
Chapter 202: Another Reality | MT 2

Everyone was on guard, well, everyone except Syl who just took it easy, waving politely to the boy and apologizing to Maya for having made that mistake that she would never have forgiven him for not intervening.

Making that portal drains you of much of your strength that with rest little by little this becomes recovering, a theme that was not known MT, so although trying hard to keep the strength, this one simply collapsed on the balcony face first, could be heard as it gave strong but little to the sisters were interested.

『(Ayyy!!! My little nose, at least they would have at least tackled me so I wouldn't fall, but what a lousy service, besides who are they, the one in purple looked too serious, while the pink one looks too.....calm? Well never mind) Pick me up for once!!!! Don't you have a little empathy for someone who can't move?』ヾ( ・`⌓'・)ノ゙

MT was hostile, like a cat that doesn't trust strangers, he can't move his body, but he could move his mouth and eyes, and with only use of them it was reflected in his face that he was not too friendly, it seemed that if you tried to touch him he would try to bite you. MT kept asking to be picked up and explained why he was here with them, Maya did not like the attitude that the young man showed and would start to give him a lecture.

『We were helping you so that nothing bad would happen to you, besides, what's that little mouth you have? Don't you have any manners, you little runt? (ヾノ-᷅ ༬-᷄ ) Where's the "please" the "thank you", well, what would I expect from someone who fucked around with -----』

『Sorry, now I accommodate you so you'll be better *smile*』(=^_^=).


Syl interrupted her sister and without hesitation went to help the young man who was lying on the floor, the boy was hostile all this time, when Syl tried to touch him he turned his head away in an unkind way, Syl was surprised by this behavior, where without further thought she wanted to have his head stroked, and without further proceeded to do so, his softness and kindness made her believe him to do that. But to this MT despite the fact that it was nothing wrong, this one continued with his stubbornness.

"Hey, don't touch more than you should! Nobody asked you to!!!』(; ・`д・')

『Look Maya-chan, it's like a stray kitten (*'▽`*), you must be hungry, I'll get some food right now』

MT was still resisting where Syl turned to look at her sister to comment that the boy looks like a feline that didn't get affection before, Maya couldn't believe what she was seeing, she didn't know whether to be would be or just stay with her doubtful face. But of course, MT didn't like what was happening at all.

『Gati....レ(◣益◢#)ヘ Even without being transformed they already call me a cat, hahahaha, instead of progressing I feel like I'm going backwards (plus I'm kind of hungry...I recently had a party)』

At that time MT's stomach rang, where he felt embarrassed that his cheeks turned red, with his expression it could be noticed that he had a little fang between his teeth, resembling a cat, Syl to this put her hands together implying that she was right, quickly placed the boy sitting on the couch while she went to the kitchen to see what she could offer the boy, to all this, MT could not believe what was happening, how is it that this girl could know what was going to happen to him.

『(But what the sh*t....who is this person and why is she so friendly.....is very strange, no one can be so good in life, the people who pretend to be nice to someone are the ones who are actually hiding worse things, right Menhera-chan?)』

MT turned his gaze to see Syl and give his opinion of her, it was very strange to him that there is someone who cares about others, for this boy, for MT there can't be someone so good, they always hide another reason why they are like that, this is a version of the boy where he could know long before the reason why Menhera was so close to him, when he knew it the boy didn't know what to answer at the moment. For a long time Maya had not taken her eye off MT, she questioned him with her eyes and did not trust him, where the boy realized it and turned to face her.

『What are you looking at me, do you like me or what?』 ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

With that comment would also arise a dispute with Maya, the purple sister could not stand the spoiled attitude of the young man that even caused her head veins to swell, these two went on to argue all the time that seemed to have no end, MT did not seem to get along well with those who already looked at him funny, and so it was mostly in the way it ended up being this time, he went from becoming a shy boy to a kind of a spoiled respondent, if you told him something this for sure he would answer you with something much stronger, but if so, then why in that time when Kanon denigrated him, why didn't he answer him if this boy was different, the answer is very easy, because that situation was too strong for him.

『AHHH!!!!! I can't believe you're such a spoiled brat!!!! It's like all the values you learned went down the drain with what little brain cell you had left!』(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

『Told to me by someone who wears those loincloths, cover up mamita!!!! You're asking people to disrespect you, ohhh!!! I know!!!! You're one of those right, how much do you charge per hour? hahahahajajja』(。ò ∀ ó。)『I just came out of a very funnable world where all the time I was seeing potos and boobs AAAAAAAA!!!!!! BECAUSE of PTM I had enough!!!!! All day damn it, but what an eagerness to get naked on the street and show all the pussy!!!!! I don't know how I could stand it, ah yes, I ignored them like you and showed another attitude, at the beginning it was all good, with my brother and everything tranqui, but out of nowhere BOOMMM POOMMMM take ass, take tit, take a horny scene AAAAHHH!!!!!』

『...But what are you saying midget?』

MT suddenly started to explain how was his experience in the previous world that he stopped, which seems that it was not very pleasant as he expected, instead of exciting him or taking it as something normal, it seems that he did not like this kind of things and in the end they ended up marking him that he does not like erotic things at all, if before he was not interested at all, now he even hates it. Maya didn't know what to say as without further MT started claiming something else, suddenly changing the subject, but amidst her anger, the boy seemed to calm down and gave a sigh.

『But even with all the bad things that world has, the people and moments I spent with them, I won't forget them.....it was so much fun to live with them』(,,Ծ‸Ծ,,, )

MT was blushing and seemed to whisper those words because he was ashamed to admit that at the end of it all he did like being in that world and spending time with those people who became his friends and he hopes one day to see them again. At this point Maya gave up on understanding this boy, it is very difficult to analyze him now as he shows himself as he is.

『(I don't know what's wrong with this guy, wuuaaa, it seems like he's always hanging out with his month....pero.....) Hey.....is it me or did you just tell me I'm a p$%@ before?』 ಠ▃ಠ

Whereupon the boy finally came to his senses to quickly glare at Maya and reply even more spoiled to make her more annoyed.

『Eh? You're still here? yeah yeah, you just realized it, but how slow you are hahaha』 ₍₍ ◝(-̀ㅂ-́)◟ ⁾⁾⁾

MT was starting to laugh without disguising anything and believing himself to be the big thing, at this Maya could not stand it anymore and stopped to stand in front of the young man, you could tell how very, very upset Maya was, where without further ado she grabbed the boy by the collar of his clothes to lift him up and make it very clear that she does not like him at all.

『With every word you're giving your death sentence dwarf』 (╬ಠิ益ಠิ)

It seems that with all of the above, Maya didn't mind ending the young man's life right here and right now, but the atmosphere didn't help, as while these 2 weren't getting along, you could hear in the background how Syl was still trying to prepare something in the kitchen, again pots falling over, something breaking, water boiling and Syl's desperation but action was noticeable.

『You are wrong my dear <Lil Uzi Vert> 』 (ृ ु*`ω')ु

<Translator: He refers to the rapper who had an operation to put a diamond on his forehead, and as Maya being an Espeon also has a red jewel on her forehead, he made that little joke. I wouldn't be surprised if to get to tease her more, MT would try to rip that jewel off xd>

『I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to die, I'll decide when to die and that will be when I'm finally back in my world!!!! There if you want we can have a fight to the death and see who is better, I won't let anyone get in my way, you hear?』

MT faced Maya differently, he was more determined and rude but without disrespecting her and her deep desire, Maya to this from his expression of hatred passed to smile in a proud way, he no longer used his hands, now he used his psychic powers to leave MT elevated in the air, while he prepared an energy attack with his fist.

『I see you have guts midget, well then let's put your words to the test』.

Maya kept on with her proud smile while MT only limited himself to provoke Maya more telling her to try, before even these provoke a fight, they started to notice a burning smell, it smelled like smoke where they felt confused, Maya didn't know what was going on but in a fast way she went towards the origin of the smoke taking with her powers the boy with her, when they arrived to the kitchen they found that everything was on fire and Syl was trying to open the extinguisher but without success.

『Maya-chan..... won't open, help』 (☍﹏⁰)。

Syl was in the middle of the fire trying to open the fire extinguisher she doesn't seem to know how to do it, Maya and I seeing the scene couldn't believe this was happening, it was so surreal we both looked at each other sideways, we were with silence where with my eyes I was indicating Maya to go help her sister. Without further ado she instantly stopped using her powers on me and I fell back to the floor hitting my nose.


Now a few minutes had passed and we were all sitting in the living room, I had a plate of food in front of me, where Syl was with a smile offering me what she had told me before, we stopped our meeting to stop Syl's catastrophe.

『But Onee-sama, what were you doing with a fire extinguisher? You would have put out the fire if you had used your powers.....』 ( ̄ー ̄)

『I'm sorry, it's just that I wanted to try or did I must have forgotten? haha』U^エ^U

『(Is she dumb or what?)』 ( ̄‥ ̄)

I was watching how those 2 sisters were conversing and I didn't avoid letting out that comment in my mind when I saw what their first action was, and I think it's right in a sense, if you didn't have powers that would be the first thing you would try to do, forgetting that I had in front of me a plant that despite it was in hell recently, it's in good condition, I think it's just eggs with bread and milk?....I turned my eyes to Syl and lowered my gaze towards her breasts.

『(I'm not going to drink that milk...)』 (-,-)

Already before MT just like in the story we saw, he somehow managed to drink the milk coming from...this bothered him a lot and now he is the one who is more aware of where that white liquid comes from, MT was hesitant to eat where Syl kindly offered him to eat, that he needs strength and that he should eat well.

『.... Yes, but...I'll try』

MT still couldn't move his body as he wants, he was slightly moving his arms, this one didn't want anyone's help and more prefers to do things alone if he can mostly, he was struggling to move his arm that even trembled, every second was like minutes, where he finally managed to cut a piece of egg and shakily and slowly brought it to his mouth, to all this the sisters were still watching.

『It looks like he is suffering to eat a simple egg...』

Maya commented when she saw the boy after 10 minutes and he was still struggling to take the first bite, Syl suggested her help but MT quickly told her that it was not necessary that he could do it alone, seconds went by and MT was still stubbornly holding the food in the air, he opened his mouth since he was close, but Syl could not stand it anymore and went to help MT, with her hand she finally made the food reach MT's mouth, where Syl smiled and told her that "he could not stand it anymore".

Syl's sudden action, left MT confused, where he also whispered that he couldn't take it anymore, Syl turned his head in confusion where MT without any qualms spit out the food that Syl took Syl all this time to prepare.

『But what is this!!!! It looked normal but it tastes like hell!!! buagg!!!! Seriously you cooked this?૮( ᵒ̌▱๋ᵒ̌ )ა not even rats would eat it, I think my mouth has been destroyed by some eggs. ..does that sound bad now that I think about it.....look what you're making me say you big fat!!!!』 ヾ(。`Д'。)ノ彡☆

As just like our M sometimes doesn't know how to control himself with his words, likewise MT ended up saying that without holding anything back, in a quick way he found out the words he said, but it wasn't because of that he realized he did something wrong, if not he looked at Syl and she had a gesture, Syl was smiling and telling him that he is right, that she is bad at cooking and that she will try to make an effort for the next one. It's like she was hiding her discomfort so she wouldn't feel bad to the one who is helping who was MT, even this spoiled kid realized he did wrong and was trying to fix it, but just his lips were trembling and his forgiveness wasn't coming out, until he looked down.

POOMMMMMMM!!!! Maya without further ado slapped MT hard on the head for saying those words to her Onee-sama.

"How dare you say that to Onee-sama, she only cared about you and prepared that meal with all her good faith, and you come and say that to her, don't you have any kindness or tolerance?

『Is that if I am right.....』

POMMM!!! Again Maya gave another blow on MT's head where this boy again claimed why she gave him a blow, and Maya was simply answering him to stop being so hateful to others, the boy rubbed his head and more calmly passed to look at Syl, she was calm but if she had been saddened by the comment she made she was about to pick up the plate of food.

『And you're right too.... I was wrong to say that to the big girl after seeing that she only cared about me, compared to another one who only irritated me....』 -『Don't pick it up!!! I'll eat it』.

Before picking up Syl's plate of food, MT called out to her telling her not to do it and finally accepting that she did wrong by whispering it, she also remarked bluntly that she will eat it all, but Syl knows her food is ugly since she recently gave a little taste and yes, it was ugly, so she contradicted MT.

『It's ugly, I better vote for it』 -『¡¡¡!!! That I'll eat it I said!!!!』 -『¿? But I better vote it』-『I'll eat it!!!!』 -『I'd better vote for it』 -『I'll eat it!!!!』-『I'd better vote for it』 -『I'll eat it!!!!』-『Better I vote for it』 -『I'll eat it!!!!』-『Better I vote for it』 -『I'll eat it!!!!』-『Better I vote for it』 -『I'll eat it!!!!』-『Better I vote for it』 -『I'll eat it』-『I'll eat it!!!!』

They were like this for quite a while contradicting each other that it even seemed like a game, even MT realized this because he saw Syl let out a few laughs and smile showing that she was having fun.

『I'm telling you that I'll eat it up by the Pu------』.

『Well!!! Open your mouth wide!!!』

Maya quickly interrupted MT's words and with her powers made him open his mouth wide, she used her psychic powers to raise the plate so that M would eat everything on the plate.

『 (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)As you said so, eat all of my Onee-sama's egg (....Again I must think my words through....)』

Without further ado as if he was forcing him or as a torture, MT ate everything on the plate, at the contact this felt like vomiting it because it really did not taste good, but then he saw the threatening face of Maya and then the worried face of Syl who had no choice but to swallow it whole, it was a struggle and by miracle he did not die in the attempt and then MT heard a threat in Maya's ear.

『(Rather watch your vocabulary when you're in front of Onee-sama, I'll watch her sixness...that word exists? well, I'll watch it so that guys like you don't stain it, did you understand or didn't you understand midget?』

Where by the way I was cornered I ended up nodding my head, Maya was talking nicely to her sister congratulating me and congratulating her for eating the plate, Syl was worried but just picking up the plate, while MT was still feeling guilty about earlier so without further ado she said it.

『Hey you.....*sigh*I'll be honest, your food isn't the best out there, I'd rather eat something canned, but!!!! You know, there is one thing we all have a luxury, and that is the luxury of learning and improving on what we have left, your food tastes but buag!!! but, if over time you learn from your mistakes and improve, improve, improve, improve and improve, your food will be so tasty that one will say!!!! Pu...But yum!!!! So don't be sad, or well yes, I think it will be rewarding to see that sadness in the end turn into joy, even an idiot can get to do good things if he tries hard, although that last one I said it for me hahahaha.....』

Something very different happened, both noticed it, Maya and Syl were impressed by the words of the young man, who the boy seems that he is not used to say these free things, it was noticeable how sometimes in his words he stopped and that blush was present. Where to finally look good, he tried to let out a smile, but it was a pathetic smile that one would say he had better not have done it. Syl touched her chest and with a smile just said.

『Thank you』

As he said those words, MT's eyes sparkled, and he knew then, that he was pleased to see the smile of that person, Maya who was watching, blurted out a comment, stressing that the last one was very pathetic, that she didn't know how to smile and the one just now was an attempt at kindness.

『...But I mean it this time...she can do better...』(*'-`*)

Maya listening to the boy and with everything that happened, she was tired and sat down on the couch, the boy likewise not knowing what else to do, just sat down. Already again the 3 reunited and with time passing, they explained to the young man or well, first they introduced themselves why they had not done so, now if already now that everyone knows who they are, they went on to tell him what was happening, that they knew that MT is a traveler of worlds and that if he continues with it in the end the best of endings will not await him, where the boy's response was.


Maya was not very pleased with the young man's so calm answer and claimed to him that how can that be his answer, that this is much more serious.

『That nobody knows, I said it before, the only one who decides what will happen to me is me, that something bad is going to happen to me...cut the crap, I may not have the best attitude or personality of all, but of one thing I am sure, I will not give up or lose hope of returning to my world, I will not fall before the darkness, or were they ashes...or well! the thing is that I will never fall ever!!!!!』

This MT was very hopeful, but he is not of that quiet and calm hope as could be the case of the prota of Danganronpa anime, Makoto Naegi, who always with his positive attitude could get out of any situation, but no, this MT has another kind of hope, he is more brutal, and fierce, although I think I am lying since if we talk about that attitude there is another version that beats him, but well!!! going back to what before, MT will never fall!!!! Although he already fell 2 times so far xd.

It seems that with the time that passed, MT can already move, he moved his legs and arms, he did some small exercises to test if he was ok, also in this time that they have been talking and telling each other what was happening, they gave him back the mind and memories of the young man, since knowing everything was no longer necessary that plan, or maybe it was? Also in the middle of the procedure, MT remembered that moment where Syl intervened to help him, and he felt he should thank him and let out an embarrassed whispered thank you.

『Oh! Look, I can switch to my God Form now!!!!』

At that he was transformed, both sisters were surprised by that fact, MT was happy but it seems that he still didn't recover his strength completely, while he was making some movements he noticed that he dodged an energy attack, he was brushed by some sparkling powders.

『Eh? Did you see what I saw? What was that glitter? EHHH???? OYE!!!!!』

While MT was wondering about that, he dodged but this time by himself an attack and was claiming him, it was Maya who hadn't given up with his plan and wanted to put MT to sleep to this time if modify his mind.

『Stop for the hell of it!!!! Can't you see that I'm saving everyone!!!!! If I modify your mind to make you well you don't know how much we would save, besides we could also take the opportunity to change that bad personality you have, we could turn you into an adorable boy who always asks for help』

『NOOOO!!!! No way I'm going back to that state!!!!!』

MT in her God Form was dodging Maya's attack to get her to sleep, they were making a fuss in Syl's house she wanted them to stop everything and start getting along, MT was getting tired and didn't have the same speed she had before, if she continued this would be the end of her, besides no one likes to have their self searched, MT saw that the balcony led to the outside where without further ado with a feline maneuver she launched herself from the balcony.

『Farewell and thanks for everything!!!』

Seeing the outside he realized that he was in a really huge building, but for him it is nothing since he will be able to withstand it, but without realizing it he crashed sooner than expected against the ground, the floor of Syl's house? MT couldn't understand what just happened, where he quickly dodged Maya's attack again.

MT wondered what just happened, and noticed that Syl was nowhere to be seen, she was plummeting from what MT threw herself into. Many of you may remember that Maya had an ability that now that I think about it is broken, which is that she can switch positions with anyone and without any limitations, what she did recently was to switch positions with MT when he was falling and quickly switched positions with her sister Syl who was in the house.

MT was dodging Maya's sleeping attacks and again she launched herself from the balcony, in them she could see how Syl was flying? Syl summoned her bonds and with that she was helping herself to be able to fly through the skies.


Again Maya changed positions with MT and he again found himself in Syl's house, MT seemed to understand what was going on and when he was about to jump from the balcony again, he found that the sisters were blocking the pass, Maya was flying thanks to her psychic powers and Syl thanks to her bonds.

『But..... who are you really....』

MT was in fear that didn't stop her from backing away from the true ways of both of them, Maya was proud while Syl didn't know if she had to continue to listen to her sister, to all this MT if she can't leave through the balcony, then she will go out like any normal person, through the door and stairs!!!! If she went out the door Maya would not be able to use Switch as that would also be another way for her to escape and also be in danger of her escaping her switch range.

MT was running through the corridors of the big building, where only Maya was following her, Syl prefers not to have to cause more problems than there are already, this is good for MT, because if Maya does not have him well located, she will not be able to make the switch, first she thought of going by the elevator, but it would be a checkmate, the best thing would be to go by the stairs and alternating between them and the corridors.

It was a very ultraviolet chase where MT switched to his Human Form, in order to make it more difficult to be seen, while Maya flew around the place with her psychic powers looking for the boy again and again, while MT was going through the different apartments, he came across one where he heard something very indecent, MT came up with a very risky idea, for the last time he switched to his God Form and made a maneuver with his long fingernails to open a door.

Maya who was already searching everywhere, decided to check again where she had been before, at that she could see out of the corner of her eye but well placed MT as she entered a room that was with the door open.

『I already found you midget!!! (It's almost out of my reach, if he locks himself in that room then I won't be able to enter, then I'll just stay .....) Switch!!!』

Without further ado Maya changed positions just at the moment where she almost lost sight of him, when changing positions always leaves the one who has been changed confused for seconds, Maya had to take advantage to catch him at that moment, but when Maya was about to leave the room, she heard some sounds and screams very promising?..... promising?.... she heard how a woman's voice was asking for more and more while the moans of both beings were present, Maya already understood what was happening but she didn't want to believe it, she turned to see embarrassed and with red cheeks what was happening, and when she turned around .... yes, she found a couple in the middle of a lovemaking act.

『Kyaaa!!!! I'm sorry!!! sorry!!!! now I'm leaving!!!!!』 �(゚□゚*川

She was very embarrassed that only those 2 people having the act to procreate came in her mind, when she was going for the door someone closed it and locked it from outside, Maya to this she was begging to be let out she doesn't want to see something as intimate as that. Outside was MT who was passing to her Human Form after locking it with her fingernail.

『So you don't like spoiled things? Well, I hope this at least incites you to do them, bye-bye frentona!!!!』

Maya was showing a phase that we haven't seen before, she was so embarrassed that she looks like she was going to die, while she was banging again and again on the door, she could destroy it, but then she would have to pay for it and besides that this whole building belongs to her sister and she doesn't want to give her trouble, while finally the 2 love ones realized that Maya was at home and it seems that they are the kind of people who.....

『Oh look! Don't you want to join us?』

『PLEASE, CALL THE POLICE!!!!! THEY WANT ME------!!!!!!!!AAAAHHDHDHDGD!!!!』 ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

Maya let out her inner child and was crying knocking on the door so that someone could open it for her. Meanwhile MT was finally free in the city and was laughing for the bad thing he did.

『Ha, he deserves it for messing with my intimate things, well, it's more than clear that this is not my world, and even if I don't recover all my strength I think I can make the portal again, haber....ah!!! the little paper where is it』.

While MT was looking in his pocket for the words of the spell, he noticed something coming from the sky, the young man felt confused, he was making rice eyes and covering himself from the sun to better see what was falling from the sky, when he saw it he noticed that it was a girl who was falling, he looked around and it seems that no one noticed it, and besides he is the only one who is able to stop it.

『*sigh* It's okay, I'll do it』.

MT passed to his God Form, he tried to fly but he noticed that he still can't do it, so he only limited himself in calculating the fall and see where he would fall, he was already falling and MT was preparing to be able to take her in his arms, but the closer he got the more he really wanted to help her, he really wanted to help her, but then he saw more closely that it looked like that person had animal ears on his head.

『AHH!!!! A Furro!!! Remove!!!!!』

POOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!! Without further MT removed his arms and dropped the person to the ground violently, he just now realizes what he did and regretted for taking off sideways, a small crater was generated on the track and on it was stamped face first a girl?

『....Hey....are you okay?....I think that was a silly question...』

Asked the young man where without the one who did not expect an answer, out of nowhere the person who fell stamped against the floor jumped up and did not show any injury, wound or fracture, she was unharmed as if nothing had happened, MT saw and noticed that it was not a girl, but rather a girl obviously bigger than him, with brown hair, dressed the same way and with those ears that looks like her hair?

『Here we go again....Hello!!!!! My name is Eve!!!!! There was a mishap but I'm here, from now on I'll become your travel companion!!!!! Nice to meet you Yashiro-tan!!!』

That person named Eve introduced herself to me in the worst possible way, she was smiling, too much smiling in my opinion, for MT she had many questions, from why she knows her name, her real name, and how come she is your travel companion? Looks like they won't let him go quietly to this guy.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
