
Chapter 219: Memories of Pequeños Part 13

Haahahahahaha he said thirteen, the funny number, get it? 13?.....No?.... Alright, let's continue what you came for.


An unexpected event came from the Director of our school, which is to create a choreography to the rhythm of the music, he didn't say anything else, he only emphasized over and over again that he wants to see how we improvise to get away with it. The truth is that the only one who thought this was a good idea was him, since the other teachers did not agree with putting something at the last minute. Anyway, the teams did what they could, the yellow team did everything they could, but they didn't achieve that much, which was to be expected. But the Red team did give a good performance, Ishi who was already lost and making strange gestures again, saw how his partner Dani and her friends came to the front to fight. Sacrificing a dance they have been practicing for a long time, the Red team got the most applause and ovation from the audience. It served them up something they had at least polished up in advance, but we...just like the Yellow team, got nothing, unless....

『Have you guys ever heard the term, Travelling Comics』?

Albert among all our panic and nervousness, gave a suggestion, gave us an idea, the only idea we have, we have nothing relatively, so we will most likely accept and be stuck in Albert's words.

Albert was surprised of what happened, he remained silent after his words, the reason, is that everyone, really everyone, had remained silent and paying attention to what our friend would say. The impact was so strong that Albert began to feel a little uncomfortable, and began to look away from one side to the other.

『(Eh? Why did everyone keep quiet? Why is everyone staring at me? I just gave a suggestion, it's not that great of an idea either, nothing I think comes out the way I want...I'm not one to lead others, I'm more of a follower just like you Yashiro-san...so please...you're making me nervous....why...why are you all staring at me....)』

Albert from what he looked away he couldn't help but look at them even a little, at this moment Albert was in a deep silence internally, from how calm everything was, now the worry was back, Albert's classmates, they were all asking him to explain what his idea was about. They were claiming him what they have to do to be able to go out in front, they were equally wanting his friend to react, since it seems that he was left in a trance, everyone, really everyone was worried, the only one calm now was Albert, who out of nowhere was framed a friendly smile.

『(I see .... they are looking at me, they are talking to me, they are claiming me, because they trust me, it was that simple all this moment, I only released those words as something that would be lost before the unbridled thought of everyone, for no moment I thought that they would pay attention to me, with that it feels like that, to have the support and security of others, right now I will take the duty to guide everyone to victory, I promise. I promise I won't let any of you down) Thank you so much, for trusting me with this role *smiles*』

Without further ado Albert blurted out those last words into the air that among all the hustle and bustle in our group, only those of us who were close to him could hear. Our main friends could hear Albert perfectly, which didn't stop them for a few seconds from getting happy too.

『AAH!!!! Are you trying to make me sentimental? !!!! We are not here for your stuff Albert!!! Now spit lupe that is what we have to do!!!』

The Dog who was in front of Albert, was the one who heard more clearly his sentence, who quickly hid his attitude with a strong and unrestrained one. But the noise was still going on in the place, where the Dog had had enough of it and began to demand that they shut up, but none of them paid any attention.

『SHUT UP!!!!!!!』

A loud voice that almost reached the tone of coarse could be heard, even some people who were around our group turned their heads because of such a shout, it was Kanon who decided to stand up, take a breath and shout. We all again became quiet, where Kanon was pointing at Albert and that we should listen to him. I could also witness this, which like everyone else because of how sudden it was, I turned to look at Kanon, when I saw her, it seems that she was tired, very tired, I do not think it is physically since she resists a lot, I would say more that it is something that is happening in her mind, Kanon noticing that I was watching her, turned to look at me, where I quickly looked away, Kanon without further ado was breathing heavily and sat on the floor.

『Thank you very much Kanon-san, well, please listen to me everyone, I have a method, with which we can fight without fear in front』.

Albert won, or rather, his desire to show his spirit to the maximum, his desire to have fun came back and he will use it to guide all his companions.

For what the Director said, it seems that there is no limit for the participants, they can be as you want, for the music the same, he did not put any restriction, although perhaps we took a little more freedom, because instead of clicking and put a music to play. We sent Lys to whoever was playing the music, and as is typical of her, she took over whatever was in front of her. With the computer in front of her and the mixers next to her, the speakers, everything at her disposal. And with Albert's previous words that prepared us, we are ready to give our show.

We did not go all out as that was not our idea, we would go one at a time, we would try to make those who are interested to come out to participate if they want, have total freedom to do so and to refuse at the same time.

Quickly our friends Potter with Fatty, went running to the warehouse to see if there are some chairs with tables, luckily if there were, we sent them to them as they are the strongest, but still it seems that they had a little difficulty, they were halfway, in that Fuji appeared to give us his help, he lifted with strength and without complication the chairs, the truth we did not expect another team to help us, so we are very grateful.

The stage was still empty, everyone was surprised by this, and without further ado, El Gordito, El Potter and Fuji appeared to place the tables and chairs they had brought. There were three tables, three chairs and three people to be seated. Those who would be seated would be the following: Cliston, Albert, Jersey. So in that order.

Before Albert sits down, I would explain what our rare function would be about.

『First of all, thank you very much for coming to this event, fathers, mothers, relatives of every student in this school, I hope you have had a good time in this time, this time we have prepared quickly to give an unexpected channel of questions, doubts, situations that happened to each of you and we will try, with our experts to clarify your existential things, or better forget the above, we will just do our best, it is a rare mix of ideas that occurred to me and my classmates in adding, let's have fun together for much longer, thank you』.

Albert is respectful and I think more so in this kind of thing, and that's fine, very well, he finished his words by bowing to pay his respects to all the audience, especially because they will hear mostly things they can't imagine.

Albert went to sit in the middle, Jersey was nervous, maybe very nervous, all the dynamism and spirit that she always had seemed to be gone and now she presented her shy side. When Albert turned to her to talk, Jersey couldn't even speak, she was stuttering and her eyes were spinning. And Cliston well...

『I want to pee....』

He was also very nervous, Albert was also like them, but as it was his idea all this, he should be the one who is the most confident and bring in the same way, security to his classmates, letting them be just like themselves, but at the same time add that touch I told you about before. We were all nervous but we had to do it, and start this, without further ado the first one to introduce himself to our 3 friends, would be Brayan.

He came out walking slowly, he also looked nervous and his hands were sweating.

『Better not!!!.....』?(°Д°≡°Д°)?

Brayan not caring about anything, he tried to escape by backing away, but we all stopped him from leaving and threw him to the front and out came what had to come out. Our friend was in front of the 3 companions, there was total silence, it seems that no one dared to take the first step.

『Ya a la chingada!!!! Let it come out what it has to come out!!!! Don't blame me if it's complete bullshit!!!!How could you do this to me shesumare!!!!! Hey Mariano Pendeyvis!!!!!!!! Like you left me to be with this powdered milk bitch!!!! You're all the same!!!!All the same cagonez, tremendous cabrazos 』 (」๏้♓๏้)」

And began what would be our function, Brayan said the first thing that came to his mind, not even he himself knows why he said this, quickly Brayan looked at Fatty where the latter did not understand anything, but anyway he had to follow him.

『You came all the way here, Clara, just to complain? I don't know if you're horny or not, it's just that you've got me up to my dick, it's just not like it used to be, he moves more richly』 (」°ロ°)」

The Fatty continued with the silly words and the crazy situation that Brayan invented, where Brayan upon hearing this quickly began to shed tears, or at least he tried to, seeing that he could not shed tears, he was snapping with his mouth to the fatty, implying that he would hit him, Cliston without further ado stood up and walked slowly towards Brayan, that because of the difference in size Brayan began to be afraid.

『Jijijijijaja frentón 』 (Ŏ艸Ŏ)

( 'д'⊂彡☆))Д') What Brayan was laughing about his friend's big forehead, Cliston who at the beginning was going to give him a soft punch, he happened to give him a punch that only Brayan will know how it felt, Brayan started to stagger that you don't know if he would fall to the ground or not, in the end he resisted and was resisting tears.

『Hey!!! That did hurt!!! I was telling you softly conchetumare!!!! You want to fight again, huh? You're such a big, stupid, big, stupid guy!!!! Look at me, I'm tall! My beak is bigger! AAA! Yambra's scratching!!!!』 v(<°>ਊ <°>)v

Brayan without hesitation threw himself against Fatty and a fight started between them, Braya, avoided at all costs to do his mythical move on top of Fatty, practically let's say he wants to rape his back. To this Fatty was also trying hard not to avoid doing this to him in front of the audience.

『Lady asshole!!! I'm the one he cheated on her with!!!!!!』

Jersey shouted in the middle of the confrontation of these 2, he stood up without further shouting with all his strength, Brayan was confused rolling his eyes from side to side, Fatty was just as worried, the good thing is that they stopped their fight, without further Jersey would tell a story that happened a long time ago.

『The day you went to buy a Terreneitor, ah! by the way I want one, (*'∀`)AAAAAA!!!! Maraca Culiaaa!!!!!si!!!! That same day you piece of a thousand son of a bitch and the whore that bore you!!! and you realized that your balls were showing by wearing skirt!!!!! oh!!!! Wachi conche....oh chibolo conchetumare, That day when you almost ****** to a dog, that day Marquitos』


『MARCIANO!!!!! Yeah, he put a probe in your ass, oh what the fuck are you talking about giving me a black eye, you're not pregnant with Carlitos!!!! What you're carrying in your stomach is the chamuco himself!!!!! AAAA!!!! Quickly kill him!!!!!』( ゜Д゜;)!?『Pavo de mierda Reconchetumare, don't you remember when we were in Syria cause? insulting my old lady weon, you threw yourself at me with your pineapples and what did you do? I would have killed you sapoputo, I felt sorry for you, conchetumare, you are stupid and you will die stupid, don't you remember that you threatened me that you were going to cut my leg off, I'm still waiting, chavon conchetumare』.

Without further ado Jersey threw himself against Brayan because of all the nervousness he had, at this point we didn't know what Jersey was saying, it seems that his nerves got the better of him, even Brayan didn't know that this would happen that without any explanation would start a fight between these two. Cliston without any strange voice happened to put it well sharp.

『That's enough guys, don't fight over me 』༼☯﹏☯༽.

Which rather a fight, it was totally an abuse against Brayan who Jersey beat him up unintentionally, when Jersey realized it, he quickly worried about his friend and looked with tears at Cliston and Albert, with his last strength Brayan was asking them to continue.

『Also you are wrong you too Maricarmen, the one I cheated on Clara with, is this guy!!!!!』(つ﹏⊂)

Cliston as a punch line pointed towards Albert where the latter was confused, but quickly he smiled accepting that it is true, he smiled as if nothing had happened saying the following.

『Chi *smiles*』

....『Chi?』『Wait, he said chi?』『What do you mean chi??¿¿¿¿』

Everyone stared at Albert because of how he said the word, the thing was he wanted to say "yes" but it came out saying "chi". Even for Jersey who says that word a lot, it was weird for another one to say it, maybe because he thinks there is another weird one like him. Without further ado Jersey fell to the ground in surrender.

『Why did you do it Pussy.....I should have noticed you were going to the other team when you tried to shove the bar of soap down your ******』 (☍﹏⁰)。


With Cliston's shout out we would continue with the next to enter, and this time hopefully he would consult and not walk before an unnecessary drama of love. The next to enter was El Perro, who just for the sake of doing it fast and not being too much in front, ran with all his strength and returned with his group. It was so fast that all 3 were surprised. Cliston saw the table and noticed that there was a note, Jersey without further ado noticed it to see what it said.

『Haber haber que dice aqui!!!! HA!!!! Finally a question to answer!!! If semen is more nutritious than blood, why isn't Dracula Chupapingas』.

At the end of the sentence, both Albert and Cliston could not help but burst out laughing at what they heard, especially the way Jersey said it, since Jersey went from being so excited, to being totally frozen, Albert asked her if she was okay, where without further ado Jersey fell to the ground totally static.

『We take our work seriously, don't we, my dear cocksucker!!! So I can say that you are correct!!!!』

Cliston without further ado made his words clear on the subject, where Albert very innocently added.

『So you tried a ******』


Without him noticing, Albert added the punchline to the Dog's performance, Fatty didn't know how to respond to this as it was practically checkmate, shouting for the next one to pass quickly. Now from how naughty the Dog was, came something much calmer, Menhera came with her hands in her mouth, and stood without further ado in front of the 3 companions, quickly Jersey looked at her sister and deciphered something impossible.

『I get it!!!! You can only say yes and no once to questions!!!!!』-『But that's not funny that!!!! So she asks us questions and we'll answer her!!!!!』

Where Menhera upon hearing her sister accent her head saying yes, everyone else agreed, where without further ado Cliston leaned back in his chair as if he was a Don.

『Go ahead little one, I'm ready for anything, I'm generous so I'll play along, just don't give me any of your bullshit』.

Cliston went into cocky mode and boasted that nothing that happened will make him embarrassed too much, cueing the previous situation that happened with Brayan, Menhera would ask him the following question.

『Are you gay?』

With all the calmness in the world Menhera said the question, Cliston to this happened to look at Menhera and again to close his eyes, there is nothing worse than Cliston in cocky mode. The answer was clear.


『Are you lying?』


At this, even though Menhera was covering her mouth with her hands, it could be noticed how Menhera laughed and smiled at how things turned out. Menhera would now move on to the next partner, but Cliston was so surprised by the trickery of that move that he had nothing else to think about, from what I believed and lying down he was, he became very serious and in analyzing the situation better. It was Albert's turn where he had prepared to receive Menhera, but out of nowhere Menhera started talking so fast that he could not be understood.




Albert was asking her to say it again but again Menhera was speaking loudly, where without further ado Albert blurted out a word unintentionally.



Just with that Menhera also smiled and moved towards her sister to no longer even do what they said before, if not simply to tease the 3. If Albert was prepared, Jersey was even more so, she did not take her eyes off her sister Menhera, it seems that she is going to quickly respond to the joke she would tell her, Menhera seeing her sister taking it seriously, she would also decide to get serious with her question.

『Uhm.....Eat cake』

『Contuhermanalagorda!!!!!』 (˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)

Quickly Jersey responded believing she had beaten Menhera to the joke, but quickly Menhera let out a few laughs commenting that she is her sister. When Jersey realized that she insulted herself, she was shocked.

『Eh?...But if the fatty was you.....』

Pom, in a quick way, Menhera gently tapped Jersey for saying something that upset her, even though her mouth is covered by her hands, it could be noticed how Menhera pouted because of what Jersey said.

It seems that it was really a shock for our friend Cliston, he failed to pay attention to what Menhera did next, the only thing he saw is how his other companions were also the same as him, impressed by Menhera, without further El Gordito stopped Menhera before leaving and was telling him to ask him the same question again, he thought there is a way to contradict that maneuver.

『Well, are you gay?』

『Yes!!!!』୧| " -̀ ل͜ -́ " |୨

『Are you lying?』


Again with Menhera's little smile, Menhera was retiring after accomplishing her deed. The three of them thought that Menhera's presentation was going to be calm, but in the end it seemed that she was the one who made fun of the three of them the most. So they continued with the other students who wanted to participate in this that with the little time, it became more fluid and the nerves that were there at the beginning were gone. Rino also came to the front with a miniature skateboard in his hands, he was trying to sell it to the 3 classmates when a thief appeared, played by one of our classmates.

『Give me the money!!!!』


Rino without further ado that he was going to be robbed, did tricks with his fingers skateboard and the thief without any reason ran away, it seems that he understood how dangerous it can be a man and if miniature skateboard.

And after a long time in which most of the students participated, we even think that we ran out of time, we were able to finish our presentation. Although at the beginning we took Albert's idea, little by little we deformed it into something totally different, but it's not bad either, we had a good time together. In this game we got the highest score thanks to the fact that the majority of the audience liked what we did, where we reached and are tied with the Red team.

But the problem there was that there were no more games, the last one was this one and it was not thought that there would be a tie, the Director seeing this was thinking of the best solution, he wanted both teams to be the winners, but in there Ishi appeared in front of the adult to emphasize to him that it should not be like that.

『In a confrontation, there should always be a winner and a loser, I don't like the idea that there is no winner, I don't want you to please us all, don't try to please everyone by making more than one win, when have you ever seen in your life as we know, that there are 2 winners, does fifa allow 2 winners? -----』

Ishi again came out his competitive side without hesitation, I pass again to explain almost the same what he said before. And in this I agree with Ishi, in a decisive fight there should always be 2 things, the one who loses and the one who wins, making everyone win is a symbol that you don't have the capacity to resist the hard things that will come after that, "I want to please everyone" "it's better this way" "this way no one will be sad" nonsense, only one is able to stand up as the champion of something, whether for good or for bad, to reach an agreement where it is impossible is unpleasant, I sincerely hate when it comes to a draw to a fight that is expected for a long time or when a person to please everyone does the impossible and takes measures taken out of the sleeve. I'm still there author of Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai and your alternative endings with every heroine, AAAAAAA!!!! Are you not able to show authority with "Win this one and that's it" What did it cost you!!!! AAAAAAA!!!!! Maybe you did it out of good will, wanting to please each person, but not like this, NOT LIKE THIS!!!! There are things that not everyone is going to like and many times you have to do it!!!! Except for you SNK final, that's a kk and nobody likes it. But those are things apart, don't change your idea from the beginning with the passing of time just to please everyone if your plan was that!!!!! In the end everyone will accept it, it will stay that way, either you take the way, your way that pleases you or you take the other way that pleases everyone. If Isayama likes his ending, POS BIEN!!!!! GOOD FOR HIM!!! He likes it!!!! It's his work! If we like it is another thing!!!! But he started it and if he likes the way it is fine!!!!! If we don't like it, that's our problem!!!! For cajoling us of a good work!!!! This would be the same as the author I said before, if it seems right to him to do all those things taken out of the sleeve, it's done, no one is going to die, no one is harmed. In the end it's our fanaticism and we decide how much to measure it!!! I still think that the Bokutachi and all the alternative heroines winning is bullshit, but it's one thing to dislike it and another thing to respect it, I respect their decision, but personally I don't like it. I still remember how they threatened Isayama with death for the ending of SNK, what??¿¿¿¿¿ but what's wrong with those people, calm down brothers!!!! are you going to die for fictional characters?? stop a little, I think something, take the good of anything, either real or fictional, take only the good. Like Albert who said it before, those characters don't exist but they helped him a lot, I think that's how it was, I don't remember xd. I have nothing against the works I said before, they are very good to me and in general I like them a lot, but there are little things they fail at, and just because of something he did wrong I'm already going to hate him? don't be so resentful folks, it's just my opinion and that's fine, it's just mine, you have your own way of thinking and that's fine. As long as we maintain respect may this place called earth become a better place.

I think I talked too much xd, I just wanted to give an example and I ended up giving a personal opinion regarding a topic, I'm sorry if I deviated from the main story, it's just that sometimes only my hand starts to move by itself. It won't happen again, I hope. All the above I said can also be reflected in this work, if you can call what I do a work xd.


There was no other game with which to decide the winner and in the end Ishi's words convinced the Director, there can only be one winner, without further ado everyone vacated the soccer field, yes, the last game will be decided with a soccer match. The Red team against the Blue team.

It was a decision that we all liked, especially my friends who even jumped for joy, we were forming our team and we thought we had already won it.

『This is already won!!! With the TriDiosas we will win!!!!』

Brayan was very happy because they even assured that they would win, but Konomi quickly withdrew saying that he is not interested in soccer and does not plan to participate. It was a very big loss, maybe we all expected that action from Konomi, but we still had Menhera and Jersey that will be with us, our strong team is slowly being completed. Omar said that Kanon will also join us since she is very good at soccer.

But when we all shouted Kanon's name, we realized that Kanon was retreating, she was even more agitated than before, Lys went after her where for no reason when she tried to grab her arm, Kanon knocked her to the ground.

『NO!!! I DON'T WANT IT!!! I don't feel good now!!! So don't』

Kanon looks like no one would stop her, even her intimidation helped no one to approach her, Lys who was on the ground wouldn't give up and would try to help Kanon no longer to participate but to be well in general.

『I'm sorry guys but I don't think I'll participate either, I'll take care of Kanon, you guys bust those precocious reds *smiles*』-『Come on Kanon! It hurt me that you pushed me, my potito is sad 』.

Lys would try to help Kanon, where we seeing that she is the only one who could deal with her we would let her, our team was almost formed, Cliston, Brayan, Omar, Potter, Rojito, Albert, Menhera, Jersey, Rino and me, although I think someone was missing to be named....well I don't think it matters.

It would be 11 vs 11, and as it would come to be I would be the goalkeeper of the goal, in many times, since 1st I played soccer with my teammates, and being the goalkeeper is the one I am best at, especially since I am not able to face the others facing the opponent, I prefer to stay behind in a safe place. If I activate my reflexes again, I may be very weak and skinny, but reflexes are my forte, and if I have to stop a ball coming with power, I will use my whole body.

I was a little nervous about how this will end, in the defense there is Menhera, Potter and Albert so I feel a little more relaxed having them, the forwards are Brayan, Cliston and Rojito while the midfielders are Omar, Jersey and Rino.

That's our formation, maybe it's too thin but that's what I understand. I think we have too many defenders, we have 4 .....??wait? 4??where is the other one, anyway. This at the same time I like it but at the same time I don't, I feel that they don't trust me at all but at the same time they want to take care of me, I feel that something bad is going to happen in all of this.

Each of our teammates were in position, where the ball came with the EF teacher in hand, who stood in front was Rino represented as our captain and from the Red team would be Ishi.

『What do you think Ishi-kun, is this a game?』

『.....I'm afraid to say anything, I feel that anything I say might sound bad....but I'm going to be honest, I'm going to take this game seriously, I....I really....want to win』

『I guess, I agree with you Ishi-kun, I want to win too, my teammates want to win, no hard feelings buddy, may the best one win and have fun *smile*』.

Rino smiled in a quality way to Ishi, where upon seeing this the boy, happened to smile in a big way showing that they are happy for this moment. The ball was already on the ground and the whistle would be about to start. PIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! The last event of our school's Sports Festival starts!!!! Who will be the winner!!!!

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Psdt: Next chap if I will finish this, I promise.
