them sad.

『You are a useless child, you prefer to have your computer and consoles instead of your mother's happiness... you are certainly a disgrace to the world』.

『I didn't say that!!! I do care about my mother's happiness!!!! She gave me everything I have! She gave me love, affection, made me know what makes me really happy!!!!! And now that she's sad and seeing her...it tears me apart....If you're not going to help us...I....I...』

『What are you going to do kiddo? If you are not able to give me what I asked you in exchange for saving your mother, what are you able to do? I won't do it, grandma won't do it, no one in the world will see for you, if in your world it's only you and your mother, she gave you everything, and what did you give her? Do you even know the reason why she is like this? If you don't realize it, that only means that everything you feel for her is just a lie』.

Tomeo was serious in his decision and doesn't seem to turn back, Mama Lucha looked at this and only had one thing in mind, that Tomeo is very tough and strict in his decisions to help others. The young man felt alone in the world, his room was now invaded by strangers who want to destroy him, he is afraid, he feels alone and unprotected, his mother who was his shield all these years, can't anymore, the young man after hearing so many criticisms and negative words of his person, he was really tired.

『Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up, stop implanting in us what we are not!!!! What right do you have to come and say all that to me without even knowing me!!!! If you are not going to help me then I will do it on my own!!!!! From now on the only people I will care about are the ones who really care about me! If one day you come to me for help, I hope you are prepared because my demands are very high!!!』

The young man happened to take strength from those he had lost, now it was the other way around, he would point at Tomeo with decision and cry in his words, then he would address with warmth to his mother, he knelt down to be at her height, he would go on to touch her shoulders, the barrier that was invisible to him before but was present, he could break it with ease, the mother seeing that her son was different, would go on to look him in the eyes.

『Mother, I want to thank you for everything you did for me, it must have been hard for you all these years that I didn't care or even realize everything you carry, really thank you, now you are tired, even a great mother like you fall with time, you fought alone for me, I didn't realize it before but now I tell you and repeat, thank you very much mother for everything you did for me』-『Now I want to ask you something, I want you to rest, I don't like the idea but I think I can enter the battle if I do it thinking of you, I will fight for our future and that someday we will have a good life, I don't want to see you suffer anymore mother, you raised me with love and affection, you taught me the good and the values that a person should have, all this time I think I took advantage of how good you are, so I . ...it must be time to leave that behind and think about what I can do, I know I can do many things but I'm afraid of what they look at me, but as long as you continue to support me, my world will continue to be stable, mom don't suffer anymore, your son will be here to help you *smiles*』.

The young man was sincere with his mother telling her perhaps everything he always kept to himself, he was happy to say it, he always wanted to do it, this was the moment, and what he feels now is total happiness, or no rather than happiness, it is like the first step to that which many consider they have achieved in their lives. The mother on hearing this was surprised, her son, the one who was locked up really said all this, even if it was a lie or not as he said, she was happy, proud and will always support her son in everything he does. The mother would go on to hug her son while crying on his shoulders, the son also hugged his mother calmly and warmly. Tomeo who was observing all this, from the seriousness he was, was smiling warmly, Mama Lucha would walk up to him to tell him the results.

『I see that you had a hard time solving it, you gave him too much thought to tell him that he was the only one who could solve this problem』.

『First I had to make him recognize and accept what he is now and that he was his mother's disease, now that he has overcome that reality, I doubt he will want to go back to what he was before, Lucha you said that the young people themselves are the ones who solve their problems, now I understand, there will not always be someone to help them, someday or at any time we will be alone and we will have to find a way to get ahead, but if we have someone we love very much, we have to take advantage of all that time to be with her, because when she is gone, life will be more difficult』.

『You are also a widowed father Tomeo-san, I hope your children grow up happy』.

『*smile*I will make them the happiest children ever』.

They looked at the scene of how both of them were finally able to solve their problems that family of only 2. It looks like things will get better from now on. After a little talk of thanks for helping them, the mother was really happy for asking them for help, she hoped that Mama Lucha would be the one to intervene, but she was very grateful to Tomeo.

『I hope everything gets better from now on, and for you brat, don't do anything bad, don't make your mother cry again』.

『This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't come in the first place, but anyway this had to happen one day, so thank you, I'll try hard to be the one to support my mother now, being a doctor pays a lot, when I am already a doctor and you are my client, I'll charge you a fee that you'll want to poke your eye out, so get ready 』

『No no no thanks, me go to a hospital...this body can withstand even gunshots! Because I'm a superhero for my son! And superheroes don't even get a scratch!』

『But even a superhero gets old and when you're old, there's only one way left for everyone』.

The young man would go on to point his finger at Tomeo, where the mother would stress to him that he should not point directly at people, Tomeo did not understand this, why would he point his finger at her? At there the young man would go on to make a slight finger movement quickly, where remembering that he would become a doctor, Tomeo quickly became alarmed and realized this, quickly covering his butt.

『We're leaving now, and ma'am, please don't let your son point his finger too much anymore...it's rude』.

『It looks like he understood, I'll wait for you at my clinic Mr. Bigotón!!!!』

Mama Lucha and Tomeo were leaving the house too tired for Tomeo, who for him this was a test that he did not expect to have, but as he overcame it, it was gratifying that he was able to solve it successfully. Just as Mama Lucha had thought, and it seems that he is learning well, this seems to be his method of how to deal with people, keeping his hard and strict way of being.

Time went on advancing and whenever Tomeo could, he went with Mama Lucha to accompany her, in the time he was busy, he used it to investigate the culprit of the attacks, and it is somewhat uncomfortable that the suspect does not have a name, they should give him one to refer to him, it would also be strange that the same subject does not have a nickname with which to refer to him. Taking advantage of the fact that there was a group of policemen in the town hall, Tomeo called them to a small meeting to decide what temporary name to give to the culprit of the attacks for now.

『I also thought of giving him a name, referring to him as the one who did the bombings is confusing, so any ideas you 2?』

『Well, taking examples from my country, usually they always give extravagant but caricatured nicknames at the same time, like "El rey del Balazo" or the other one which is "El genio Mataburras" or also simple ones like "Angelito"』

『But what is that? It's really funny! Let me try it, ah! "Dinosaur Gloton" or maybe also "Olive" or "Chaparrito Correlon", right?』

『JJAJAJAJAJAJA I see that if you know it boy, there are also more like "El Negro que no ves" or also in this case "La Rata Loca" Loca because of the Midori no Happa and rata because pure rat nothing else there is in the congress jajajajaja』

『You 2...this is serious stuff, uhmmm, so how about the "Malicious Baby" or "Miguelito" fits?』

The officers who were with Tomeo were Kenji, Kosei and Jeff, who got very creative when it came to giving a nickname to the culprit. These 3 were entertaining each other while conversing, without a doubt the charisma of each one was noticeable in every exchange they made. Where Tomeo looking at them as they did not catch their attention, rather what a joy that they were getting along this well with their co-workers.

『Say "La Rata Loca?" Maybe if we stick with that nickname, since it makes sense, rats are runts and difficult to catch, they even act without us not knowing anything, it's even perfect to describe the culprit of all this (besides some time has passed and nothing has happened again, which is strange since he seems to have a pattern in his attacks...)』

『I vote for "La Rata Loca", it's very funny and easy to learn』.

『I also agree with Kosei, calling it that perfectly describes the culprit』.

『Ah! Now that I remember a classmate said an interesting nickname when the Big Tree Madness ended, he told me that he found a victim, it was a gentleman who when he first saw him was wearing the breathing mask, what he said was "My name is Na" or "Call me Na" something like that was, I don't quite remember what it was like』-『So what do you think? Kenji-senpai? Kosei, Leader, we call "La Rata Loca" Na?』

Jeff suddenly started talking suddenly remembering something, seeing him always with that attitude was normal for his teammates, it seems that the nickname was already decided but in the end it seems that the latter would delay it a little longer.

『Na? You know that with that you would be incriminating him, and if that gentleman is the culprit of all this? If so literally the culprit of the bombings was in front of our noses all this time』

『Need to look for more information of who is the person who called himself Na, but if he was in The Big Tree Madness, everyone there was already tapped, and with the time that passed we have given concluded that anyone could have been the culprit at that time...so....』

『Ah! got it! And if from that moment he told us what his name is? The culprit must have been that masked man, it already seemed strange to me that someone who is capable of provoking all this doesn't have a nickname, or maybe it's not him, maybe he transmitted the message to a victim and thus spread his name! How unbelievable! It looks like a movie, doesn't it Kenji-senpai?』

Yeah, this gave for a bit more meeting, the culprit calling him Na seems to take more weight every time they talk about it, even Kenji who was in favor of Kosei, every second seems to go more to Jeff's side. They were still arguing and chatting about whether to call him "The Crazy Rat" or just Na.

『Well, "La Rata Loca" sounds cool, but Na is cooler』.

『So Jeff, tell me why you want to call him that, speak well oe or I'll chanco you』.

『Because it's shorter and easier to learn, Na, N-A, besides with that nickname it doesn't convey more mystery? No one knows who she is or what she is, maybe she's not even from this world! Yes! Na I like Leader!!!』

『All right, I too find it shorter and easier to trim, so by 3 votes where mine is also there, we decide to call the culprit of the bombings as Na from now on』.

『QUE CARAJOS!!!!!!!!!! But leader! Kenji!!!! mine was bacano....』

This is how they ended up giving the nickname Na to the culprit of all this, where in the home of Sakai Asa, he was with his wife at home preparing curry for lunch, seeing him with the delatan and smiling despite being exhausted brought tranquility to his wife, where at one point when he was giving him a few turns to the food with the spoon, this showed signs of sneezing, thing late since he ended up sneezing before covering his mouth and nose.

『(There's no food!)』

But when he opened his eyes, he realized that his wife had quickly brought him a handkerchief with which he was able to support Asa, the husband was happy and apologized to his wife for the inconvenience.

『I'm already used to being a support *smiles* It won't be long now too, if you want you can go to the living room to keep our baby company』.

『Thanks sweetie, I'll take your word for it this time』.

Asa was heading to the living room taking off his apron, in there he could find his baby who was watching TV, he seems to watch a children's animation which he liked very much, seeing him laughing and moving his little body made Asa happy. As if she did not want to disturb him in his entertainment, she better decided to play with her son for a while, these days have been quiet in the city, despite the congress everything seemed to go from bad to worse, but somehow this seems that it did not turn out that way, Asa was afraid, that this country may have a change, her gesture changed a little to give a sigh.

『(What a relief that nothing bad happened, Na's plan was that thanks to this that our society is unbalanced, yes there was theft and vandalism at the beginning and I think there is but little, but I think Na expected more from this, I...I'm glad it's not like that....)』


Na appeared like a shadow behind Asa, who always talked to him and appeared when he was confident that nothing bad would happen, listening to him talk is always uncomfortable, he says things the way he wants but in negative, he doesn't mince words when asking for chaos, getting used to your shadow, for Asa is something that can never happen. But the last thing Na said caught him off guard, like this was waiting for him? He didn't say anything, but Asa was nervously sitting on the couch.


『(Who do you mean? just one death at this time is enough for you? it must be someone important...)』


Na was fading away never to appear again, while Asa was confused by this, why...he always has this bad feeling that he speaks knowing things that didn't happen yet, what is this...since when does he have this problem...that shadow that is for him, he knows it perfectly well but he rejects it with all his might, but at least he got something out of this, it seems that there is only going to be a total of 4 attacks. What does he want to achieve, a change...is that really what it will be? Asa was nervous thinking that he will have to do it at any moment, he had to relax, he is at home, so he would move on to change his attitude and see his baby.

『Come on, let's play *smile*』.

But the baby was still watching TV, it seems that the children's program was over and now they were broadcasting a serious anime, listening to the dialogues that you have to kill and kill, it was like it was making Asa sick little by little, but his baby was still watching without blinking, he also for some strange reason did not change it and kept watching until.

『This is my gift to everyone....』

BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The screen showed an explosion in the story that just happened, it seems that the villain detonated something with his powers to send to destroy an entire city, see how everything was destroyed, the houses, the trees, for sure people are also dying. The baby continued to watch without blinking, it was at that moment that he remembered what Na would do, that the 3rd attack would be the penultimate one. When he realized, Asa took the control and turned off the TV, he would go on to play as if nothing had happened with his son until lunch is ready, but in his mind he only thought the same thing.

『(You're crazy, Na....)』-『(No...I'm sick....)』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
