
Chapter 268: Stopping the Words

D͇e͇t͇e͇n͇i͇e͇n͇d͇o͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

People were confused, they didn't know what to do most of them, it was like being trapped like rats, there were still people trying to force the armored doors so they can escape, but no matter how many times they hit, they are not enough to open them, and those who paid attention to the words of the voice, their mind of how lost they were, began to look at a clear path, a twisted and dark path, but it was the only one they could go to at this moment, everyone has a hint of evil, it's tiring to repeat it, the actions of the world are like a domino, if someone does it, another and another will do it, that's how life works, what would someone who has the opportunity to do it do? Even if only for a moment, they would let their worst side out in order to take advantage, an outlet they have been waiting for a long time, their level of reality is what would bring a change to the world.

Several red dots had been placed all over the Midori no Happa Shopping Center, they blinked suggesting that at some point they would explode, no one wondered why they were here, no one wondered why the sound followed, no one bothered to see what those red dots were, they did not even turn to look at it, for the simple fact that it is not important, we ignore everything that does not interest us in our lives, surely there will be someone else to investigate those red dots, I will continue with mine, that way of thinking. is also another weakness.

The red dots exploded, but they were not explosions of gunpowder, but explosions of red dust, quickly spread throughout the place, corner, corner, everything had become a red view, but, for what purpose is this, if it does not cause you any discomfort. The people who were inside, either beating up the officers, were frightened by being swallowed by the red dust, they went from anger to fear, they became so weak and frightened that they just wanted to go home and end this day, in fear many closed their eyes, but when they opened them again, they saw on the floor respiratory masks, these covered your whole face, many doubted what this is, while others quickly put them on, again because of the fear that their brains caused them to think that the red dust could be dangerous.

『At last!!! It's about time they blew these things up, for those who don't know, because obviously they don't know, we are all idiots here including me, this red dust if you breathe it for a long time, it can have consequences, you don't want to have a normal life anymore, do you? Come on, who wants to be the example of what happens if you breathe it?』

The voice was still speaking, by now everyone believed what the voice was saying, quickly everyone, because of the fear it can bring them, they listened to it, and as if no one had a side, they grabbed all the respiratory masks that were scattered on the floor, it made them believe that their life was in danger and if they could see his face, right now he would be as happy as possible. Pushing, hitting, kicking, they didn't even care about mutual respect anymore, it was like watching animals fighting for their lives, our true nature always appears when we are in danger, nobody, in a real world, nobody wants to die, everybody wants to live, or at least in a peaceful country like this one, it should be like that, to see this again, was an indication that their values were nothing.

A lady who managed to look at the mask under it, would quickly try to take it, but for her bad luck, another person, a young man who was recently playing in the machines, either because he is younger and faster, managed to take it off, this was decisive for both, for both the young man and the lady, they looked at each other with fear and concern, the lady was asking to give her the mask, but the young man held it tightly, he did not move from his place, he only looked at the lady as she begged for the mask, what his parents taught him, school and life, to be honest and respectful, was what made him not move and still not put on the mask, the boy thought that the right thing to do would be to give it to her, he is her elder, he deserves respect, but he also wants to live. With a frustration in his eyes and in his arms, he would wrinkle his gesture of not wanting to be doing it "please, I give it to you" the young man would give her the mask that he took from her a little while ago, the lady was glad and said the typical thank you, but before taking it, again the voice would speak.

『Oh!!!! I found it!!! my little exhibit sheet for the science fair!!! that was left for me as homework! It says here that if you breathe the red dust, after a few days you will start to feel dizzy, your stomach will start to hurt, you will feel like little needle tips in your body, your body will start to swell up like a tomato, you will have no appetite, pus will start coming out of your nose, your eyesight will be completely gone, cancer, tumor, flu, parasites, diarrhea, acnes, fungus, anemia. ...aaa.a..aaa.a..aaa.a..aaaa!! ah! it's so many things!!! But where is it, where is it, aah! here it is! It will be confirmed that you are infected if you start crying blood』.

The young man by his decision had begun to cry, but when the lady was about to take the mask with her hands, the young man pushed it away, he went into a trance, he could no longer hear anything, the noise and the commotion, nothing, his head was starting to hurt, it could be because of everything the voice said, or it could be because it is difficult to believe that all this is true. The head starts to hurt when one demands too much, especially in tense situations, the boy felt drops falling from his face, slowly because of fear, he began to tremble so as not to believe what he believed. Blood, he had just cried blood, he looked at his fingers and had traces of something red liquid, the desperation invaded him more that he did not even think it 2 times, quickly this one put on the mask, the abrupt way he did it was horrible, the lady could see this without believing it, and when the young man finished putting it on, this one would scream with much force and anger, he felt like hitting someone, he did not want his life to end here, where he returned to look with the lady and said to her.

『You already lived enough, more than me』-『Instead of showing respect to the elders, you should show respect to our lives and wishes, mine are worth more than you』.

And the young man quickly left the place, the lady fell to her knees, when she saw how her life had just been thrown away, the feeling was so strong, that she would also begin to cry, but to cry blood, some people, surely special people, appeared in front of her, while offering her a respiratory mask, she put it on with no interest, It was like she had already lost everything, it was like seeing someone who lost all hope in others and in herself, she did not know or maybe she did not want to see that in the world there were so bad people, people who disguised themselves as good, policemen, young students, who else, that more people are not what they seem, she looked again at the scene of how many people fought for a mask. After a few minutes, the special people had appeared with many masks, almenos thus calming the situation a little, where the voice again would make an appearance.

『Well! I see that everyone has masks on, although I see that I am not enough for everyone, the money I earn seems to be not enough, I must become even richer!!!! Money gives meaning to life!!! In my case no, I prefer someone to an inert object, but back to you my compitas!!!! What are you going to do now? all of you are already infected, you cried blood right? you won't live long, and if you do, you will live with a pain never seen before, you can't leave here either, YOUR LIVES ARE CONDEMNED!!! and this is perfect for what we want, don't forget where we are, this place has many but many things, so many luxurious, expensive, funny, delicious food, jewelry, consoles! games! cars!!! There is everything in this place, but, there is no one to make use of them, and you who have death just a step away, you are going to die with your boring routine of life? you are going to go to work, you are going to study, you are going to eat and sleep, even knowing that you can die tomorrow??!!!!! you are going to be with your family! you are going to talk with your friends! you are even going to have sex!!!! YOU ARE STILL GOING TO DIE!!!!! So I propose you something, let's show the world how we really are, respect? dignity? humility? kindness? in everything we carry, I never saw that in you, come on, steal, fight, smash, MAKE A CHAOS LIKE THE REAL BEING WE ARE!!!!! And that if you get arrested for your crimes, nothing will save you anyway, neither bars nor any medicine!!!! LIVE UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT AS YOU WANT!!!!』-『Come on!!!! Those of you who are with us!!! It's time to commit our sin!!』

The voice's words were true, why play the good guy if your life is already over, what good did it do you to be good...did everything you learned in this country of peace, will it save you or even notice you once? no, you always mattered only you and your way of seeing things, many people gave a cry of anger and rage, they were releasing all the frustration that was happening to them in their day to day, they knew that the voice was right, it always is, they wanted someone to believe in and to be noticed, if the supposedly good God was not going to do anything, someone appeared who is able to give them what they really want, they took their way of thinking as there was no other, they were going to die, that is a fact, they believed it blindly, so, there is nothing wrong, committing the greatest sin ever made.

PAM!!!!!! A loud bang was heard over the loudspeakers, in the control and security room, the voice had smashed the controller cleanly, so that no one if there is still anyone sane, in having the idea of coming and release the armored doors, this person was smiling, he began to stretch and exercise his body, while proudly told himself that controlling others is a piece of cake, he would leave the place, for sure to look in the same way, the wonder he just created, his smile and his ecstatic eyes, would be always present, he met the officer he knocked down before, this one was still unconscious, and with total normality of the world, he stripped him of his pistol he was carrying, if he felt like it, maybe there would be fatal victims.

When Yushi arrived to help the old officer, there were still some masked people who kept hitting him like never before, they were no longer simple contained blows, they used all their strength to violate him for his acts that will never be forgiven, so much was the abuse, that he was spitting blood as well as missing most of his teeth, Yushi quickly saw that he was in danger, with his speed and agility, they hit in weak parts of people, either neck or hips, this to make them fall asleep. When he went to help him, he saw that he was badly wounded, they stripped him of his clothes, to confirm that he was still alive, he measured his pulse, putting his finger near the old officer's ear, but now that he pushed away those who were attacking him, what should he do now, the order was only to do that, there are still more officers to help, but, Yushi did not want to leave the old man to his fate.

『I've already decided, I'm going to treat you』.

There are few times when Yushi acts on his own judgment, so this might have been simple for us, but for Yushi to do something he was not told to do, is like for a punishment, but before he could lift the officer, Yushi touched his eyes and saw that he was also crying blood, this is weird, since there was no sense to cry, he also did not feel burning, but, this really was blood? Yushi stared at the blood and something didn't seem right, it was too liquid, it was already clear, this was not dangerous at all, the powder could only cause tears and nothing else, while the color, it must have been taken by the red powder itself. But being all the time crying must be tiring and annoying, so Yushi seeing that the guys he knocked down had masks, he removed one of them, and with precision he managed to remove only the glasses, and cut the leather to make a pair of improvised glasses fastened with a tie. This stopped his tears, now he could help without any problem.

While Cliston went to help the officer father, he found the same scenario, few people who were beating him like never before, his way of action of Cliston was to try to talk to the others, make them understand that everything was a lie, it was just a matter of talking instead of using force, thought the frenton.

『Stop it at once!!! Don't you see that what you're doing is wrong! You gain nothing by hitting him like that』.

『OF COURSE WE GAIN SOMETHING!!!! We take justice into our own hands! We pledge that this animal will pay for his sins 』.

Again those people were going to beat and slaughter the officer father, who Cliston was in front of them, put up even more resistance to be left alone. This filled the patience of these masked people, who without hesitation went to hit Cliston now, this was not seen coming by our fatty, who received a strong blow on the cheek that made him fall to the ground, while commenting that not even a woman will stop them for the real things they want to do, but quickly, Cliston again would stand up extending his only available arm.

『I said not to hit him anymore! If they have to forcefully hit someone, then it will be me!!!』

With strength in his shout, Cliston made it clear that he will defend this man whatever it takes, which instead of angering the masked men more, they were happy, they just wanted someone to take it out on and show their strength, they thundered their fists as a symbol that they will do what they really want to do. But, why even when it's warranted, you don't use your God Form, if you did, you would end this quickly, Cliston, you really don't want to use your powers for good? POMMM!!!! Cliston was hit hard in the face, good thing he wasn't wearing glasses, otherwise it would have been even more painful, Cliston fell to his knees in front of the officer father, it hurt, it hurt a lot, he had never received a blow of this magnitude before, he squeezed hard and indignation for all this, will he do it? finally you will pass to your God Form? The guys laughed as he looked at his fist of blood, when Cliston turned to look at them defiantly, they saw that his nose was bleeding, but not only that, Cliston was crying blood. After thinking about it for a while, these masked men decided it was better to leave, as they were already satisfied. Cliston from how annoyed he was, he relaxed to weaken his whole body while touching his nose.

『Ah.... my little nose, I think he broke it with that punch, it's bleeding all the time』- 『That guy really hit me hard, did he hate me so much?』

Cliston used his dress to wipe off the blood, although he dresses as a woman, he makes it clear with his attitude that he is a man, immediately he would hear a concern towards him, the officer father was still sane and still badly wounded, he would ask him if he was well, to which our fatty would boast: 『Don't worry, I've been hit harder, and this one I think I beat them all up.

『Don't worry, I've been hit harder, and this one I think I've beaten them all....』

『We should go to a pharmacy in the mall, there should be bandages, absorbent cotton, alcohol, whatever we need to treat ourselves 』

Cliston hadn't thought of that, good thing the officer father was still conscious, but the adult also commented, that they should hurry to one of the pharmacies there, lucky that as the mall is big, on each level there is one, the fastest would be to go where they are, which is the 3rd floor. While Cliston helped him as a walking support, this officer also commented that they should get some masks, although he knows it is a lie, still the doubt remained that whether it is true or not, it is better to be cautious than to pay the consequences.

『Although if it was real about the red powder, there's no use putting on the mask now, we're already crying blood, so our life already has a time limit』-『Haha...I don't even know why we go to the pharmacy』.


Cliston was doubtful of the situation, since while he was on his way to help him, he managed to watch how people were going crazy about the mask, it was the only thing he was worried about at that time, he hadn't paid attention before what the voice said before, where this one had what he needed to check if it was true or not, since crying blood, as it is something very fictitious don't you think? Cliston asked the officer for a little time, since he wanted to check something, now with his only free arm, he would wipe the blood from his nose, when he saw it was dark and not so liquid, as it had a consistency of carrying globules and those things according to the fatty. And to check it better, he decides to give it a lick, and yes, it tasted something weird, it tasted like blood. I guess that was his way of saying it, as he now took the blood from his eyes, this one had a more vivid color and was more liquid, likewise he gave it a lick to check it and realized that.

『The blood is sweet?』

『Well, while I was being beaten I accidentally swallowed my blood, so no, it's not sweet』.

『XDXDXDXDXDXD tastes like tamarind xdxdxdxdxd』

I think we already realized in a little way would be, that this red dust was not dangerous at all, both Cliston and Yushi were going to attend to the officers they saved, but on the fourth level still continued the fight of masked Tomeo against the masked ones, neither side was giving up, Thanks to Tomeo, he also managed to put a mask on the officer, while he was tired, sweaty, his belly was about to unbutton, but his mustache was still well combed, he still had the strength to fight.

While Jiro was hiding in some store in the mall, he was talking with encouragement and joy that his father was the best, that he is the strongest and no matter how many he faces, he will always win in all, he would have liked to see even more and support him with his words, but when the explosion happened on the 4th floor, Tomeo quickly asked Konomi to take his son to a safe place, where instantly with speed, Sister Nanase took the masks and put them on so they could be safe, to be cautious, maybe she is the best, Konomi looked for a place that has fan inside, so they could disappear the dust around them, both were hiding behind a counter so no one would see them, Konomi looked up to hear the voice was talking.

『Did you see that? My father is the best! My father is the strongest! My father is a hero! He'll get rid of all those bad people, I know he can! My dad always comes home at the end of the day! My pa-POM!!!---..』

『Shut up already brat, let me hear what this hallucinator says from the loudspeaker』.

Konomi hit Jiro hard on the head when she saw that he wouldn't shut up, where the boy quickly wanted to cry, but Konomi just with the cold look she has, told him that if he cried, she would really give him reason to do so, the boy made force to hold back his tears. How could she have done it to intimidate the boy if they both wore masks? Nanase family stuff. After the commotion broke out, Konomi already had his final verdict.

『I get it, the guy here looks like he's not that delusional, having unknown people commit the crime instead of them, it's something very cunning, he sure knows how to control people at his whim, it's an attack never seen before, something like this should have already been reported by someone, there will be officers and patrols came here, and when they do, you will arrest all those who did crimes and robbery, it would be obvious who is the sane one and who is not, those who provoked this, they will play the victims and innocent to get away with it, yes they had this very well planned』

『What? what are you saying? i don't understand, say it in a simple way so i can understand! i also want to sound smart!』

『I would have liked to go hide in a little shop to eat some sweets, that would be my only crime, but it looks like they are about to start』.

『Don't ignore me!!!』

Gunshots could quickly be heard POM POM POM POM POM POM POM!!!! The windows were tinted bright red, they were shooting at the same place, POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM!!!! PAMMMMMMM!!!! They succeeded in destroying the windows of the place, which was a jewelry store, there were several masked men carrying firearms, that's where all those shots came from? Recently the special people had returned, but this time no longer with masks, but with guns, people seeing this, could not believe it, they were really real guns? Just holding it made their hands tremble, committing robberies and abuses, it doesn't compare to carrying one of these in your hand, many of these people laughed and enjoyed having one, it seems that there was a madman among them that was released, having a gun in his hands, he wanted to try it, and with a shout of "DIE" he shot the other people, those present were frightened and screamed with fear, this showed them another face, nothing matters anymore, not even your life, the madman with the mask laughed loudly, but he fell down when he saw that the people who shot him, stood up like the living dead, The guns did not contain real bullets, but red paint bullets, these were powerful, compared to receiving a blow, but they were not deadly at all, more special people appeared handing out these weapons, all these people, adults, young, old, they felt powerful, they shot against everyone and everyone, it did not kill them, so they did not feel spiteful at all, now they looked like vandals, they were entering every place to steal and enjoy the joy of being someone bad.

The chaos was getting louder and louder, but the masked madman, this one under his gun disappointed, was a person already fed up with society, fed up with his simple and boring life. At this moment he felt free, at any moment he can die, so whatever he does, it's okay, stealing, mistreating, abusing, made him feel relaxed, but killing, for sure he felt even better, this one was walking slowly while looking for a place where if he can do what he wants to do.

『WUAA!!!! Look at all this swag! I always wanted to buy my girlfriend one, but with my crappy salary, debts, taxes.....AH!!!! I'll give one to her and everything else I'll keep!!!』

Five masked men came in to rob the jewelry store, just where Konomi and Jiro were, the boy was very scared, these people looked dangerous, but he considers himself a hero, they are doing something bad, so he should be able to do something against them, but he could not, the fear and being beaten were greater. With heavy blows of their guns, they would destroy the glass to take all the necklaces and rings there, they felt rich, they felt what they really think they deserve after a simple life and misery.

『(I want to do something...but...but....ahh!!!! If I can't do something, then!)』

Jiro was pulling Konomi's clothes, he was telling her without words to do something, which Konomi didn't want, it's obvious her way of thinking, doing unnecessary things is useless, as long as they leave and don't know they are here would be enough, there would be no need for more, but Jiro kept pulling Konomi with more strength and helplessness, he was about to cry because the only person who can do something, is going to stand by and watch as if nothing, he doesn't like it, when this kind of things happens. Pam....Konomi, fed up, pushed Jiro out of the counter, which by the noise he made alerted the masked men, which fixed Jiro.

They approached him to check if he was really a child, Jiro did not say anything, he was shaking and finally crying from fear, the crying was so much that the adults were annoyed and told him to stop, Jiro was really scared, he felt many things in his mind and heart, he could not process well at all.

『I can't steal at ease with this child!!!! YA SHUT UP!!!』

One of the masked at point with his gun to Jiro, who this one kept crying since he couldn't do more, he thought and it was always like that, that crying would bring him better things and everything would be solved, if something went wrong, he cried, if he didn't like something, he cried, if he fell and it hurt, he cried, it's like he never stopped being a baby who complains about everything in the form of crying, he claims to be a hero, but he thinks that heroes never cry. POM!!!

『Until he finally stopped crying』.

Jiro had been shot in the head, so much was the impact and reality, he failed to knock him down, but remember I said that these bullets are like blows, right now, Jiro was stained with red paint on his head, and the masked ones like they were already very used to shoot without consequences, they were seen with encouragement, they told Jiro to get closer to them, the boy already lost, with his eyes down this one paid attention, when he was in front of the masked ones, they took him by the collar of his clothes while one wondered.

『Does anyone else here get irritated by children like him? Don't they feel like hitting them? Let's see if they'll learn to shut up.

Hearing that the adults laughed at the mood, they were people who had their tolerance level broken, to see someone complaining, crying about everything, was the ones they hated the most, hearing this Jiro, quickly his body made a reaction, he wet his pants, the men seeing this, started laughing like never before, where the masked man who was holding him, put down his gun while preparing his fist with all his strength.


『I also have the same thought』.

Before hitting him, a female voice was heard in the place, quickly the guys turned all around, but there was no one in the place, these confused knew they were not alone, as their very body said they were in danger, the hairs on their arms, they felt they could die at any moment. Quickly the one holding Jiro, saw something that left him shocked and traumatized, he saw that his arm had been cut, he would scream from the pain and try to heal his wound, but when the other guys told him what he was screaming about, he seems to have regained consciousness, since his cut arm, was there, unharmed, it had never been cut.

『But...what did I just see』.

Quickly as he finished his words, Konomi appeared without the mask, there was no need to use it, the dust was repelled by the fan of the place, and besides that it annoyed him a lot to use it, the sister was in front of him, and I mean literally in front of his eyes, Konomi grabbed this guy's head and with force and momentum, managed to knock him violently to the ground. When this was witnessed by the others, they were very scared, they didn't know what just happened, again their very bodies and souls were telling them, that their life was in danger.

『But having the same thought as you, it is something that makes me very disgusted』.

Quickly with agility, Konomi would throw herself against these guys, who could only defend themselves with the weapons they had, they couldn't manage to reach her any of the ammunition, it was like Konomi had perfect control of what was happening and her movements, she used her hands as if they were all kinds of weapons, swords, spears, mandobles and especially kunais, she moved back and forth as if already knowing where to go, while knocking down with different movements to all the others, but what the others didn't know about the others, is that before being defeated, they had a surreal vision, one saw how his leg was cut off, another saw how his arm was cut off, to another how he was impaled from the stomach, but it was not really like that, they could only see how a pink aura came from that girl, an aura that is considered of assassins.

『 GET OFF!!!』

The remaining one was shooting everything he could, but it was useless, soon he will also suffer the same fate as his companions, but in that Jiro had come to his senses, he did not care that he is full of his own urine, he did not care anymore to cry, because someone who can do things had appeared, while he, still did nothing, and that deep down, is something that bothers him a lot, in his support and give encouragement to Konomi, he would encourage him, but not knowing what his name is, this boy said to him.

『You can!!! Helmet head!!!』

POM!!!!!! The guy managed to hit Konomi in the head, who instead of continuing to shoot as he did before, out of fear and having a gun, thought that with one shot, it would be all over. Konomi when she heard it she lost her concentration, making the guy hit, she was also now with her head stained with red paint that fell slowly bathing half of her face, she stood still, but instead of being upset, she would say.

『Don't believe it silly, I did this on purpose so you can give me the shot, then show you, it's useless』.

Quickly and in pure silence, the guy managed to see how Konomi approached him too fast, cutting his head off with an imaginary kunai. This vision he had, was enough to make him faint for a long time, he will surely think he is dead, when he wakes up, he will do it abruptly and rudely, surely touching his neck, thinking it was a miracle that he is alive. Konomi approached where Jiro was, he was full of urine, but although he was wearing a mask, you could see his smile and laughter. Pam! Konomi without hesitation gave Jiro a blow on the head, and not one or two or three, enough to generate a bump, while complaining annoyed that.

『Don't call me helmet head or mushroom head again, I don't like that nickname at all』.

After so much hitting, Jiro was crying again, but this time not from being sad, he was crying because he was happy, and also, that he was already used to people who are not his family, treat him the same way, this kind of scolding towards him, it hurt, but it was a pain to be able to be stronger. They were able to get rid of this, even Konomi had to resort to what his family was doing, the bad thing about this, is that it seems that it still has a long way to go. In the pharmacy on the second floor, there was the young man who took the mask off the lady, he was making a fuss because he could not find something that could help him, but he still did not give up, he really wanted to continue living.

While on the other hand, the madman from earlier, knowing that this had no qualms, took off his mask, and when he took it off, it was noticeable with a smile and a cry of blood, he was very happy, this was the face of someone who lost his head? This was the face of someone who lost his head? He would enter the store which sold kitchen items. This is a long time coming.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
