
Chapter 184: Concert is Coming Pa?

A huge drill-shaped attack was furrowing the skies, no, it was piercing the skies as never seen before, we all fought together, we united to be able to defeat what we could never do alone, and Hiro finally understood it, he would make our current goals of all real, -A was disappearing where he was finally shedding tears, the truth was that he could cry since long before, being more concrete in the part where Hiro told him to cry, but if he did, his father would have never made this decision.

With Hiro touching his chest he implied that he will fulfill -A's wishes, which for sure are many, he will turn his life into something that this special person will be proud of even after his death, so that the smile he always showed -A will be present wherever he is now. Also at the end of this was given a Melodisian to Hiro, giving to understand that he is someone else of this world and is recognized as such, now people will not take him as if he was a strange person who appeared from nowhere ..... or so if.

In these 2 years since Hiro arrived to this world, at his 14 years old, this is the moment that he will always remember no matter how much time passes, where he is really happy to have won a fight and also to have lost someone important.

Hiro continued in the skies, it was as if he was in a moment of calm, he saw the starry sky that he could not see because of the lights of the city, but in this place where he is above the clouds, he could see closely the space, the stars, comets and constellations of this wonderful place that he has been living all this time.

『I would have liked Kiara to see it with me, I want to see those eyes shine again』.

Hiro was really amazed with the sights and wanted to share it with his childhood friend, the first time he saw his friend's eyes shine but for real, was in that hospital, where he was just standing there surrounded by bandages all over his body. Kiara's surprise was shocking but silent, it was practically something impossible, since it seemed that he would always be bedridden and would never move his body again, Hiro was already breaking the laws that were put on him, while he removed the bandages from his head, the little Hero could see him, the first thing he saw after years was Kiara's shining eyes, although they were covered by her bangs, he could see them perfectly, his return to his Hiro's world was simply beautiful.

The little Hero was extremely tired and really exhausted, he relaxed his whole body because he could not take it anymore, he looked down and noticed that someone else was falling, it was M in his Human Form who seemed to have fainted. Without hesitation the little Hero decided to make a last effort for the sake of his friend, he was not flying, he was falling with style, Hiro propelled himself with his fists hitting them in the air, where he could catch M in his arms where he was still unconscious of what was happening.

POMMMM!!!!! They fell to the ground at last after like falling for minutes, he raised dust simply, no longer even radiating that force that destroyed everything with his movements.

『Superhero landing, the chimichangas would be proud』.

It was the voice of M who seems to have finally woken up, congratulating him for his great landing that the mercenary himself would be really happy, seeing him calm Hiro and seeing him showing a calm gesture gave me to understand that everything ended for good and that we can finally relax, those are the parts I hate the most after a hard fight, they make you want to stay in bed and sleep for several days, indeed, I think I even did it several times before. I could no longer feel anything from my body, but what I could feel was in the position we are in, Hiro was still carrying me in his arms as if I was some kind of princess who was saved by her prince, the moment I realized it I quickly felt ashamed but most of all I felt repulsed by this.

『get off me prro!!ლ (#`ロ^;)>! Let go of me, that I'm not a damsel who needs to be charged!!!! Unless I'm a pretty loli, there I do let go 』('꒳`)『The thing is let me!!!!』

I threw a tantrum on the spot to be let loose by this brat of a child, now it was me who didn't want anyone's support, that for some reason, Hiro was hardened not to let go of me.

『You whine like a baby, ah!!!! The floor kills you!!!! I always knew you were someone weak, just look at you, you're skinnier than ve----』

『Don't say that joke,(`^') we don't want to get cancelled, okay? (-,-)』『In any case, let go of me!!!!! I'm fine!!!! 』

Again after shutting Hiro's mouth so he wouldn't say anything stupid, since it seems he likes to talk nonsense, I found myself throwing a tantrum to get him to let me go, and he was still stubborn enough not to let me go, but what happened to him? !!!! Normally, even though I'm mrd this guy would throw me to the ground and ignore me!!!!! And now when I want him to do it he won't do it!!!! If you know how to earn the hatred of others Hiro.....I was really wanting to get away from this stubborn guy where without me noticing something fell to the ground where our looks from both of us went down to see what it was that fell, when we saw it we noticed that it was my arm that finally let go of my body. Our gazes were literally(・-・).

『...How disgusting.....fuchi』

Were Hiro's words when he saw my arm without more on the ground and filling it with blood, where without more now if he threw me to the ground next to my arm, I really wanted to scream in pain, I really wanted to scream like never before for this great loss I had, I have no strength for anything else or to return to my Lucario Form and heal myself, I really wanted to scream for what I was feeling.

『HIROOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a $%62$!!!! $%@#%!!!!! $&$3!"!!!! 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸』-『I hope you $#$%&@!!!!! Hero my #&&2&@@&&$8!!!!!! 』 o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(ꐦ ꈨຶ皿ꈨຶ)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡

I started insulting him like I have never done before, it really brought out the worst in me, I have never hated someone so much in my life to insult even his grandmother, and that that is serious stuff, you will know the level of hatred I have for this guy at this point. I completely ignored that I just lost my arm and literally all my strength I used to give a speech and correctional to this guy that I don't know how his mind works, although more than giving him speeches it was pure insults to him, to his father, his mother, his family, dog, cat, neighbor, his likes, his way of being, his school, his offspring, his friend.....no to her no, but everything else yes!!!!! And I also cursed Carlos, why Carlos? I don't know, he looks like he knows a Carlos, this little Hero. (╬ಠ益ಠ)

『(He looks like a rabid monkey)』 ( *∵* )

It was what Hiro thought when he saw me at this time, minutes passed and I had calmed down, I think it was the dumbest thing I did but now I feel more liberated after doing all this.

『*sigh* How good I feel』@^▽^@『And now where are we?』

I was looking at my surroundings and I didn't know how to locate where I was, we were outside the city, well, city I think still exists, I want to think that, it seems that our last action took us to a place really somewhat far from where we were mainly, I wanted to locate myself so I took with my hand my torn off arm where I licked his finger and raised it high to know where we have to go.

『Let's see, if the wind is blowing this way, then we are here, so if we walk this way, we should be able to see that here and we would get here!!!! I got it brat!!!』(^-^*)/

This way I found out where we have to go to get to the others, I actually just played the one who knows since I can't feel anything with the broken arm I grabbed and used to guide me. But anyway Hiro believed me and was excited.

『Oh!!!! Well done Ed failure!!!!』▒▒▓"▇▅▂∩( Д)∩▂▅▇"▓▒▒▒▒

The truth is that I was guided by the night sky, it is not so different in our world that I was able to guide myself with the stars and some constellations, now we were heading towards the others where I took the lead by grabbing and using it as a pointer my broken arm.

We walked for a few minutes through this deserted place where the only illumination we had was the moon and nothing else, Hiro ended up winning me and went ahead of me, while I was steps behind him, I was agitated and felt that I could no longer, I know that Hiro must be the same but simply does not want to show it, I dropped my arm that was holding it where by the sound Hiro turned to see me, I was really panting because it was finally my time.

『Looks like I've come this far..... I hope I've at least taken the tension off you with the stupid things I did.... there's not much left to go so let's both make an effort』.

Without further ado I disappeared from the place as if it was nothing, I left no trace that I was once there and in the whole journey that I walked with Hiro. Before this Hiro remained silent and looked at that place where I disappeared, shocked and like not understanding anything Hiro slowly but with each step accelerated to reach the place where he left me, he began to dig like never before, he had no more strength, only with his hands and nails he was tearing the earth in a desperate way.

『Don't fuck with me....don't fuck with me....you can't just leave me!!!!! You can't leave me alone after what we've been through!!!!! Why are you like this.....why are you like this...why am I like this...not that I always do it with everyone...I don't know why I always did it with you...to leave you stranded and not help you.....if I had helped you in your state this wouldn't have happened....why am I doing it with you!!!!!!』 -『I think I know the answer...because I think you are better than me in many things.....unlike me that at the slightest suffering I was already lost.....tu....tu...you were simply better than me!!!!!! When I saw that there is someone like me and better I was happy but I was also afraid.....when I heard your exploits that you did and what you lived.....compared to what I did I felt inferior...I wanted.....I wanted to do great things to be able to be at your level.....that's why at first I helped you, but then I threw you away because of what you would do to me....idiot!!!! idiot!!!! I am the idiot!!!!! Don't leave me alone!!!!!! I don't want to be alone!!!!!! A Master is nothing without his disciple!!!!! It's fun to spend time with you, that's why I was looking for you, please reach out your hand again!!!!』

Hiro seeing that he did not achieve anything by digging in that place, he decided to hit the floor with all his strength, but he did not achieve anything, if his goal was to make a huge crater then he failed. No longer desperate to lose again someone who changed his way of being, he would not be willing to lose someone else by his own hand. Hiro would start to run giving small jumps to look elsewhere in this desert, but his run was unexpectedly stopped, when he realized he was no longer advancing, moreover, his foot no longer touched the ground, when he looked down he was stunned, he saw a huge endless hole below him, he knew it, he knew it was this that just appeared below him.....

『(It's the hole.....f that time...where I was separated from my world...and from my friend....)』

Hiro got scared, what he had below him was the Rainbow Portal that transports the successors to different worlds, without further ado as if it was slow motion he started to fall slowly inside this Portal, he had no strength to propel himself, he had no strength for anything, the more Hiro fell he started to think the worst.

『(Does this mean I'm going to leave here?.... Where am I going to go?...Does it mean I have to start from scratch?....everything that happens here.....everything I achieve here.....simply won't work for me anymore.....I don't want to!!!! I don't want to leave!!!!! I did too many things here to leave!!!!! I don't want to let them go!!!!!! I have things to do!!!!! I have things to accomplish!!!!! I got very precious treasures I never thought I would have...please..... don't take away what I want a second time..... please)』 』

Hiro stretched out his arm, his hand who was on the edge of the Portal, he was just falling to the bottom but he would keep fighting until the end, he was afraid, he was very afraid of what would await him if he fell again, what would await him on the other side, we humans are afraid of what we don't know, and Hiro has it very clear. I was drawing tears, I really don't want to leave this world.

PAM!!!!! An applause was heard! Hiro when he looked he was really glad, his outstretched hand was answered by someone who came to help him, it was M in his Human Form but this time with traces of his Lucario Form on parts of his body, who was holding Hiro by the palm so he wouldn't be carried away by the portal. Hiro was really crying because he was really afraid, while M was forcing himself like never before in his exhausted state.

『You will not take away...my friends for the second time!!!!!! You won't take them away from me again!!!!!!!』

¡¡¡!!!!!! With strength M shouted at the top of his lungs, using his maximum strength, he managed to lift and take Hiro from the portal, bringing him back to this world from which he didn't want to leave and was screaming not to be taken away. It was so much strength that M used that they both fell lying on the ground extremely tired, M was breathing heavily, where Hiro was lying staring at the sky shocked.

『...Thank you...really...thank you very much....you really are a Hero M.....』

Hiro was covering his eyes with his hands so that I wouldn't see him crying, just crying in his presence is enough for him. I who was already standing up, I was still shaken but with strength, I was standing next to him while he was lying down, where without further ado I smiled in a friendly way to my friend.

『Third Commandment: Help each other if we're in trouble』. -『Penalty: Buy Ramen』-『We are friends after all, and I don't abandon them, I just don't want to be worse than scum *grin*』.

Those were M's words as he extended his hand to Hiro to help him stand up, where Hiro at this action smiled in the same way, I could see him, he let me see his pathetic side, he still had tears smeared on his face, I'm glad he's crying from happiness, since that's what our First Commandment is about, but if I have to apply all full, then Hiro broke many times the Fifth Commandment , which is to tell us if we have any problems. Hum.... what are the Commandments? They are simply that, Menhera, Rino and I decided to create them so we can always help each other, our friendship is that great to create them, although we made them when we were in elementary school so it can actually be something silly that we came up with at the moment, it's not mandatory at all, but we use them if it's really something serious, and we also use them for joking♪♪♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪♪♪♪.

『(I really want to see them again....)』


All the other gangs were in the same place, like waiting for us to come back so we can be safer, something could be seen in the distance come running, although it's not as huge as Hiro would do, some made rice eyes to see what was going on, when they found out some felt confused and some just laughed.

『Now if we're even brat』 (◕‿‿◕。)

I was saying to Hiro who now he was the one in my arms being carried like a princess, upon arrival the little Hero looked like a statue that just fell to the ground and even bounced a few times, he was really hard, and he was like that all the way while I was carrying him, for sure his body and mind used it as a defense to not be able to process what just happened.

I was going straight to him and as usual when I see him like this, I like to wake him up with the use of my hands.¡¡¡¡!!!! Hiro became alert but quickly stopped when he saw that I was stroking his head to wake him up, where he was confused and didn't say a word.

『Did you think I was going to poke your eyes?』 ల(*'= ◡ =`*).

The truth is that I did want to but Ailane at the last instance stopped me, the little Hero stood up and when he got up the first thing he saw besides me was Ailane who was on his forehead, where Hiro was confused as he didn't know how to talk to her after what she wanted to do to him.


PIM!!!!!!! Without further ado Ailane poked Hiro's eyes, where the little Hero rolled to the ground to lower the pain of what just happened, where she could see Ailane slap her palms and then smile in satisfaction of what she just did.

『There, now I feel better』

Looking at her I was at a loss for what to do, now I understand why she told me not to poke her eyes, she wanted to do it herself, for sure it's like her way of getting revenge after hitting and almost killing her earlier. I don't know what Hiro will think after this, I just hope he won't still think she's someone bad. (*'・∀・)

While Hiro wanted to play strong for a few moments, but Ailane's power was so much that she didn't even let him stop showing his weak side to every present he was, again I looked at Ailane and I could feel how she enjoyed seeing Hiro in this state.

Each and every one of us saw how this part of the city was left, MidiCity is a huge city, and when I say huge is really huge, now half of the city where most of the fight happened was totally destroyed, there is nothing, it does not exist, it is as if here is foundation and abruptly POM!!!! earth and sand, but still we felt calm and sighed with relief, since for sure everyone will blame Hiro and he will have to take care of everything, Hiro is very useful in several situations besides fighting against villains, we felt sorry for the little Hero, but what we were saved from was much bigger.

We stayed talking for a few moments and reanalyze everything that happened here, where I will not deny it, I took a few laughs to learn and run into certain characters that I do not think I will have the opportunity to interact with them again.

『Stop laughing, you're really rude sometimes』.

Ailane was scolding me where I was resisting my laughter so I wouldn't let it out again after what happened, but it wasn't possible, my mouth was re red and like a squirrel with my mouth re full, where I couldn't help it and again I was laughing because of what just happened.

『I'm telling you to stop laughing!!!』

Ailane was blushing and nervous at the same time, for sure as the others know that we are close, they will think that she is like me and that she also laughs for those things, she was really embarrassed that she happened to hit me with her fists on my chest, she unleashed all her small anger against me.

『That tickles jajajajajjaa』(థฺˇ౪ˇథ).

While some were already leaving, they were first saying goodbye cordially to each other and wishing each other luck, yes, it's just what you're thinking, now since the danger is gone, their work for the day is still not over and they have to go to complete a mission just as or even more important than this one. I was leaving too, where I looked back and looked at Hiro who was next to the pope, and next to him the huge Mecha with whom he fought like never before.

『My beautiful Mecha...it cost me a lot of money to have it!!!!! And now it's unusable.....Maybe if I hurry I can repair it and get it back to like new condition!!!! Yes!!! That's right!!!!! The passion for Mechas should never die!!!!!』

It seemed like fire was coming out of the Potato because of the determination it had, where to Hiro was there to get a closer look at this huge robot, it made him curious and wanted to get a closer look, but seeing the Potato's resolve and that it also fights still when the fight was over, it made him very happy.

『I don't know what you are, but I like your spirit!!!! hahahaha!!!!!』

Hiro started to congratulate him and was hitting his back to the potato, where also the President also laughed to accompany the young man in this, Hiro kept on and kept on hitting that went from a soft one to harder and harder. pam....Pam....PAm....PAM....PAMMM PAMMM PAMMM PAMM!!!!! Crack!....

A cracking sound was heard, Hiro was curious and so was I who approached to see what had happened, I searched the place and even approached the Mecha to see if he was the one who made the cracking sound, Hiro felt something viscous in his hand and looked at it, after processing it he gave a loud scream that was heard for many meters.

『AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! IS CUM!!!!!!!!!!!』ヾ(((;ꈡ▱ꈡ;)))ノ

I quickly alerted myself and went over to see, Hiro was shaking with a lot of fear and from the disgust that he couldn't move like he wanted to, when I saw his hand if there was like something white liquid on it, where quickly I was also confused and looked at Hiro worried, Hiro's face was like he had seen the worst thing in the world, where without further ado I.....PAMM!!!!! With my hand full of Cum I hit his face, where this one was smeared, I don't know why I did it the truth, I just thought that I can't miss this opportunity, Hiro without further ado hit another scream Σ(°Д°;≡;°д°) and threw himself at me as if he wanted to hit me for what I did to him.

Cyan who had come back to take the Potato away came across a scene where the little Hero had Cum on his hand and face, who was chasing a guy who was just saying.

『It was joking bro』 ━(◯Δ◯∥)━ン.

Cyan let out a confused laugh and went straight to the Pope who was kneeling on the ground, Cyan seeing this got alarmed and went to help his President, Director, I don't even remember what it was anymore xd. And he was alarmed because he was losing blood, where he shouted for help.

"You still have strength left, don't you M-san? Could you please cure the President?

I stopped where Hiro took advantage and hit my face with his hand full of Cum, where I also hit a scream of utmost disgust. ✧.*(⌯ⅉॕੰૈ▱ⅉॕੰૈ)

Already calmer I did what Cyan asked me and went to heal the pope, where he seemed to have a crack in his body and from there the blood came out, but that blood was white and viscous, which made me more confused and asked Cyan what was wrong.

『Ah, it's that the President, he's an Egg *smiles*』

CRACKKKK!!!!!!! It was a big crack but to my mind, my surprise was so much that it really felt like even I myself was going to break, as I healed the Potato I really couldn't think of anything else but how dumb I must have been all this time.

『AN EGG!!!!!-(゜Д゜;)-ン!』

I hit a scream so loud that I think it scared Cyan who was standing next to me.

『Ah...sorry for yelling....but is it really an egg? All my life I thought it was a potato....ah!!!! How embarrassing!!!!! I can't believe it also happened to me like in PvZ!!!!!』 (ノдヽ)

At my desperate reaction Cyan just laughed to make me feel better, and I even think he patted me a few times when he saw that I was really suffering, emotionally, internally, externally, I'm sure I pitied Cyan for meeting someone so dumb that he doesn't know a Potato from a Nue.....digo Huevo.....

『Hay, I want to die....』 (/。\)




Cyan had already gone ahead as well as all the other Bands that have to perform today in that great Event that none of them forgot for a moment, Hiro and I were equally the same, both of us were walking around discouraged for not believing what has happened to us. We were about to reach the other half of the city that was saved from the destruction of this fight, but what was not saved was our destruction, literally even I looked like an idiot, since we always referred to him at all times as a pope.

『It was an Egg....It was a Nut....It was an Egg...It was a Nut...It was an Egg....』 ( ◢д◣)

I was with my arms completely drooping, to yes, I am in full form, while talking to Hiro in the desert I explained to him that what was with him was a clone, you should have seen his surprise, he really didn't imagine it, on the other hand Hiro, he was traumatizing, he still thinks that white thing is Cum.

『Milk.....Cum.....Gum...Sage....Cheese...Saliva....Esmegma...Foam.....Awita of Coconut....Milk....Cum...』 ...φ(..*)

Hiro was repeating anything white as he walked across the land, unbeknownst to us, as we reached the city, as we put the first step into MidiCity. A person was waiting for us crossing his arms, where upon seeing us he faced us with his hands on his waist, firm was making his presence known.

"Until they finally arrived, I was getting tired of waiting for them』.

It was Ailane who was in our front and she was addressing both of us, I didn't know the truth why she was here, Hiro also doesn't know why she was here waiting for her, both of us just didn't know anymore what we have to do after what just happened to us.

『Ha? What do you mean they don't know? It seems like my job of guiding you guys will never end』-『I'll take the first step and you guys will be with me, tonight, we'll make everyone fall down with our music!!!!!』

Ailane said loud and clear with that attitude of firmness and decision that she has, where my silly face was present seconds after listening to her, where I finally came to my senses and looked at Ailane who was really determined, the fight was not over yet, Hiro was also serious and smiled in a confident way, no doubt we both felt that that little girl, we would not bother to follow her.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
