
Chapter 180: It's Not Over Yet

Hiro was willing to end this himself and not let anyone else do it, finally someone showed up who he really has to end it no matter what the consequences are, even if it costs him his life.


The music was at its peak of the last, where Hiro could complete his attack, gather all the necessary power and throw it with all his strength no matter if he can't move after this, because he is sure that all this is over. A great attack came out of Hiro's fist that looked like a drill that as the name said, it would pierce the heavens and even more, the limits he would set himself, so he can always win in every encounter he has.

『Eh?!!!! I don't feel tired at all, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew it, I never get tired, who needs rest? That's for the weak, a Hero like me must always be on top of everything at every moment!!!!! 25 points for me!!!!』

Hiro was laughing for his feat and seeing that he can still continue with the fight, but his spirits were found interrupted when he saw around him, there were not the tall buildings that were in the city, there were not the lights that are a feature of the city, there was not that eternal night that there always is, instead there was a perfectly blue sky with those white clouds, a beautiful day that he never thought he would see it again, Hiro was doubting where he was, he looked down and noticed that the ground reflected the sky, he saw his face and noticed the kind of face he had.

『So this is what my face looks like, wait this is me?!!!!! What??!!!!! I always thought I was someone pretty, that was always told to me by my mother, aunts, family and I think I also once heard it said to Kiara, but what liars!!!!! The only thing I see here is a Hero!!!! Don't call me pretty!!! Call me Hero that's what I am!!!! I am!!!!』


At the words that Hiro said to himself, a voice very familiar to him said his name, hearing it the little Hero was confused, worried and afraid, a simple word, that they say his name made Hiro lower his guard and behave like what he really is, that person was behind him, but he was afraid to turn around because he was not quite sure, he was silent and did not know what to do.

『You have to listen to your elders, I see that you are still the same as always, yes!』

『I knew it....』

At the calm pressure given by that person, Hiro was finally confident, he felt like crying that he was pouring snot, he covered his face with his arm while he was behaving like a child.

"『I knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew_.... knew』『Lo』

He was repeating himself, maybe he was wanting to buy time for him not to see his pathetic side that he has, which that person gave a sigh and was going to go to Hiro to comfort him.

『I missed you so much!!!! Rikao!!!!』

Hiro without further ado went to hug Rikao who the adult was surprised by this, the little Hero was crying on Rikao's body, where the adult to answer him was giving him a hug, he wanted to act strong and maybe show him that he has become even stronger, but in front of him the only thing he always showed is what he is in reality, a simple child who wants to be taken care of, a child who needs someone to be with him, a child who needs his father. Rikao was caressing Hiro's head where Hiro was squeezing harder, his snot and crying, again he was letting himself be comforted and released from everything that happened.

『If it's only been a few hours, it's no big deal』.

『We look at hours differently!!!! An hour is like days!!!! I really missed you a lot, please let me stay for a while like this....』

Hiro was sinking his face into Rikao's clothes, where Rikao simply smiled and heeded what the little Hero said, he was also very pleased to be able to see and be with this boy again who he considers his son.


『By the way, what is this place? Where is the city of lights? Eh?....Eh?!!!!! My leg!!!! My leg is still here!!!!!!! And Rikao also appeared from nowhere!!!!』

Hiro by his surprise ended up being amazed that the leg he lost, was just attached to his body, he started to jump and balance with it, he was also impressed that Rikao is also with him out of nowhere, since the last time he saw him is something not very nice.

『AH!!!! I know!!!! How I defeated the villain everything was solved at once!!!! My leg healed!!!! Rikao is back!!!! Also for sure the city is as good as new too!!!!!I didn't think it was so literal!!!! I like it!!!!! If all problems are solved by taking out the villains, then I've always been doing something good!!!!! Not that I doubted it, but this is so unreal it feels real!!!! It even looks like the end of children's movies!!!!! But where is the city in all this? And the others? Do the others donate? If it's a cliché shouldn't they be praising me and thanking me?!!!! Where are my thank yous ungrateful pigs!!!!!』

Hiro was confused but quickly tried to concretize an answer to all this in his own way, he was jumping and making rice eyes to see how far they were, where Rikao it seems that Hiro still did not understand what was going on, he was about to say it, but without more to search on his own in his own way, Hiro ran away from the place where he was, by his incredible strength and encouragement from one moment to another he was no longer within the sight range of Rikao.

Where the adult was left without how to react to this, a few minutes passed where Rikao was sitting in the same place.

『But how clueless I am, I know Hiro very well, why didn't I foresee that he would wander around in his own way, on top of that he's not one to listen to others, I think we'd better look for him, yes!』

He stood up where he noticed that from far away something was disturbing the peace of this place, it was as if someone was running back, the answer was easy for this place, the only one capable of bringing striking life to this peace was only one person.

『Rikao!!!!! Look what I found!!!!! Now that's a miracle!!!!!』

Hiro was running at full power in this place, where he seemed to be carrying someone on his back, a man in an officer's suit seems to be being the most disturbed and annoying in all of this.


The one who was complaining and finally seemed to get upset about all this was a police officer who was always after this little troublemaker, all these years of being able to put up with him ended up blowing up just like that.

『Eh? what are you saying? That you're a hopeless idiot? I already knew that!!!!! Don't state the obvious person failure!!!!!』

『I really can't stand you!!!!! Get off me already!!! $%!#4@ -6-853-34-gh4-52--3-52--7-4-5%"&/"#$%&$&/245&/"#』Ƒ ư ɕ ƙ (╬゚◥益◤゚) ╬゚

Without further ado that officer took out his stick that the officers have xd, and began without hesitation to hit with all his strength to Hiro, this did not feel anything, no matter how much he hit, it was useless, the officer was even more annoyed and took out his gun, without restraint began to shoot at Hiro, but the bullets remained stamped on his body or simply bounced there was no solution to this.

Finally the 3 of them could meet, where the officer seems to have stopped after this, he seemed to be fine where without further ado he got off Hiro's back, he was starting to leave the place as if he didn't care about anything anymore.

『Eh where are you going?!!!! Where are you going?!!! Tell me !!!!! Where are you going?!!!! Don't be afraid!!! HUH!!! Looks like he couldn't handle Hiro's style!!!』

『I'm trying not to throw up idiot!!!!! Leave me alone!!!! I don't know why I agreed to this!!!! I really didn't feel like seeing you!!!!!!』

At Hiro's insistence to no more power, the officer ended up getting even worse angry at all this, complaining to him and even saying that it was a bad decision he made. PAM!!!!!!!! Hiro without further ado slapped the officer hard on his back where he shot away from the place, he was red in the face from the bruises and again cursing himself for making this decision.

『What are you saying? I really wanted to see you! *smiles*』

Hiro appeared without further ado next to the officer and showed him a nice smile, the officer at this did not know whether to feel happy or even more angry, he got up himself and shook his clothes, although not stained he had to fix his uniform well. Now if already calmer everyone seemed to be finally reunited.

『I went to find out if there is anything else in this place!!!! And on the way I met the officer!!!! He seemed to be walking around aimlessly so I decided to take him along!!!! I was really glad to see him that I increased my speed and ended up ramming him!!!! You should have seen him Rikao!!!! It shot out of nowhere and bounced many times on the ground!!!! But you know what's impressive about all this!!!! He was unharmed!!!! The old-faced officer was unharmed!!!!! I knew he wasn't a normal guy, he's determined!!!! I declare you my disciple!!!!』

『DISCIPLE YOU $%"#$/@@@#$凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 I was just walking along peacefully until you appeared out of nowhere and attacked me!!!! Good thing there's nothing wrong with us here』

『But who were you looking for? I ran all over the place and I only know that it's just me and Rikao』.

Hiro as he always did, ignored the others and only looked for him to have his words answered. The officer after he couldn't stand it anymore again, he after complaining to Hiro was leaving the place.

"I already came for what I wanted, you're still the usual indestructible brat, I feel like an idiot for having come』.

Without further ado he settled his officer's cap and left the place to I don't know where, Hiro looked up as something seemed to be falling from the ground, by his act of good people he stepped aside pushing the officer to save him from whatever it is falling.

『You stop pushing me #$%"$&/@』 (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

POMMM!!!!!! Without further ado what was falling ended up landing on top of the officer who received as much damage as possible, the person who fell from the sky was also someone familiar to the little Hero, who was glad for this, it was none other than the father of the family.

『It looks like I got it right, I'm glad to see you so cheerful and smiling again Hiro』.

Said the father as he saw the little boy again with that characteristic glow that in the last time he saw him there was none, while the officer was totally lying on the ground and felt indignant about all this.

『Why am I always the one who has to carry your troubles brat....』

『I think that's all of them, yes!』

Rikao was calmly watching all this and was happy because it had been a long time since he had seen a scene so lively and full of joy, encouragement like this, for someone busy and without much to do for him, seeing this kind of thing where he can share it makes him really very happy.


Hiro was happy that represented him with a big smile on his face, for the claims and scoldings he received from the officer, made him to be of few words this little boy and if possible to be quiet.

"And by the way, why are you here? What is this place? Even someone uneducated like me I know this looks like a lie, because I saw you guys die in front of me, that you guys are here is impossible but I find it hard to believe』.

It seems that he is finally dropping his typical personality and became serious to all this, Hiro was worried that this is fake , as he really wants to believe that this is real, that his efforts have been the doubly rewarded.

『It seems that you are not as much of an idiot as I thought, that's right, this----』

『This is real, Hiro』

The officer was answering Hiro's doubts, where he was interrupted by Rikao, the adult approached the little Hero and was handing him a sweet as he has always been, Hiro was glad and accepted without further ado, he ate while being caressed again on the head by Rikao.

"See? You can feel it, can't you? Don't worry, we're not lying to you』

『Don't worry, of course your efforts are going to be rewarded, this place is, how can I tell you, it's the place where you can talk peacefully with everyone, here there are no villains to defeat, here there are no bad people, here you don't have to try harder, just talk *smile*』.

The father of the family approached Hiro seems to explain this place in a simple way, they both try to avoid telling him the truth of what is this place, where Hiro without further ado would accept it since he trusts them.

『Talk? I'm not good at it, but I'll try!!!! I'll give my best efforts to talk!!!!!』

『Shiiii!!! Don't shout, don't ruin this calm place you already caused too much commotion』.

The officer at the first time was already correcting Hiro, who this one quickly covered his mouth with his hands, seeing again the place so calm he also felt like taking a little break, he sat on the floor with his mouth still being covered with his hands, this time he will be the one who listens and will not say anything until the end.

『Well, then who will be first?』

Rikao was proposing the order, where the first to raise his hand and go to the front was the householder, where Rikao shook his head in acceptance, neither did the officer seem to object. Without further ado, the father of the family said thank you and bowed and went to sit in front of Hiro where Hiro was still with his mouth covered.

『I've been watching you, I could see you from afar everything that happened since my death, my family.... my wife and son, I was as long as possible somehow trying to be with my family as long as possible, and I could see you that last time interacting with my family, even in the state you were in you were trying to be like always, seeing you playing with your fingers with my son made me funny, that you feel guilty for my death, in that you are wrong, I took this path because I had to, you just wanted to stop me and I am glad for that, after what I did, I could not be the same with my family, I could not stand anymore to show that fake smile to those people. ....So I ask you one thing Hiro, please, fulfill my wish, which is that my family is no longer living in a lie, show them such a real smile for me, that's all I ask you, that they don't suffer anymore please, I charge you』.

The father of the family was bowing until his forehead touches the ground, he himself knows the mistakes he has been in and done, everything he achieved he did behind his family's back but that in the same way it was for their sake, he never wants them to be lied anything and have a life free from evil, the father of the family smiled to Hiro where Hiro's look is calm and he was accepted.

『I will, I promise I will』.

The father wanted to cry and was retreating again bowing to the ground, where he was retreating, Rikao was going to speak to see who will be next, where without holding anything back and quickly, the officer sat in front of Hiro ready to tell him his words.

『Listen brat!!! I want to finish quickly as I have a lot of things to do, I also want to rest once and for all!!!! Don't even dare to answer me otherwise I'll slash you LATAM!!!! (҂⌣̀_⌣⌣́)』-『First!!! Me dying is because of my stupidity, I shouldn't have trusted someone who always had doubts, after all everyone must see for themselves, so don't feel guilty, if not I will come back and make you behind bars yes or yes!!!! Second !!!! But what the fuck have you been doing this time? You wanted to do justice for yourself? He asked you for an answer!!! Not that you shit the city!!! HAYyyy!!! I really can't with you, if I had been sure my head would have already burst all the work you were giving us, but, it wasn't bad as an attempt of justice ..... you even finished with an organization that we have been after them for years, but stop doing it all by yourself!!!! Are we painted!!! Third!!!! Fulfill the promise you made me!!!! is the only thing I ask you!!!! I would ask you for others like stop being so shitty but for sure that will never happen, so just that, did you understand? say you understood!』-『And also one more thing....sorry....it's wrong to talk behind other people's backs.....sorry....』

The officer seems to have unburdened himself with everything he had to say, this was the reason why he came to this place to see this person, where Hiro was attentive and still with his hand on his mouth.

『Yes! Officer!!!! I will do it!!! I promise I will do it!!!』

Where the little Hero responded with his hand on his forehead, as an attempt to be an officer who is in charge of him, the officer to this smiled but quickly caught Hiro's attention.

『I told you not to answer me!!!! You still have a long way to go, and stop calling me officer, I have a name you know?』

『Officer has a name?!!!! I didn't know it!!!! Then tell me so I can call you what you should be called!!!』

『Stop shouting, no no no no no, you knowing my name is too much of a luxury for you, I wouldn't appreciate you repeating my name all the time with that screaming voice of yours either, so nel prro!!!』

『But what a mrd you are, so that you insist me to want to know your name so that in the end you don't tell me? People like you deserve to be scolded by your mother for the bad words you say and that behavior you have!!!! Seriously, how could you become a policeman? With that little mouth you were talking to your mother? With the asshole person that you are inside』.

Hiro also seemed to let off steam and ended up giving back everything the officer said, the officer's veins swelled because he couldn't resist anymore because of Hiro's way of talking to him, it really seemed like a time bomb that would explode at any moment, he would throw himself against Hiro but the father of the family held him back so he wouldn't do something crazy.

The last one left was Rikao who sat in front of Hiro and waited for the officer to stop his fuss. A few minutes passed and finally the calmness that characterizes this place returned. Rikao played a little for what he would say to Hiro.

『Listen carefully, Hiro』

Looking seriously at Hiro, the attitude he took carelessly for these minutes, at Rikao's first voice, the little Hero was in position and was attentive to what Rikao would say.

『Don't feel guilty for my death, I would ask you to avenge me, but the person who ended my life is not someone normal, but it wouldn't be something from me if I asked you for that. I just want to ask you something, please fulfill our dream, which believe it or not are very similar, save people, bring them a tomorrow, give them hope that the next day will be better than the previous one, I became a lawyer because I wanted somehow to help who is in trouble, no matter if it is someone good or bad, at the time of what we do we leave that aside and we only have to focus on one thing, give everything for the good of them, we are not who decide who lives or who dies, we just help them!!! It's that simple, our job is to avoid a worse evil!!! You should not be here, your duty is to fulfill the wish of every person who trusts you!!!! That is the goal that you set for yourself! You are you! Believe in yourself! Now we are with you , so don't ever let yourself down!!!』

Hiro was listening attentively to Rikao's words, that even the little Hero didn't blink because of the attention he was giving him. It seemed to have come to the time, the bodies of the 3 adults were fading away in a white light, Rikao stood up and left together with the other 2 two, Hiro also noticed his body, he too was starting to disappear.

『Goodbye son *smiles*』

Rikao was saying goodbye with a fatherly smile for Hiro, where the little boy would try to want to grab his arm or go to hug him so that he does not move away from him, but Hiro simply took his hands away from his mouth and with a smile decided looked proudly to what will be his future.

『I will, I promise I will *smiles* Goodbye father』.

They disappeared at the same time, they could see each other again and left the same, but this time if they had enough time to be able to exchange the words that in those moments they could not.




The city was destroyed by the fight that Hiro and -A had, the buildings shattered with shattered glass, the tracks destroyed that no car will be able to pass, the parks, shopping malls and almost the entire city destroyed product of the best fight that could have those 2 beings of great abilities.

All the gangs were finally reunited and they could have a moment of peace, it seems that they were not suffering as much as before, their Melodisians were stable for now, the evolution that -A had also seems that he gained knowledge and confidence so that the others don't suffer product of his emotions that he can get to feel.

『I can't believe this was caused by those 2, they really aren't from this world』.

Himeko was looking at all the mess this fight caused, just like her classmates who were also shocked by all this.

『I knew Hiro was strong, but I didn't think so much, unbelievable!!!!! I'm glad to be his friend!!!』

Crow was raising his fist and his cheers for what he just witnessed, when he was watching the fight, he also felt the same as them just like the music, and he wasn't the only one, each one of them was a wonderful moment in the history of this planet.

『But he still couldn't beat him, maybe if he hadn't come to the fight worn out he could have won easily like he always did』-『But I understand, I know how it feels to have to give your best even when your body can't take it anymore』.

Shu☆Zo was commenting while looking at a body lying in someone's lap, in all this time that's been going on, they've been trying to cure the only one who's able to end it all.

『After what he did here, I feel that in our encounter he wasn't even taken seriously, I don't know whether to be happy or upset.....』

Ailane was commenting while looking at the destroyed landscape and Hiro.

『I'm actually glad, although I'm frustrated that he used our plan that we worked so hard on 』.

M in his Lucario Form was healing Hiro who was still resting, these 2 after their encounter with Hiro, M switched to his Lucario Form in order to heal himself, he was lying on the already destroyed building.!!!!! He became somewhat alarmed as he has to heal Ailane first as she surely won't like the idea of him lying down next to her.

『(Damn, I have to cure Ailane first, for sure if I propose her to lie down next to me she will refuse, but it doesn't cost her anything, not even if she was a sexually depraved person looking for lolis. ....or maybe yes?( ̄ ̄^ ̄) yes, the truth is yes, if you see someone like me and he doesn't want to be with a loli, he is an imposter!!!』( ⊙‿⊙)

While I was fantasizing in my head and talking to myself, I felt something in my stomach, like a head that just laid down, I opened my eyes and was surprised what I saw, for sure my reaction would have been more altered but my body was not responding to me. Ailane lay sideways on my stomach and was also being healed by me.

『I'm dead, if you dare to do anything indecent rest assured I will be the last person you will ever see』.

『Naaaa( ̄ω ̄) that my last minutes of life is to see a loli and have it kill me I think that would be a dream fulfilled for me, rather do it, I want to know what that feels like, maybe it will awaken some fetish in me (^~^)』-『I have broken bones all over my body, if I move I will surely die, so you don't have to worry about me O-jo-u-sama』⚈ ̫ ⚈.

I wanted to tease her where upon hearing me she moved her head, that simple movement made the bones in that part move and caused me great pain instantly.

『I see that you're fine, do you have to make serious moments so silly...』

『That hurts!!! But if you want me to get serious, I wouldn't do anything to you if you were really exposed, I couldn't do that to someone like you, maybe the most I would do would be to caress your head and that's it, first I would like to have your approval, but even so, I think I wouldn't do anything to you』.

Both of them had a most peaceful conversation while they were recovering, again as a way to answer him, Ailane moved her head where she again made M suffer with that simple movement.

『Yes that's soft』.

Ailane laid her face on my hairy stomach in this way, to this way I was again responding in a way to annoy her.

『Better than your stuffed animals? Already many praised how fluffy I am in this form, conquering a little Ojou-sama looks like it wasn't a difficult task』. (・∧-)ゞ

『Yes, when I finish all this I'm going to shear you and make a stuffed animal out of the stuffing I'll get 』.

At this my body vibrated with fear, as I think if she would be capable of that, at this Ailane laughed and closed her eyes, she was so tired she just wanted to sleep and when she wakes up she can be as good as new. I like these moments I have with her, she is a tough little girl with a heart after all.

When we were close to recovering, we were awakened by music that we could hear, as well as flashes in the city. Something was happening at that moment that when we finally healed, we decided to go to find out what was going on, I went to my God Form and told Ailane to get on my back to get there faster. And just that...what, did you expect there to be a scene? Of course not, at this moment we were only concerned about what was happening, it was too serious, on the way Ailane told me that she felt bad, that her Melodisian was being contaminated by some ashes.

When we arrived it seemed that the fight was over, we met with the other gangs and in the center of everything was brother Nickel and Hiro who was just standing there. Ailane went with the others to find out what was going on, while I went to Hiro to talk to him.

『I know it's typical of you to stand there like you're a statue, but I think this is not the time for that』

I said as I approached and returned to my Human Form, I could hear some crying, it was from little Nickel, because of this I ran quickly to see what was going on, when I arrived the little boy said that Hiro was dead, I was confused and worried, that boy always full of life and that nothing would stop him, he just died? I didn't believe it, and when I went to check Hiro myself, I noticed that his leg, which I tried so hard to break, ended up in a worse way, it was just ripped off. I saw his headphones on the ground as well as a big lock of hair, I hadn't noticed, but Hiro now had short hair, which makes him look thinner. But when I took a good look at his face and touched his body I already had an answer, I turned to the boy who was still crying.

『Don't cry anymore, do you really think that meco boy will just die? He is capable of facing death to accomplish his goals, he is after all someone who doesn't leave people behind』 -『Hey po, stop making that look you're scaring your friend, always so confused, Hiro』


He was still alive, slight but he was still alive, in a quick way I took care of him so he wouldn't go to meet Diosito, although they would surely vote for him, no one wants a troublemaker like him, I can already imagine him there making messes wherever he passes by. Also Ailane and the others told me what was happening, that a being called -A appeared and that he is a danger for everyone, and from what I heard everything they said I had no clear idea for the answer, but anyway I knew what I had to do, they saw a being without form and they felt empty and without desire for anything, as if they were at the mercy of this being, I wonder if it is the same thing I felt at that moment, you mean he has been watching us all this time....

Hiro suddenly opened his eyes, I alerted the others that Hiro woke up where everyone came over to see him, where his first words were.

『Eh?!!!! Furro boy showed up!!! M for Maricon!!!! What's this?!!! It feels so good this!!!! Better than any pillow!!!』

Hiro was lying on my lap where for some reason because of noticing how soft he was he started hugging my leg and wouldn't let go at all, at this I became alert and wanted him to get away from me, what the fuck, first he attacks to death and now he wants to hug me? I'm glad that little boy I knew is back like before.

『Suéltame!!!!! Whoever doesn't let go of me in 5 seconds eats me whole!!!!』

I said it as a joke, for this where Hiro quickly let go of me and was standing still with his hands in the air and looking like a poker face.

『....(...I didn't think it would work....maybe it's just from knowing him thoroughly...)(・・)』

We all went on to be with Hiro as we were all worried about him, the little boy seeing this was very happy and was beginning to thank everyone.

『Don't worry!!! The villain has been defeated!!!』

He raised his fist and his big smile was present, where we all stood confused, each one with a sweat on his head, while Hiro was confused with this, maybe no one wanted to tell him at that moment, but Delmin without further ado spoke.

『You mean -A? It flew away』

Delmin simply said, Hiro's reaction was statue-like, he stayed in his same place and just moved his mouth.

『Flying away? Eh? But what about my attack?』

"Your attack?』

『Yes my attack, I said Super Attack!!!! Fist Pierce Skies!!! and I was able to launch my big attack never seen before full mega mega hyper chetada magical ssj with the blessings of my little boss, what happened to that attack?』

"Nothing, before your attack, -A attacked you and knocked you unconscious, were you dreaming?』

Delmin bowed his head while having a conversation with Hiro, Hiro after this became silent, he stayed in his same place and was shaking, out of nowhere without anyone expecting it , somehow Hiro blushed because of this.

『Eh? what? but...me?...Lying is wrong little cuernitos.....entonces....eh?...say it's de a mentis.....It can't be!!!!!』

Hiro gave a scream with an extremely red face and ran away from the place, knowing him for sure he won't rest until all this is over, I'm surprised he can do his normal activities even without a leg. Hiro was looking and going straight to where -A was so he could face him again. While at this time -A was conversing with someone for a while, they were in a part of the destroyed city where -A was with a formless being....

『Understood pad...excuse me....Xerzene-sama』

-A who at first was kneeling stood up so that he could look straight at this formless being that we finally know his name, what is to come in these times....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
