
Chapter 301: Leader of Europe

L͇í͇d͇e͇͇r͇ ͇d͇e͇͇ ͇E͇u͇r͇o͇p͇a͇

Cliston has been training his last weeks with Tomeo, Tomeo was teaching him everything he knew in this time, it would have been nice if he had learned everything and efficiently the fighting arts that Tomeo knew, but as expected it could not be like that, first Tomeo had to train Cliston physically, especially his legs, since those will be his way of fighting.

『Then I will teach you Taekwondo』.

Tomeo already had ready the fighting art that Cliston would learn, accompanied by the motivating words that Tomeo knew a lot about it and will do his best to make him a good disciple of this kind of fighting art. All the positivity that Tomeo was transmitting to him, in the end brought joy to Cliston, as you could see in his eyes that he was very amazed at getting to learn something like this.

『And if you ask the other leaders of the world to teach you their fighting arts, you can achieve something that Bruce Lee did in his lifetime, creating his own fighting style, Jeet Kune Do』.

Jeet Kune Do is a martial arts system based on concepts and a philosophy of life developed by the martial arts master Bruce Lee. In short, throughout his life he learned different fighting styles, making a fusion with them, thus creating his own fighting system. As Cliston will also be visiting and staying some time in different continents, in different countries, he will be learning little by little the different lifestyles of each one. And since the leaders of the world are the ones who know their continent best and have great information on the different topics, what better way to learn from them. Cliston was even more amazed by this that his eyes seemed to shine with innocence like a small child. This Tomeo saw it well, since now that Cliston commented that he wanted to train, and seeing that he did not know how to fight, what better than to have powers and know how to fight? At first he denied it, but now he saw a potential in this.

『(If Cliston knows how to fight, who knows, this one would become much more powerful, eh?) Hey Young Cliston, if your goal is to become stronger to help everyone, wouldn't it be better if you trained in your other form? I think you would give better results』.

『You think so? but *smiles* that form is already strong enough and can solve problems easily, but me, in my current state I couldn't save anyone, I want to become strong myself and be the one who helps everyone』.

At Cliston's words, Tomeo understood him more and more, he didn't know whether to see it good or bad, it is true that his God Form is the strongest in the world or maybe in the universe, there would be no problem if someone strong appears out of nowhere, we can count on Cliston to stop him. But, just in case in a rare circumstance, some mission he has, he loses his powers, what would be left of him? just a normal guy who depended on another form, another power to do his job. Tomeo is always thinking of all the possibilities, and that's fine, it's his job after all to come up with something for the highest success rate. Just like Cliston always said since he met him "I'm just a normal guy."

『Hey Young Cliston, if by x circumstances you were to lose your powers, either to save lives or save your life, tell me what would you do?』

『Eh? if I were to lose my powers?』

Cliston did not avoid remembering the Midori no Happa in the last minutes of finishing everything, he still remembers clearly how Ozuru was threatening to kill Yushi, Cliston tried to switch to his God Form, but he simply could not, no matter how hard he was trying to get it, he could not switch to that form and save his friend. Cliston is very grateful to Lys that day, if it wasn't for her he would have had a misfortune, although after a while it was thought that it was because he was too tired, it could be one of the options, if in your base form you are very exhausted, you will not be able to pass to your God Form, and that day Cliston received many blows that left him exhausted. So let's leave it as a factor, being exhausted in your base form prevents you from using your God Form, but Cliston also at that time was going through different emotions, he was afraid, he was stressed, he was worried, he had many problems in his mind that did not leave him calm, just thinking about the bad things also left his mind blank. That could also be a factor? the emotions? although I think that would be more like him, since M also in his God Form felt like that many times and he didn't lose his transformation, remember, when Kanna was about to die, what M must have felt must not have been good things. But also when he didn't use his God Form for a long time he lost the ability to use it as it was when he was living with Syl, there was no need to use it? to have it? he was blocked? still the reason why he couldn't use it back then is confusing, but .... wait! Now everything fits, yes yes! that explains it all, emotions influence in using the God Form, at that time M was going through a loneliness that lasted many years after he met Syl, because he regretted not having kept his promise with his friends, of having forgotten them, he had a guilt and resentment towards himself, and what made him return to his God Form, was not to lose his friendships he made in that world. I understand, if you have emotions that put you in a predicament, you can not access your God Form, I guess this must also influence the other successors, then the fact that you have contact with the water is also for everyone? or only for M? uhmmmm, is something that only Cliston can confirm for now.

『If I ever lose my powers...maybe I would be grateful *smiles* In the beginning only bad things happened since I got them, and everything bad now is because of this one, my friends got bullied, my mother got locked up, I made many people suffer, a friend almost died, although right now I'm somehow repairing all those damages, I don't have a good image of this power, so if I have the chance to not have it anymore, I think that would be my only wish』.

『Your answers I can't see them coming Young Cliston, well ,I already understood that you reject them a lot, you're done warming up, come on, I'm going to train you』.

After that talk that made things clearer again about Cliston's feelings, Tomeo would begin to train Cliston in that martial art from the continent of Asia, they had their schedules already established, after the missions, they would take the whole afternoon and even night to train in the different agencies where they stay overnight, remember that they are always in constant movement, solving problems where they are needed, that is why it took a little while for the news to reach Tomeo, that an accident had occurred that none of them knew about. In the middle of the training one of Tomeo's men came to give him the information, they took the opportunity to take a break from this where Cliston was grateful, he looked very tired and even sweating like a pig.

『See Leader-----』

The worst thing for Tomeo is for one of his men to lose his life, it is what hurts the most to promise someone his safety, although in a job like this and the missions, although it is impossible, Tomeo wants all his men to return home safe and sound. That man looked at Tomeo, he thought he would react upset after the news, but on the contrary, Tomeo was grateful for the news and he stayed a few minutes watching the sky, right now the weather today in the place where they are is doing a very good one, sunny and with the perfect temperature, but that day, it was raining like no other, a bus was taking 3 boys to the correctional facility and have a second chance, but you can't against mother nature that would end up snatching everything on that road, dragging and pushing into the void everything in front of it.

『Have you informed your parents yet?』

『No, not yet sir, you told us that this is something you personally must do』.

『Yes....another of my jobs is to face the loss and sadness of the people who put their trust in me, to look them in the face and give them the bad news, next week I will take some time in my schedule to go to their home and give them the communiqué』.

Tomeo was almost about to shed a few tears, because he can't believe that the accident has been a long time ago and he just found out, some people think that as he is an important person, he will know the news immediately, but there are so many news from different places, that you get a specific one in all the movement in which you are, it is difficult. That rainy day, when the landslide wanted to take the bus, the man who was driving would be the first to act, he would wake up the boys in the midst of danger, every second that passed you could feel how they were going further into the void, so quickly that man, first put the young men behind him, took a special grenade he had and threw it against the back of the bus, making a hole in it, Without hesitation, the man looked first for the youngsters and with pushes he told them that they had to get off as fast as possible, with force he threw them towards the hole where the 3 youngsters managed to get out of the bus, the rain showered them and in a second their clothes were completely soaked, but when they looked in front, they realized that the bus was gone and neither was the man who helped them. Pom! The next thing they heard was a rumbling sound at the bottom of the road where they were.

『I don't deserve such honest men like you, thank you』.

Tomeo looked at the sky and it was being a perfect day, he commented that the man who gave him the news could retire, while he was glad that in their ranks, there are people so honest that they are able to do their duty in order to help and protect others. At that moment Tomeo lowered his head to look at Cliston and realized that he was talking on his cell phone, by the animated tone he was speaking, his smile that did not disappear, it was obvious that he was talking to his family. Tomeo also has another task to accomplish and teach Cliston, which will have been at this moment, it kind of bothers him more now than before, having received that bad news and then seeing Cliston having a good time, it would be lying that at that moment Tomeo was not in total calm.

『So when is the next time you're coming home Cliston? Ah! Mom Lucha just came back, what happened to her』『Cliston? it's good to hear your voice, tell me, how are you doing there? everything okay? I hope you don't keep putting yourself in danger, although I think it's difficult, here too it seems like everything is going to be turned upside down』.

『Hello Mama Lucha, what a joy also to hear your voice again, you know! right now I'm learning Taekwondo so I can save more people, I didn't tell you before since it would make you worry more, but I myself am saving people without resorting to others, that makes me very happy *smile*』

『Well of course you're the one who helps others, there's no one else who does it like you *smiles* 』

The conversation continued between the Nimura family where they were having a good time, but in that of what they were talking about, Tomeo approached Cliston behind his back, the Fatty looking at him was going to comment on what was happening, he was with a smile, but this quickly left when he saw Tomeo very serious, this made Cliston sad out of nowhere, as if he had told him without opening his mouth what he has to do. This is not the first time this happens, the first day they were exercising Cliston's body and looking for what would be best for Cliston to train, that same day Cliston received a call from his family, all normal they were wondering how they were, and as always they told him that when will be the next time he will come home, in there Cliston as he had Tomeo close and as it already happened once, maybe a second time can happen, he would ask Tomeo already knowing what answer he would give him.

『Tomeo can I go back-----』


『I knew that xd』-『Sorry, but this time if I don't think I'll be back home for a while, I really apologize, I-----』

In there that when Cliston was talking to his family, out of nowhere he heard how this seemed to have been cut off abruptly, this confused Cliston who did not understand, when he looked at his phone again he realized that it said the call was paused, this was strange to Cliston since he did not do it, his family must have done it? But at that moment Tomeo stood next to Cliston to comment on the other thing he should learn.

『Tell your family that if you go home, do it like you always do, tell them that you can walk, you can play, you can have lunch together, you can do a lot of things together』.

『Eh? really Tomeo? Thank you! I'm sorry for being too insistent even though I knew the answer 』-『Yes! I'll be able to go back home!!!! I already got permission!!! So when I get back let's do----』

The call continued for a few minutes where it seemed to have no end, already many say and know that if a call lasts long, it is because it is entertaining, curious, funny, or for the simple fact of wanting to continue talking to that person because you appreciate it a lot. The call was finally over and Tomeo standing straight in his same place was waiting for Cliston.

『Mom Lucha sends her regards Tomeo and comments to please keep taking care of me *smiles* But seriously sorry, I think my joke went far this time and you had to accept again, but I swear there won't be a third time, maybe xd. Then you can take advantage of it too you and see your kids and -----』

『You're not going, I'm not going to give you any permission to go, you're going to continue doing your chores until you finish everything as it should be done 』

『I hope Hiroto will be there too and...eh? what do you mean I'm not going?』

From how happy Cliston was talking that they can go out as a family together this time, just like it was with the Midori no Happa when they met, he was thinking of an idea where everyone will have a good time, but his good intentions of Cliston disappeared when Tomeo would tell him that he won't be able to go home in the end, This left Cliston frozen and worried, you could see in his face that he was afraid for some reason, quickly Cliston told him that he would not be able to go home, if he had told him earlier that he would have permission, and with total serenity Tomeo already had his answer to this.

『Well I lied to you, that's what you lack Young Cliston, learn to lie, in this job you must know how to use your words well and when to fulfill what you say, we are in constant danger day by day, do you think we can afford to say that we are having a good time? Well yes, it is something that I realized since I entered as a soldier of this world agency, you will want to lie, it will come naturally, and all to tell something that brings security to others in exchange for what really happens to you, I will tell you something personal Young Cliston, when I was already doing missions, I was successful in all of them, I told my parents when they called, they were always happy that I was safe and sound, it made them happy, but obviously, I am not as strong as I want to be, so there were also times when I was broken, broken bones, in a state that you can't imagine, and what did I say when my parents called me? I am fine, they have nothing to worry about, right now even though I don't like to tell my children, I literally lie to them telling them that I am traveling as a Pharmacist in other countries, when in reality I put my life in danger every day. Lying to leave the people you love alone, is more important than you imagine Young Cliston, I never made it a rule, everyone here or most of them do it consciously and naturally, but seeing that you would never do it, I had no choice but to act, you must lie Young Cliston』.

At Tomeo's words and his explanation of the lies, this left Cliston confused and nervous, it is true that one lies because more than anything else they want to get away with it, either for a prank in case of children, in young people and adults, they get to lie so as not to worry others, that is what there is more in this agency and perhaps in the others. But Cliston did not accept this, he was always taught to speak the truth, as his customs and the way he was raised, of course he lies from time to time, but it is difficult for him to just lie and he knows it, but he would never do it in important things such as his family or people he really cares about. Tomeo was waiting for Cliston's answer since he had remained silent after everything he had told him.

『I don't think I can do it, I know you do it with the intention of not worrying the families, but it's better to tell the truth if nothing bad happened』.

『You don't understand, do you? Tell the truth if nothing bad happened, that's obvious Young Cliston, but what I want to tell you is that you must learn to lie, a good guy like you won't survive the rest of the world with that attitude, put it this way, in the position you are in it's obvious that you will generate different opinions, you lie to protect your family, you lie to protect your life, you lie to be able to help everyone, it's that simple, since you told the truth, not everything bad happened that minutes ago you told me about?』


Cliston couldn't against that last one Tomeo said, although he doesn't like it it's true, everything bad that happened since he arrived is because he told the truth, for being a good guy all this happened, if he had lied from the beginning and hid that he had said power, this wouldn't have happened, he would have been the typical Hero that hides his true person to not be harmed by everyone, it was obvious, these people did it, these people lied to be able to protect the people he cares about and his personal life. If he hadn't said anything he would be having and resuming his long lost student life right now. Furthermore, if he had not told the truth, he might never have used these powers again, he would have lost them as time went by, because there was no need to use them if that was the kind of life you wanted, just as it happened to M in his time. Cliston had no choice if that was what was needed so that no one else he cared about, bad things would happen to him anymore.

『All right, if it will stop me from putting the people I care about at risk, then I'll try my best to lie 』

Cliston right now had one more thing to learn besides fighting style, and that was lying at the right times or when he feels it's necessary to get his way. Going back to where we were before, Tomeo was behind Cliston and just with his look he was telling him that he already knows what he has to do, at that Cliston from cheerful went to sad out of nowhere, at that Cliston would take his phone and comment.

『Yes, I'm feeling great right now *smiles* The training I have now is very easy! I wish you were here to watch it, or better not, let me perfect it some more so you can see it Mama Lucha and be very proud of me *smiles*』-『Next week if I'm coming home, so we'll do a lot of things, I----』

『But are you really coming home? the other time you said the same thing but you didn't come? Tomeo didn't give you permission in the end or how?』

Cliston was with a smile from cheek to cheek in his first words, this with a very forced tone he was saying it, that Mama Lucha quickly realized but didn't say anything not to worry her grandson, Cliston even said things that it seems he wouldn't say it, not at least that way. But the question his grandmother said to him, this made Cliston keep quiet for a few seconds because he really had a hard time doing it, especially about the person he would like to be and his way of learning.

『Don't worry, yes I will be home, see you Mom Lucha, Bye Mom, also send my regards to Dad *smile*』.

Cliston hung up the call and this is not feeling good at all, this is not the first time it happens, previously since he started training he has had to lie with many more things to his family, and when he finished doing it, Cliston looked like he didn't feel like anything else, like just staying still waiting for the time to pass, Tomeo watched this and for so many times watching this he commented to himself.

『(At the beginning I didn't think it was important, it's part of his training, I'm sure he'll get over it, I thought, but it's been days and he's still like that, I feel like the bad guy』).

『Let's get back to training Tomeo』.

They continued with the training, Cliston was in his last days of staying in the care of Tomeo, the leader of Asia, in this time he managed to learn only the basics of the art of fighting with the legs he wanted, there wasn't that much improvement, neither physically nor in skill, since they only trained the last 2 weeks. But at least it's good that they laid the foundations of what Cliston wanted to learn, besides he can resume training whenever he wants, well, if he still wants Tomeo to continue teaching him in his own way. On the last day of training and their last day together, both were in the training field, since as usual, being the last day, he has to show him how much Cliston has learned and this will be a fight against Tomeo. Both were in position where for the first time we see Cliston with a fighting pose that he learned by watching Tomeo, this made Tomeo happy, as perhaps he can be a prodigy.

『(It's only been 2 weeks, but maybe it's been enough time to learn everything about Taekwondo, that fighting pose, even if it's not quite right, I'm impressed by how good it is, and I'm going to duel with a real hero, I'm so excited!) Come and get me Young Cliston, show me everything you've learned』.

『You'll see Tomeo, regarding training, I hate it with all my being! but if you tell me, I'll give you a kick that will send you flying, I'm stronger right now!!!』

Cliston didn't hold back with his words and launched himself towards Tomeo to attack him, Cliston launched himself with a free kick towards Tomeo's chest, you could notice how he attacked with anger, as if telling him that he will return him even with this blow that disgusting training that he has to learn to be better, but when Cliston managed to give the kick Pam! He didn't manage to do anything to Tomeo, rather you could notice how his belly was moving due to the force, belly? not that it was going to the chest? I guess that in the end he hit the most obvious thing Cliston, but before Tomeo responded with a movement, Cliston didn't calculate well his attack that after giving the free kick, he ended up falling to the ground and imagine how he ended up falling, that's right, he ended up falling on his arm that was recovering. In the end you could only hear Cliston screaming in pain at the end of the fight, Tomeo would win without even doing anything.

『(I wonder when his arm will be able to heal)』

That's what we all wonder Tomeo, you're not the only one. In the end Cliston would be taken to the hospital to have his arm checked again, and yes, he will have to wait even longer for it to heal, rather the weird thing about all this is that with all the blows he received on his arm, he hasn't lost it, right? I mean, I don't even know the exact count we have so far, or he has very strong bones, or he is blessed by some God, I think it's more because of the blessing that Mama Lucha gives him.

『Hoyga miss, when will my arm be able to heal?』

『그래도 관리 안하면 2년뒤』

『Ah....(I don't understand what it says)』

『He said that if you don't take proper care of it and it keeps getting beaten up, it will be completely cured in 2 years』.

『2 YEARS FROM NOW!!!!!! NO MAMES!!!!!Ahhhh!!!!! if I just amputate it and problem solved? eh? wait, I know you』

『Jajajajaja the youngsters are willing to do anything』

From what was in the infirmary after checking his arm, Cliston wanted to know his situation he was in, but before his arm check, a person had come to visit to fulfill what they promised the time they all met. This person did understand this language and many more, so before Cliston's confusion he did not hesitate to translate the news of his condition, seeing Cliston's reaction brought grace to this person, you could notice from one the difference he had with Tomeo, since the latter always seemed to laugh with dedication and energy, while this person seemed more like a normal laugh as any other would do, and the other highlighting difference, is that this one if he was skinny.

『See you after some time Cliston, tell me, how did it go with Asia? he gets very serious when it's time to do his job, especially because in his continent there are many wars and other sensitive situations, so I partly understand his seriousness and cruelty but, don't you think it's excessive?』

Yes, Cliston remembers each of them perfectly, as they somehow made an impact and left in the memory if you saw them, Cliston didn't know why, but had Europa's Leader come to visit to see him, or so it seems? But quickly at the words of Europe, Cliston felt more relieved, since this just by looking at him and his words, it was seen that he was very different from Tomeo, since Cliston was afraid or thought that if Tomeo is like that with the work, perhaps the other leaders have the same thinking and actions of Tomeo, but no, this glad Cliston that in a quick way this stood up and as he was taught, Cliston bowed to be able to greet Europe.

『Good morning Europe Leader!』

Cliston was nervous since this is the first time he speaks with another leader who is not Tomeo, he does not know how to behave, since with Tomeo, since he already knew him, it was easy to act normal, but before an important person who knows little about Europe, he feels the obligation to act as polite as possible, which Europe, seeing Cliston who acted in this way, did not avoid smiling and taking Cliston's left hand, and with a handshake, he greeted him.

『You can call me Mikel *smiles*』

At this new kind of greeting for Cliston, and at being told his real name by the leader of Europa, Cliston felt no longer at all nervous or in showing politeness, as there was no need, it is better to be yourself if you want to form a true friendship, and this is what Cliston felt when he received Mikel's greeting.

『Hey Europe! I told you to wait for me at the entrance! I see you've already met』

『Hello Asia, sorry, I just couldn't wait to see the guy who changed the world, or as I'm sure you've called him on many occasions, a hero, or am I wrong?』

『You always had that attitude that everyone is an open book to you, I don't like that, learn to keep up appearances a little bit will you? 』

『Come on, I'm just playing Asia, or did I hit the nail on the head? did I? I can't help it, that's what it takes most in my job, to understand people well』.

Mikel and Tomeo were having a more animated conversation so to speak, but you could quickly notice how Tomeo didn't like Mikel very much, either because they are not in the same field, well, I mean they are both leaders, but one is more expert in other subjects than the other, while Tomeo specializes in fighting wars and battles, Mikel specializes in other kinds of things, each leader adapted to what his continent needed most to solve the problems, that's why they also help each other, if I can't solve this problem, I ask this one for help to solve it, just like in daily life, right? Cliston listened to the conversation and couldn't help but laugh at the desire he had, because he didn't know that this way he could pull out white gray hairs from Tomeo, while Europe was calm in his position.

『You see, it's better to smile doing what one knows how to do, don't you think so Asia?』

『All right Europe, don't hide it anymore, you're happy that you finally get to spend time with Cliston, you're going to take him back to your continent now, right?』

『That's right Asia, today is the exact date so I came personally instead of one of my men or yourself leaving him at my doorstep』.

But from the fun Cliston was having, this last one left him silent, today was the day he was going to another continent? he doesn't remember when all this started, but it's been about a month and a half since he started all this with Tomeo? Here Cliston just realized how long he was going to be with each of the leaders of the world. Leaving the conversation Mikel was having with Tomeo, the leader of Europe approached Cliston, extended his hand and proposed something to him.

『Now it's my turn for us to spend time together Cliston, let's do a good job until the last moment』.

At times he seemed to be taking an attitude of the French, with that elegance or even an Italian, it was hard to identify how he expressed himself with all the education he had, that came naturally to him? Cliston to this was very happy, as he personally feels that the first experience he had with Tomeo, would have been better left for last, all that stuff about wars and being in the front line, was for more prepared people.

『Well, I hope it will be of help Cliston, since all he knows is ----』

『Fighting, fighting, saving people from wars, I know very well what he learned from you Asia, and the truth even with all that, I know that he will be of help to me, what I need most at this moment, is a young hopeful capable of uniting everyone with his words, even better than when you gave your speech Cliston, do you think you can do it?』

Before the proposal that Mikel was making to him, Cliston was happy even though he tried to hold it back, just by looking at his eyes you could tell that he was very happy about this, maybe he will finally get away from this environment of wars, most likely not, in Europe and around the world for sure there are similar situations, but he feels that when he is there, he will no longer be under as much pressure as he was with Asia. With a smile on his face, Cliston agreed.

『Yes! I'll do my best to help! *smiles*』

『Well boy, my ship is ready, I'll be waiting for you outside, surely you 2 have something to talk about before you leave』.

This again made Tomeo upset, since he does not like other people to know what he really thinks at that moment, because if all the bad things he did were revealed, this is what bothers and makes the leader of Asia sad. Just as Mikel said, he withdrew leaving Tomeo and Cliston alone, here Tomeo did not know what to say, since he could tell that Mikel left a very good impression on Cliston, compared to what he will do with him and what he did with him, no doubt it is a change for the better. So Tomeo sat next to Cliston, on the same bed, saying things to him as a way of asking for a pardon from the young Fatty.

『Our time is over, I'm sorry if this experience didn't go the way you wanted or even saw it coming, in all the missions you did it was noticeable that you didn't want to hurt anyone, on the contrary, I still remember that first mission where you made friends with everyone, I .... I just don't like those moments, it's because of everything I lived that I became like that, so serious, abrupt, I even shout a lot in several occasions, my decisions I know they are very hard, but that's what is needed here, my mistake was wanting to raise you my same idea, wanting to change that good and nomal guy you are, I...sorry...this time if my ideal of hero blinded my head hahahaha.....But I still hope that -----』

『Thank you so much Tomeo, for everything you have taught me *smile*』-『I don't know it's weird for me to see you confess all that and accept all the bad things you have done, after all, I lived more with Tomeo who was under the mantle of being the Leader of Asia, I let me understand? maybe, I saw both sides and they have things that I admire a lot, Tomeo a family man who strives for his family, and the leader of Asia who seeks security in his continent at all costs, but if you let me say it, do not get carried away by the position you have, I do not like the actions you take as well as your decisions, there are other ways to get what you want without shedding so much blood, what can you do, someone has to do it, right? so you do it, I don't, I hope you think things through better before making a decision, if he is willing to change and is repentant, he has a second chance, again I ask you thank you for everything I learned being in your care Tomeo, I will never forget the world you are fighting in daily, it would have been nice if you had been the last one, but well xd,』-『And one more thing, when I said I would help the world, the first thing I imagined was just what you presented to me, so in a way I feel I became strong, sooner or later I was going to face it again even though I didn't like it, so having someone by my side who saw the same thing and could stand firm, helped me in a way』.

After this exchange of words, Cliston got up and left the infirmary, where Tomeo was sitting on the bed, he had no way to respond to Cliston, he wanted first to emphasize all the good things that have passed the time, but remembering nothing came to mind, he only remembered the times when he argued with Cliston and Cliston yelled at him several times, either denying him, insisting him, hiding him, even teaching him things that he didn't want to learn, to all this he didn't see something good that happened with Cliston, it was all bad memories.

『We'll meet again Tomeo, take care of yourself 』

Cliston said goodbye and finally left the place, where Tomeo whispered saying that it was good that Cliston learned a little of all the bad teaching he received from him, he thought he was doing the right thing but it was not so, Tomeo commented that Cliston is a good guy who hopefully will continue like that and not end up like him, making decisions that are not entirely good and beneficial for everyone. The world certainly needs someone like Cliston, but he still has a long way to go to learn more and more, he was not even half way there yet.

While Cliston was on his way to the ship that Mikel told him about, he received a call from Mama Lucha, they greeted each other calmly, Cliston thought that maybe now that he was no longer in Tomeo's care, he could go to see his family, although in a way he thinks he would be doing the wrong thing, but Mama Lucha would tell her grandson something that was important to her.

『Cliston, do you think your grandmother is able to help everyone...whatever it is?』

『What do you mean, Mama Lucha?』

『Do you think your grandmother has an obligation to help everyone? I need you to answer me the question Cliston please』.

『What a weird question you ask Mama Lucha, obviously not, you are not obligated to help everyone, because you don't do what others tell you, you always do what you want to do, I will always keep that in mind, you act always being yourself and if that helps others, then it's a double prize *smiles* Although I know you like to do the right thing but.... when you were young they called you nosy because you got into things where you were not called right? you always answered "I just do what I want" Maybe it's because I am your grandson, but I know you always do the right thing at the right time and right moment, and that brings happiness to you and your surroundings, ah! I have to go now, I found the ship, see you later Mom Lucha』

Cliston would cut the call ending it, this Mama Lucha already had an answer to all these days in what she has been thinking to do about the subject, and she ended up deciding it without knowing her grandson, Cliston said this according to what he knows about his grandmother, so everything he said, for him is correct. Mom Lucha does what she likes and that brought joy to many people several times. Cliston was boarding the ship where he would set out on a journey to his next stop, Europe, where things will be different than when he was with Tomeo.

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