
Chapter 187: Glimpses into the Past (Part 1)

Hi, it's me back, your main character, your protagonist of this crazy and weird story I'm involved in, I really don't know what I had in mind when I created all this, what do you think about the one who is doing this story? is he doing it right or is he doing it so bad that he deserves to be threatened with death? I still can't believe that there are people who threaten in such a way through the net, just because you are behind a screen doesn't mean that your words don't have an effect, always keep this in mind, words are a person's greatest weapon. Uffff, but how well I learned from Kobayashi-san (๑^ں^๑) ....Ya fuck her at once green lizard.....I want all those fan arts to be real (≖ᴗ≖๑) UJUM!!!! (I read it again after some time, and even for me it seemed strange). Again I'm going off topic, well, today we are to remember everything that has happened in this silly and strange story that I'm into and the one that the creator also got into, we both did it so we don't regret it in the future and think: "How it would have been if I had done it".

We don't lose anything, it's an opportunity that everyone has in their life, it's take it or take it!!!! If you do not try you will not know if you were really able to do that, even if you do not know much about it, even if you do not have experience, even if you do not know how to start, even if you make many mistakes and fall into not knowing what to do sometimes you end up doing weird things..... if you keep at it you may achieve something! Not everything in life is in vain! With time you will gain experience! You will improve in your form and rhythm!!! You will see how everything goes as smoothly as calm waters, you will get used to it and take it as something normal to what you were afraid of before! That's what it's called to have a growth! I only hope that this is the case for me.

I won't bore you anymore and we'll start from the beginning, please keep enjoying, as if there's anyone who enjoys this ('-ω-`) of this weird thing I'm finally fulfilling it and there's still a lot more to go! M no Monogatari still has a good while left!!!!!




Death....death.....death.....death...and simply more death, everyone was consumed by an unquenchable hunger and thirst to regain all the power they once lost. That was the goal of being called Xerzene who would be the greatest antagonist of all this story, no one knows what this being is, what he is like, what he thinks, his philosophy will he even have? He is the reason why all this is starting and why of all this, for being one of the first he believes he has the right to do what he wants at will, for him this looks more than good, since he would repair the problem, evil, good and Error, everything would start again as he wants. The only reason he does all this is so that everyone can have a new start and live peacefully, even he can relax for a way to say it, that's what he wants.

But being a very simple task to understand, the process is complicated, he still does not have all his power, but simply with an order or a snap, that goal he has would become a reality, but it is not so, for it to be realized he has to destroy, annihilate, kill different worlds, realities, dimensions, that's right, he wants everything, absolutely everything to start from scratch.

That's why he destroys everything without holding back, also with this his power is returning, destruction is the basis of his power, when someone dies he recovers a pisca, thousandth of a thousandth of a thousandth of a thousandth of his power, when something is destroyed it also returns to him. Although he is able to recover his power with time he simply does not want to, he thinks that this must be corrected as soon as possible, that is why he resorted to this method compared to his counterpart Zarama who is sleeping recovering his power without interruption and slowly.

At the beginning of all this, those two great beings faced each other in a fight, what was the reason for their encounter, maybe it was an argument, maybe they disagreed, the thing is that this unbridled the first fight and perhaps the last greatest of all existence itself. At the end of the encounter they ended up so close to death, although they are unimaginable beings, they have the weakness of the other for being equal, only they are capable of eliminating each other, perhaps that is one of the reasons why this began.

But between their clashes of fists and immense expulsion of power, a life was born that they had not realized before, born of both Xerzene and Zarama, born in a fight that surpassed, created, destroyed everything, thoughts so difficult to understand, accompanied by a process so extraordinary that did not develop at all and ended up becoming a mistake cataloged by Xerzene, as it was not planned that something like this could happen and become a stone in his shoe.

This is how in the end both 2 great beings, Xerzene and Zarama began to sleep to recover in their own personal dimension, while the life of that Mistake was about to awaken.

The fight was witnessed by somehow called creations that both beings made, The King of Everything, Zeno-Sama who was created more by the essence and influence of Xerzene than by Zarama, adopted that simple way of thinking and doing things accompanied only with the power to destroy than to create, if it had not been that at least Zarama intervened in his creation, he would not have adopted that personality of a spoiled child who only wants to entertain himself. That ball-headed child would be in charge of seeing the stability of this dark place that is home to all of them, where soon there would be life, every universe and different realities, of every world and multiverse. Ah! but they only created Zeno-Sama for their Original Dimension where all this began.

For other and so many worlds that in the same way there was only darkness and nothingness, all between them 2 created different deities, the variety was infinite, and these were in charge of creating in their own way these worlds with the power that was conferred to them by these 2.

Thus it would be as start so many Dimensions that inside there are different Worlds with different rules each one. They created deities and these had the tasks of creating the worlds in their own way, they had the freedom to make life and in the same way to destroy it, but always with the vigilance of these 2.

Returning to the Original Dimension, which is the most important for them since here everything began, they already had Zeno-Sama, but he fulfilled his role only half-heartedly, he was really a nuisance, so they created the Angel, to guide him, they created the Great High Priest, Daishinkan, who this time had more influence from Zarama than Xerzene, that's why he is much more aware of what happens. He would be the first and only Angel created by them, where he would decide by himself to create more with his own power and label them as his children.

Daishinkan was considered the deity of this dimension, since he was entrusted with the task of creating life in this void, and so it was as soon as he created the first step, which would be the universes and planets, but to do this all alone and be in charge would be a lot of work even for beings like him, surely also other deities who were given the task thought and did the same, create other branches that are in charge of a specific job. He created the World Tree and from them arose the Kaio-shin that would create life in different worlds and universes that Daishinkan made, also these would be in charge of supervising the stability and evolution, not to make it long so it was, the branch grew and grew until its deity classification grew. All these were only measures for the Original Dimension.

And it could be said that everything was already done, they already had their universes full of life, they also had everything administered of how the life cycle of all these would be, if there is life after death, punishment or salvation, everything, everything absolutely was done. But they were surprised that not everything could be as they planned, the lives that they created began to reveal themselves in a way, they caused havoc in their worlds and that was a bad thing, since it did not let the stability between creation and destruction to be well.

This would be where Zeno-Sama would come in, since his job would mostly be to destroy and who better than him, but this simple task seemed boring to him, he was just a lazy child who wants everything, Daishinkan could not complain, since he was affected by the little influence he had from Xerzene in pampering him as much as possible.

Daishikan looked again at the situation of the universes and worlds, the situation had worsened, destruction dominated more. He wondered about the Kaio-shin, but they were only given the duty of guarding and creating life in them, in terms of destructive power they are no big deal. At that moment when Daishikan was about to intervene, other people appeared without further ado, who fought against the destroyers and brought about a kind of stability between good and evil as it would be known later on.

This opened Daishikan's eyes and he checked more, not only in the Original Dimension itself, but also in many others and he found that in these other Dimensions, in other Worlds that other Deities created, the same thing happened, good confronted evil and vice versa.

That was the key, as this was the Original Dimension and where there was more power because Xerzene and Zarama were born here, they also needed beings that bring that stability with impotence and great power that is unimaginable to be in charge of each Universe that he created.

So at the suggestion of Daishikan and his angel children, the 2 beings, Xerzene and Zarama accepted that each one of the Universes of the Original Dimension, have their own God to give stability to these, there was already the creation, what was missing was the destruction to fix all the problems. They created the Gods of Destruction for each Universe, here it would be a 50/50 the perfect balance, they had the abrupt power of destruction by Xerzene and the thought and reasoning of Zarama, he would have liked to give them also the ability to create, but Xerzene was not allowed, in exchange Zarama gave them the possibility to create and obtain different abilities that help them in their different situations that they will have in their life, these vary by the person who will have these powers.

Now if they had everything, quickly these Gods of Destruction did their job and brought with their great power the stability that was a big problem, now if everything was in great order in the Original Dimension.

Again I deviated from the subject, out of nowhere I told you the process of everything that existed before Xerzene and Zarama confronted each other. Now if returning to what happened before, from their fight an Error was born, where it descended in one of these Universes, falling into one of these Worlds to start its life, without anyone noticing, without anyone knowing of its existence.

This Error would later be called Eve by a boy, so we will call her Eve from now on. Eve woke up and at the beginning of everything she had no form, she was just like her parents, they had no form and she the same, she found a nice and quiet world that already had enough time to evolve, from simple microorganisms, they were now known as humans in the Contemporary age, that is, at present. Eve did not know what she had to do, she was simply a being of nothing with nothing, and for that reason something came to her mind that was a nothing, and that was to learn.

Time passed, a long time that managed to learn a lot, and that nothingness already had a form, or rather had adopted many forms to live in this world, she met many people and liked the work they did all, thanked everyone for creating something so wonderful. But out of nowhere it was as if everything had stopped, Eve looked at the sky and there was nothing, but in that nothingness there was a danger that even she could not imagine, in that time she learned that Xerzene finally woke up more than planned, and decided to start the plan that I said at the beginning.

There was a big white explosion, yes, like something white that made everything disappear, there was no noise, no chaos, everyone was still, everything disappeared. Eve covered her eyes to resist what was happening, and when she opened them again she noticed that everything she was seeing, returned to normal, that white light, that nothing was nothing, somehow everything happened without doing anything.

Time passed again and Eve grew to a more, his personality was different from that of his parents, who do not seem to have it. Instead Eve was a girl, since that was the form that most adopted in his life, was expressive, cheerful, funny, sometimes capricious, shy, determined, rude, has so many facets by the different people he met in his life, so he decided to take from each of them a bit to form his person, surely that also affected his form that takes mostly, which is a girl between 15 and 18 years, brown hair and also her clothes are between that color, light brown or reddish orange. ...I don't know what she's wearing...And I'd like to know whose hair it is that she has animal ears and tail...but are they ears? It looks like her hair is shaped like ears, but well, I like her! It wouldn't be weird to me that it was me who asked her to have it, now that I imagine it, and well, because of the name, maybe it will be an Eevee in Human Form?....The only one I can imagine seeing it is me to name it Eve, again I can hear Maya telling me that I'm not good with names....(_ _|||||)

But in Eve's quiet time, again there was another glow, but again everything went back to normal, there was another reboot by Eve and her great power for being Xerzene and Zarama's creation. Eve wondered what could be causing all this, why there would be someone who would want to destroy this peaceful world, again time passed and she had her answer in front of her. Xerzene himself appeared in this world and everything fit, "So you are the Error" said Xerzene when he saw Eve, he knew immediately what his creator was up to, but she could not face and likewise, Eve can not raise her fist against Xerzene because he is her creator and because he is an Error, and Xerzene can not kill Eve because in terms of power, Eve is a thousand times stronger.

Without further ado here would begin the slaughter, Xerzene had already put hands on the matter for some time, the Angels did not intervene, Zeno-Sama did nothing as expected, he had recruited Gods of Destruction from the Original Dimension, the first ones to serve him, where they accepted and others refused, which this battle would unleash a war which would be called "The End of the Beginning" also contact with the other Deities of other Dimensions to help him, others agreed, but most knew that this was not the best, that their work of why they were created would be destroyed without further ado they did not accept it, their Dimensions and Worlds of these deities would fall and would be in the sights to be destroyed as well as their different realities and versions.

Eve knew that this had to stop, so she made a plan, since the Angels and Zeno-sama would not help her, she decided to go with the one who once faced Xerzene, that is, she presented herself to Zarama who could only present himself as a being with nothing.

They agreed that if they could not oppose Xerzene, then an ignoramus should do it, that one of his creations of which he has no idea should be the one to put an end to all this, a simple being that becomes a God, Deity, that reaches their level and can defeat him and put an end to all this hell. Eve already had the candidates to take this task, who would be the people she met in her life while learning, that she will be who will guide them to get that power and just as there was a white light that destroyed everything, let there be a white light of hope.

While they were talking they found out that Xerzene was going after the Gods of Destruction who refused to help him, they have the power of destruction that was conceived by Xerzene, the Power of Original Destruction, if Xerzene recovers it, his recovery may not take as long as he expected.

At the beginning there were 18 Universes, 6 were destroyed and the Gods who were in charge of those universes could not tolerate such indignation that they decided to support Xerzene, the cause of their universes being destroyed was the same Zeno-Sama, if it had not been for Xerzene who saved them they would not have been counted.

The other 12, when opposing to help Xerzene, had their own mission, which is to stop the ravages of the Original Dimension and its different Realities, they would confront against the 6 Gods, all to avoid that with the Super Dragon Spheres they would bring the Guardian, who would be the only one who could be the doom of Eve.

And so it was, the 18 Gods of Destruction had their first and only mission, 12 against 6, they may be less but they received more power from Xerzene, the 18 Original Gods of Destruction faced in a great fight, all in the presence of the Dragon Super Spheres, which could define the fate of existence.

And so it was as time passed, Eve was already instructing and guiding the boy who would end Xerzene, for his breakthrough obtained by Eve's intervention. Of the 12 Original Gods who fought for a long time against the other 6, only 1 is still alive, the other 11 were heirs, successors chosen for their great advance in power and who could handle the great hidden work of just maintaining the balance by destroying, they were also entrusted with the power of the Destruction of the Originals.

Seeing that they were a nuisance they decided to finish them off at once, with the 12 current Gods, since without them everything would be easier for the other 6, but at what point? If they have fought thousands of times and the fights were close, there was a moment where they wondered why this happens, their fights always happened in the Original Dimension, why it happened so many times..... is as if someone restarted everything.... and that is why many times they managed to kill them, but always their successors returned to resume the mission of their predecessors "¡¡!!!! Upa....and if we kill them in the middle of the ceremony?"

One of the 6 suggested, and he was right, since it was not that those they killed came back to life, but what came back was the Original power of Destruction that is now in the hands of their successors. They are the Originals and there is no other like them in other realities, there is only one of them.

There is only one Original Dimension, where the fights mostly occurred, there is only one Xerzene and Zarama, although there are many realities and worlds, there is only one of them, this also goes for their closest creations, there is only one Daishinkan, there is only one Zeno-sama (not pinches 2 as it is in the manga xd) the Angels that were created by Daishinkan, not being directly created by the 2 great ones, they do have their different versions in each reality. And the ones that were directly created by Xerzene and Zarama, that's right, the Original Gods of Destruction, there is only one in all existence. 11 died and 1 survived out of the original 12, while the other 6 are the originals, they never had a casualty.

Going back to the above, if they interrupt the ceremony to God of Destruction to the new successors, it would finally end, as the Original Power that brings them trouble would end and they could be given to Xerzene. Although there are many realities, like them, there are only 18 Fragments of the Original Power of Destruction, when they killed the 11 in different confrontations, they were able to see how the only one who survived took such power with him and in a short time that restart occurred, everything changed, but not the Originals, their top priority if one dies is to protect the Original Power and thus give it to others. If they interrupt the ceremony, they could steal it or destroy it and thus be left without that great power. Without further ado they began their plan, they told Xerzene and she agreed. They were in the Original Dimension where everything began, where the main and original things happened. The Universes were destroyed and it was not safe to stay, the only thing the Gods could do was to take shelter in Zeno-Sama's Castle together with the Angels, there they would be safe, these were the 12 Gods of Destruction that we currently know from Dragon Ball Super, who unfortunately could not know the truth or get to that point. They simply only knew that something bad was happening in their universes and they must take refuge. But before they arrive, in the middle of their journey a voice heard "Stop, It's a trap".

It was the voice of Eve, who was able to know what Xerzene and the other Gods were up to with the help of Zarama, he explained to them that if they go to the Castle they will take away the Original Power that was recently given to them, that the Angels are against him now, he is against them.... the only ones they can trust are his assisting angels. That Daishinkan used the Dragon Super Spheres to speed things up and they are forced to give up the Original Power.

The Gods acted differently, many did not understand, others complained and others simply did not think, Eve told each one in the middle of the space to leave or transfer their consciousness to the Original Power, it is not that the successor they will dominate it completely, it is only for them to agree if their successor is who Eve shows them, she says that she already did this many times with her reboot that she does, that there is no time to lose, that this is necessary to have a chance.

The Gods all doubtful did not know what to answer, that it is very sudden, without further ado Eve showed them the reality of what is happening and all that entails, there all lowered their heads and feel frustrated for being the only generation of Gods of Destruction in not being able to fulfill that mission, and also for being the fastest to leave office, in time for humans, it would be like getting a job 2 days ago and leave it today.

Without further ado they accepted to leave the Original Power together with their consciousness and leave everything in Eve's hands, again there was that white glow that destroyed everything, being transported directly to the worlds where their successors would be, they did not choose them, they were forced to choose them.

By the power and desire of the Dragon Super Spheres, the universes were destroyed and life began again from scratch only in the Original Dimension. Being now only beings of light that have little time, they would go with their successors, they would explain only little, since it would be bad to put such a burden on them from the beginning, Eve knew that others would discover her plan, she has to keep the Original Powers unharmed, there are only 18 in all existence, to keep them busy, Eve created copies of these powers to serve as a decoy in other realities where the same thing happened.

As I said before, who does not have direct contact or is created directly by the 2 great ones, has his different realities, and that goes for the 11 successors to the God of Destruction, many of them will believe to receive that power, but it is only a decoy copy. The real ones that receive that power as it is the case now are the ones that really have a chance to win, the ones that were born in the Original Dimension. They are the ones who are most protected by Eve, they are the ones who have the most time to grow and advance, to take it all in stride.

What Eve said to these Gods she did in several realities, using them as a decoy to give more time....only in the Original Dimension of the Original Reality are the Original Powers.

A boy was walking through the streets of his house after shopping, while being observed by Eve from the sky, who does not know whether to smile or feel guilty about all this, finally brought the Original Power with the consciousness of the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe, Bills, told him that this is the boy who will be his heir, where the Cat God seems as if he had already seen him before, he was familiar, and without further ado he accepted, he went in a hurry, while Eve after so long time let out a smile. That reaction even if he had seen it several times gives him grace, the young man was running through the streets when he saw a portal that appeared out of nowhere.

"He will tell you that for sure behind the portal a castle awaits you, in principle you were supposed to meet Zarama, and there they will explain everything, sorry, but I lied to you, that no longer works....tu must, get all the power and experience as.....lento as possible, nor I know in which world you will end up since I always send them randomly, this time I can not be with you, I want to see your own growth, I hope you and the others, end this hell."

Eve smiled as she saw the boy running from one side to the other where, she turned to the side and looked at Menhera was going the other side of the road, this she did not foresee, that there is someone who witnessed this.

"She was the sister of the previous God....I'm still confused, how did you end up involved?"

Eve withdrew from this world disappearing without further ado, while the original was hidden somewhere in existence so that she would not be caught, again that fight between the boy and Xerzene was happening somewhere in the dimension. But this will be a reason why he loses, despite being from the Original Dimension he is not from the Original Reality, therefore he does not possess the Original Power of Destruction, which is a great disadvantage. But that's why he believes in the boy, if he reached such a point several times without the Original Power, ....Eve has hope in ending this hell, that this time it will be the last.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

In case you are interested in the story and want to know what is coming, I will leave you a chronology with everything that is coming in the future and what is in mind.

.World 1: Sonic's World.

-Mysterious Island Arc

-Parasite Arc

.World 2: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou.

-Parasite M-Arc

.World 3: Pokemon.

-Life with Syl Arc

-Lucario's Desire Arc

-Karma Arc

.World 4: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon.

-Isekai Anomenos Arc.

.World 5: Show by Rock!

-Walk through the Melody Arc

.World 6: Original Home.

-3rd Grade Spring Pt1 Arc.

-Arc C no Monogatari

--3rd Grade Spring Pt2 Arc.

-Arc Past of Encounters

-The 3 Heroines Arc

-Arc Zero

-3rd Grade Spring Arc Pt3

.World 7: Seto no Hanayome.

-Kogarana Arc

.World 8: Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shita!

-Inma Arc

.World 9: Re:zero.

-Infinite Labyrinth Arc

.World 10: Charlotte.

-Star Arc

.World 11: No game No life.

-Birth of God Arc

.World 12: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. l Arc.

.World 13: Jashin-chan Dropkick. l<Rescue< p>

.World 14: Sora no Otoshimono. l MY

World 6: Original Home.

-M.U.G.E.N Arc

-3rd Grade Spring Arc Pt4

.World 15: New Game!

.World 16: Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu l

.World 17: Gabriel Dropout l <Menhera Arc< p>

.World 18: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu. l

.World 19: Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san.

.World 20: Overlord.

Decisive Story: End of the Beginning Arc.

.World 21: Monogatari.

-Kimiro Arc

.World 22 (Definitive End): Danmachi.

-XYZ Arc

.World ̷M̷%̷6̷S̷4̷@̷#̷∟̷_COPY00̷4̷5̷2̷∟̷2̷E̷R̷R̷O̷R̷

