
Chapter 329: The Little Soldier 18

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At last the nightmare was over, a total of 6 years had to pass for it to have an end, a war that did not take all the attention it deserved, having an internal conflict perhaps it was that people outside did not know, that if word had gotten out that their own people are fighting each other, would have been taken advantage of by those who had not yet joined the new world that was to be formed, it would have been a low blow, but as nothing can be hidden, the truth would sooner or later come to light, better to take the opportunity that they have to say it than to spread the word and modify it to their liking. Didiel Schuman had made public the case of the Arnicania war to all his people and outside countries, that some invaders came by sea to take advantage of such a district Arnicania did not have so many connections even with his home country. Many truths were told, they had the opportunity to analyze and explore the area before giving the final verdict, they talked to the survivors and told their own stories, the grueling training, the experiments and the abuse they received. They literally labeled it as a concentration camp so that they would also be on the list of those events that happened in this and the previous world war. They also told about the oil and that it is now in the total power of France, surely many upon hearing such a statement, were surprised, one more oil well for a country that is reaching its peak, but especially for Arnicania, since Didiel has plans with that oil well and the accessibility of that district with the sea. But in a second of his speech, Didiel hesitated to say it or not, that in these 6 years the French soldiers fought against their own people, young people who were mostly under 18 years old, in a war there will always be casualties, although they realized that they were from their own country, even with the regret of it all, they had no choice but to shoot as little as possible to end the lives that were mourned. 

To say it or not to say it? It is true that a few died but while fighting, he understands perfectly well the pain and regret of many of the soldiers who even some retreated to another area. Thus making there was also a casualty in the oil war because many soldiers did not avoid feeling bad for killing children who were forced to fight for their sake, only a few could resist and that was because they refused to kill them, among them was Rachel, who lasted in the war a couple of years, not killing, but hurting. She could see with her own eyes, how a special soldier named Ann was the one who carried, she was like a shield, she offered to do the dirty work of being in front and let herself be carried away by that disease or goal that Colonel Alfred Shadow wanted to achieve, he was rough, savage, his look said he was going to kill them, he left them seriously wounded, But he never killed them, between those years, Rachel and Ann exchanged information between them as allies, in those meetings when they were alone, Rachel could not avoid looking at him, since his appearance and gesture said that he liked to be in the war, it was obvious that his body said that he was already tired and asked him the same question that he would repeat to young Mikel. Where Ann's answer was.

『I have to be me, I'm not doing it for me or my pride, since all this started I'm not the same as before, I still have to keep fighting because I have to, do you think it's useless to resist as much as you can until the end? My family is waiting for me in Arnicania, I have to go back』.

Rachel understood it perfectly, she knows and has it very clear that there are many people who fight for what they believe is right that it is useless to persuade them to leave it, one knows that suffering that manages to break your heart and stop being yourself, the driving force for Ann to continue fighting was all Arnicania, that with her effort and sacrifice she managed to have a little hope and to take away all the bad things. Didiel looked straight ahead and it was clear to him, there was no need to doubt it, the truth must always be his greatest strength, he commented freely that they fought with their own people, of the deaths on both sides and other horrible things that the survivors of Arnicania went through. Listening to this for all present was shocking, you could see how the journalists exchanged sentences and questions, some even had their headlines for tomorrow's newspaper. It was terrible these 6 years, they could have done something, deploy their forces to Arnicania, but that would have only brought more tragedy, to bring war back to that district would be too much, they had the strength, to blow up all Arnicania was within their reach, but the memories and nights thinking that they also killed their own people, would flood their heads. Didiel for all these years always tried to talk to them, to reach a talk in the most peaceful way, those people deserved it, he wanted to show them that power and abuse were not the only way to solve things, just talking correctly to please the other, was the best thing to do. The culprit of all this movement was Alfred Henricht, a soldier of deserter nationality, to say also public his nationality would have brought discord with the country that joined them, Alfred was a soldier that participated in the first World War since he was young and that thanks to his ability could survive, but this one was different, he found something in that war field that made him change, because of his desire to continue fighting, He ended up massacring with a group of Elite Shadows a small town in his country, soon they would be judged so their hours were numbered, they planned where to escape, they needed resources and as if they had it in sight, their goal was Arnicania, it had everything they needed to take over, including especially the oil that was not yet discovered, but their main goal was that there were more people like them, those who cataloged Shadows. 

Didiel thanked all those who supported the end of all this, thanking the soldiers and relatives, the people present who knew about it, thanking everyone who sees and hears this for understanding that any horror can happen at any time and to any person, when it happens, you just have to keep on trying and fighting if you have the chance, as those people from Arnicania persisted until the end.

Right now Alfred would be judged for all his war crimes against humanity, most likely they would end up giving him and all the survivors the death penalty, forgive them? give them a second chance? Didiel never thought of that in his mind, justice must fall where it should without any regrets, someone who killed and made many suffer asking for human rights and help? if you see someone like that there is only one thing left, that he can also suffer. At least that is something Alfred understands and he never apologized, he didn't ask for help, he didn't say anything, he accepted all his crimes because he was already satisfied, his goal he knew was there, what he found in the war will always be present, it was in the past, it was in the present and it will be in the future, you cannot run away from the evil that man created thousands of years ago, for Alfred it is very human to accept all that, the pinnacle of man in his evolution? if you get to control that power, what will be your next goal? 

『That's easy, I would kill everyone, that need to keep doing it and enjoying it, I would not let anyone humiliate me, I would crush them, I would slaughter them, I would skin them with all my power, we are what we are, our essence that God gave us, God? *smiles* Yes.... I would use that power to kill God, he is the culprit of everything』.

『Killing God』『That was your real goal?』『You talk about the power of the Shadows? we need to investigate more of the ravages brought by the post war』『Going back to review the medical analysis, Alfred Henricht has everything in order, he suffers no hallucinations, no collateral damage, his brain in physical form is intact, but still this man has an atrophied mentality, our technology and advancement does not allow us to know more than the obvious, but that is clear, all the time a is smiling, what amuses you to make you happy? Why does everyone who had contact with you, say they see you as Shadows?』

『Because it's fun what I do *smiles* Who wouldn't be happy to know the truth of everything?』-『What will be...what will be...but everything is funny to me, when something doesn't go the way I want it bothers me a lot, but if I come out winning I'm very happy...』

Alfred was tied to a bed where all the professionals present were watching him from behind a glass, Didiel was also there but did not say anything, Kiel was also with him, everyone was witnessing how the death of that man would be, he was injecting the serum with which they would put an end to his life, but Alfred was still talking.

『I let myself be easily carried away by my desires, sex is delicious, controlling people is fun, being smarter than others is a joy, being on top is glorious, being carried away by the shadows is the best thing that could have happened to me!!!---- !!!ARGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! And you...who still don't know him will know...if a simple human like me could get such ability and understanding only by accepting him...how will it be with someone with more power able to destroy everything...destroy destroy and destroy!!!that will be the real threat you must fear, God we love him and for that very reason we must kill him, he must be only from us, love...I love you!!!! AND I HATE THEM!!!!!!』

You could see how every second that passed the serum took effect, see how Alfred was writhing and talking at the same time, you could see how his skin became a different color, he was suffering and his moans gave it to understand, but he did not stop talking at all times, at the end he seemed to be between heaven and hell, many say that when you die you see a light at the end of everything, what Alfred must have seen, why he mentioned God and that we must kill him and love him at the same time. Those present did nothing, just watched the end of that simple man had contact with the ashes, his eyes began to shed blood, all his orifices were shedding blood, until at some point his eyes and pupils were disfigured forming a strange shape in his eyes, he was seeing it, he could understand it in that second of life he had left he could see it clearly and screamed loudly before losing his life.

『XER!!!!! EV!!!!!! YOU!!!!! YOU DID TO ME!!!!!!!』

It was the last thing Alfred said before he died, his body already made his face fall leaving all the blood still dripping out of his body. The first thing everyone in the room wondered what was the last thing Alfred said, he didn't say the full names or words, it seems he only said alazar letters, but Alfred blamed them for what happened to them, Xer, Ev? and who are those 2 people if they are? But in the end, even if they investigated with time, they only ended up as hallucinations and that moment of madness, repentance that everyone has when they die, they didn't get to more about the last words. But Alfred knew it perfectly, he could know the true name of the cause of all the negative in the world and cause of the ashes in everything, Xerzene, and also the name of Eve, who also resounded in his head, those 2 beings were who more than bringing security to everything, by their bad actions ended up making everything worse.


It had been a few weeks since Arnicania was completely freed from the shadows, to go out of your house again without the fear of something happening to you, was a memory they never thought they would feel again. The sunlight bathed the city of Arnicania, which is still under reconstruction, and several soldiers from France were helping the survivors to leave here, since in these conditions they cannot continue living here, there were cars to take the survivors to the center of the country where they will receive the necessary help. The felling of trees is bad, but at least all this time managed to open a road that connects to the outside, the children were picked up, carried by the hand or even placed on their shoulders, you can see the insecurity that have those who survived, perhaps the uniform they wear bring them bad memories, but they want at least their calm and warm smile, help to appease at least these moments that everything will get better from now on.

『This is it』

Rachel walked through her town until she found something that brought back memories, this was guided by what she remembered, she took the same path and saw the houses nearby, this brought back many memories but she kept walking until she found it, she was left without what to say more when she realized that the Orphanage was still the same as she remembered, but that if, it was more deteriorated by the years, the paint already fell apart, from what was a nice Orphanage in appearance, now it was more than old. Rachel walked until she was at the door and knocked on it like anyone else, where she could quickly hear someone come to open it and the first thing she encountered was.

『Yes, what can I do for you?』

He found Vie as if in a calm manner, while Rachel even though she tried to remember this little girl did not come to mind, but what brought back memories was Arnicania's accent, hearing that tone of voice and way of speaking again brought back a lot of memories. Rachel would ask if this was where Mikel lives where Vie would answer.

『You come to look for Mikel? ah, I think I know what you want, I'm sorry but we know about your plan, you want to take the children out of Arnicania to be safe, but me nor Mikel want to move away from our home, here is our family, here we live and we plan not to change our mind』.

Hearing Vie's answer brought back a lot of memories to Rachel, that way of refusing and Arnicania's pride, made Rachel for no reason let out a smile of joy where Vie was weirded out she would quickly pull out a handkerchief from her outfit to give it to her.

『It's the first soldier to cry when denying me, and for you to do it in front of me...it's okay, you can come in』.

『Thank you *smiles*』

Rachel was entering the orphanage and she could see how it was inside, there were things that had changed but others remained intact, the more she walked around it brought back a lot of memories of her youth. Vie led him to the living room where she was retiring because she was making lunch.

『I'm going to finish making breakfast, I'll be back with Mikel in a while, in the meantime rest as much as you can』.

Vie was leaving Rachel alone, who sat on the couch, he saw it and smiled again because he remembered it perfectly, this couch was new when he still lived here, he saw his surroundings, he knows that he was told to rest until they return, but being here and doing nothing, it was not his thing. Margarette on the other hand was just getting up from her bed, age no longer allowed her to move like before, but she could hear from the second floor, how someone was kind of fixing or moving things, she surely thought it was Vie or Mikel, since helping at home was something that had become very usual. Margarette stayed a few seconds sitting on her bed, she was going to stand up but quickly heard a cracking sound in her back, she was going to scream but she could stand it, she went back to rest for a while until the pain passed and she can move.

『I don't think Vie's medicine will be enough for me anymore』.

A few minutes passed until breakfast was ready, Vie returned to the living room to offer food to Rachel who had not yet shown up, but when she returned to the living room she noticed something that impressed Vie, Rachel had been cleaning the area, it was more impeccable than before, it even seemed to shine the objects she cleaned, the couch, the table, the decorations, everything was in perfect condition, even if Vie tried so hard to clean she did not get the same results as Rachel.

『I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but take the rag and broom to clean everything』.

『More like where did you know the rag and broom was, I still appreciate it, complaining about something you did right would only make me a worse person, let's go have breakfast it's ready』.

Rachel followed Vie where the soldier did not avoid looking at his surroundings, from here Vie began to suspect Rachel, it seemed strange to her from the beginning, like she has an air of hiding things, first she started to cry when she refused and now she finds him cleaning the room. They finally arrived at the dining room where Mikel was finishing putting the dishes, he was in his kitchen apron and when he saw the soldier Rachel, Mikel did not say anything, he just smiled with joy.

『I knew you in that worn and blood-stained uniform, that you are now in an apron and homey, it's nice to me *smiles*』

『Thanks, the things home can do to one, Vie, it's taking too long already, can you go get her?』

『It's time already? perfect, the last time I went early she scolded me because she still had the strength to get up and walk, now I'm going back to her wait for me』.

『With her?』

『Come, I want to talk to you 』.

Rachel confused by the children's conversation, where Mikel quickly addressed her so they could chat while waiting, Mikel indicated where she should sit which was right next to her, what they had in front of them was a simple stew with bread, it was not a big deal, but Mikel in a calm and smiling way told her to eat it, when Rachel ate it he was surprised, it was a rare and different feeling, not that it was very rich, he ate better things, but it was a warm feeling that you could only get in places like this, where Mikel would talk.

『The place where you are sitting, was that person who prepared the food for everyone in this place for a long time, Fari together with Vie cooked for everyone, with love and care, I try to cook but I'm sorry it's not good, Fari cooked better than me....eh?...why are you crying?』

Rachel was crying with the cutlery in hand, the tears were going to fall on the food so Mikel would use his hand to cushion the fall, Rachel was really very sensitive, as if Mikel's words became real, Rachel could imagine those days when the family was together, how the children were happy, eating on their plates, having and commenting about their days, ? ? the boy in front finished his meal, Rachel could see how his plate moved by itself, no...it was Fari who was giving his food to that boy, both smiling, both sharing with affection.

『It's tasty...it's tasty...very delicious...』

『Ahh....thanks, it's one of my first dishes, but I promise to make them better』.

Rachel was starting to eat eagerly as if she had never eaten before, seeing how she was taking bites of the bread, seeing how all the time with the cutlery in her mouth, for this Mikel was a bit taken out of the mood, but in the same way it brought him joy to see how Rachel didn't try to hide anything. Until in an instant he finished it, there was no more, and as if the effect was over, everything he imagined vanished.

『Thank you for the food, it was delicious』.

『You really didn't change, or maybe you did or maybe you didn't...I understood that complex and difficult situations change one, going back is impossible, the only thing left is to move forward to see what we become in the end, I'm glad you Rachel, you still keep the child you were *smiles*』


After Mikel's words, someone else had appeared in the dining room, he said his name hesitantly because he couldn't believe it or imagine it, Vie had brought Margarette here and entered just at this moment. Margarette was being helped not to fall down by Vie, while Rachel was staring at that old woman who seemed to be no longer able to give any more. Both of them were staring at each other, where Vie was staring at the soldier.

『Rachel? that's not her hi----』

Quickly Mikel had appeared to cover Vie's mouth, her friend was complaining to be let go, but Mikel to this was just smiling and waiting for the right moment, as if just telling her by the look, he was telling her to just watch.


Rachel also hesitated in her words, she could see it clearly now, she had a small memory of how her mother was still young, an adult to be respected, always with her maid outfit ready and impeccable, now what she had in front of her was an old woman who at the drop of a hat could stand upright, the maid uniform was pale and worn, but she knew it, she knew that old woman was the woman she wanted to see so much. Rachel could do nothing but get up from the chair, and began to walk slowly towards the old woman.

『Margarette?...it's you isn't it?...I didn't think....yo.... I thought the worst happened....Margarette...I....』

『You...really you....Welcome home my son Rachel *smiles*』

『!!!!...MOM!!!!!! ME!!!!! I WAS SO SCARED!!!!!!』

Rachel went to hug her mother running with energy, this was seen badly by Vie as Margarette is not strong enough to resist such affection, but it was too late to act, Margarette moved to Vie's side and she too went to hug her son waiting for him with open arms, where Rachel could not with the joy of seeing her mother again who as if she was a small child, hugged her mother with affection while crying in front of her.

『Mom!!! I thought you were dead, when they told me they killed the elders I was so scared, I thought my fight was in vain....mom I.... missed you so much!!!!!』

『My Rachel you are still as spoiled as ever, and did you really think I was going to die? how could I leave this world and leave my children alone, I missed you too son, why didn't you come home sooner, I was so worried』

『I'm sorry I'm sorry...I'm so sorry mommy....』

『Ya ya ya, the important thing is that we are fine, thank heavens, thank you for giving me this opportunity....』

Margarette also couldn't resist that she would end up crying in front of her son, when this she heard and saw Rachel, she looked at her mother as she also hugged him and cried on his chest, the last time she remembers something similar was when he was still young and didn't pass size to her mother, he always saw her as a hardworking and feisty woman, capable of raising many children, always firm and capable, to see her crying now, so weak, he feels that if he hugs her too much he will break a bone, but still Rachel was happy, to have had a mother like no other, a mother who will be until the end always keeping her words.

『Eh? don't you want me to let you go? yes you are my spoiled child *smiles*』

『To my mother I will always be a little boy no matter how many years go by, and that I already have a wife and child of my own *smiles*』

『Well, and that? as expected from my son, a real stud, I thought I was going to leave this world without becoming a grandmother, since for these two to have one, something tells me it'll be a long time』.

Margarette turned to look at Mikel and Vie, the words were very direct, when Vie heard it she quickly blushed as having a life together with Mikel was a dream for her, just the thought of having a family, no, just the thought of becoming Mikel's partner, holding hands, having their first kiss, getting married, growing up together, for Vie this was all very embarrassing.

『(Why do I get shy...yes, that's what I want, I want to be together with Mikel, but I don't know if that's what Mikel wants, surely because of what he lived through he didn't even think about falling in love, I wonder now what will happen, I know we said we'll stay together but what if we split up?)』

『I...promise to be together with Vie!!!! Because she is my family!!!my family...not like family family I mean, but family family family where we will be together...one day...if I lose my fear....』

From the insecurities Vie had, he was quickly grabbed by Mikel's hand where he said such a statement, Vie was totally blushing hearing such words, while Mikel likewise endured to become like tomato, he looked at Vie with shame, his eyes were shaking, where Vie from all the doubts he had, he moved to look at him with affection where again here Mikel could see through her and as if it was a glimpse into the future, it was given with luck that they would end up living together in their own home together with many children.

『What a nice couple, lucky you were able to be present mom and see the evolution』.

『Never mind, it was obvious from Vie's side, but now that everything calmed down, Mikel can also look at having another goal』.

『But one thing mother, you told me that all the children here are your children and they are my siblings, they are also siblings, then that wouldn't be inces-----』

『Silence Rachel, don't ruin this moment, yes they are my children and they are all siblings, but it's different, they can while others can't』

『But they are broth----』





『Ouch!!! But things you learned outside!!!! I'm going to flip-flop correct you!!!!』

『*smile* *laughs* I'm going to clean up the dining room and kitchen!!!』

Margarette was running her son Rachel around the dining room, it even looks like it's a lie that she was suffering from her back, no matter, the mother will get strength from anywhere, especially to correct her son with pure blows. While Mikel and Vie, Mikel was looking sideways at Vie and she was already more than sure that Mikel has feelings for her, she was smiling and blushing while saying in a low voice that could be heard.

『I would like to have 10 children, no, 20 children yes!!....』

『Well...how do I tell you...let's have more than 30 kids and a temporary frent out there....』

『More than 30....30.....more than thirty?!!!! (How wild can this guy be!!!! and why am I happy!!!!)』

Vie can no longer shake the thought of those intimate nights she will have with Mikel when they are much older, but that too you have to consider that taking care of a child costs a lot, but that doesn't matter to Vie, she will try hard to make all her children victorious in life, but still, after having more than 30 children, her body will be able to resist.

『(With that in the future I will live in an orphanage with more children, I think I can't ask for a better future) Thank you so much Vie for the life you will give me *smiles*』.

『Eh? yeah...more like thanks to you and by the way...let me mentalize for a while, until we get older, yes?』

As they talked time had passed and everyone finally calmed down, but now that they know that this soldier is Rachel, now the time has come for them to know the reason why she came here personally. They sat in the dining room, Vie and Mikel together, while Rachel and Margarette on the other side. Rachel became a little more serious and was proposing to both children something.

『I want you to come to the capital』.

『No, we already said no, here we will stay and here we will live』.

『Then let me correct myself, Didiel wants them to come to the capital』.

Rachel proposed the plan to go to the capital, but quickly Vie again refused to accept it, since she doesn't want to go to another place or maybe for the moment, away from Mikel, but when the soldier commented about Didiel, there was no way to refuse, Vie already knows perfectly well who that man is and how important he is for Mikel. Seeing the impact on his face was evident.

『I don't know if you already know about it, but I'll tell you, for years there has been a project accepted by the congress that was supported by Didiel and Robert Schuman, and over the years it has been implemented, seeing that there are many people, especially children who were left alone like you, The government gives them the possibility to study and train for life』-『We have already started it with France since this year and our goal is to expand this charity project to more countries, they will receive sustenance such as a home, bed, they will be paid for their studies, We would like all the children to receive this benefit, but we only limit ourselves to 2 or 3 children per orphanage or those who are in extreme conditions, they will receive support until they finish university, then the support will go to other children and it will be repeated several times, although of course, we cannot give it to any child, it is much deeper if we talk more about it, but the simple conditions we have is, that you will strive to have a better life, tell me Mikel, Vie, do you want to improve your lives? 』

After Rachel's explanation about the help they will receive, Mike and Vie had the last word, whether to accept it or not, it's good to help the poorest and youngest who still have a chance compared to an adult, this project is that, it focuses on what can be rescued from others. Mikel was doubtful, he stared at Rachel as if wanting to see her future, but did not find an answer.

『Didiel tells you personally even though he is not here, he wants you to have a good future Mikel』.

『Didiel....yo...I do accept』

There was no more doubt, Mikel accepted the proposal and opportunity, Rachel was happy about this, while the little young man apologized to Vie for not being able to keep his promise to stay here forever.

『I'm sorry Vie, but I want to see him again』.

『Yes, I thought so, now that I've heard all this it would be foolish not to accept it, with that they convinced the other children to leave here, staying here won't benefit us anymore....』-『I'll have to try hard to be a good mother *smiles*』

Both children had already decided on accepting the proposal, where Rachel extended her hand as a sign of closing the deal, Mikel looked at him and looked at the soldier, and without hesitation shook his hand with a handshake. And as if there was no more time, they quickly packed their belongings that were not many, Mikel the only thing he picked up was his spinning top that he himself arranged, while Vie still checking his things, he realized that he did not return his yo-yo to Mikel, will he do it now or will he wait? this yo-yo means a relationship with his friend Didiel, but the spinning top also means that friendship and he keeps it with affection, Vie looked at the yo-yo and said to himself.

『It would be unfair for you to take all your Didiel away, at least let me turn this yoyo into a bond of me with Mikel...』

Vie kept the yoyo and would not give it back to Mikel, both were ready to leave, Rachel would be the same who would take him to the capital, he also wanted to take his mother Margarette with them, but she refused saying that here is her home and as still a person of pure Arnicania with the pride still present he wants to stay in the place where he was born and defend.

『So you don't want to see your grandson and my wife?』

『....Because you're the only one I'm sedo....I'm going to go too now! But I'm doing it so that I can meet my grandson and see what kind of woman you married, you know my demands are high Rachel』

『*laughs* That's mom's weakness, she would do anything for her family』

『Yes, we think a lot of it』.

Margarette was getting into the car in order to say goodbye either temporarily or permanently to Arnicania, the citizens of Arnicania, Margarette, Rachel, Vie and Mikel watched as with each passing second, they were moving away from this city that saw them grow and at the same time become strong, saw its greatness, saw its fall and now they will see its resurgence. Mikel watched fondly as he walked away and remembered everything he lived through, how he arrived and was still a crybaby and how here he struggled for his family, they were already going through the war that was now much more peaceful.

『So long Arnicania and .....』

When they were passing by the place, Mikel realized something, everything was grassland and desertic, and with the future as here is the oil well, it will still be a worse image than the war, but Mikel didn't and won't see any of that, the only thing he can see in the distance but clearly was the image of 2 adult people as they waved their hand, they were saying goodbye with joy in their eyes, seeing how their son finally embarked to see a new world and walk on it.


Mikel was shouting to the open air, he was shouting to the world, he was shouting to his parents this would be the 3rd time he does it, the first time he did it angry and frustrated, the second time he did it crying and accepting, this 3rd time he says it with energy and joy, as his son is still alive.


As it was said, they arrived in the capital as agreed, they would live for a while in an orphanage that being clearly serious, was in better conditions than the one they lived in before, here there were more children like them, there were from different places, it was so varied to hear the languages and appearances that it made Mikel happy. But their joy of being all together did not last long, as Vie and Mikel had different ideas, Vie wanted to become a maid and a respectable woman to help everyone, the place where she had to go was far away from where Mikel would study, this made Vie a little sad, but Mikel supported her to fulfill her dream of becoming a great mother like Margarette was for them, with tremendous pain and tearing, Vie had separated from Mikel. On the other hand the little young man, this one took a long time to find what he wanted to be, doctor doesn't appeal to him, he doesn't want to see such scenes again, researcher? he is too dumb for that, scientist? same thing, politician? for that he should have started very early like Didiel.

『And Didiel? Where is he?』

Mikel wondered but there was no trace of Didiel anywhere, but he quickly remembered that Didiel always talked or had reference to going outside, maybe something related to that, since he was always locked up and now he was interested in knowing more about the world, that's how Mikel hit on what he wanted to do.

『I'm going to become someone who teaches things to others!!!!』

Mikel would become a companion for all those people who didn't know anything about anything. That way of helping those who were lost pleased Mikel very much, the little boy was happy, while outside the orphanage there was a young man that everyone was staring at him because of how important he was.

『Yes you grew up a lot my friend, I would like to greet you but I feel I will have the bad habit of adopting you and giving you everything you want, and that is something that neither I nor you want, giving you the easy way, I will see you again in another couple of years, although with my work...』

『There's no time now Master Didiel, we have to go』

『I don't have time for almost anything, see you Mikel, my first and only true friend』.

Didiel was leaving looking for the last time as Mikel this one already decided on what to do, this one would go running to tell other children. Didiel was glad that his friend had survived, now he was going to have to work hard, as he had been working hard since before he met him.

Years passed and they were able to recover Arnicania and rebuild it, Didiel had plans here so he went personally to see how the place was, it was the first time he came so he was impressed by how beautiful the place was, he was happy but at the same time sad for everything that happened, he would start the project that would take years to finish, he wanted to build a port thanks to the access it has to the sea, the garbage was a problem, it is very polluted, cleaning it will also take years and hopefully the flora and fauna of the place will return. They started studies and analysis and realized that there may also be a connection with the oil well here in the sea to the one on land. They will import the oil and other products to the countries, the more they prosper perhaps they will make a mega port in Arnicania to receive and give goods and product to all. From what was always lonely this place, now it will be full of movement from the outside. Didiel thought about it and was ready to do it.

『Let's bring glory back to Arnicania』.

While this project took his couple of years to finish, Mikel was also working hard on his own, this studying thing if he put effort into it, although as he never received basic classes before, he had to go to private classes to be taught, but of course, everything outside of the main support he didn't receive any money, so Mikel had to constet himself those classes, working and striving was something simple for him. The years passed and Mikel was already in high school, he managed to stand out not among the first places, but rather for the effort he put in and not achieving his goals, he was always above the middle but nothing more.


Many times he was frustrated because he didn't understand some classes and problems, but even with difficulties Mikel managed to finish high school with glory. Next was college, where things are even more difficult, but Mikel would get through it all, he was sure of that. Back to Arnicania, it finally became a port, the pollution was reduced, seeing the first flora and fauna, the oil served as a great material for not only the country, but also to receive support from other countries, having a bond with everyone was becoming more and more possible, more countries were joining what was the European Union. Didiel was achieving it somehow and he was glad that his effort had fruits, in less than 10 years he managed to change Arnicania not to what it was before, but he had to adapt it, but the only bad thing was this, maybe keeping the city and traditions is difficult, first, there are almost no inhabitants, second, the port has plans to expand more, this city will be food, it was not what Didiel wanted at the beginning, his plan came out better than he wanted, but he regrets that he was the one who put a physical end to Arnicania.

x4 − 16 = (x2 − 4)(x2 + 4) = (x − 2)(x + 2)(x2 + 4) 

  x3 − 8 = (x − 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)

  ∀ǫ ∃δ tal que 0 < |x − a| < δ ⇒ |f(x) − L| < ǫ


Mikel was having a harder time than he thought, and it wasn't just the math problems, adding the projects, the alternate events that also counted grades, the work he has on the side to be able to buy his own things and those of the children at the orphanage. More and more work, the teachers' homework, the books that sometimes got lost because of carelessness, the hours of sleep were short, etc,etc,etc.


Just like in high school, Mikel was known for that kid who tried hard but didn't make it to the top spots, until finally after many years. Mikel found himself finishing his chosen career and finally became what he wanted as a child. His first job was not difficult to find, it was simple, as he only had to talk about his personal experiences, a little history of the place and above all, treat people as his family.

『Good morning!』-『What we have present is a 100 thousand year old statue』-『This you see was recovered in 1500 d. c 』-『Its history and significance is to persevere to the end』-『This street is simple, but here happened the first barter of the country』-『You got hurt sir? let me help you』-『I hope you had a great experience and remember, we are waiting for you at home *smiles*』

Mikel became a tour escort for people, he learned everything about each place and their history, their experiences and traditions of each place. He did his job so well that he went to different parts not only of France, because he wanted to know more about the outside, he went to other places in the world of the European continent to do what he likes. He spent years doing this and never got tired, and when he realized something important, the vision he had when he saw Vie, when is it going to happen? he is getting old and he has not seen his friend again, not even if he has been traveling all the time he has managed to see her, he always goes himself to investigate everything, this made him very strange thinking if his ability may have played a trick on him. Mikel was in Belgium giving a tour to tourists, he was already old but he was still giving his big talks.

『The Grand Place or also known as the Grote Markt, was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1998 and is one of the major tourist attractions in Belgium, you can appreciate its beautiful and beautiful architecture, a gift that is still preserved today, it is considered the heart of Brussels, come here with a beer from the region, it is certainly something not to be missed *smiles*』.

Mikel had an incredible reputation, there was talk of a little old man who would give you the best tours, the problem was where he would be found as he is always moving around, tourists or even regionals are lucky to have him as their escort. Mikel was talking and he was not wrong, always in clean uniform, back straight, this little old man still gave for more.

『Sir? Sir? He's awake?』

Mikel turned to a person who was staring at the Grand Place, it was time to move on to another place but this person was just looking at how nice the place was. Mikel offered him a bottle of water and a handkerchief just in case, this is where the person finally reacted. At the moment of taking the goods, Mikel realized when he looked at his hand, it was an old man, his hand was shaking, this worried him so he told an assistant that he would take care of the other tourists, that he would stay to help him.

『Come on, let's sit down and rest, sir you are already old, but I still appreciate the effort you made in coming here』.

『Thank you, you're considerate 』

They sat where the old man was drinking his water while Mikel kept looking at him, but he couldn't stare at him since he was wearing a hat that covered his face, when he finished drinking some water, Mikel asked him if he was feeling better where the old man replied.

『Yes, I'm much better now, but it's bad, isn't it? Now that I finally have all the time in the world, my strength has left me, I feel that I would have had more fun when I was still young 』.

『I understand, you had to live the life of striving from the beginning, I understand you sir, I also had to strive a lot to be what I am now, it was hard to get here, yes, it was tiring, yes, I had to strive, yes, there were times when I doubted, yes, but all that didn't matter, because my dreams of being what I want to be were bigger, I suffered a lot before so this was nothing, except for mathematics, it took me years to learn』-『What did you do, sir? 』

『Me? it is strange to say it without anyone knowing, everyone around me behaved very well with me, the position I had made them behave like that, either out of respect or kindness, I wonder if they ever treated me as a friend, I was just one thing in my life and that life helped many, I do not know if you know the term Leader of Europe, although with what we live now, that movement has been lost, but it is still there, there it is』.

『Leader of Europe? the one who was going to change the world?』

『*laughs*Sorry, all these years made me lose the way to speak properly in front of a friend, nice to see you again Mikel *smiles*』

The old man took off his hat showing someone old, he had gray hair, he was wrinkled, he was missing teeth, the ones he wears for sure are false, but his smile was warm and beautiful. When he heard that Mikel, he could quickly see Didiel as a young man reflected, just as he remembers him at his 11 years old, Mikel's shocked expression said it all.

『You're not saying anything? You don't believe me? ah...I see...I guess it was to be expected...for what I am, I lost my only friend-----』


Mikel went to hug Didiel as hard as he could, this Didiel didn't see coming as he thought he had already forgotten, Mikel was crying as he kept hugging his friend, while Didiel this was strange, the few times he got a hug were at important events, a rubbing, they were cold, they held back when showing affection, but now he was getting even more, hugging again? Didiel could do it the same way? Didiel put his arms together and hugged his friend.

『I was able to see you again, thank you...really thank you....thank you for everything...』

『No...thanks to you...as a child and as an old man...you are the only one who makes me feel good...』

After many years they met again, after the hug and greeting motive, they started to talk about what had become of their lives, Mikel did not stop talking, he was fascinated and wanted his friend to know everything that happened, this for Didiel was worth a lot, to hear how someone opens up with you with no other objective than you and only you know it, that you recognize his effort in an innocent way. His whole life has been either to talk about important things in a serious way or to receive talks from others either for personal or public purposes.

『And so I ended up here, but let's stop talking about me, tell me about you, I want to know everything!』

『All right *laughs* Well when I finished training, when my grandfather died I became the Leader of Europe, I kept working to unite the countries and try to appease every problem, but on the way I realized something, it's impossible』-『I got married and had only one son, I know I should continue the Schuman tradition, but my son wants to do something else so I didn't stop him, I know I have a family and I love him very much, but no doubt, it doesn't compare to seeing you again friend *smiles*』-『I didn't have time for almost nothing, everything was work, from here to there, with this change of world came different problems, I'm glad my wife and son understand me, that's how my father Adrien must have felt when he was alive, the epoch where we live is quiet, it's the only thing I achieved, a time of disaster reduction, but what happens in other continents is something I can't solve, the middle east. ...South America...North America...here in the same way...these are the havoc I caused with my idea of helping everyone, diversity is now a topic of controversy, I'm too old for that...but you Mikel, when you saw me you acted as if you were still a child, the only one who kept his childhood was you...』

Mikel would take his spinning top out of his pocket and show it to Didiel, as he was discouraged by how everything ended, but when he saw the toy, he knew perfectly well, this was the same gift of that day, it was with string, Mikel would tell him to spin it, worried Didiel would take it, he was not sure, it had strength? he would do it right? where he had to pull, he calculated it to spin 100%. Mikel saw this his friend got nervous just having to pull the spin, so he told him.

『Just throw it Didiel, don't think whether it will spin or not, just do it because you want to do it』.

Hearing that from his friend, this reassured Didiel so he calmed down and would go on to throw the spinning top to the ground, where as expected, the spinning top spun for only 2 seconds and then fell down. Mikel watched this and was going to tell him it got much worse, normally he would spin it for 10 min, but by the time he saw Didiel, he was crying.

『...He turned...He turned and fell down...I...I can still do it...』

This meant a lot to Didiel, that he turned for a few seconds, it gave him hope that he still was, he still retained something of his infancy and childhood, still deep inside him was still alive that little boy who just wanted to have fun. Didiel cried while Mikel rubbed his back.

『Thank you very much Mikel, now I am very sure, tell me, would you like...no...I give you the position of Leader of Europe』.

Maybe that was his excuse to see Mikel, that he will be his successor of this position. He had it all literally, Mikel without him realizing it, ended up becoming the version that he could not get. After the talk Didiel did not have long to live, he was already too old and the life he led was not at all helpful. In the end Didiel offered him the job where Mikel hesitated at first, but being his friend and having the same purpose, to help everyone in the best way, Mikel put on the uniform that his friend wore for many years and in front of everyone the Leader of Europe Mikel introduced himself to everyone.


『At the beginning the other countries accepted me on Didiel's recommendation, they must have said that if he recommended it and gave up his position, then he is suitable, Didiel died a few days later, maybe the impact of losing my friend made me not think well about what I was doing, later they knew a little of the truth, that I was an orphan and that is their excuse to insult me and despise me, but as I said the next time I see them, I will speak without mincing my words, I will not tremble again because I have the support of my family, Giovane Cliston thank you for defending me』.

They were in Cliston's room where Mikel finally finished telling his story to the young people, after listening to this they do not know how to feel, they were in front of a man who has a great story and by the passing of time this same story was modified. Cliston looked at Mikel all old man, but he respected him a lot.

『I'm glad you're here Mikel *smiles*』

『Me too, now it makes sense the vision I saw that I would meet a frenton, I wish I had been told that it's also well menso but mehhh』

『xdxdxd by the way Mikel, is it true that...like it took 5 years for your Fari's arm to heal? i...i'm scared....』

『That's what interested you the most? you have attention problems Giovane Cliston』

Cliston was clutching his little arm as he was afraid that it would also take that same amount of years for him to be cured, while Brother De Vos was going to touch his little arm where Cliston was moving away like a scared little animal.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
