
Chapter 240: The Joy of Menhera-chan 3

L͇a͇ ͇A͇l͇e͇g͇r͇í͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇͇ ͇M͇e͇n͇h͇e͇r͇a͇-͇c͇h͇a͇n͇ ͇3͇

Cliston was resting for the day, already feeling better than he already was, your cell phone rang implying he received a message, it was several pictures Brayan took with his friends in the classroom, doing everything but paying attention, even consulting him if the signature they were making was credible or not. Cliston laughed softly, at that his mother walked in with some fruit and a change of wet handkerchief.

『Mother, do you remember my friend Yashiro? He's already back and will soon be able to come to school with us *smiles* 』

『The shy little shy boy? How nice, yes, I remember perfectly, his little group of you always stopped together making a lot of trouble, he mostly just followed you, he wanted to be with you』-『One less trouble for everyone, especially for his family, I brought you fruits so eat up son』

Cliston was receiving with a smile, the plate of fruits brought by his mother, but quickly entered the grandmother, Mom Lucha with a plate of chicken broth, perfect for any illness can never miss, on top of that better if prepared by the grandmother, it was too much for him, but anyway, Cliston was receiving the big plate with a smile, without wasting any more time, the grandmother beat the mother in replacing the wet cloth for him.

『You still need more daughter, but still this is nothing for him, our dear Cliston can surpass everything if he sets his mind to it, right? *smiles*』

While she was taking care of her grandson, Cliston nodded his head saying that he will do his best in everything, she also told him that his friend came back, Mama Lucha just smiled and caressed her grandson's head with her words.

"That's a reason to celebrate, from what you told us, your friend Yashiro-san must have had a hard time, young people are very strong』.

Back in the classes, Lys already had the signature of most of her classmates, she was looking with her eyes if she forgot someone, in that she could feel or hear a faint voice but with strength, it was a presence struggling to be seen, that person was in the background raising his hand and saying that he would like to support.

『Chale, I think I'm getting the schizo』( -_・)?

Lys was simply retreating forward, at that quickly Lys snapped her fingers because she could finally find what she was forgetting, with a mad joy, Lys stood in front of that person with a mole below her left eye, with an annoyed expression, Kanon was looking without taking her eyes off Lys.

『Ehehehe....hehehe...ehhhh.....Would you like to support? Not like that no, would you like to sign for a good cause? A deal! Check! Duck Coso!!! It's not worth reading the fine print chipi ,ta weno? Aaahhhhh. I feel like a fool asking this, you know Yashiro is back right? Wouldn't you like him to be with us like in the old days? You know, his presence, no matter how little it was, made us all happy, especially that crazy friend of his, uyyy, even here I can smell a tremendous desire to ahhh, silence. It will only take you a few seconds, come on don't be a sourpuss, maybe I won't even recognize you, if you didn't wear the skirt I would think you were a boy jijijijiji oh no you're not? You don't want to teach me? 』]*ΦωΦ)ノ

Lys was taking that attitude again, Kanon was just looking at her annoyed, while Lys her expression decayed as she said to herself in her mind that it's impossible, this guy least wants to help the boy. But from one second to another, Kanon took one of Lys's leaves, this action made Lys herself surprised.

『Holy Little Mother of All Saints!!!! ='①.①'= Kanon....tu.....was wrong for real』.

Kanon was taking his time to make his signature, even playing with his pen and moving the sheet back and forth, the annoyed expression he had, turned into a smile, as if he was about to enjoy something.

"What, that I was going to object? You're wrong, of all people, I'm the one who wants to see Yashiro the most, I want to see how much he has changed, if he is still that boy I destroyed on the day of admission.....You see my smile? I'm happy, it's normal to think about the past and feel nostalgic for the things that happened, especially those that made you feel good, and right now I'm happier than before, I want to see him and tell him everything I kept for myself these years, I have a lot to tell him about everything that happened, I don't care what problems he had before coming here, but he should not forget that I am the main reason, I will make him remember, what he really is, what really happens around him, I wonder what he will do this time, will he cry? or maybe』

While Kanon was doing his signature very slowly, he was telling that he would be very happy to see his friend again, remembering the past was what made him happier than everything, Lys was very attentive to his surprise, where in the end he drew conclusions.

『I see, if you are a woman , eta very rosy』(=ↀωↀ=).

Lys had bent down to see under Kanon's skirt, quickly Kanon would try to give her a strong kick which was nimbly dodged by Lys, when she fully recovered Lys would pass see her companion and was surprised again that she even praised her.

『Ta pink underwear!!!! Jijijijiji Oh! With that expression if you look like a woman, you even look cute to me jijijijijaja but more than me never』.

You could see how Kanon was embarrassed with a gesture of anger towards her partner, with her hand hiding her lower part that was seen, Lys had a camera hanging on her neck, she did not waste time and took the opportunity to take a picture of Kanon with that expression, while commenting that it will be the main thing for the next day, she looked at the sheet, the signature and reproached her for the signature she made, commenting that she took so long to just write her name and a line at the end? bruh. Lys was leaving commenting on her way to the last thing.

『But I really don't understand why you hate that skeleton so much』.

While Lys was leaving, Kanon managed to listen attentively, where she quickly clenched her fist and slammed it against her desk, everyone there managed to hear the commotion Kanon made, her gesture was of purest anger, it really was like she didn't like being talked about that topic or not knowing it at all.

『(You really dare....you really dare to say that!!!!!)』

The teacher who was in the classroom, was clapping her hands implying that they already leave their things and that the class would start, but quickly, Lys without wasting time was leaving the classroom commenting to her classmates that she will take care of a large percentage of the signatures.

『By the way, we have to deliver the signatures today, so if you have time, help, don't be assholes』.

He closed the doors without paying attention to the teacher that he should not go out, everyone was silent, for them there was no reason to hurry, they don't break the rules like Lys does. They will not be able to do anything until it is time for recess and dismissal, as the hours passed, the students passed from class to class, some were paying attention, others were just getting up from their sleep, while others were talking among themselves so as not to get bored.

The pointer of the clock was ticking Tick Tack Tick Tack, the most attentive was Menhera, who was taking her notes and watching the seconds pass quickly, to anyone who is aware of the time, it will be an eternity to pass the time. While those in the back, Rojito took out a ball among his things and showed it to his friends, they were shaking their heads up and down, they looked like monkeys who were just doing things for fun.

TIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!¡¡¡¡¡ The recess bell rang, where the teacher said to go out for recess, quickly, Menhera went to the door, she was determined to collect all the signatures, but when she opened it, she found Lys with no strength and all sweaty.

『Jijijiji...I made it, kids...remember me as the Mamalona』.

He fell to the ground with all the leaves he had in his arms, at first he was going to fall on Menhera's chest, but Menhera unconsciously dodged it. Rhino took one of the leaves and saw that it was full of signatures, they were the signatures of several students from different grades.

『¡¡¡¡!!!! It's a Chingo!!!¡¡¡¡』

Jersey happened to pick up several sheets and they were all full of signatures, on the sheets were even signatures of teachers, with little strength Lys commented that.

『I have done 65% of all the signatures in the school, you complete the rest.....pass to do the automurision.....』

Faking her death because she couldn't resist any longer, Lys fell limp on the floor, the Tira Papelitos at first only thought they only needed her signatures, they didn't believe she was really going to try to collect all the signatures, seeing her classmate struggling to the point of not standing up, they had decided on one thing, they took a blank sheet where they put the Fatty's signature.

『We will manage to complete the missing percentage, but first, let's buy from the Doña!!!』

『Doña!!!! Doña!!! Doña!!!!』『Chale, I remembered that the tongues didn't come and on top of that he owes me money』...φ(..*)『Even so, I know I have good friends and they will invite me their food, right? no?』 ('・ω・`)

『Ta webon, we'll be friends and all, but there are things we don't do, why do you think that until now Brayan doesn't pay back the money he owes to Fatty?』

Rojito checked his wallet and remembered that he didn't have much money, and he recently lent money to his friend El Lenguas, coming soon only in movie theaters. He blindly believed in the trust of his friends, but El Perro quickly brought him down from his wacho cloud.

They all took a few blank sheets of paper to collect the signatures, Rojito took out the ball to play around the corridors, they were ready to get down to work. Menhera, along with Rino, collected the blank sheets of paper to do their part. While Lys smiled as she laughed commenting that they as they know their friend, if they are able to do many things for him than to those who don't.

『Quickly!!! We must collect the signatures in what's left of recess!!!』

Jersey was already in the corridors jogging in his same place, where this as soon as he picked up speed POMM!!!! He ended up colliding with another student, quickly as if he felt no pain, he would go over to help the student and ask for the signature.

『Sorry for the push! Are you all right? How nice, AH! I don't have to waste the time, quickly put your signature and you'll have.....UNA MORNING!!!!』\\(゜ロ\\\)Ξ(//ロ゜)//

『AND WHAT IS THAT!!!?!?!?』(∥ ̄■ ̄∥).

『AAAAhhh just sign please, chi or no chi?』

Everyone had gotten down to work, Jersey in her own way had already started collecting the signatures, Menhera and Rino agreed with Jersey that they would be in charge of the opposite side to the one she was going to, wishing luck to both they went on to complete the mission, the 2 sisters were giving their best, but the only one taking it easy, was Konomi, who took out her obento prepared by Menhera.

In the corridors was the group of the Tira Papelitos passing the ball from one side to the other, but quickly El Perro became alert because looking ahead he realized that he was in EF Professor. He quickly signaled that they should go the other way, take the stairs or just go back, but it was too late, Rojito was so excited that he kicked the ball forward.

『What a beak of you!!!! Stop being so precocious and awanting Rojito Webon!!!!』

『Yaaa but don't yell at me ass dog!!!!! I can't help it when I see a ball...』

They hit the Professor's back, even here you could hear the wailing of the group, with his big hand, that mean gesture, he took the ball saying only one word.


『Nooo profee!!! Not again!!!! Don't take it away!!!!』(,,#゚Д゚) 『Don't be like that profe waton, are you going to leave us like that???? 』『( ง ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃You've been a good teacher, you're always confiscating our stuff, I'm tired of it!!!! (#ಠQಠ#) Do you know what I'm going to do? Do you know what I'm about to do???( ง ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃¿¿¿¿ EH??!!!! Please don't tell our mothers about this, I'll blow you if you want but don't tell them』(m;_ _)m.

They said everything and even offered low services, but Profe says he forgives them for disrespecting him with their words.

『And I'm not waton, it's muscle, watery muscle』.

And he just walked away with our ball, Rojito was trembling because again his emotion ended up winning him over, he only received complaints from his friends.

『MY BALLNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡』(;Д;)

Discouraged they went to buy their food at the doña, which to top it off, for having walked slowly, what they wanted had already run out, their expression declined more than they looked like zombies :('□``」 ∠):_ they had no more reasons to continue with theirs, they would continue to support with the signatures that yes, but no longer with the same encouragement as before. In that they were walking along the sports field, in that Brayan thought that if they had not lost the ball, after collecting the signatures, they would have been able to play as before, from his discouraged eyes, this quickly became huge.

『BUT WHAT A FACE----!!!!!! LOOK AT!!!!!!!』(Ò 皿 OR ╬).

Brayan was pointing with great force towards the soccer field, the teacher of EF was giving to another classroom, the ball that was taken away by the same one, this practically outraged them so much, that they recovered their strength, and like a whirlwind of dust, they went to face the teacher. Without mincing words they began to tell him everything directly, again.

『Don't be so ##### professor, first you take the ball away from us and now you give it to ¡¡¡¡¡!!!!. On top of that you give them to your classroom by the Con#######』╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯

The EF. teacher was the tutor appointed to the classroom of A, 2-A, in there they met again face to face both Ishi, the veiny angry one, Fuji, the one who couldn't see his dick, Hiroto, the....el.....ahhh..

『Eh? Isn't there something about me that stands out?』

It's just that you still haven't done anything that has merit, I even had to go back caps to remind me what your name was.

『So unremarkable am I? But you still said right? That's enough for me *smiles*』(σ`・∀・')σ.

『Who are you talking to? Hey Ishi, your friend consumes tidbits?』

Brayan and the others could see how Hiroto was talking alone, even for his friends this was strange, Ishi coughed loudly to pass the subject. Ah, I almost forgot, the three of them were there, but there was also another person with them on the court, it was a girl right? It was a small girl with long black hair, she looked helpless with her arms trembling, Rojito noticed this and quickly became nervous avoiding the look because of the shock they had.

Quickly Ishi would face him to our friends.

『But what are you saying???!!!!(Wrong) That's our ball!!!! It's rather nice that we got it back!!!(Too bad) You guys would have surely passed it off as yours!!!! Right???¿¿¿¿(Wrong!!!!)』-『Don't be stern faces and don't be assholes!!!! Or do you want to solve this problem with a match? For us there is no problem(Really this is very wrong!!!)』

For some reason, in his words however strong they may seem, he was starting to get nervous Ishi. Quickly Ishi was saying that a friendly game could solve the problem, you could tell he was trying to hide something, he even happened to glance quickly at one of the Paper Pullers, but quickly Brayan and so on, and seeing the EF Teacher was on the other classroom's side, these simply handed them blank sheets of paper and asked for their signature each, as well as the teacher's. Ishi was surprised by the action of these, who without having any problem went on to sign it.

『Our idea was just to make the signatures while we passed the ball from side to side, we would play soccer at the end if we finished it before, tomorrow or another day we will gladly have our match』.

They passed each one the blank sheet asking for signature, Ishi read it "It seems that if it is true that El Pato is back."

『Sure, if they just want my signature that's fine, Fuji could you show me your back? To sign faster please』-『(With that Mori-san came back, if it's just like Cliston then.....in the event of.....¡!!!!! Got it!!!! We won't lose anymore!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I convince him and that's it!!!! I'll even bribe him if necessary!!!!) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA』

Ishi out of nowhere his veins were starting to stand out and his eyes were popping out, he started to laugh, his smile of joy was evident, even his friends didn't know what was happening to him. They all already put their signatures, only that girl's was missing.

『Kiki-san right? Could you please sign? It's nothing bad I promise』

Red, now calmer, asked for the signature to that girl of the same size, he was a little excited at the beginning, but now he is already better with his things in place. The girl took the paper and her eyes were surprised, she put her knee as a support to put her signature, and after smiling she would pass to give him the sheet.

"Are you interested in soccer? Because I don't see any other reason why you're here, that's awesome! Then what do you say we play one day』

『I've always been interested since I was little, but only this year I decided to give it a try, of course, if you can teach me how to play it I'd love it *smiles*』

Rojito was having a talk with Kiki, he was happy to see that he was interested in his favorite sport, but his friends would quickly annoy him.

『UYUYUYUY!!!! Rojito you go all out!!!! It seems that Lys's words did affect you, cool hand』 (*^∀゚)ъ

El Perro and others started to tease Rojito, he quickly denied that this is not so, even Kiki seemed to be missing the point, that he bowed his head.

They said their goodbyes and went on now without any distractions to collect the signatures of all those who were missing. While they were at theirs, Menhera, Rino and Jersey collected the missing signatures, but in the end the break did not last, when it was time to return to the classroom, of the 65% that Lys left them, they had only returned with 75%, when Lys realized that they only advanced so little she looked at them doubtfully.

『Wuuuuaaaa.....That concludes that, I am better and you are one-armed 』(๑ÒωÓ๑).

They only had for the exit, that would be their only chance to complete the missing signatures and present them to the director. As soon as the exit bell rang, Menhera was the first to leave taking the sheets, seeing her worried face to be with her friend was evident. The reason why Menhera and Rino did not manage to collect the signatures was because they were harassed by their fans, so to speak, who did everything but sign the paper. They cared more about flirting with them than anything else, that was also happening now.


Menhera gave a loud shout as she could no longer bear to feel harassed, everyone around her, was frightened by this very thing, that she has shown such hostility to others, even Rino had realized that she narrowly showed more than she should.

『Sign please, I only ask that, if you don't....yo....yo....』

Menhera was clenching her hands, everyone suddenly started to feel like something was wrong, somehow, the cute and relaxing atmosphere that Menhera was conveying, changed to a red one and that said danger all around.

『Sorry, but Menhera just recently suffered a love breakup, it still left sequels and she is recovering, so it's normal that if she feels uncomfortable, she shows things that even she herself doesn't like, even a cute girl can show angry at various times, but seriously, don't do what you want just because of fanaticism, right now we are collecting signatures so that our friend can come, if you support us we will be very grateful, don't worry, that was just the reaction of the moment for your friend, are you better now, Men-kun? 』

Rino happened to grab Menhera's shoulder to calm her down and give an explanation to the other students, everyone quickly felt bad for treating the person they love like that, everyone else commented that they were really at fault for only worrying about them and not seeing inside Menhera.

『Get out of the way! Get off you guys, you really have no tact at all, offering yourselves the day after you've finished him, you men are the worst』-Says the one who first hour proposed to Menhera :v Yes, it's Aoi who showed up-『Menhera-sama are you alright? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Because if they got their hands on you now they will know me, maybe they will become my next mission 』

"They didn't do anything to me, Aoi』

"Really? You're not lying to me, are you? If you want to go somewhere alone to make you feel better, yes? Menhera-sama?』(✿ ♥‿♥)

『Your eyes scare me』.

Quickly at the way Aoi expressed himself with Menhera, Menhera as a measure put his hand against Aoi's face as he was getting too close, in the end they were able to collect everyone's signatures, even Aoi signed without objecting, although he narrowly and spilled drool on the sheet that just Menhera was able to save him.

『JAJSHHFAASJJJasjfb Menhera put her hand on my face, I can feel her sweet smell, I will never wash my face jujijeuheiushgsh 』ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ).

The last one, Aoi was retiring, already with that reward she felt more than satisfied for the day. Menhera was looking embarrassed and blushing at Rhino, her annoyed face was tender.

『What's wrong Men-kun?』

『You didn't have to say that, that I broke up 』(๑-̆૩-̆).

『Sorry sorry』

『We don't like some talking about our past relationships, especially if it is recent, we may cry or get upset 』

『Looks like I was wrong, again sorry, but, at least I was able to cover up your emotion』

『Thank you, Rino』-『This is wrong, it made me want to cry but I mustn't, now I must think about Yashiro, let's go on with the strength!!!』

Both friends raised their fist to the sky implying that they would make it if or if. Thanks to this and the organization they had, they managed to collect more signatures at the start, they were at 99% of all signatures. They were 2 signatures short of that 100%, Rino was thinking about who those 2 missing signatures could be, but then he felt Menhera, he was pouting.

『Eh? Now what's wrong?』

『I made another pout minutes ago, and I got a cramp in my face, I'm so stiff 』

『Eh? Hahahaha, then, I'll take advantage』.

Rhino's eyes shone star-shaped, again Menhera's chubby cheeks would be assaulted by another one of his friends.

In between their conversation of these, or better fight at this hour, Konomi was heading for the exit, and found her sister and Rino stretching their cheeks. she was about to go home, but at the crossroads Konomi handed them a sheet that seemed to be blank, and yes it was blank, that made her friends confused who already stopped their silly fight.

"Oh! I can move my mouth now!

『It was all calculated *smile*』.

Konomi was saying that both of them are a couple of idiots, but the idiot was her, as she was covering the 2 missing signatures with her hand, this one just ducked her head moving her hand to the side.

『Ah! Those are the 2 signatures we are missing』.

Menhera was surprised at this, Konomi would go on to relate that while she was eating lunch, she could still feel a presence behind her in the background, as if lamenting that they had again missed it. It was Joshua who was in his seat slumped at his desk.

『Nagain they didn't listen to me, I even raised my hand, I did want to put my signature for Mori-san to come, well, I wish them luck to make it in time, but I didn't put my signature, and they said it has to be from everyone, then I will have to put my signature on the sly...but if I do they will think it was a ghost, this is very difficult, just let me help please』.

In between his complaints, Konomi appeared in front of him, where this from what he was lying, he happened to look up, just by looking at her, this one framed an innocent smile, where Konomi was strange that this one smiled out of nowhere.

『Come on, put your signature』.

Konomi was handing him a blank sheet of paper, Joshua sat properly, and with a smile this one said yes, he took his time to sign as he wanted to spend more time with Konomi somehow, Konomi was already stretching his arm to take the sheet, but Joshua handed it to the student on the side, Konomi got a little surprise as she had forgotten that he was also here, Konomi managed to collect the 2 missing signatures, Joshua's and Han Solo's, which is his nickname, not his original name, okay?

It was already too late that even the sun was about to set, no, something worse was about to happen, it was about to rain, Konomi was saying goodbye while Menhera and Rino were going to the Principal's room, as the first drop of rain fell, Konomi could see how the students were taking shelter inside the school or on some roof, Konomi had her eyes up, she took her hood of her black sweatshirt and was preparing to run.

『(An insignificant rain, won't let me miss the big event)』.

Everyone was taking shelter, except Konomi who came out with speed running in the rain, seeing her running while hooded in the rain, it was really simple but impressive, those who managed to see her again overrated her saying that she is amazing.

The Director's door was opened, Menhera and Rino had arrived with the signatures they collected, the Director was an old woman with religious pints, she looked on calmly as the skies clouded over, in the Director's office was also Lys, Jersey, and Los Tira Papelitos.

"Did they bring the missing signatures?

Uncle Potter was the one who asked, where Menhera lifted the sheets while making the peace sign bringing out a victorious smile, the Tira Papelitos were the first to rejoice that the five were given, also Jersey and Lys were giving each other high fives, smiles and joy.

『Uff, yara, I was about to go get them』(;・∀・)『Although we supported almost nothing, we only added 5%.... 』(-"-;A『But still without you we couldn't have made it, well done, double thumbs up, chi!』ヾ(^▽^ヾ)『Yes you know how to encourage us Big Brother, we contributed our little bit and that matters!!!』


The Tira Papelitos, who also in that group Jersey belongs to, all gave each other a coordinated clapping in the air as they celebrated. Jersey had all the signatures in his hand and would pass by without wasting time to take the one that Rino and Menhera put together.

『Yes, they are all here, friendship can do anything, it moves mountains, right? ah! I used to move galaxies!!!!! JIJIJIJIJHAHAHA!!! !!!!.....Because every time I remember something I did I hear your complaints again, you son of a bitch, you only know how to complain to me, it's like seeing a monkey UNGA UNGA UNGA!!!! Hayyyyy, how I love you pinche chango o también....¡¡!!!!...』 ლ(●ↀωↀ●)ლ

Lys happened to cough very loudly but it was obvious, it was like the emotions of them knowing what she was doing was stronger, Lys is one of those who can't keep a secret at the slightest knows. Lys arranged the signatures on the Director's table and presented her work, she was so proud that she took a picture with her camera that was hanging around her neck. The Principal took the sheets and read at the beginning that it was for Yashiro to come.

『Yashiro? Mori Yashiro? The boy who disappeared for several years and was never found? It's from the same case as with young Nimura Cliston, I'm glad our prayers have been heard, thank you Sir』-『I was told thousands of times that I don't even remember how many exactly, but you always talked about your friend, you, your friends, your family, the TV, for a long time there was talk of the 2 children who disappeared without a trace, they finally came back, I wouldn't mind receiving you here to hang out with the ones you were separated from, friendships that are true always prevail as time goes by, you have shown me before what is necessary, I am very happy as well as intrigued』

The Principal went on to talk about what she thought of the young man, and said very good things, blessing his friends and family, she likes that this story had its happy ending, that of the 2 young men who disappeared returned home. The students were happy, Lys had already finished taking their pictures and was handing the signatures to the Principal, but the Principal commented that it was not necessary, not for the kind of request and proposal it is this time.


Everyone was silent, happened to turn their heads to Lys who she nervously and with a sweat on her forehead, tried to disguise by whistling, but she could not escape from this, Lys would happen to scratch her head.

『Jijijijijijiji looks like I'm ahead of the facts hehehehehe how good and rich can I be, that someone already stop me』(๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧.

Lys flattered herself, in the end the signatures is she would take them and she would be left, there was no purpose to keep it for the others, also claiming was of no use, things were already done. But anyway they achieved what they wanted, quickly the Tira Papelitos having finished, they all retired to the sports field, Jersey said goodbye to her sister and friends, commenting to Menhera if she will go to the club.

『Right, the club, I almost forgot, it's raining so I guess I'll stay to train for a while, in the end if I end up liking the <Bokken> *smiles*』

<Translator:The bokken (木剣; hiragana: ぼっけん; boku, 'wood'; ken, 'sword') or bokutō (木刀; hiragana: ぼくとう; tō, 'sword') is a wooden sword used in various classical martial arts originating from Japan, mainly in: Japanese classical swordsmanship or kenjutsu, modern traditional swordsmanship or kendō, the art of unsheathing and cutting with the sword or iaidō, and the art of staff swordsmanship or jōdō. Likewise it is also used by several essentially unarmed traditional Japanese martial arts as an integral part of their practice such as: jiu jitsu, Aikidō, ninjutsu, judo and Japanese kobudō. It is used primarily as a replacement or representation of the real sword or katana.> And yes, it was a copy and paste from the Wiki XDXDXDXD.

『Take a sword, it makes me feel better』.

It was the last thing Menhera added, Jersey was congratulating her that she finally found something to clear her head and feel good with besides being with a partner, seeing that Jersey was going home, Rino would take the opportunity to go along with her, in the end only Menhera and the Director were left.

『You practice Kenjutsu, I had the chance to see you few times, even someone ignorant knows that what you do and achieve is not of this world, tell me, would you like to participate in tournaments? I would take it upon myself to help you』

『No, it's just a hobby to distract me, I don't want to take it seriously, never, not anymore』.

『I see, it's a pity』.

Menhera became somewhat stiff after the conversation, you could see how you had your fists clenched, the Headmistress noticed and would go on to ask her what was wrong, where Menhera would tell her if it's really okay that her friend can come, to which the Headmistress said.

『Yes, he can come, as long as he wants to, we can't force someone to do things just for our own good, that's a way that will only destroy you eventually, but those are just banalities, if he's your friend for sure he will want to be with you』.

『I'll convince him, I'm sure he wants to come』.

Menhera said goodbye waving her hand to the Director, on the way while waiting for the rain to pass, she managed to see how the Tira Papelitos were playing under the rain with the others from 2-A, they were 4 vs 4, they didn't mind getting wet, most of them were taking shelter, but not them, Menhera could hear how they said that it is better to play when it rains. Menhera also imagined playing again in the rain with her friends as they did before. Already when later the rain stopped, Menhera was walking happily through the streets, who started to run so she could tell her friend the news.

『(Yashiro will be able to be with us, I still feel that this was not something lost, they made me show that I am not the only one who cares, I am not the only one?....eh?』

When Menhera got to the corridor of her apartment, she managed to see M as he was alone with a shirt fighting against his mother with words, seeing how the boy was trying hard not to get his clothes taken away but it was useless, nothing compares to the strength of a mother.

Menhera went running up to him thinking and saying she must be the only one who should care about her friend. Menhera with a smile was telling him that he will be able to come with her to school and not to worry about anything, but M was so tired and out of strength that he couldn't do anything.

『Could you please retire Menhera-chan? I feel like my spine broke (Ahh...I can't feel my legs or arms anymore, Menhera-chan threw herself so hard at me that I couldn't react, I just want to rest for the rest of the day) 』

M was in his thoughts, it's like Menhera just by touching and simply seeing his eyes, gesture, he knew what was happening to his friend, M was slightly surprised that he was no longer lying on the cold ground, if not his friend was carrying him on her back, this action left M with nothing to say, just happening to look at the tender girl.

『I can grant you that wish *smiles*』.

Menhera smiled at her friend, where M happened to thank while her arms were dangling noodles, as she commented that if she had the strength, she would be stroking her friend's head, a comment that made Menhera get embarrassed, Menhera was noticing that things were slowly changing.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
