
Chapter 253: Collecting Information

R͇e͇c͇o͇l͇e͇c͇t͇a͇n͇d͇o͇ ͇I͇n͇f͇o͇r͇m͇a͇c͇i͇ó͇n͇

Today I woke up relieved, really very relieved, since I could not sleep much after what happened last night with all that issue, although it should be the other way around, but I still feel energetic, I feel I can stay awake another night, but what made me happy was to see from the window, as the family of the old man Taki came, surely the nurse already called them to talk about the inconvenience that happened, see how those people came early, running in a hurry and even with an expression of fear, gave to understand that they loved the old man very much.

A door was heard to be opened abruptly and altered, the shouts of people calling the old man by name.

『Taki!!』『Taki-kun!!』『Grandpa Taki!!!』『Don't die Grandpa Taki!!!!』

One specific room was making a fuss since early mornings already, even if it's not visiting time, they must have let them in for the sake of seeing that it was okay. Meanwhile Taki with a positive attitude from his bed, was calming his family, that he was fine and that it was just a momentary scare, as his wife, children and grandchildren, went to hug him because they all loved their grandfather. This simple action of love from his family, made Taki smile with joy, together the necessary strength to be able to move his arms, and even if only weakly embrace his family.

『(Thank you, thank you all so much, for always being with me, to think that I was about to lose this feeling that I love so much, no doubt it's what I'm most afraid of, for someone who just waits for his moment, you appreciate much more what you painstakingly got, my greatest treasure is my family, thank you so much, young Cliston who came to help me and those naughty little ones)』-『(Sure. ...What I am doing at this moment..... is what the young man wanted to take care of after all, that I can hug my family, he had the strength to pull me by my arm, but hearing my cries of pain, he just stopped, and saw a way to not hurt me and help me at the same moment, I am.....I am....summely grateful with everything)』

Elder Taki was smiling with joy, at that, one of his grandchildren realized that their grandfather had stretched his arms to hug them, they were shaking like never before, but he could move them, Taki's whole family was surprised by this great feat, and elder Taki, as if he was still young, this one would start bragging.

『Hehehehehehe and not only can I move my arms, but I can also walk!!!』

The family stepped aside, and Taki like a little boy, would first get rid of the sheet so he could walk, his idea was to be able to jog or even walk, but his body was still with the phobia of what it was like to feel like to be in the air about to fall, that his legs quickly lost strength. His family was going to help him pull himself together, but Taki put his legs hard, opening his arms, it was like he was balancing himself with his own body and weight, managing to at least stand.

『Fiuuu, I see that still no, but I really tell you that last night I was able to walk』.

The old man Taki after seeing how his feet became firm, did not wait again for his family to hug him and congratulate him for this great achievement, which is to be able to have mobility in his limbs again, it is still the beginning, but everything seems that if he continues like this, in the end he will end up returning to be like he was before, an old man with a will to live.

『(Thank you very much, I say it again, really thank you very much, for giving me even more time and hope)』.

They brought him fruits and some obentos so that the old man can eat, before their family talk, entered the room the Doctor who was attending Taki, first he greeted as he should everyone and that he was glad to see that everyone came early than usual, that he would justify this sudden visit.

『I'm sorry for having to spoil the party, but I need to be alone with Taki-san, I need to check that everything is in order and not have any prejudice in the future』.

At the Doctor's words, the family for the sake of their grandfather, left the room since they were removed the fear that something may have happened to him, but before leaving they had left him the fruits already cut and the obentos, the old man was cheerful, but soon he would have to be all serious.

『I need you to describe to me in detail what that nurse you saw last night was like, it's better to take action on this 』.

The doctor was aware of what really happened, they and a few others knew what really happened, when they called Taki's family, they did not tell them everything in detail, that was obvious, because if they told him that there was an assassination attempt, what could have been messed up here. They are going to take action on this quickly so that no one will see it coming, because if they had put out a statement in advance that everyone should meet, it was obvious that he can suspect the one who wanted to do the indiscriminate killing. The nurses start coming from the morning in this hospital to attend to their jobs and their patients, everyone was given the communiqué by all necessary means of communication, to gather in the hospital auditorium.

Cliston, who was in his room with his nurse, talking about trivial things, to forget a little of what happened, heard how through the audio output in the room, they were calling all the nurses. Cliston didn't understand at first what might be going on, but after a while, he had an idea of what might be happening.

"Well, when I'm done I'll be back young Cliston, next time let me know if you're going out, although if you decide to go out now I don't think I'll be able to be there』.

The nurse was leaving the room, where Cliston also wanted to know more about the subject, he would not stay waiting as he normally would, no doubt his curiosity more than anything, and so that it would not happen again, made him move, while taking advantage of the fact that it was not yet visiting hours and that the entire hospital service was inside, to prevent the culprit from leaving, they locked all the doors leading to the outside, although this was more a measure of the secret agents who also knew about it, they normally do not get involved in these matters, but as their target, Cliston is here, they want this place to be safe.

All the nurses were gathered in the auditorium, which was big, they were lined up and they all wondered why they were gathered, the most obvious thing they thought it would be a rehearsal or for some protective measure, such as getting a vaccine, but nothing like that, at this moment they are all suspicious.

『I'm sorry to have to call you all here, you are complete, none missing, I'm glad to know that you take your work seriously and with care, but also not so much so, I always tell you not to take it as an obligation, your patients not people you just have to take care of, your patients are your friends, with whom you can talk to, having a good relationship and a relaxed atmosphere also has a great influence on a patient's recovery, we are the ones who give back hope in the best possible way to those who already see everything as lost, we do not work miracles, we only do what we achieve』.

Dr. Sekandoraifu (Second Life) Hospital. Dr.2-Ban was, so to speak, the highest authority in the hospital, he was not the only obvious doctor in this hospital, there are many more, but being the founder of this hospital and having years and years of experience, he earned much recognition for his way of operating in this health center, which many consider the best in the city. Always his speeches motivated his employees who were all gathered here, for the moment there is no danger with any patient, even some are still sleeping, they will take advantage of this time that they are not really busy to solve this once and for all.

『It won't take long, they even saved us some of the work already, just the way they are lined up is perfect, until I come I will be the one to do the check up』.

The doctors were on one side while the nurses were on the other, they all listened to what Dr.2-ban said because of the great respect they had for him, and since it was also close to the day of the general check-up, to detect if a nurse, doctor, dr. is still fit for his job, that is, if he is not on the right track.

Dr. 2-Ban, started with the first one, remembering what he heard, he only had 2 things to look at, no, more like 3, first he looked at their height, if they were big or small, he was looking at them and judging them with his eyes, second he checked their eyes, to see if there was a deformity that could cause problems, but in that moment he detected an anomaly in the first nurse.

『I see that you have a black spot on one side of your sclera, it is a Myodesopsias or also called Floaters, in short they are opacities that form in the vitreous humor, the gelatinous liquid that our eye is filled with, what I mean is that white area of our eye *smile* .With the passage of time, the microscopic fibers that are in the vitreous tend to group together and cast their shadow on the retina with the passage of light. You are young, it's not because of age, you were hit in the eye, you had or have myopia or had cataract surgery?』

Dr. 2-Ban, upon seeing the curious state of his nurse, was curious and could not help explaining to her what he had, in the end it would only be a quick checkup for the case, but if it continues like this, it will end up being a real checkup as his nurses believe it to be. The nurse told her that months ago she received a strong blow to the eye or near the eye, and after a few weeks of tranquility, a little black spot began to form, which now has this small size. The sick woman said she did not feel anything wrong, maybe a little discomfort, but decided not to treat.

『Don't worry, you won't lose your sight or go blind, the appearance of Flying Moccas is usually a normal circumstance that a significant percentage of the population suffers from it, but it can also be an indication of something worse, like a retinal tear, hemorrhages or eye tumors, you have time tomorrow to do a more thorough checkup with the necessary equipment...so to rule out all danger, but even though I said all this, don't worry, you'll be fine *smile* 』

From the calm and serene manner that Dr.2-Ban had, the nurse who despite studying for this, felt like she was still a student and just being told about this topic, was very attentive to the Dr.'s words where her trust that she had in him, grew even more. She also asked him for one last favor, which was to first walk, jog and at the end to run, the nurse did not find it strange at all, so she did what he told her, while he said if he could bring her his wallet or where he carries his things, the nurse doubted this, as it is very personal, but the Dr. said it is not because he is curious or gossipy, if not that it is to confirm something, and if he finds something promising, it will be a grave to death. When he finished with the first one, the result was.

『(It seems that she is not) Next please, you can wait on this side』.

And so it went for quite a while, as I said this in the beginning would be a quick check, but the Dr by his simple nature wanted to see if there was a problem with his nurses, and rather that he did, as he was able to find small inconveniences that can be dealt with or not move on to the serious just like the previous case. While through the corridors of the Hospital, as all the nurses and doctors were gone, despite the fact that all the patients must be sleeping, the littlest and craziest of the hospital, could not just sit still.

『My nurse left saying that she was called in an emergency, surely???? For me she left to answer to her boyfriend, I always stop her telling her to put her cell phone away and turn it off, if I don't tell her she can be all day *sigh* And what fun has cell phone???? in there you can't move, run or do sport, HA!!!! fucking sedentary people!!!』(ؑᵒᵕؑ̇ᵒ)◞✧

Jomei was walking along the passages together with his wheelchair, it was obvious, you leave him alone for a moment, this one will go where he wants, it really seems that not moving his legs, is an impediment for him to go from one place to another, but he doesn't seem to be the only one who decided to walk around.

『Did you really call people sedentary???Tu????? pu pu pu pu pu pu pu look look look!!!! I can walk pu pu pu pu pu』

Raku bumped into Jomei on his way, and hearing him talking to himself, he didn't avoid wanting to also butt in and as usual, make fun of him. Jomei wasn't even surprised that Raku appears, it's like whenever he speaks, this eye patch girl appears, Raku was jumping up and down beside Jomei, while repeating "Walk" over and over again, you could see how Raku was quiet without laughing.

『Yes yes, you can walk, and that, I could too at the time and I would still do it, not like those people who can do it and just decide not to, what a waste, right now the first thing I would do would be to run with all my might』.

『"walk " "walk " "walk " "walk " "walk "』(꒡ꜙ꒡).

『Give big jumps and kicks with all my strength, go hug my mother and tell her, today I ran until my legs hurt』.

『"walk " "walk " "walk " "walk " "walk "』(꒡ꜙ꒡).

『And grab a hammer and break your legs heavy girl you are!!!! YES! The first thing I would do would be to catch you and give you everything back!!』

Jomei couldn't take any more of Raku's annoyance that she ended up exploding in front of her, you could see how Jomei was aiming at the little girl, but Raku's expression was calm and she even turned to the side as if she didn't care.

『Ehhh, yes you are vindictive, wishing the worst on people is wrong, better to wish them happiness! now pray me 』-『Oh something better! Right now I'm a fairy bisbisbisbisbis, that's how fairies do...no idea, bisbisbisbisbis I'll grant you a wish whichever one you want, either you wish to be rich or you wish to be just like me, take your pick』.

First Jomei got angry because he can't stand the attitude of the girl who although little expressed, you can tell she is very playful and teasing, he was about to burst again, but again the witticisms of Raku who now thinks she is a fairy, was about to grant him a wish.

『Fairy? rather you are a mosquito, someday I'll catch you, you'll see』- 『With that one wish, it's not bad to dream, dreaming is good and more so now that I'm here, let's see what I can wish for.....eh???....but if you put me 2 choices lousy!!!』

『Pupu!!! For calling me lousy you now have a wish!!!! How you love to miss opportunities』┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌.

『...You are a...haber, even if I don't like it, I will choose to be like you, money, as I am still small I don't see much importance to it, so I choose to be like you!!!!! Come on!!!』

Quickly, although it took a while, Raku started to do a whole weird maneuver, like spinning and making weird movements around Jomei, it seemed like he had a wand in his hand and moved him from one place to another, although Raku seemed that if he put all his effort into this performance, because if he painted his appearance to be a fairy, he had dull grayish hair, and the hospital clothes made him look like a dress of a fairy or a magical girl.

『Ándale!!!! Pim pam pum pum!!! Your grandfather dressed up as a rag !!!』

Surely that sentence will be a truth in the future, how scary.....xd Raku hit Jomei's head softly, but he still screamed low that it hurt, while he was rubbing himself, because he was still a child, he looked at his legs, he thought they would move out of nowhere, but it had no effect. Jomei already expected this, he just played along with Raku.

『As usual, disappointing people 』.

Jomei was discouraged, just meeting Raku made him want to better have stayed sleeping a little longer, but at that, he lost half of his eyesight out of nowhere, that he quickly got startled by this, for a few moments he thought something bad had happened to him that he even started to move from his chair.

『Ready, wish fulfilled 』

Raku was behind Jomei, who she put a patch on Jomei's eye, the boy realizing that he didn't go blind from a real eye, happened to touch his eye and he could feel that if it was a patch, they were silent for a few seconds and this obviously Raku didn't like it.

『Now that I see it, your eye patch looks great, what if I put another one on the other eye? Maybe you can get powers!!!』

In the end Raku took out another patch from his pocket, he seems to carry a lot of things in those pockets, both were fighting, on one hand Jomei didn't want to go totally blind, while Raku was forcing him to put it on, at the end of the day, he did get his wish fulfilled somehow.

Returning to the auditorium, the door had been opened and it was none other than Taki, who after receiving his family and receiving their support both emotionally and physically, can now at least stand up and walk.

『Oh, I see you got unoccupied already, I'm glad I left you some time with your family after talking, I see it gave you strength, can you be the one to check? If I continue I don't think we'll finish on time 』

Taki went to say hello to Dr.2- Ban , and now if after having the spirits to the top and regain hope, Taki would now be the one to find the culprit who tried to kill him, the thing was easy, the height was to see if it could be the murderer, if it was a girl of small stature, then it could be a candidate, if she had the heart-shaped eye, then it could also be a candidate, and for that very reason they checked their things, since the murderer could have used a contact lens to have that appearance, and obviously the running and jogging, to see if he did not make any noise.

Taki was checking one at a time much faster than Dr.2-Ban, but it seems that so far, they can't find the culprit, but from a small opening in the door, Cliston was watching from there and trying to hear everything, and found out that they were looking for the culprit.

『(Yes they rushed a lot, but the faster and more impromptu it is, the better it comes out, maybe, that sentence is wrong what I just said)』.

Cliston saw and listened behind the opening of a door that was there, but at that someone called him from behind, he was not scared or anything, since by the tone of voice and the words, he knew who they could be.

『Wanker child?』

Raku was heading to Fatty, who turned to greet them, but he found something curious that he thought he would be late to see, he saw how Raku was the one who was carrying Jomei by the handles of the wheelchair and Jomei then.....

『Eh? The wanker boy is here? let me..... let me.... where is his hand to shake hands with him....ah!!! I think I found him.....eh? this looks like a tube』

Jomei in the end ended up with 2 patches on his eye, he looked like those stupid kids who thought they looked cool not being able to see anything and acted normal, I see Jomei is of this same style. The kid was looking to be able to shake hands with Cliston, weird because they didn't even say goodbye yesterday in the rehab area before.

『!!!!! But what are you playing!!!! Crafty!!! Pervert!!!! You motherfucker!!!』

Raku was quickly making a fuss to see that Jomei was touching something indecent, the boy as not being able to see anything and by touch, thought he was touching something else, so he got upset and scared, to finally take off his patches. He was about to apologize, but in the end it was that, if he was touching a tube :v

『And that's called playing with psychology children』(^~^)『Eh? you look upset, don't tell me you're sad???? uy no, you came out weird』

Jomei again became quiet and again burst out in anger because of Raku's joke, who started to chase him all over the passageway, again this routine of chasing him but never succeeding had started. But because of the noise they were making, a doctor who was inside the auditorium heard them and went to the door where they were.

『Chuñas! We've been discovered!』

Cliston was worried that they would be found, so he quickly left with the children to avoid being found, from a safe place, they could see how the doctor looked from side to side the passageway and found nothing strange, but as the door was with an opening, he decided to close it completely.

『Chutas, now how do I listen』.

Cliston was worried about losing the subject if they manage to find the murderer, but Raku would go to Fatty since it seems that this subject if he cares a lot. So he told him to follow him, Raku took Jomei from the handles of the wheelchair and running they left the place, it looked like a means of transportation for Raku the child, like a skate that you have to give him strength with your foot to walk.

Cliston did not understand where it would take him, as they were going to the top floor of the auditorium, at that they stopped as there was an impediment, the stairs, if they were going to go with Jomei, they would have to take the elevator, but that is in the middle of the large building.

『Don't worry, I'll take care of it, easy 』.

Cliston would pass to his God Form and take with his free hand from the bottom of the seat thus carrying both Raku and Jomei up the stairs, but since it was only going up one more floor, this experience would be over quickly, but the children didn't want to let this moment pass, as if they were in sync, They asked him to continue this way until the end, without refusing Cliston took them being guided by Raku, at the end they came across a door that was where he managed the maintenance of the pipes, such as the passage of water, heat, cold, temperature, etc etc, and others, they were practically in the control area of the hospital.

Only the Hospital's janitor is allowed to enter this place, someone expert can only enter, it was locked so it would be impossible, but again Raku put his hand in his pocket taking out a key and easily opening the door.

『I took a copy of the janitor's key from him while he was sleeping』 ( ̄ー ̄)b

『We're doing something wrong, aren't we? right????!!!!』 (;゚Д゚)

『Not a word of this Flash Jr.』

Raku was calming but threatening Jomei not to say anything they were here, Cliston entered inside this area, but then he thought one thing he thought they would take him there.

『Wouldn't it have been better to go to the hospital's camera area?』

At that Raku was silent for a few seconds, it seemed like he was looking at nothing, then he returned to normal.

『It's just that I don't have a key from there (The truth is I just remembered, but I don't want to look like a fool here) If that, I don't have it, nothing but nothing』.

Cliston was looking for a way to hear and see what was going on in the auditorium, but even though he looked there was no way, at that Raku corrected Fatty that of course there is a way, and it is by entering through the duct that is down on the floor, Fatty looked down and there was indeed a duct to enter, Raku explained that it passes above the auditorium and you can see it clearly, it sounds like he already did it before.

『Okay, now go inside』.

Raku opened the duct for Cliston to enter, but because of his size, in the end he wouldn't fit what was necessary, in there Raku just stared at the duct then snapped his mouth annoyed and didn't even look at Cliston.

『Pinches tall kids』

Cliston was very worried about this and now the one who noticed it was Jomei, who saw the duct and because of its size he would surely fit, Jomei told Cliston that he will be the one to go inside, listen and see everything and then tell Cliston everything in detail. Cliston was very much in agreement with the plan, and that he was telling him that if he could do him that big favor, but his spirits were gone when they both forgot that ..... Jomei can't move his legs....

『And that what!!!! To move through the ducts I just have to crawl!!!! With only my arms I can do it!!!! I'll get in if I have to!!!』

『Don't be silly kid, not because you say so, if you're going to make it, in your condition you can get stuck in the ducts, and I don't want to look like the bad guy, it's ok commoners 1 and 2, yo! His Majesty will do you the favor and fulfill the spy mission!!!!! 』

Again Raku was making prodigy girl poses and bragging about being a Majesty, as much as Raku and Cliston applauded for her bravery and decisiveness. Raku was now ready to enter the conduit, as she received good vibes from Cliston and Raku.

『Please come back safely, if you don't come back then I'll come looking for you, although that would be destroying the pipes and..... the expense would be....so come back safely, yes!』

Cliston from the good vibes he was giving off, seemed to take on the personality he would have with his friends. While Jomei simply with insults was telling him to come back, Raku was sneaking through the ducts and since he already had them studied and used to it, it was easy to get to the auditorium part so he could see and hear everything.

Getting back on the subject of the auditorium, Taki had only a few nurses left to check and there didn't seem to be any potential suspects in this. No one had anything unusual in the eye apart from the first nurse, they all made noise when running or even walking, and there was nothing unusual in the objects of the nurses, as for the heights, it is true that Japan are not to have people so tall, their average in this case of women is very low, 1.58 m, so finding someone much shorter, would be seen with the naked eye in this job. Taki checked the last girl and nothing, none of the nurses were the possible killer.

Taki went to talk to Dr.2-Ban about the situation coming to the following conclusions, first with the height, all the nurses pass or most of them pass the 1.60 m and all of them are obviously over age between 20-30 mostly, then the girl that Taki saw, must be theoretically a high school or even middle school (high school), to think that she could be from elementary school, that would be too much, there can't be someone small.

Now about not making noise when walking, it may have been because Taki is already senile as he said, but he is very sure that he still has good hearing and that night he really did not hear anything when that girl appeared and left. It could also be that he was barefoot, but no, Taki saw that he arrived with shoes, here if they do not have a clear idea, they do not have so much imagination to think of things outside what they know, someone who does not make noise when walking, can only come to mind stealthy people that nobody wants to be detected, like ninjas or spies, assassins more than anything, a well trained, totally very fictitious but they should not discard because it is the only thing they have.

In the case of the eyes, although Taki said they were heart-shaped, the truth is that because of the darkness I could not see well, it was not a heart as such there complete, but only as a trace of a figure that appeared or wanted to form a heart, as some scratches on the eye. No doubt no girl would have that, and if there were, it would be a new ocular deformity according to Dr. 2-Ban's words.

Taki would take the opportunity to tell the Dr. that when she was falling in the air, she saw a light in the passageway, and after that time Young Cliston appeared to help her, a curious fact but that could be important, said both adults.

Raku who was listening, she would also become serious and think about what really happened that night. Although she said that she had appeared because she felt like urinating and pure coincidence, the truth is that a light, like from a flashlight, began to flicker her room, she went out to see what was happening, and the light moved away and flickered as if guiding her and thus arriving at the place where the old man and Fatty were.

『(Well, let me think, the old man said that the nurse went away and left him alone, but after a while the old man would fall down, the straw man appeared to help him, I don't know how he appeared, it must have been because that light guided him as well as me, what strange ..... I can't, I better go back and order some spicy taki)』

Raku returned to have the information in his head to tell the others, this impromptu review was over and again the whole hospital would take its typical routine, but with this they managed to know many things and especially that the nurse was certainly not from here, if not that had leaked to commit that heinous act, a student is what would resonate most, there is no clear answer, it could be anyone, but if she is a student .... certainly have separated her normal life with that hobby she has, and live with it will not feel pleasant.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
