
Chapter 291: Suspect


Both Kenji and Jeff were withdrawing from a visit that at first they had a little worry and even fear of how it would come to end, but the truth they got quite a surprise at the end of it, Nanase grandmother, Nanase Kaori, seemed to be a very kind and polite person, she conveyed everything she wanted the other person to see from her, her dress, her way of expressing herself, and even to make some simple movements or gestures, they have her touch of refined. She must have had a tough and strict upbringing to become what she is now.

『Hey, now that I think about it, how was the childhood and adolescence of someone who belongs to a clan? I don't know why, but I still think it must have been sad, that's what it told me just by looking at granny』.

『Well, I don't know, but I can give you my point of view according to what I lived, as a child I wasn't born with the best opportunities, it was common for me to go out to sell candy or clean car windshields since I was very young to have some money, I'd better say it clearly, I was poor, I should stop trying to hide it as if it was a shame』.

They walked calmly both Jeff and Kosei heading to their agency to report everything about it, but both were still left with doubts, they were personal questions they wanted to know after meeting someone who is rarely seen in a country of peace, no, even anyone would be surprised if they found out that their neighbor is a descendant of samurai.

『Because I wanted to get my family out of poverty, since I was little I was involved with the narcos and all that, I did little jobs like transporting drugs and stuff, they took advantage of the fact that I was a kid who appeared to have nothing to do their evil deeds, but for that very reason they exploited me, I worked a lot to be paid little, I was literally cannon fodder, there were few times where I managed to look at the boss for whom I worked, he was always full of luxuries, expensive clothes, gadgets with precious stones, he always ate rich things, and his personality was of someone who enjoyed his life, rejoicing in everything, and if someone contradicted him he would kill him without mercy. I managed to hear him say things like "life is like money, take it or leave it" or "I'm the biggest bastard here, everyone else doesn't give a damn" and also "I used to shoot bullets for a living when I was a kid" It made me think, these people's lives must be very ambitious, so that nothing can stop them, not even the method to use to fulfill your dreams』.

『I see, so they were happy being bad』.

『*laughs* I like your simple conclusions, but yes, they were happy because they knew they would get to have everything, ah! you want to know how I ended up in this country? it goes along with what I said above *smiles* wacha wacha Jeff. I was afraid if I was going to have the same destiny if I disobeyed him, I worked like that for a long time, you must also steal in the streets, but when I earned a pittance all those years, I said to myself, fuck you all, shove your 1000 pesos up your ass, old fat man, I said it like that bam! in the face to the asshole, obviously he got angry and sent me to kill, but as I woke up my inner beast, I managed to escape and I got down to the guards, not Jeff. As I could no longer live in that country because they were looking for me, my mother did everything possible to infiltrate me to one of these merchandise ships to go to another place where this assalvo *laughs* Thanks boss, I wanted to help you but I only gave you problems, now I have a better life and I am a policeman *smile*』

Kosei remembered his childhood and everything he had to go through to get to where he was today, he could tell he wanted to shed a little tear for having had a second chance thanks to his mother. Jeff without saying anything to her and with a tap on Kosei's shoulder, he comforted her that the bad things were over. But the friend moment ended when Jeff asked the following question.

『Ya, all nice and sentimental your story, but you really escaped from a shootout and went down to the guards of some narcos? I wasn't the best in my class, but isn't that hallucinating too much?』

『Only truths come out of this mouth carnal 』

『Ahhh, so that's how it was then, what with there being those kinds of people in the rest of the world, Nanase Kaori, I still feel sorry for her after all, she's the complete opposite of what you've said』

『You're right, sure she has money and power, but she didn't brag about it, she's even humble to say the least, but ....we're feeling sorry for someone who's record should be tainted just the same, we don't have to get carried away with it Jeff, she's just as dangerous』.

Both of them with a little talk thought things over, you could tell how they finally came back to reality and had to act as such, in this job and in no other where it has to do good with bad, your personal thoughts and feelings must come into play, even your ideals you must put aside if necessary. To feel sorry for such people is not good at all. Kosei was emphasizing and motivating his partner to stop having a long face, since Jeff ended up being sad and depressed in the end.

『But she's a granny, at least I'd like her to see her family again, even though what she's into, that must be why she was left alone』.

With a changed mood after they left the house, they had to continue on their way to the agency to report everything. But returning to the home where Kaori was staying, you could feel again how silence and tranquility reigned, the questions and conversations that could give a little life to this house, was already over, you could only hear how Kaori smoked her pipe as well as the blow to the ashtray.

『The police already know about me, but anyway I have nothing planned to do in these years, I'm just going to continue giving orders and staying at home with my family, that damn woman who dared to take my son and in forming a family.... because...because you took away my happiness and my light....since she left, I feel that I am becoming more and more like my father, that desire that no one finds out about you and that you continue by her side, I understand....this heart mark in my eye....I understand it....』.

He kept smoking, but it felt like he wanted to let go of his annoyance and anger, this always happens when he remembers how his only family, his only son was taken away by strangers where now they would be his family. In a place where you have to get away from everything and just follow your father's ways, she could endure it because she had someone. The machine that measured her pulse was increasing in value every time, just like the synchronization, she wanted to go crazy in the same way. She turned again to look at her shrine she made to her relatives and here was a crossroads, she wanted to get angry and free herself to do the job for herself, but at the same time she knew she had to be at rest for the decisive moment. She managed to pick up a phone and dial a number, it rang but it didn't beat the sound of the machine that seemed like it wanted to get out of control.

『I have a new job for you, do it if you don't want me to make your mother's life miserable.... then I will give you all the information about the mission, you heard, Nanase Jersey』.

She turned off her phone, and remained silent looking at the floor for a few seconds, then to let out a smack of her lips, Kaori stressed with annoyance why Jersey is always with that attitude of positive and cheerful, in the clan there was never someone like that in all this time, they were always heartless in their work and instinct, they never saw it with joy or positism to kill someone. Kaori remembered her teachings when she was young, and her father who already at that time became strict, told her that she should be cold and close her heart, that was how she grew up to become an adult, there were few times she managed to smile or laugh, she was forbidden to just interact or form friendships with others, for someone closed like her, the power to have interacted with others, would have made her change her mind. Now that her father is no longer with her, she can release and express all those emotions, but what good is it now, if her son is no longer with her. It makes her very angry that Jersey, a successor of the Nanase clan, can always have such encouragement and energy for everything, isn't there a moment when she is sad or has that frustrated expression? She is always always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always encouraging and helping others, always always always always encouraging and helping others, always laughing as if she was unaware of all that her history entails. When I first look at her in her purest state to Jersey she had only one thing to say Kaori.

『You're the one who looks most like my son...』

She didn't know whether to feel relieved or angry, Jersey had characteristics that reminded her of her son, of Nanase Hikari, that innocence was what made her able to endure this new era of her father for the Nanase clan, she doesn't know what to do with Jersey, she doesn't know whether to leave her alone or to keep sending her on missions, she doesn't know when she started to have many doubts, since when she was so indecisive and made decisions that contradicted with others. But what else can she do, if Jersey asked her to do the dirty work herself in order to keep her family in peace, then she must comply, always respecting the will of her son at the edge of the abyss.

Kaori looked at the photo of her son when he was little, she already felt better, her pulse was back to normal as well as her synchronization, a smile was marked on Kaori's face at the thought that she was doing it for the two of them. Her father, who wanted or not, must continue his legacy, and her son, who wanted in life that the clan would end here. If her light was no longer here with her, and the rest outside of the 2 of them, there is no point. She does not plan to leave this world until she turns one of her granddaughters into the same thing that happened to her, a murderer. And when it finally happens, she will not hesitate to put an end to the legacy of the Nanase clan. None of them has any reason to continue living a quiet life. Even if it is a contradiction, she will keep Koeki and Hikari's word, so that both of them will be satisfied.


It was a quiet day in the housing estate, if you weren't in the city where there was all the commotion as it always was, but even without being involved in all that commotion, he still feels that his inside or anywhere he goes, is messed up, for weeks now he hasn't felt well, the mea culpa was eating him up after what he did, he couldn't manage to be calm. He pretended to sleep but most of the nights he couldn't sleep well, because of that he had dark circles under his eyes in such a short time, at work it was the same, he is normally a good leader although he himself is not clear about it. But his workers feel that he is not the same, he is more distracted and forgetful than ever, he is even seen with fear when he enters work, it is as if he is repenting at the last moment of his actions, but it is too late, everyone is already on this boat and they will destroy him along with this society.


......... If he manages to sleep even a little, that shadow always speaks to him, he cannot avoid that his real person speaks to him as if he were the real one and he were the false one. Asa had to keep his composure with everyone, especially with his family, that was what Na told him, he does not want to know what would happen if he disobeys or does not fulfill one of the wishes of his other counterpart. He has to change his environment, so these days are perfect to do it, although he doesn't feel sure he can do it.

Yes! it is a perfect day to go for a walk with the family, that was the only method he could think of to calm down, but he always feels bad if he is the only one to be distracted, as is typical of him, he would also send a day off to his workers, so that they can take advantage of it with their families and children since they are on summer vacation. But as always his company is different, his workers refused to have the day off, many commented that they wanted to continue working and that they did not need the good faith of their boss. He would insist that they have the day off but his employees did not listen to him and gave him the opposite, a boss should be hard and strict in his words, but Asa whenever he is given the opposite, he prefers to back down and instead of raising his voice louder, he speaks softly as if he was afraid.

『Boss, you don't need to be nice to us and consider our family, if we want to keep working, then let us do what we like』.

One of his employees just emphasized that, there came more opinions just like this where many workers wanted to keep working, this always seemed strange to Asa, because normally if a worker is told that he will have the day off, he would take it without hesitation. Asa was sweating and worried, where he came up with an idea.

『Then I'm going to move up their vacation to this month, so they won't have to work anymore and spend time with their families (yes, that's the best plan I could have come up with)』.

Asa looked a little more confident with this move he made, but quickly all his workers gave him the cold shoulder and refused him without hesitation, giving them reasons why he can't do that. Again one of his ideas was rejected by his colleagues, until Raiko, the youngest employee came to tell him even more reasons why they can't do that.

『We have a lot of work Chief, and you know who is to blame? I don't know what happened to you this last month, but you didn't organize us as you should and you didn't do your job on time, we can't let it go unnoticed, seriously, why do you always want to be like that .... when I was already starting to look at you with different eyes, you go back downhill again. ...you should demand us instead of giving us days off...you may be insecure and even cowardly, but I understand that you took this company out of the dumpster and earned a position among all the competition, come on, that's the basics from what I saw in you, let's see what date it is today..... !!!!!! 』

Raiko was surprised by the date today, he again made the move of adjusting his glasses without having them on. He checked the agenda on his phone and if he was calm and scolding Asa again before, now you could see his concern on his face, with a sigh he regretted his actions.

『Tomorrow is the day we agreed upon.... I see that you did remember Chief, I see that you are at least attentive to these important things, but how could I have forgotten, sorry if I offended you, my expletive was too much, but we have already accepted many jobs, I have accepted jobs..... what we agreed upon is important but so is the job.... what I do what I do, Chief could....』

Raiko came up with a huge problem when trying to find a solution to the problem, he would ask his boss for help, but he just turned to Asa, with just a face of not understanding what is going on, he felt that asking his boss for help would not be the best solution, besides this is his problem and involved all the workers, he has to take responsibility for his actions himself.

『If there is a lot of work, we can ask for more time to finish it, the only thing I want is for you to have the day off tomorrow please, I ask you as your friend and not as your Boss.....』

『I knew you would date that Boss, we can't do that, it would tarnish our image!』

Raiko still doesn't understand how this company didn't fail by having a Boss like Asa, literally the workers are the ones who give life to this company and all of them.

『Why didn't you make me remember it Boss, on top of that here I had it written down, well, we need solutions, then tomorrow we will work until noon, sorry I have to take some with me to finish on time.... then we will go to our homes, we have to make some progress even if it is』.

Raiko commented to all the other workers that tomorrow was the date they had all agreed on, a conversation began where many were equally surprised that it had already been over a month. Everyone prioritized what Raiko said, and returned to work as normal. But as usual, Asa did not understand what was going on and that he is the one in charge of this whole place, he would try to stop Raiko to explain to him what will happen tomorrow.

『What? He forgot again? But I thought that you recalled it....ahhh... I'm going to get something....Boss, your memory is not at all good, our meeting we had a month ago, where we agreed on everything for these dates』

『...Meeting? what meeting?.....』

『Seriously? I'm going to explode a hernia if I keep talking to you! you were the one who came up with the idea, you even sounded motivated and with another attitude to what you are now, it's like you are another person when you give your lectures in our meetings, the plan, your way of analyzing, those details that make you take 2 steps forward, that confidence you have, why do you only show it in the meetings and not in your real work!!!』

Raiko burst out at the end that he ended up telling Asa what he thought, who easily got intimidated and commented that since he was upset, he'd better go home today and start his little vacation, which Raiko would not accept. The latter realized that he had just yelled at his boss, so he apologized and went back to his business, Asa ended up more confused than he had started, but the most important thing is that they agreed to go home when it was noon. That same night when Asa was returning home, he wondered what kind of meeting they had where they agreed everything for tomorrow, he simply does not know what happened that day, his mind is destroyed.

『(A month ago? uhmm.... now that I remember....!!!!! Yes! one month ago we did the mall bombing, ahh!!!! how could I have done that.....the very thought of me causing all those people to suffer..... makes me want to cry from suffering...I'm sorry...but...I need to do it if I want to succeed in changing the world.... I don't have to forget important facts....but as I wish it were so.... days after the attack we had a meeting, where we agreed on a date, that date is tomorrow...but what was tomorrow....de sure is something Na planned, I'm not the one who gives those lectures....)』

Asa's memory and mind is not the best in the world, even he wouldn't get to rare person, so much trouble what he goes through, just like he has to face and devise all this, it's something for a man of his age should not do. Asa had taken the train to go home, where because he was tired he could not avoid falling asleep, but that was as far as his sleep ended, the train was empty, there were not many people, what prevented him from sleeping on the train was a moaning sound. Asa was so alarmed by this that he turned to look to his sides, he could see how a male was cornering a woman. Asa swallowed saliva, he wanted to turn a blind eye, but he couldn't believe that this was really happening.


Again that shadow could be seen next to Asa, just as he said, the girl realized that he was watching him, this one herself warned the boy, and with a pretentious smile she gave him to understand that she didn't mind that Asa is here. This made Asa nervous and red as ever, and without saying anything he would lower his head.


You could hear how the woman and the man were making love and groping each other, while Asa was looking away embarrassed, but then they arrived at a new stop where a mother got on with her little boy in hand, it was obvious and fast that they realized what was going on, so the mother quickly covered her son's eyes and they went to the farthest carriages. Asa managed to look at this and also managed to look at something that shocked him, worse than anything in the world. Asa stood up and walked slowly at first, then took off running and hit the male POM!!!! hard.

『Hey!!! That hurt me!!!』

『Eh?...why...ahh!!! sorry sorry sorry!!! you guys go on with your thing I'll be.....』

The male stopped Asa by touching his shoulder, as Asa at the time of giving the blow, he realized what he did is wrong, no...it's ok...but it's wrong...it's ok....

『Even though we were giving you a free show old asshole.... tell me one good reason why I shouldn't hit you!!!!!』

『You!!!!..... are impure!!!....』

That man was really annoyed, but Asa ended up saying something, and the younger ones were confused, Asa's legs were shaking and all the courage he had before, disappeared before he realized it.

『....I know you didn't see it....but I did see it.....that child....I can't look at them.....his expression was....you.....must respect families!!!!』

『What are you saying old man, I don't get you-----』

POMM!!! Asa gave a blow to that guy, but he quickly responded by giving a stronger blow to Asa, this had the look of a fight, but only the look, because the young man went on to hit him without hesitation and then Asa, who could not even defend himself, on this trip back home, you could only hear the sounds of blows, and as in the other side car, the mother tried her son not to hear or see that fight. When he arrived home, he came home all beaten up and his wife tended to his wounds, and to top it off, because of the fatigue his body was already demanding, he was able to sleep again tonight, but that now meant that he would talk to Na, but instead of tormenting him, he reminded him of what had happened at that meeting.

They talked about how the attack was a success, since they achieved the first step of their plan, but at the same time they regretted that they could not explode the bomb they had planned. Asa remembers how Na spoke confidently and very cautious, it was as if he knew what would happen in the future, as he commented that Cliston would most likely become a hero and for a whole month he would be protecting the continent of Asia, if they did something that would attract attention they could easily be stopped by Cliston, Na also commented that only the police should be the ones who would be after them, and that no third party should be. Na had set a specific date, which everyone present did not understand, since there was nothing special on that day. But Na gave them the counter, commenting that this day some of them should take the day off and better be at home alone, as they will receive a visit where they will have to be cautious. His employees were not against Na's plans, they only supported him, because when he enters into this version of himself, every plan and talk he gives, is useful for the future.

Now the first day of the week began, but not in the best possible way, the beating he received last night, made it impossible for him to leave the house, with those blows he could not even walk a few blocks, although Asa wanted to go to work, if it were not for his wife who stopped her, he would have almost died at the company. By means of a message to the company chat, he had to say that he would not be able to go because of sudden problems. Quickly most of his employees at the time, gave him strength and support to get out of it, it may have been simple and fast, but it made Asa smile, but as his body was already asking for rest, he quickly went back to sleep until almost noon, he barely managed to wake up, because he can not waste this day, since he is at home, he wants to spend time with his son. But taking a wrong step by distracted, he ended up falling to the ground that managed to be heard, quickly his wife would go to help him where Asa with the little strength he had this would say.

『Can we have lunch now? I want to spend some time with my family』.

With a weak smile, Asa did his best to want to spend time with his family, he would find the strength wherever he could, his wife told him that she was already making the food. At first he wanted to go and help her prepare the food, but since he looked very tired, badly wounded and with bandages, if he took a knife he would probably end up cutting his finger. Because of his condition he was free, he had to be at rest, but for Asa, that would be a waste of time, he would spend time with his son while trying to forget about all the problems while he was at home.

『And up! hahahaha Hey! that's my nose *laughs* (ahh!! how my face hurts...) I hope when you grow up you won't look like me, and that's why your daddy is doing everything he can for you, all the work and money I'm making, is going to be for my little girl *grins*』

Asa was playing with his baby by picking him up and tickling him in different parts, also as he was just a little baby, not yet able to walk, he was crawling all over the room while being guided by his father so that nothing bad would happen to him. Asa was with a pleasant smile, although inside even a faint movement, it made him want to moan in pain, but to show him that his father is a failure, that he can't afford, because looking at his son, he remembers everything he is striving for.

『Don't worry, your dad is doing everything possible so that you can live peacefully in this world (without violence and bad people, eh?...but that's not what ....) I'll leave everything ready just as you asked me *smiles* step by step, slowly but surely, oh! I have an idea』.

Asa would help her son to be able to start walking, he would carefully take her little hands and make her try to stand up, listening to the sounds her son makes, made Asa very happy, who would slowly guide him where he had to walk. This was what he wanted since he became a father, to feel that he became one and help him as much as possible.

『Well good, that's how it's done *smiles* ( at my hip...)I was afraid that suddenly you already walk alone and start talking, please let me help you and in being the first person to see how you take your first step without help, for me there would be no greater happiness until now, I hope this time if everything goes well』.

Seeing his son's laughing smile to Asa made him too happy, he for a long time, since he was young he had the dream of being able to become a father, and just now he is fulfilling many of those tasks of being a father, it is that first time joy that many have, but Asa knows that this is not the first time. After playing for a while with his son, lunch was ready, when his wife came into the living room to tell his family, he found again that Asa fell asleep hugging his son, he felt so sorry for the condition and a waste to wake him up, but he would quickly take his cell phone to take a picture to be framed in the future as a decoration of the house. She may never have the strength, but when it comes to her family, she will always have them.

At lunch Asa was helping to feed her son, it's not a big portion but she wants him to get a proper taste of the food his mother makes.

『Hey, honey, have you heard about everything that is happening in the city?』

『Here comes the little plane *smiles* hahaha you got all muddy』.

Asa couldn't pay attention to his wife, he was more fixated on his son who was trying with his little mouth to eat from the spoon. At least now we know who gets Asa's attention at home. Again his wife would ask him, where Asa, with an expression of not knowing what was going on, already implied that he knew nothing. They went on to talk about all the problems that were being generated, the marches and the complaints that the ministry was receiving, his wife could tell that she wanted to talk about it since she was motivated, but Asa was different.

『I prefer to stay away from problems...I already have enough with work and future projects』.

『You say stay away...but if you came here yesterday beaten up.... the young rebels will be taking advantage of this chaos as well to unleash their perversions. Although it's the first time it's happened to us, the violence and chaos came to us, how I would like all this to happen, and to think that all this trouble would be caused by a child』

『You mean Cliston? the one who became a hero?』

『¿? I'm surprised you know honey, I still remember his message, but so far I don't see any news about him, he's supposed to be helping the world, but there's nothing at all, do you think it's just lip service because of the social pressure he felt?』

『I doubt it very much, I also saw his message, and if he looked determined, maybe all the achievements he makes are not being public, besides by the way he acted in the attack that day, you could tell he didn't want to use his power, it was like, he wanted to be able to solve everything with what was possible for him, it wouldn't be wrong to think that if he wants to improve, he would be training right now, don't you think so sweetie?』

The married couple was having a conversation while having lunch, the topic of conversation would be just what is going on right now, all the marches and problems that people were claiming was typical nowadays to hear, the good thing about these is that they are small groups, but there are other people who take advantage of this as a distraction to distract themselves in their own way. But before the conversation, the wife was dumbfounded by what she heard from Asa, since she really did not see it coming.

『Honey, you like to speculate a lot about others *smiles*』.

『Ahh!!!...no...it's just that...it's a possible answer to what's going on....I just take others' opinions so I can draw my own, what I say is not such as dictated 』

『*laughs*Maybe I'll give you more punches if that's the way you're going to be talkative』

『Ahh!....no please...I don't want my son to see such attitudes....』

After lunch, the family had planned to go for a walk taking advantage of the fact that they are together, although due to Asa's condition, this would not be possible, but this would not dented him to go together with his family, but at the moment he wanted to get up from the chair, he could hear how something creaked at his sides. After all if it was his hip, Asa could not get up from his seat because his hips had just suffered intense pain, age had hit him very low this time, and also the blows of course.

He was quickly treated with creams in order to relax him, Asa was afraid, because now he only gives concern to his wife. So he would insist that for the ride, that he be left out of the ride and that he would take the baby alone. The wife would refuse as it would be pointless if it is not the whole family together, that she wants to take care of him for being hurt, but Asa this would come worse for him as he would brag about ruining the ride they had.

『Don't worry about me, I don't want to be an obstacle for you guys, you must be used to going for walks without me, this time it's the same, so please take the baby to have a good time, it will be for the next *smiles*』.

Asa was lying on the sofa because of his hips that gave a stretch, he did not want his family to stay, so he insisted a lot so that they could go for a walk as they always do, the baby was crawling from one place to another, you could tell he wanted to go outside, but at Asa's insistence, the wife accepted out of pity, if she would go alone for a walk, but before leaving the house she would comment.

『But next time honey, I don't want you to see yourself as an obstacle or that you are to blame for everything, not for us, you may be weak and appear to be little, but I know and your son knows that you are more than that, it makes me sad just to see you, you really wanted to go for a walk with your son』.

The expression that Asa had, was just that, you could see that he wanted to spend time with his son, but it seems that it could not be like that on this day. He looked worried, he looked more tired than usual, that he should rest and relax, that he should relax his body and mind without doing anything, that he should better sleep would be the best thing for Asa. His wife was finally retiring from the home together with their son, where Asa would sink his face into the sofa where he complained that he really wanted to go for a walk with his son.

『This is bad....I feel more nervous and tired than usual...I feel like my body is shaking for some reason....why....why did I agree this day as something important...if it's so I can relax, I'm not at all....I just remember I said I'll have a visitor...but what kind of visitor is....I hope it's not from the mother-in-law because if not....tonight I won't be able to sleep either....』

The dark circles under his eyes were already showing in Asa, although he wanted at least to look like he always looks, the truth is that he could not do it anymore, it is like his mind or something in him knows what will happen this day, Na knew it, he has it very clear, he does not know how, he does not know what will come, and that is why Asa is afraid of what may come, this walk would be a perfect excuse to not be at home and avoid that visit, but everything he received last night showed him that he can not escape and that he must be here. Asa wasn't quite sure what it could be, but he had to gather his courage if he thought most likely it could be. He has also been much more tense and worried since he has in his possession that firearm that appeared in his clothing, he has kept it in a safe so that no one else sees it, not even his wife who does not know the password, just living in a home with his family, but hiding that he has a gun, was another pressure that he could not bear, he has thought at this time to get rid of that gun, as he feels that it will not bring anything good if he continues to have it, but for some reason, he also feels that he will need it at some point. If someone comes to threaten those he loves the most, he is also able to become brave to protect others, he will do a better duty than last night.

『I already feel a little better....I'm going to go to ca------』

!!!! Asa was alarmed, he could hear someone knocking on the door of his house, for some reason Asa was scared, but Na was happy, he doesn't know why but he feels he has to prepare himself well mentally and have the right answers, one mistake in his nervousness and he could end it all here before he has started with the real plan.

『(Who could be.... a thief?.... the letter carrier...maybe a relative?...!!!! so if I really booked this day because today the mother-in-law is coming...no wonder I'm so scared.... I've already prepared for this, so I shouldn't be afraid....)』

When he stood up from the couch, again he could hear a knock on the door of his home, Asa nervous and afraid he would go to open the door, with a deep breath, in the last second he would remember the last details of the meeting they had, of what Na told him, that all these days off that some people are giving themselves, is to be able to rule out that they are suspects and that they are considered innocent, and today it was Asa's turn.

『Good morning, Officer Tanaka Kenji, police, you are Asa...Asa...don't tell me you forgot your last name again...really my colleagues...!!! ah no! here he is, Sakai Asa, you were involved in the attack known as the Big Tree Madness, please help me by giving your statements about it』.

The one who was at the door of Asa's home, was Officer Kenji who today it was his turn to pay a visit to those involved who were not yet visited about it. When Asa managed to look at the officer, he quickly broke into a heavy sweat, his hands were shaking but he had to concentrate, he could not think clearly why an officer was here, did he mean that he will have a special visit? Na, on the other hand, was so happy that he couldn't stop laughing, he was looking very mischievously at Asa about how he was going to get out of this. As Asa didn't answer, Kenji addressed him by repeating his last name several times as his first name, where he seems to remember something Asa.

『Sakai?....Sorry....I think you got confused....Sakai....it's not my last name』

With that last name, Asa remembered a lot of things he didn't know before, now both Asa and Kenji, were confused by what just happened.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
