
Chapter 158: Trust

『『I did you a favor by following you, so don't let me down, fight with everything you've got!!!!. I want to destroy you too!!! 』』

They both clicked together, voices, thoughts, actions, Ailane and Dagger had the same goal at this moment, and that is to defeat me. Their strength now is much greater because of the fragments of Melodisians they snatched, these are much more dangerous than in the original story.

『Wait Ailane, I'll soon end this nightmare』.

I was in a combat pose, while Ailane's body was completely idle, they must not have much experience in a close combat, so I have the advantage. I raised my hand where my aura surrounded the whole place, thus creating a dome of my own aura, so we won't cause harm to the outside.

『I see that now if you take more complete measures so that others do not intrude, to make you easier, in your fight against the parasite that possessed the God of Destruction of Universe 6, they did not skimp, reducing an entire city to dust, yes you changed a lot in every encounter you had with the parasites, and in all of them you killed them, but I am different, I will not leave her, she will not leave me, she is my vessel! she's my scum! this simple doll is my trump card! even if she's trash, I won't leave her!!!』

The right side of his face, Dagger spoke without sparing a single thought, I clenched my fists and was really annoyed, he showed a countenance of pure hatred.

『You shut up... after all you did you will never change, I have no doubt, I will kill you....』

With a simple blink I disappeared from his sight, I was using Extreme Speed in its greatest splendor, Ailane's body was desperately searching from one side to the other, the only thing they could see was how a blue aura traced a path that quickly faded, I appeared without him having time to react in front of him, I had in my fist the Light technique ready.


POMMM!!!!!! I gave a strong punch, a strong glow was coming out of Ailane's body, I put all my effort into that attack. Maybe I exaggerated but it was necessary, Ailane's body was thrown out of the place by the pressure, crashing against the barrier of my aura. I quickly looked from one side to the other and even looked at every part of my body.

『(Where is it? If I managed to expel it from his body, it must be nearby, it has nowhere to go out)』

I looked at every corner of my barrier I did, Ailane's body wobbled then raised her gaze, she was annoyed and angry.

『That really hurt me....now that you hit me, it's time for me to hit you back』.

There was no longer a division, it was Ailane who was talking to me with her full face, as I looked over I noticed that Ailane had no change, she still had her Pact Form even though I performed the Light technique on her, I was frustrated that my plan didn't work, I thought that if I performed a much more powerful Light I could free her, but she and him refuse to separate. I saw Ailane look at her body and make some movements with these.

『....This was what I wanted, to have the power of the parasite, to succeed in possessing it, I no longer feel its presence in me. I feel much lighter, at least you did something good』.

I gave small jumps and some punches in the air Ailane, I didn't understand what was going on, but it was her completely. I gave a small sigh, I avoided but I see that it will be necessary, I still feel the parasite inside her but slightly, I will have to defeat it to be able to help her.

I launched a few attacks followed by Vacuum Waves to confuse her, Ailane more freely and as she said lightly, dodged my attacks without any problem, quickly proceeded to attack with my clones, her hand became a deformed claw of darkness, where from these came out black ribbons to attack me.

I was finishing with the horde of clones that I sent him, where the real one stood behind Ailane, this one in a calm way did not react, I could notice the ground breaking, dark branches were coming out of these where I took a jump, I took impulse with the barrier, I created some blades with my aura and destroyed the branches without any problem.

『You are very fast and have good reflexes, now the truth is I'm not interested in you, if I run away, you will go after me, just like him, so at once, I get rid of a nuisance』.

Ailane was addressing me, and she's right, we don't have any special reason why we're fighting, right now she's not being manipulated by Dagger, and that worries me.... it's completely her, but I can't let her go, I have to defeat her.

Ailane threw herself against me to fight melee, I would also respond with fists, although I was surprised as I could now fight Ailane melee, where previously she only defended herself with her instrument, it must be because of the experiences of parasites sharing each other. In the exchange of blows I had with her I could notice something, my Light technique disabled Dagger, let's say he is asleep, he is still inside her, that's why Ailane has all the control of her body and the power of the parasite. I'm fighting with one when it was supposed to be with 2, but better for me. I just need to talk to Ailane and no one else.

『Answer me, why are you doing this? Why do you want to destroy this world so badly? Why do you hate music?』

We were still in our one vs one encounter inside the barrier, you could tell it was even, where Ailane was backing up and again attacking me with her dark branches.

『We're in a fight, we don't have time for a conversation, yes you're an idiot』.

Ailane summoned her guitar ¡¡¡¡¡🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵!!!!!! the sound enveloped the whole place, black rays were coming out of Ailane's body, she was starting to destroy the whole place without holding back, using Extreme Speed she could dodge each of the rays, thanks to the barrier she created she could hold back Ailane's attacks.

『With that you don't want to tell me, it must be very hard for you to tell, I can see it, even though you have a droopy look, your eyes are screaming』.

What I said made Ailane too angry who played her guitar harder.

『Who has the droopy look! Who's yelling! I don't need a stranger's words!』

His dark energy began to flutter uncontrollably, melodies began to emerge and attacked me without further ado. Again I was dodging everything, where I likewise summoned my clones. But this was strange, even if I wanted to attack the melodies they were more resistant and at other times they were tangible at the moment of attacking, they moved to the rhythm of their rhythm that was difficult to predict, I could control their notes as if they were part of their body. I charged a strong blow, giving an Increment Fist managing to break free and with a leap I was heading towards her.

『Then I just need to become your friend, so you'll let me help you』.

I was face to face in front of Ailane, where she could clearly hear my words. She stood for a while confused without reacting.


Some melodies were coming to attack me where quickly with a Void Wave I changed my direction abruptly dodging it, the lightning coming from her, the dark branches coming from the ground, and the melodies coming from her guitar, all attacked me without further ado, but now it was much easier to dodge them, and they made me able to get closer and closer to Ailane.

『You said that talking in a fight is for an idiot, talking in a fight is a strategy, don't forget, words can always be used to your advantage, it's the most used weapon since the beginning of existence!!!』

Again I was going all over the place with my Extreme Speed, I was leaving trail of aura wherever I went. While I created an Aural Sphere, the biggest Aural sphere I could have, with it itself and with the incredible speed I started to absorb all of Ailane's attack, the lightning, the branches and the melodies, everything started to absorb it with my attack.

『Shut up!!! Why are you like that, stop destroying your ideas yourselves!!! stop giving it and snatching it at the same time..... with what you just said, your words are false!』

Ailane again all her guitar, a strong blast made me recoil, I could see how she gathered dark energy in the center of her body, the more she played the more powerful energy she gathered.

『Right now no one is able to accept me, no one understands me! Not even my family, and the person I looked up to, my brother abandoned me leaving me behind, he said I was the most important to him! Those words were false! You say you want to be my friend? I will not fall for your words again! I will destroy each one of you for the lies you say!

Ailane threw with all her might all her accumulated power, a powerful beam of black darkness, black branches and black melodies was hurled at me. With the great Aural Sphere I create, with that itself I would use it as a shield. There was a strong crash inside the barrier, I could notice how my barrier was breaking little by little, as well as my great Aural Sphere that was twice as big as me, but I was still making an effort to resist it, I could notice how my arm could no longer resist and I was about to give up...

The attack ended with nothing, there was no explosion, there was no dust rising. Ailane was confused and even worried, M had an agitated breathing tone, he could barely stand, his Aural Sphere was now 3 times bigger than him, he was about to break, where M looked up staring at Ailane.

『You witnessed it yourself, I can.....accept everything from you..., it's not lies what I said, I really want to be your friend, I really want to help you, I want to save you!!!! If you want to destroy me, then I will destroy you first, I will destroy your hatred, I will destroy your sadness, I will destroy everything that weighs you down and makes you doubt, I will destroy...your suffering, I will take everything you don't want! and I will destroy it, like now!』

My hand passed to his God Form, the great Aural Sphere with which I absorbed all his attacks, was beginning to disappear with a purple energy, in the end everything vanished leaving nothing and clean the combat scenario. Ailane having witnessed all this, did not know what to say, she was worried, hesitating, surprised, she did not want to accept, she did not want to fall for those words again, she did not want to trust another person again, she did not want to become attached to another person again.

『You say you hate music, but at the same time you play it, even your attacks are melodies, always accompanied by your guitar, you love music』-I stayed a few seconds thinking about what just happened-『.....huh? Wait Ah! I destroyed your melodies too! Destroy what you love! No no no no, that I didn't mean to, I didn't think about it at the time I did it, please excuse me, I won't do it again』.

Now I was trying to apologize for the action I did, without hesitation I was leaning down so that she really sees that I am sorry. Ailane still didn't know how to respond, just like it was confusing, she first saw a serious M without any mistake, now she sees the same guy but this time bowing, apologizing, acting fast innocently like someone who didn't know what he was doing.

『Really...if you become my friend, you would help me?』

Ailane was whispering in fear, where I could listen to her attentively, and with a smile and confidence I would answer her.

『Of course I will, that's what friends are for, to make you see your mistakes and support you, just let me know, I will do my best to help you *smiles* 』-『And we will also do many things, like playing games, talking about various funny things, going for walks, making jokes, and even playing together, I will accept you as you are and you will accept me as I am, that means trusting other people, I will stand by your side』.


Ailane seemed to be moved by the words that M was saying to her, she was thinking that if she can trust another person, to accept another person, to become friends with another person, to be able to see someone as her family. Ailane was calm, my eyes and everything about me was happy, Ailane was smiling and I could see how those eyes of anger and decay, which were screaming, now softened.

『I'm sorry, but at this moment I can't accept it, I already went too far to turn around, I'm not one to leave a task incomplete, I thought Dagger had disappeared, but he's just sleeping, even I'm foolish, as long as he's still in me I won't change my mind, so M, I don't like to make it easy for people, I don't plan to lose in any encounter I have, strive to defeat me and free me, so I'll know your words are not false』.

Ailane looked on with a defiant smile but full of joy, at the same time I likewise responded with a smile, I was happy, in the end things will be settled with a fight, this match now had much more weight than before.

『You are a fighting brat, it's okay, if I see that you don't give it your all, I will take back my words, wait a little longer Ailane, it will end this nightmare』.

Ailane went down to the ground and was ready to play her guitar, just as I took a new combat pose, with the barrier almost about to be destroyed, the second round would begin, I quickly threw myself against her with all the energy I had, I used Extreme Speed like never before, tracing in a more masterful way the battlefield, Ailane played her music, she still had the dark energy, but it was not like before, there was a strangely warm and friendly evilness. Ailane demonstrated a new power, she scattered fragments of darkness around the battlefield, from which different things came out, be it cars, barrels, light poles. They could absorb things and then release them, no matter what.

The fight continued like no other, I managed to approach where she made her guitar disappear to collide her fists, she turned her hands into dark claws, she was evenly matched, I could notice that she was aiming at my nerves, where this time she deflected them in a more agile way. Ailane again soared to the heavens, gathering all her power in a sphere of darkness, she wanted me to take it back and destroy, at this I smiled and slowly moved to my God Form, with only one thing in mind, to destroy.

Ailane launched her great attack, where I charged an energy in my fists. The clash was about to take place and see who would be the winner.!!!!! Ailane's chest throbbed, without me noticing, I was slowly returning to my Human Form suddenly, my attack disappeared, a mass of darkness was behind me, which had stored water that was thrown at me, it must have been Dagger's plan, he wanted to go for me much earlier, and he knows that my weakness is water and it would be easy to possess me.

There was no way to remedy it, I returned to my Human Form completely, I was scared, afraid, my heart was beating a thousand per second, Ailane was surprised, instead of trying to stop his attack, he forced it even more to hit me, I could see in front of my eyes all my life passing while the big sphere was approaching to hit me ..... I was going to die.

『(I must not die.....I must not die.....I don't want to turn her into a killer....please....someone...whoever....and help us....)』


There was a loud explosion, so much so that the surroundings, buildings and glass were destroyed, I was covering myself with my arms, I was opening my eyes scared, I thought it would be the end of me. But then I thought about it, the only one who is able to make an appearance with an explosion, the only one able to destroy his surroundings defending someone. I could see his back in front of me, and it was funny, he was just putting on his headphones....

『You still lack much disciple, after all I am better, but it doesn't matter, if a citizen is in danger and asks for help, it's a Hero's job to appear!!! it's the law of the SuperHeroes!!! Listen to me villain! You won't cause any more damage, I came to save my friend, I will defeat you!!!!』

Hiro appeared helping me from dying, he was aiming at Ailane, his look was serious, a smile would be that no one would take away from him. Finally Hiro's time came.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
