
Chapter 208: Memories of Pequeños Part 2

The child he catalogued as Normal from the beginning was not normal at all, or at least he did not consider himself normal. Since he was a child he never had a fixed place, a place to call home, because he knew that at any moment he would leave there. And this is because his father never had a fixed place of work, he was sent from here to there or always went to look for work in different places. He could have gone by himself but I could tell with the few words Albert said, there was a moment where he abruptly stopped his words..... "Econ...." Economically, it must be most likely he meant that, he could not stay in one place while his father is away, as simply with their economy they could not, for everyone's sake they had to always go where the father was going. This obviously had consequences, especially since he is a growing child.

Not having a fixed place, where to form the foundations of the person as you will be or how your life will be, he could not grow like most, having friends was something momentary or even impossible, if he had a friendship soon they would move away, he did not have enough time to grow a true friendship that lasts, all this time he never had friends, only acquaintances, of the type.



-Can I borrow your eraser?



....So were most of his exchanges of words with his schoolmates, when Albert understood that he will not be able to make friends, he better avoid getting attached or at least try to do something with them, and when the other children looked for him to play with. Albert refused because when it was time to leave again, it would hurt much more. Those times of being alone he took advantage of them to draw, at the beginning he started them as a boring pastime, like "I have nothing to do" and you start to do what is within your reach. Little by little he became interested in this type of hobby, to be able to draw or even create your own story, full of fantasy, drama, stories that would explode your head, was what he liked. Albert was always a child like everyone else, he always had imagination, and because of his problem of being held back and not being able to grow, that imagination became stronger than the dream of one day being able to create with that which is impossible for now, to come to light.

At recess he stayed in the classroom, always with a blank page, a pencil and his imagination, he drew without further ado, his mind was what guided him, or as he put it, his heart, little by little wanting to create those stories that are seen in fiction, ended up coming out of him and that is why sometimes he says things that in anime would be very common. At home it was the same or not so much, because when he had free time he only used it for 2 things, study or draw, it was the only thing the boy thought about. But when he was still younger and to keep him entertained, his father made him see what he saw as a child, which was a series of a little boy just like him, that with effort and all the adversities that were put in front of him, that little boy always came out ahead, until he became an adult loved by everyone. Albert was amazed by that story, it was the only series that he was able to finish it or even half finished, but he already learned the basics, when he decided to be better than yesterday, that's when he decided to call himself Albert and see if he will also get ahead as that favorite character. Albert had it clear, if you want it with all your heart, if you really strive for it, even if you lose and fall defeated again and again, there will be one where what you fought so hard for will come true.

『That's what that boy taught me and thanks to him I could hear the words of a good man』- 『You have to work, you have to learn, you have to eat, you have to rest and you also have to play. What better lifestyle so healthy and balanced can one have, one as a child learns what one is most confident about, although those people don't exist, I'm glad I met them』-『Even though that doesn't make sense *smiles*』-『So this year I will enjoy it a lot, I will work a lot, learn a lot, eat a lot, rest a lot and also play a lot, finally I will be able to fulfill those words 100%』

Albert stood up, again I felt like he wanted to release those words to the world, he wanted to shout it out but something stopped him. I had never met another person like Albert before, this boy brings fiction to reality, I was very happy to have become his friend, of someone as wonderful as him, although he likes to be called normal, for me you will be a great one and for sure even more when the years go by. If it had been you I would not have resisted, if with my cousins and my grandmother I felt I could not take it anymore, surely you would have played a better role in my place. Although it still leaves me a little uncomfortable.....

『Are you not embarrassed to talk like that in real life?...It's nice and all but something inside me says this is too embarrassing.....』

『I'm sorry, it's just born out of me to say it, what I'm more embarrassed about is shouting it out, there if I think I wouldn't stand the tension.....jajajaj....』

He seems to have no shame in saying such cheesy words, this guy.....although I don't think he's wrong at all....but...he's taking real life like it's an anime.....but if that's what makes him happy and moving on then I think it's okay. Now I get it, with that being what was holding him back shouting it at the top of his lungs, he's embarrassed for sure to get attention from others or for everyone to notice him. But if you really want to be a Mangaka, you're going to have to have a good temperament and not be embarrassed.

『You're going to open up to the world if you follow that path, so you should stop being afraid, I have some shame too.....what do you say we both shout it out?』(;^_^A

『Both of us? Would you be willing to do that with me? To throw yourself and accompany me even if you're afraid, it's really something to admire from you Mori-san *smiles*』

『...Please stop....with your words I feel like I'm inside an anime.....』('ж`;)

Again Albert apologized while saying again that he can't help it, but it made him very happy that she is accompanying him. Maybe it was a little weird, but Albert asked me to hold his hand, I again looked at him weird and had to refuse, but it was because Albert was so tense and nervous, in my mind it was the same too, let him stop being tense that if I will get even more. Maybe getting both shy and embarrassed boys to yell something at the top of their lungs is too much.

On the way over I asked him what we were going to yell, where he just remembered and we already had it decided, it was recess time and there were a lot of students from different grades downstairs. We didn't look at that as we would get even more tense , we just looked straight ahead, took a good breath of air and went on to shout it out both or well.....


Albert was finally able to shout it out and free himself as he wanted, all the students below looked up to see who the person was who had shouted. Everyone was giving their opinion of who the boy was or why he just yelled such things. Others also commented that it was weird that it wasn't Jersey, since she's mostly the one who does what few would imagine. Albert quickly turned red and when he turned to look to his side, he noticed that no one was there, only his voice could be heard screaming. In the back out of everyone's line of sight, was Yashiro letting out a few fake guffaws.


I'm sorry Albert, I know I proposed, but I regretted it in the end, I'm still far from being the person I want to be. I'm really sorry. Albert looked at me totally embarrassed and nodded his head already calmer.

『Thanks for the little joke Mori-san ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha...』('~`ヾ).

At the end Albert lowered his head as if already accepting what had happened, and commenting that it was a nice experience and he will see if what just happened he can use it in one of his future stories. Without further ado our recess time went by so quickly, the bell was ringing and the students were to return to their classrooms. I was consoling Albert for not having enough strength to accompany him. But just as I was about to open the door to the roof, I noticed that it wouldn't open.

『True.... we don't have the key and at first I locked it unconsciously 』 ( .-_- .)

We both turned to look at each other, I thought Albert would be upset but he simply commented.

『Hahaha This is definitely funny *smiles*』.

He took it in a very good way, having these things happen to him in a good tone made me calm down too. He was having fun and that was the important thing, maybe having these little moments happen to him made him feel like he was living a normal life.

A few minutes passed, we were sure that someone would come looking for us after the scandal that Albert made, again I was making him remember but this time making fun of him, but he commented that this will serve him a lot and maybe it will be the first step to open up with others.


I could hear Menhera's voice who was on the other side of the door, quickly both Albert and I stood up from how seated we were. I was letting Menhera know if it was me, where it seemed to calm her down to hear me, but again I was left in doubt by my friend.

『(How does she know I'm here too?....e been seen when I peeked out?....I don't think so...Menhera is always aware of me and when she didn't see when I was in the living room for sure she thought of one that I'm with Albert, sometimes you scare me a lot Menhera-chan...)』 (;~〓~)

I could also hear Rino's voice while I was in my mind, Rino commented that they will be able to get us out of here, but we won't be able to get out of another problem. We heard how the key was opening the rooftop door. The first thing we saw were my friends. Menhera was waving as was Rino.

『Yes you do get into trouble when I'm not with you Yashi-kun』.

『Hello Ya-kun, and you too Albert-kun, I didn't think we would start the first day of school like this, the shy ones sure are very capable on many occasions, they surprised me』.

They were both commenting on the situation, but we quickly felt another much bigger presence, who was our tutor and we all already know what was going to happen here. I turned to look at Albert thinking maybe he would take it in a good way, but I was wrong.

『This is really not going to be fun.....』

Seeing Albert lose hope affected me too and I also bowed my head down limply. Not everything could work out so well for us, especially for shy and timid people like us.


Menhera and Rino finally returned to the classroom, but only them, neither the teacher nor Albert nor Yashiro had returned. They 2 were worried about what could have happened to their friend that they went to accompany the teacher, but seeing that nothing bad happened or better yet, they helped them to leave. They were returning with their other classmates.

"And what happened to Mori-chan and Albert?

Brayan who was next to Menhera's seat was asking him about his friend, where he explained that they were both sent to the management for breaking a rule, which was to go up to the roof without permission.

『Yashi-kun has really grown up, now he even breaks rules and to think that at the beginning he couldn't even talk.....*smile*That means we did a good job』

『Let's hope they don't make them call their parents, please not that, anything but that, I don't want my mother to scold me again....no Viejecita I didn't do it!!!! AHHH!!!!!!』 (@Д@;

Brayan was so scared by memories he had where his mother was called by the headmistress for his antics, where for sure he received a punishment at night. Menhera laughed at Brayan's reaction and short story. Out of nowhere Brayan received a <zape> to the head.

<Translator: Zape means to hit him on the head with an open hand>.

『Ehh?!!!! Who was the daring one who hit me in the head!!!!!!!!!! So it was you, Fatty!!!』 (ノ`Д')ノ

Cliston gave him a gentle smack on the head to calm Brayan down a bit, while reproaching him that this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't gotten out of control and wanted to make that move on Albert. Brayan was about to give the chubby guy a zap where he stopped and quickly sat up pulling out a pout.

『.....I just wanted to give him a proper welcome and that's the way things are here.... (,,Ծ‸Ծ,,, )』

On the blackboard was El Perro throwing some paper airplanes, while in the background was Rojito in order to receive them so they could throw them at each other, you don't know how you will be when the Maestra leaves the room. But in my case, always when the teacher left, the students took the opportunity to do their own thing, even once they found Brayan and Cliston rolling on the floor when the teacher came. It was very funny as they were taking off their shusha and suddenly stopped when the teacher saw them.

The classroom is now a mess as the students are taking advantage of it to do their own thing, there was El Perro and Rojito throwing the paper airplanes at each other.

『If it hadn't been for the Potter I would have been able to catch Albert....』

Brayan looked at the good Potter where the Potter didn't understand and just looked to the side in confusion. Brayan gave a long sigh saying that he already understood that this was all his fault and to think things through before doing them. While Cliston was distracted, Brayan would take the opportunity to give him a slap on his hair, since in elementary school, Cliston had shaved everything just like the Potter. Seeing that hair made Brayan want to give him a good punch. But unfortunately he was able to dodge it Cliston.

『Not this time champ』

PAMM!!!! Without hesitation, Konomi, who was passing by, gave Cliston's bald-headed girl a slap, this came as a surprise that even Brayan was astonished.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist, and by the way, the teacher is coming』.

You could hear some footsteps from far away, quickly everyone was getting in their places and pretending that nothing happened and thinking to the teacher when she came back that everyone was still a quiet student. Konomi who was passing by Potter's seat, stared at him for a while where Konomi commented.

『You dropped your eraser』.

The Potter looked down to see if it was true, where in a quick manner, Konomi ended up giving the Potter a zap as well, and apologized saying that she couldn't resist him, and even blamed the Potter for egging her on for taking a swing at him. Where Konomi told him that his eraser was on his desk where Potter laughed confirming that it was.

The teacher arrived where Albert and I also returned, we sat in our respective seats, Menhera quickly told me what had happened, where I answered her that I would tell her everything on the way out. The class continued for a few hours, where unbeknownst to anyone, a paper airplane was launched and was flying straight but slow, where quickly Jersey took it in his hands and sat down quickly. The teacher turned around because of the slight noise and movement she felt. Quickly Jersey raised her hand to ask.

『Teacher!!! What does Otorhinolaryngologist mean and why do you have so many o?』

『Jersey, we're in math class』

『0 and 0 are very much the same, don't you think so? *smiles*』

"『You don't understand the operation I said to solve, do you?

『Nadita but nadita, a little help please if it's not too much trouble?』

Jersey clasped her hands together as a prayer as she politely asked me to explain how to solve the problem we were given. The teacher gave a sigh and instead of getting upset, went on to explain again. She already has several years with the same students and the same class that she learned to understand them, although it was a difficult path we could say that she likes her class very much.

And that's how the first day of classes ended, one that was undoubtedly fun and had its little things. In the direction they only told us to be more careful and not to do it again, and not to call our parents since it didn't happen to major. Albert was all the time with a smile like happy, where this caught the attention of the director and asked him why he looks so happy.

『It's just that this is new to me, I've never been in management *smiles*』.

Hearing his reason made him also feel very good to the director who even laughed, and was telling him that he hopes not to be of bad again and that again he will be called or call him to the management. Albert to this smiled where he said that it will be the last time, but the last time he comes because he did something wrong, that if he can come to learn even more complicated things. Again the director was surprised, he did not expect that attitude in the young man, and told him that of course, if he needs something to come and get it. Albert bowed and said thank you.

On the way I met Menhera and Rino who were putting on their shoes, they were both surprised but it was like they had it coming. Albert was accompanying me where he was greeting my friends.

"Albert, right? I'm glad you're friends with Yashi-kun, but if you need anything, you can also look for me, I'll try to help you』.

『Me too, and I can tell it was Ya-kun who made the first step, this year will be very interesting indeed, let's have fun together Albert-kun』.

Both Menhera and Rino gave their good vibes to Albert and that they will also be with him when he needs it, this made Albert very happy which could be noticed on his face. We were ready to walk the 4 of us together to our houses, where Albert said he couldn't, because he has to take the bus to a bus stop a little far away. This would be a pity, but at least we could walk together for a little while.

There was still a lot of day left, the sun was shining, before I didn't care that the sun was shining, but now that I see it shining I know that it is a great day and that great things can happen. And I see that I am not disappointed.

Rino asked Albert why he chose to change to this school, since it has nothing in particular, it is a simple one where anyone could enter. That there are better options to choose from.

『For that very reason, it's so simple and normal that I wanted to join this one, besides I learned that one doesn't have to judge a book by its cover, you can see the school simple, but ..... what kind of students will there be? how will they teach there? what will the teachers be like? I don't have to expect extraordinary students, but one that you can easily run into in the street, a normal student, that's why I joined this one *smiles* because I know I will enjoy it a lot』.

Albert's words were heard by everyone, where Menhera and Rino were staring at him where he quickly understood that it was wrong to call the others normal. He would quickly apologize but the response from the 2 were.

『I like that, in short it would be a normal life, I don't like surprises or things that happen suddenly, if you gave me a choice I would stay with what I already know and I know I will do well, being normal is a good thing』.

Rino commented in his own words, it gave him an answer that could even be said to sympathize with Albert, but it's not. Rino is simpler than he truly appears. Menhera likewise was, to have been told normal liked him very much.

『I earned the nickname Menhera because of my behavior, and I didn't feel anything special, I even like being called that way, but I know from the experiences I had that I'm not normal, I mean, who goes around obsessing about their partners all the time? hahaha so thank you very much for telling me that I'm normal, you made me feel a little better』.

Menhera smiled at Albert who blushed, but quickly Rino and I intervened that he better not feel that kind of emotion towards her, if he doesn't want to have a bad experience. Menhera pouted claiming that this is not how we think. Albert laughed at all this, where he commented that there are more people like him, who don't mind being called normal but also that means.

『You guys must go through problems too I guess』.

When Albert commented that, it came out on its own, where Menhera and Rino happened to see him and then happened to see himself. Where in a nice way they said it was something similar. We already walked a long way and Rino was detouring first as he had to pick up his sisters from kindergarten. He waved his hand as he slowly walked away.

『With that too, huh? You're more perceptive than I thought, Albert-kun』

Rino commented as he walked away from us. Coming back, now there are only 3 of us, we saw that there was a small store where Menhera was going to treat us to some goodies, justifying his fact that we have to celebrate, for having made a new friend.

『Eh? We are friends?』

『Of course we are, so I hope you'll drop the formalities soon Albert-san』.

Menhera with that comment and confirming that he is Albert's friend, he would go into the store to buy some candy, Albert was happy about this, as he didn't expect to already have many friends on his first day, he also commented to him that for sure he is already friends with Rino as well. Hearing Albert that he already has several friends made him really happy, he even wanted to cry, seeing him getting sentimental, he wanted to calm him down any way he could.

Menhera entered the store where he crossed in the middle of the automatic door with a person with a big coat that covered his face. Because he was so covered he did not know who it was and continued on his way.

That person with the coat or blanket seemed to have a cold, and she herself went to buy some pills even though her parents told her not to go out. But on her walk she turned her gaze when she heard someone sobbing. She could see Yashiro comforting Albert, and the person in the blanket seemed to be smiling with joy.

"Ya Albert? You're really getting sentimental 』

『I'm sorry Mori-san, it just really makes me happy』.

I saw some benches outside the store where I decided better there to wait for Menhera and be able to better help Albert. But in the middle of our walk, quickly the person in the coat got in our way. I was confused as I didn't understand what was going on, I wanted to divert him and go to the side, but it was like that person was reacting to what I would do.

"Are you comforting someone? Really? A crying scaredy-cat comforting another crying scaredy-cat? So another one just like you showed up, you're bringing me more trouble than I thought, wait? that uniform? don't tell me he's in our class, first the cold and now this, what a lousy start to the school year really?

He seemed to have a cold and it affected his throat, he couldn't tell who it was because of his illness and because he was covering his face with a blanket. He was very warm even though it is a good weather. I wanted to retreat to go to the balcony, but suddenly he stood in front of me.

『Hey, I'm not done yet, you're not planning to ignore me, are you?』-『I would have liked to go to class, see how it's going, see if everything is still the same, I'll deviate a little and you already take a big step? When I come back I'm really going to have a lot of work, but better this way, better get ready, tomorrow I'll be ready again, it will be late, but I'll open my school year again with you, Yashiro....』-『I'm going to prevent you from growing up, I'm going to prevent it at all costs that you keep improving, because that's what you deserve, after what you did, you don't deserve anything good!!! tss.sgssst----』

It seems that person was demanding, he wanted to raise his voice but in the end he ended up coughing even louder, it made him look so fierce that at any moment he would spit blood. I tried to help him but he quickly pushed my arm away.

『Don't touch me!!!!!』-『Don't let me get embarrassed if I stay by your side, and stop looking at me like that, do you feel sorry for me? I'm in the best shape possible, I'll repeat the scene again where you feel helpless while I bring out the worst in you, someday. ...someday I will reveal to everyone how you really are, I will bring out the scum inside of you, you will thank me when you understand, and I....and I will finally.....podre....podre.....needless to say.....¡¡¡!!!! I told you to stop looking at me like that, you damn kid!!!!』

In the end, that person ended up bursting when he saw that Yashiro was still looking at him in a pitiful way.

『Don't feel sorry for me!!!! Feel sorry for yourself!!!! What did you accomplish in all this time!!!!! Nothing!!!! You're still the same brat with no desire in front!!!! You are nobody when push comes to shove!!!!! If they hadn't intervened, your life would have been shit!!!!! What you live now is a lie!!!!! You make everyone feel sorry for you and they know it!!!! We all know it!!!! You're so pitiful, no one will ever look at you with those eyes!!!! Sweetheart? Friends? Friendship? All you know!!!! It was all because you gave pity!!!!!! Don't you understand? You are a nobody, a failure, a miserable in society, in life, you shouldn't have been born!!!!! I'm giving you to understand!!!! What more do you want! I'm the good guy for telling you the truth and opening your eyes!!!!! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BORN AND TAKE US WITH YOU TO YOUR MISFORTUNE!!!!!』

That person didn't seem to stand it anymore he ended up shouting to everyone with his hoarse voice that seemed that at any moment he would break, he was moving from one side to the other, making sudden movements. I wanted to help him but he was objecting more and more, he really didn't want me to touch him, he avoided it at all costs.

『What's wrong with you? Those are not words that are said just like that, you should think before what to say because it can affect a lot, I will not allow you to say saying those things to my friend, if he had not been born, I could not have become his friend, it seems that you are very hooked on it, I will show you, Mori-san does not lead us to misfortune』

Albert passed to comment when he saw that the person in the blanket kept saying only bad things about Yashiro, his words I noticed them very silly, they are like words that a small child would say, but maybe it was because he was careful with that sick person. The person in the blanket started coughing even louder.

『You what do you know kid, but I hope that one day you will understand and open your eyes, that all the blame is on him, and the worst thing is that he doesn't know it, that's why I'm making him open his eyes all these years and for sure the years to come until he finally understands. ...I will continue to bring out the worst in him, I have nothing against you, only with him, so please, don't get in my way again.....Yashiro.... you made another friend..... don't you get tired of being a bad person?』

Without further ado, that person in the blanket was leaving after everything he had said to us. Albert was already more recovered and even clenched his fist. I felt like hitting him, but I couldn't do it if that person was sick. Now Albert was the one who was consoling me, he was telling me that everything that happened, it would be better to forget it, that it is not true and that I am a great person. But I had already understood, when Albert saw my face he was surprised, he was so shocked and depressed..... I always put this expression when I see her directly and she tells me all those things. Menhera finally came out of the tent and saw that Albert was comforting Yashiro, where he quickly went to help him too, I told him what had happened.

『I thought it was a good start of the year.....』

I made myself into a ball and just wanted to stay there, I always get in this state when I see her, I had forgotten, at the beginning of the class I was afraid, afraid that person who torments me will come back, but when they announced a new student everything changed, from worry I went to joy. The arrival and everything that happened with Albert made me forget that she was still present. The girl who suddenly took it out on me and started treating me like the worst thing, saying that she is doing the right thing. This year I will also be with the company of Kanon, the girl who brags about doing the right thing.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
