
Chapter 150: World of Sound

I was amazed by what I was hearing, my tail started to flutter, and my ears pointed to the origin of this music. I decided to stay a little while to see if something happened or if I could learn something, I looked at my hands, my fingers were slowly moving on their own, it was as if they were playing something.

『I have to go to that place』.

Without further ado I switch to my Lucario Form, there seems to be no changes in this one, it's still normal, but now in all my Forms I have furro characteristics, I admit I like animals, but not like this!!!! I don't want to be one!!! Running as fast and quiet as possible I was approaching, as I was already in a freer area, I could tell by looking to the sides that there are bolear auroras, I couldn't help but think how beautiful it looked.

『I'm sure this would have been nice for Latias』 to see.

I could already hear the music better, each time this melody resonated, I have to get there fast so I can at least be present at the end.


I could finally arrive to this place and what was waiting for me was really wonderful, there was a presentation of a band formed by only girls, this place was full of people? there were lots of little furros, but in the center it seems that there were the most important ones, the elite, if it was a kingdom, a Pink Sheep Queen? And what is that? A potato? King Potato? Is it shaped like a potato? because it has a mustache and eyes? No, wait, there are 2 potatoes, a pink one and a normal one, there were also many other normal people, only with the characteristics of tail and animal ears.

But that didn't matter, I was able to sneak in and enter this place, they would have thrown me out for sure, but just like me, everyone witnessed this gang without batting an eyelash.


♫ ♪🎶Rushing through promised future ♫ ♪🎶 ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶Hugging the shamrock bond we share♫ ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶 I want to send my feelings beyond the boundary ♫ ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶 The words...I want to change them strongly into musical notes♫ ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶No matter how far apart we are, our hearts overlap♫ ♪🎶 ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶 Our possibilities are endless♫ ♪🎶 ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶♫ ♪🎶♫ ♪🎶 To keep believing, keep singing to connect us♫ ♪🎶

♫ ♪🎶Your singing....I can feel it!♫ ♪🎶


What was this.....makes me want to scream for joy, my heart is pounding like never before, it's been so long since I've heard a song.....and I can tell it's beautiful. The sound of the guitars, the bass, the drums and the singing of all achieve a perfect tuning and harmony in their song.

『Que hermoso.....』

As it could not be missing in a band presentation, there were lights and even fireworks were launched, but what left me more perplexed was the following, I could see how all the beings who had witnessed this band, from their chests sprouted a light and from these came out a kind of crystal with a musical sign inside, it was as if they were giving their energy to these girls who continued playing until they finished their music. That group also had their crystals that after receiving the affection and feelings of these returned to their bodies, everyone, absolutely everyone had that energy that was strange to me. I was also enjoying myself, but when I looked at my chest, there was nothing, I do not possess such a thing, well, it was to be expected.

The presentation was over, but I was still eager to listen, my tail kept wagging back and forth, maybe it was not the thing to do at this time, but I started clapping happily for this.

『That was very nice, I think I saw enough, now let's go back to our mission』-('꒳`)-『But, I felt like hugging one in particular, nekos I really can't resist』-( ̄ω ̄)-『I was left with the desire, since, let's go 』.

As I wanted to take a step I didn't te that something was blocking my passage, as I looked down I saw that little humanoid sheep were blocking my passage. Although they were putting on a mean face, it didn't take away how harmless these are, the first thing I thought when I saw this is.

『(`◎△◎)!?(But what the fuck! What are these things? They are very small, aren't they? These if they are 100% furros and what are they?black sheep?and I got a little hungry.....maybe they are edible hahahahaha!)』⚈ ̫ ⚈.

I gluttonously looked at these little creatures, of course they were just words, I wasn't planning to eat them, or maybe I was (*OчO*). It seems I was being detained, first for entering this place without authorization, and second for suspicion, I would also do the same if I saw an unknown guy on my property.

『I'll take care of him』.

I heard an adult voice approaching, when I took a good look I noticed it was the potato...wtf? The potato with a mustache, clothes, eyes, and even hair son of a bitch! He can talk too? What kind of weird world am I in? The gentleman explained to the guards and they left the place, I don't know what he told them but....1 of 2, did he give them a good reason or these guards are easy to cajole.

『You are lost, aren't you young man? I can tell you're not from this planet』

『(Planet? are there space travels here or what? Just by saying space I think I'm in some kind of star wars...)』-『Yes.....this is not my planet.....(I'm not lying at all)』

『Tomorrow we will return to our planet, wouldn't you like to go with us? Giving a hand to someone lost is not bad at all, if I were you I would take advantage』.

That stranger to me was offering me help, just as I thought it seems that if there is travel between planets, they are telling me that this mu.... I can't say it world, that universe has more technology than others? But this planet doesn't look futuristic at all!!!! Unless in others it does...huh( ̄^ ̄).

『Yes, I would be very much helped by your help』.

Without further ado I accepted his proposal, without further ado he told me to follow him, we were entering this pink castle, I have to stay close to him, since he seems to be my watchman and so that he doesn't do anything weird.

『A question sir, why are you helping me? I should be more suspicious with strangers』. -I wanted an answer to what was going on.

『I saw you, you had come running to be able to see the band, let me tell you that you have good tastes boy !(-̀ᴗ-́)و ̑̑ and your expression didn't lie, who likes music and enjoys it can't be someone bad』

With that simple logic you gave me a simple answer, I could understand it, it seems that again I am being helped as soon as I enter another world, I must say I am getting lucky to meet good people, a no, a good potato.

"『I also saw how you were wiggling your fingers, I could tell that you also wanted to enter that moment, didn't you?

He has an appearance that I can tell doesn't fit his personality, if you can see that he is an adult (I am regretting saying this very earlyCOPY00). The morning came on this planet that I finally know its name, it's called Planet Pyuru, but what a weird name, and why Pyuru? does it mean something or what mothers? Although the weirdest thing was what Maple did, that was the name of the potato, he had hidden me and forced me to act stealthily.

『Be careful young man, you see that ship over there? you have to sneak in without anyone seeing you, and no one will discover you, otherwise I....』('ε`;)

I was with doubts, I feel that I am doing something illegal, an infiltrator, but if it is the only way to get out of this place then I will do it, besides the lord is also putting himself in danger by helping me, with doubts I still decided to get on the ship, although it was not so difficult since there was a ladder to climb up. Already inside.... for fuck's sake! because it still has pink touches! I don't have anything with this color but I think I've had enough!

『What the hell is this? It looks like some kind of alien this wea!』

When I entered the first thing I saw was an extremely strange dangerous creature locked in a cage, what is this?! Creature trafficking or what?! How can you take something so dangerous just like that! POM POM POM POM! I saw how the creature was hitting the cage with its sharp legs. Instantly this cage broke.

I could hear footsteps approaching the ship. A group of girls, along with the potato were boarding the ship, all of them were surprised to see what was happening inside it. I was in my Human Form trying to restrain this creature that tried to attack me.

"Ah! But Mr. Dad! Σ(゚ДД゚;What's wrong with this ship! Why is there such a dangerous creature! You must be one of those』 -(・・;)-『Ah....¿?what?』

I was able to hold this creature, where my surprise was more to see that in front of me was that band I saw playing last night.

"Ah! the nagonago fassagua-pyuru escaped!!!』-Moa was upset by what had happened-

『Quickly, we have to help this boy, let's go Retoree』.

Cyan took Retoree by the hand so that they can help that boy, while you could see in Retoree's face that he didn't want to and was afraid.

『This is bad! But, who is this boy here?! Eh?! President?』

ChuChu's first concern was why a stranger was on the ship, it seems to me the most logical reaction. The ship was being a mess and moving from one side to the other. Angelica at the request of the president also quickly went to stop this creature, but ChuChu was still looking at the president with a bad face.

『Eh?! Why did you say I put him in? Maybe he got in by himself as an infiltrator』.


The potato couldn't handle the pressure that girl was giving him. The ship took off, but it was already shaking, besides.... but what a son of a bitch!!! Like I infiltrated just because!!!!

The ship was already in position going to its new destination, the creature was calmer and we were able to calm it down, I wanted to give myself a sigh for how this started. But first I wanted to give me a little revenge for the one who gave me his hand and then took it away, I was in front of the potato angrier than ever.

『So it was you after all president』.

An adult woman with small animal ears and an eye patch...the eye patch just because xd. She took the president and took him to a room of the ship, I was confused, but the others were already used to it, from a moment I started to hear screams of suffering coming out of that room. I had a lot of questions for the following, he deserves a little punishment but not that much either.

『Ah.... what are they doing to the moustache?....』(;~〓~)

I asked but no one wanted to answer me, they were all just the same as me, and now I understood why, it couldn't be explained, the door opened where the potato came out, she was gleaming and glowing with a gesture of joy.

『...(but what happened inside!!!)』(゚д゚;)

After that, the president who I just found out is a president and CEO of an agency called Banded Rocking Records or for short BRR. Well, again to summarize, it's a band agency. Their manager who would be this adult named Angelica, and the girls I heard last night was a band called Plasmagica, we were all able to understand each other and explain what was going on.

First, the drummer who was Moa, looking at her I could tell she was a sheep, and she is originally from that planet full of pink, even her hair and clothes are pink. Second, the second guitarist and lead vocalist is Chuchu, rabbit, this more than evident with those long ears and tail, I could say that she is the most serious and adult of those who make up the group and the one who most wants to succeed in this. Third, the bassist of the group and also vocalist is Retoree, she is a puppy, with nothing else to say xd, well, with her friends I can say that she looks like she flows calm, and has attachment to someone a lot, but I can also say that she is a bit distant with strangers, so they say, but I'm sure she is shy and even I think sensitive, I say that because I was like that too. And last but not least, the first guitarist and also vocalist, Cyan, in short a neko gothic loli.

I don't have to say more since I'm sure you remember all this, yes, I remember all this too, it's the Show By Rock world!!! Chale, how could I be so blind, I quickly told you my situation, although of course not too much, I don't have to tell you more, I just made up an excuse that I was lost and that I am grateful to be taken to this world, but in all this time I couldn't take my eyes off her, you saw her little ears?! Did you see that little tail? And that gothic outfit and that cute personality? She has the typical cliché personality of such a protagonist in such a world! I know it's simple, but I like it anyway. Ah, just a random piece of information, it's the adaptation of a video game, I didn't know that.

I was casually chatting with Cyan on the ship, while Retoree kept looking at us, she was kind of jealous that I'm getting along with her.

『(Look at him wagging his tail, he's not even trying to hide it)』

Quickly Retoree approached where we were, and without further ado placed her arms around Cyan's neck, she was hugging her back, because of the surprise, her friend's reaction was not long in coming.

"Retoree, you surprised me, is something wrong?

Retoree plucked up her courage and snuggled her face into Cyan's head.

『I won't give it to you』 (๑-̆૩-̆)

She was looking determined, while Cyan was blushing and appreciating her friend's affection for her, me seeing him the first thing I thought was that he is exactly like a dog, he is protecting his what he wants. But it also looks too familiar, it reminded me of that relationship that Tohru and Kobayashi have, huh! But what she doesn't know is that I already have experience with situations like that, if I could tame a dragon, a puppy is nothing!

『I see, I see you won't give up, besides I'm not interested in Cyan (^~^) .....not for now』-( ̄ω ̄).

She didn't expect the latter and this ended up surprising her more, where she became more alert and snuggled more into Cyan. But this wouldn't stop me.

『I have a neko gothic loli in front of me, she looks so cute I can't stand it anymore.....and your guard doggy you won't stop me!』

Without further ado I was also next to Cyan, it's traditional custom, loli I see, loli I hug, I was hugging Cyan from the front, I was indeed extremely happy, Retoree didn't think I would actually do that I recoiled from the fright, I was wagging my tail from side to side.

『Ahh! I don't think you should do that, we've just met』 (*'I`*)

Cyan was refusing in a tender way, but he kept hugging her anyway, I have to make up for all the time I've been resisting! While Retoree was watching shocked and frustrated, my gaze was directed at her, and what I did was to keep hugging Cyan with a gesture of victory (๑˃̶͈̀o˂̶̶͈́๑)


Everything was calmer now, although Retoree was throwing sand at me for what I did, but I said I wouldn't do it again, I only do it once out of pure instinct.

『I'll keep a close eye on you for the remainder of the trip 』 (gΦ皿Φ)g〃

『Hey, if I throw my scarf, do you think you would chase it and bring it back to me?』 (-∀-)

『Don't treat me like a dog!』 (;゚Д゚)

I was teasing her for the remainder of the trip, it seems like it's already become a habit for me to act like this in this kind of situation too.

『We're almost there』.

ChuChu saw out the window, we all quickly went over to look, I was also curious what this one looked like, I saw a planet, it looked normal, not like the other one that even had a star around it. But I was amazed by what I was seeing, first for being the first time I see a planet from a spaceship, and second, I could feel how alive this one was, it was like the pinnacle of music.

『We are almost there, to the Sound World 』.

Cyan commented in a sentimental way, my eyes were sparkling, for them for sure it was like coming home, but I felt that fun things could happen. !!!! I quickly felt something, it was like an energy that I had felt before, and that I had a lot of knowledge, after a few minutes what I felt disappeared, I was in doubt what that was.




We arrived Midi City which let's say is the main thing in this whole world, right now we were in a Bar&Cafe, and for all I passed they gave me a free coffee, while the others were chatting in another table apart, for a moment I thought I felt marginalized, but they were talking about more serious topics than I thought, and their gestures was the same.

"Has something happened lately?

The president who was walking I asked, as I continued to drink my coffee.

"Huh? You don't know what happened? Well, you must have been lost on that planet for a long time, but well, I think it's better that you don't know, but you'll find out anyway, he's very unruly that guy.....since he arrived there's been a lot of trouble in Midi City』.


『Don't mind me, now, you know why I brought you here with me don't you? I'm the president of BRR, and that night I saw that you might have a little talent, how about you show it to me and I'll put you to the test?』

It seems that they were hiding something from me, but for sure it is what I imagine, if I am right, we must be in that part of the story, as I said before, I am not interested in changing the story, if something happens then I will do it and if not, then I leave it. The president took me to the place where his agency's gangs practice, I know what he wants me to do.

『Come on, choose, which one do you like the most』.

There were a lot of musical instruments in the place, guitars, basses of all sizes, I kept looking at the place and thinking that many bands rehearsed here, although there are only 3.....I was watching for a few minutes, that even the potato was confused.

『What's wrong, you can't find one that you like?』

『No, they are all very pretty, but just in case you don't have...a piano?』

Quickly as if it was an airplane, the president ran leaving smoke on its journey, I felt lonely waiting for I don't know what, I even thought I would leave already, but quickly the door opened, I could see a too burly mustachioed person in a suit.

『I got it! I already brought you your piano, ha, you're welcome young man』.

That man quickly shaped the piano so that it was ready to play, it was one of these light, black and white ones, he was confused, but he accepted it anyway.

『Thank you.... but who are you?』

『The President』(ง `ω')۶

Quickly as I saw how that burly man in a suit, in a burst of smoke became the potato, my reaction was too much that I felt I had already seen it all, but anyway I was confused, there was no piano before, I guess he went to buy it, but why did he do such a thing?

『In talents nothing is spared! Come on young man, show what you know』

I looked at the keyboard doubtfully, it would be my first time to play a piano keyboard, I didn't know how it worked, it had a lot of buttons and wheels.... but the president was waiting for me to play, he was waiting for something from me, and I have to answer.

I hesitantly touched a keyboard, the sound that came out of it was loud and noisy, it wasn't pretty at all, but that's not how you play the piano.

『(I have to get serious, here I go)』.

I started to play the piano, because of the small previous experience of playing on a computer, I quickly got used to which keyboard was which, but the sound , what came out of this piano was not what I expected, it was too rough and didn't transmit anything, in the low parts it was like listening to a rumble and in the sharp parts it was like listening to a squirrel, I knew it myself, what I played was not pretty, it was extremely ugly.


The president spoke, as if he was a robot I stopped quickly, I was scared and disappointed, I thought I had even a little bit of talent, since when I played on the computer a nice melody came out, or maybe it was like that since the program made it so.... maybe this was always my natural talent..... I fixed my eyes, the president was doubtful and looked like he made a bad investment!!!.....But what surprised me more was the following, the Plasmagica band was watching me, they had witnessed how horrible I played, their faces were not the best, they also couldn't hide how bad I played.

『Don't be discouraged, if you try hard you can surely play better』-Cyan was encouraging me-.

『No, it's not that』.

ChuChu was serious staring at me, please don't, this makes me more nervous. Quickly a memory came to my mind, I was at school, I had brought my laptop to class, my friends had convinced me to play in the classroom, this was for me to gain some confidence, since they saw that I played well. But at the moment of playing I was quickly interrupted.

『HAh? But what is that? You're going to make me vomit, garbage like you make garbage, stop playing you're killing everyone's ear you idiot』-It was that person.....-『There's no worse thing than seeing a failure trying something he thinks he can HAH! You're better off doing nothing, although it also disgusts me to see you like this, tell me Mori-san.....JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA You want to cry already? I haven't even touched you yet, you single-handedly humiliated yourself by trying to do something, just keep entertaining me, you only exist for me to walk all over you and people to see how big I am』

That person who abused and picked on me since elementary school, I still remember his voice, his teasing and the way he treated me, in all this I was remembering, the president had been making some modifications to the keyboard, moving little circles and pressing buttons.

『Ready, that should do it, play again young man』.

The president went to his place without further ado, the others were also still watching, there are moments where you don't care about anything and just want to finish them, well that's what was happening to me, I just wanted to do it, finish it and let this moment pass.


!!!Playing a keyboard the sound was different, it was already more serene, it was how I wanted it, I clenched my fists and once again I would try.


What came out was what I wanted to play, the sound was harmonious, I was able to gain confidence and kept playing, it was as if I had known this piano all my life, I could play it without making a single mistake, although it was difficult, I could adapt quickly to the keyboard, from which sound came out.🎶♬♪♪♪♪♪♬♪🎶♪♪♪♪♫ So I encouraged myself more and would give my best, I decided to play a song I like very much, Silhouette!!!!!

🎶♪♪♫♫♫♬🎵♬♬🎵♬♬🎶 𝄢𝄫♬🎵🎵♪♫♫🎶🎶♪♪♪♪♬

♪♪♫♫♬🎵♬♬ 🎵🎵 ♪♪♬♪♪♪♬♪🎵🎵

I could, I felt it, I was becoming one with the music,this was it, this was what I wanted to feel when I saw them play, they were enjoying it, and now I'm enjoying it too!!!! The song ended, I was sweating and a bit agitated. Suddenly I heard applause, it was from the president and the girls.

『I knew it, you are very good boy』-Cyan was happy, I could even say she was happier than me-.

『That's how you do it-pyuru!』-Moa was also happy for my achievement-』.

『Huh, not bad, the president although he doesn't look like it, sometimes has a good eye』-ChuChu also looks like he was cheerful-

『Well, at the beginning he did badly, but I must admit that he plays well-....』-Retoree even though I didn't want to, I accepted it anyway-.

What was wrong was that the keyboard was not well adjusted, being new, this still lacked its little adjustments, but now with them on, the talent I forged, yes it was reality!!!The president approached me and showed me contentedly his thumbs up.

"Young man, what is your name?

『And I've just been told, although I'm also to blame, M, my name is M』.

After introducing myself, the president offered me the most obvious but what I least expected.

『M, wouldn't you like to join my agency?』

With pure confidence the president was addressing me, I was still with the excitement of the moment, that this talent I have is real and it is mine, before I suffered teasing since I was little, but now talented people recognized it. It wouldn't be bad to stay a little while here and see what happens....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
