
World 4: Ova 3: Different Events 3

Everything below is Canon, even if it looks silly xd.


C͇r͇i͇s͇t͇o͇ ͇R͇e͇e͇y͇!͇!͇!͇!͇

A 14 year old boy and his partner were running in a hurry through the forest, you could tell they were worried and avoided sinking in fear, every step was essential, the sound of the bushes moving, the sweat and agitation, while in the background there were tremors and some flames were slowly burning part of the forest.

『Let's hurry to the village, we'll be safe there』-The bride was able to speak in her agitation-.

『I see you don't know him, if we go to the village, the Demon will destroy everything without hesitation, the only thing we can do is to run and take him to a faraway place.....even if it costs us our lives』.

Both bride and groom were running hand in hand without stopping, the bride hearing what the boy said to her looked worried and was already on the verge of crying.

"Don't worry, I know someone who can save us, we're on our way there right now!

Some time ago both lovers went to the forest to take their date, on the way they saw many friendly animals and trees with fruits, where everyone grabbed and thanked for this chance.

『We have everything for our picnic and much more still, ah! Look, there is an apple tree over there』.

The bride was happy and pointed with her hand to that tree, where the boy looked at it carefully but quickly turned away indignantly ( ;`ヘ') . The bride at this pouted and if or if she wanted that red fruit.

『Don't be bad』I really like apples....』

"Even though years go by, you don't learn, do you?』(-,-)

They found a meadow where it would be the perfect place for their picnic, they both got everything ready while having a nice conversation, they also brought their favorite things to pass the time, while the bride brought out a board game for 2, the boy brought out the holy bible.

『A game for 2? 〳 ᓀ ﹏ ᓂ 〵I see you don't think, it's better if everyone gets in! Isn't that right my bible? you do accept everyone』 (♡'◠`♡)✯*・☪:.。

While they were eating in the most peaceful way, even the bride showed that she had an apple after all, she herself took it out of the tree which subsequently the boy refused.

『I hope you don't plan to take a bite...ugly things happen if you do, women always putting us in danger from the very beginning....』 ₍₍ ( ‾᷄꒫‾᷅ ) ₎₎

『Jajajajajajaja, you're really gawking at that, it's even making me tired...Look closely, and know that your Christ the King sucks my dick 』

Crack!....The girlfriend took a bite of the red fruit, where a strong tremor was quickly felt in the place POM!!!! POM!!! POM!!!! A Giant Fire Demon appeared in front of them, looking at them closely.

Returning to where we were, that pair of boys were running desperately through the forest.

『That's what you get for defying the Almighty!!!! You really don't know how to!!!!』-『Give your steps well, always in these situations someone will----』

Pom, the girl tripped falling hopelessly to the ground.

『But I'm telling you for God's sake!!!!!!!』

The boy shouted without thinking, he took his partner's hand, they ran so far and ran so far away that they came across a cliff, when they turned to the sides they saw that there was a log bridge, but it was in a very bad state, that Fire Demon was approaching them, his footsteps were getting louder.

Without further ado they ran to be able to cross the bridge, some planks were loose that if they stepped on them they would surely break, they would have to jump from planks to strong planks to avoid falling, they were already close to crossing the bridge, where the bride turned and looked at the boy taking the planks out of the bridge.

『You're the fool?! Come over here quickly!』

The girlfriend warned the boy, the Demon showed itself, and gave a strong jump falling on the bridge and in turn breaking it, the girl and the young man fell without further ado into the void, the Fire Demon was propelled with its fires rising, the girl fell on the back of the young man. POMM!!!!! Both were hit hard by the sudden impulse of the Demon, both humans went flying, they were unharmed since it seems that the impact was suffered by the pieces of wood that the boy picked up.

The girl's screams could be felt to the bone, the boy hugged his girlfriend and covered her from the fall. Tsh! the girl was so scared that she didn't want to open her eyes, but when she noticed that there was no impact, she opened them in confusion. They had both fallen into a mountain of straw that cushioned their falls without receiving any damage.

"I didn't know we were going to fall here, I had faith』.

The confident Hero confirmed what happened, while the girl showed no reaction but in her mind was. QUEEEE!!! WHATUUUUEEEEEE!!!!!!

Noticing it they saw that they were in front of a Church, where the boy was happy, he took his girlfriend's hand and led her inside. Minutes passed, and the Demon's footsteps could be felt, where without further ado he broke the entrance of the Church with a strong punch. The boy was waiting for him with the Bible in his hands.

『How dare you destroy this sacred place confined to us by the Lord!』 -『Now we are in your territory! Don't think you'll get out of this damn Demon alive』.

The bride was hiding in the church pews, while the Hero was confidently holding the bible tightly.

『(Really he's the one I have to kill? He's just a random human with a stupid belief, I'll accomplish what I have to do and then I'll see what to do)』-The Demon thought to himself as he looked at that boy-.

『Wait, you don't mean the one who will save us is...』-The bride finally understood-

"That's right! Now listen carefully and die!

The Hero opened his bible with great care, and began to count what was inside. Here he starts counting verses, if you want to skip it xd.

『Psalm 27. David says: Jehovah is my light and my salvation - Desire to dwell in the house of Jehovah forever - David advises: Wait on Jehovah and be strong. ... 6 Then he will lift up my head above my enemies who surround me,and I will sacrifice sacrifices in his tabernacle with shouts of rejoicing;I will sing and sing praises to Jehovah.』-

『1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - True love is long-suffering, it is kind; love does not envy, love does not boast, is not puffed up; it does nothing amiss, does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not bear a grudge; does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. 』-『Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.』

The whole place was silent, the only thing that could be heard was the boy telling what was written in the Bible, his girlfriend hit her head because of how foolish her boyfriend is, even the Devil was left without what to do or how to react, maybe it is the only thing he can do, after all in the end every person asks Christ for help when going through difficult moments

『Put your hope in God! For I will still praise Him; He is my Savior and my D----』

POM!!!! The boy's bible quickly turned to ashes, he was shocked unable to move a muscle, the Demon destroyed him by throwing a small fireball at him.

『You shut up .... I think I've already doubted you too much, you're nobody! You're just a human who believes in a stupid religion! Your God is a sham! If he really exists why didn't he do something sooner! It's just a fictional story created by someone with imagination! I have killed many! And right now I'm going to kill you! And at no time did the guy you talk about and love so much appear! And that's because he DOESN'T EXIST! !!!!!!』

That Demon already seems to have had enough and blurted out everything he was thinking, the boy found himself trembling, the shock was so great, he suddenly gave a loud scream.


That young man was full of anger and without further ado, he rushed forward to fight the Fire Demon, who was waiting for him without taking a single step.

『I don't mind getting my hands dirty to take revenge!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!』

That boy with his fists started to hit the Demon, he doesn't care that it was wrapped in flames, anyway with his fists he was hitting with all his strength.

『I allow you to insult me, I allow you to insult my friends, girlfriend and even my family, BUT DON'T TICK WITH THE LORD!!!!!!! He gave me all that I have, he gave me the life I have!!!! If I accept that he doesn't exist, it's like I would accept that my life was shit!!!!!! And that will never happen!!!!!! God is strong! God knows! God is peace!!!! A Demon like you won't tell me such things!!!!!! I am weak, but with faith I am the strongest person there is!!!! I will kill you!!!!! And then I will pray for you!!!!!! DIEEEE!!!!!』

Pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom, the boy was punching with all his might, his fists were slowly tearing as his skin was burning to horrible levels, his blood was hot and dripping all over his body. POMMM!!! The Demon gave him a knee, where the boy could not dodge, spat blood and went flying and crashing into the cross where without further ado he fell to the ground.

『NO..... Now you dare to make the cross fall..... I will not forgive you..... I will fight you, my faith and hope are so great! That even if I die...my love for Christ will move me and defeat you!!!!』

The boy would stand up, ignoring all the pain his body was in, and little by little he would come closer.

『This is the first time I've encountered a guy like you, and I hope it's the last time』.

The Demon stretched out his hand, preparing a strong fire attack that would put an end to this, BOMM!!!!!! The Demon without hesitation threw it, the bride shouted the boy's name with all her might while shedding tears, BOMMM!!!! A small but powerful explosion occurred in the church, smoke was spreading, where the demon was surprised as it dissipated.

『¡¡!! What?...how come you.... how come you are still alive!!!!??』

The demon was impressed how the weakened human with steps towards death had survived his attack, a laughter slowly , from a soft tone to a louder one was born, the boy stretched out his burned and bloody arms, with a gesture on his face that looked like a madman, his whole body was bathed in blood and with heavy burns.


Quickly the boy began to glow a white light all over his body, and his shirt came completely off his chest, his slender body gained a little physique and musculature, making him also a little taller, his white hair also began to grow, it was like seeing a young sucked young man, his hair glowed a pure white color.

POMMM!!!!!!!!! The boy landed a strong blow on the demon's stomach, where it spat blood from the powerful attack. It recoiled from the pain, where suddenly from its body came out a light causing it much more damage and at the same time escaping the blood from its body.

『What happened.....why did he become so strong out of nowhere.....was it him after all?』

The demon stood up trying to strike a blow, where the boy easily dodged it calmly, and with a single touch of his fingers, multiple blasts hit the demon all over his body. The hero pointed his fingers upwards, where the demon was lifted up, there was a small spear of light that lifted him up. This light was separated and molded into several swords, where the Hero took one, he had never picked up a weapon before, but he handled it as if he had done it all his life, he placed himself in front of the demon and thrust the sword of light into his chest. BOMMM!!!! There was a loud impact, on the ground lay the demon with no strength left, as he watched as the boy lay on top of him and his wounds healed.

『It took you nothing to beat me.....You are very strong...I don't think there is anyone stronger than you in the world』.

『You're wrong, of course there is someone stronger than me, and that's Christ the King』

『How disgusting to die for a guy with those beliefs, if you love that one so much, answer my question, why didn't he appear before, nor now nor will he appear in the future! Not that he would help us in our most difficult problems!』-The Demon spat blood without further ado!

『The answer is simple, because he doesn't want to! Now I got it, I was always very devout, but ..... I must not wait for God to do everything, if he is not going to do anything then I will be the one to make his kingdom on the mortal plane! I will put an end to all evils and make this world a place like the..... as the people want!!!! Their happiness from now on will be in my hands! because I do want to!

The boy shouted proudly and full of hope, the demon was already for his last seconds of life.

『Ha, you can tell they are rivals, they have the same thoughts, no...rivals is not the word.....』

The boy placed his hand on the demon's chest and enveloped him in a white light, quickly his body began to flash small glows where armor was generated, the boy looked carefully at his hands, his feet, his body, he took off his helmet, he seems to have returned to normal.

"Is that you?

His girlfriend approached when she saw that there was no longer any danger, but what was the reason for that question? The girl was confused when she saw her boyfriend, the young man had more feminine features on his face and with the long hair he now had, he looked completely like a girl. That was how the chosen one and successor to the title of Hero was born.




P͇r͇i͇m͇e͇r͇a͇s͇ ͇D͇é͇c͇a͇d͇a͇s͇

It was so cold it would kill anyone unprepared physically, mentally and without the necessary supplies, the storm was so strong that communication was difficult to obtain, it would take years to get information. When they arrived at this place, the first thing that duo saw was some gigantic dragon skeletons, they quickly knew that they must have been the ancient defenders of the Frozen Mountains.

『Ha, what's the use of being so big if you're going to die anyway』-Minos belittled as he looked at the corpses.

『The bigger they are the harder they fall, that's why I like to be small and discreet.... if something tragic happens, no one would suspect that I was the one who caused it』-Amelia was also giving her opinion-.

A loud footsteps and crashes could be heard, just as it was heard that beings were prowling the place, the Ice Demons had made an appearance, of different sizes, physical characteristics and etc.

『Perfect.....this is what I came for...if you move a single muscle I will kill you』-Minos clenched his fists while showing a smile on his face-.

『Look what I do to your words. I don't give a damn』.

Quickly Amelia launched herself against the demons in a fast but elegant way, with pure physical attacks she finished and killed each one of them, it was like watching a little girl play on her playground.

『Damn.....Don't mess with my prey!!!』

Angry Minos was also throwing himself against the Demons, each one in his part was finishing off everything they saw, Minos looked at the biggest one who was easily the size of a mountain. He turned his hands into claws and with a joyous laugh he launched himself at it.

『Slow, slow slow slow slow!!!!!! You're a piece of shit!!!! 』

He dodged the blows and flew through the huge body, hit his head hard. POMMM!!!!! Instantly he destroyed with great power, and as if it were a spear, he threw himself wrapped in electricity to end this, he cut the demon in half and on impact, a thunderstorm bathed the whole place instantly destroying every being that was there, when Minos finished he was happy, the corpses of the demons were scattered everywhere.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA finish, finish them all!!!!!!』-Minos was rejoicing in his power-.

『What's the use of being strong, if there's no one to give you a fight』.

Minos was surprised to hear a voice, Amelia was pulling her head out of the snow , she looked up where she could see Minos' face, he was shocked and clenched his teeth tightly.

『But there is a mistake with that sentence, there is always going to be someone better than you, tell me, would you be happy, angry or sad if one day you meet him? 』

Amelia stared at Minos, with those eyes that penetrated the soul, Minos clenched his teeth and fists as never before, he even bled himself for just listening to this little girl talk.

A few years passed since they came to the Frozen Mountains to fulfill their work, in that time their relationship had not improved at all, rather they felt that if the other was not here, this would be much better, the demons appeared from time to time, they thought of a way to defeat them, every time they appeared, because as soon as they were seen, they were cruelly killed by the hands of either of these 2.

『*tsch* They saw my idiot face...There are no strong beings here!!!! These Ice Demons , they're all crap!!!! I need something.....almenos change the papers.... 』

Minos was screaming at the top of his lungs and scratching his head from the stress he was accumulating from starting a job !!!! He quickly felt something in the mountains, he could feel the electricity of other beings, this one smiled in a way that didn't even hide it.

『Hello, thanks for coming.....I was already getting bored.....well.....entrain me a little』.

Minos appeared before a group of people, unafraid to show that he was a threat, and so the time passed, the Ice Demons did not satisfy him as living beings do, these have no life and therefore no feelings, see the face of people crying, pleading, hear them screaming in pain, begging for mercy, see how they give everything, throwing away their life and pride itself, everything not to die, that was what Minos liked, every time he noticed someone in the mountains, whether dragons, elves, dwarves, fairies, giants, orcs, no race escaped that Minos would kill them and play with them, one foot in this place was practically your grave.

One day, while Minos again found another group of beings to kill, he went straight to them, it was a family of humans who had lost their way and ended up in this place, they were with their chariot passing the edges of the mountains. Without hesitation he killed the family's horse, electrocuting it to a frying pan, then dismembering it and eating its limbs.

『You human beggars, you're going to die....jajajajajajajajajaj!!』

The father took out a wand where he cast a spell, but it was in vain, it did not do anything to Minos, quickly without hesitation, Minos gave a finger blow to the lord, where this suddenly his organs, bones, skin and blood shot out, the family he was protecting was stained by these same and they screamed for what they saw.

『Forget that they are very weak...just for today.... I'll lower myself to be a worm!!!!』

Minos began to hit the mother hard, without caring that she was suffering, this was a joy for the dragon, there were also his children, young men of 22, 15 and 12 years old, who tried to face this guy, but it was useless, they were also tortured with the skills that this guy possessed, each one was killed with pure blows, Minos was stained with blood on his hands and face, the dead father, the mother without moving and the children were crushed. Minos destroyed the interior of the carriage with a shock, the storm hit hard. Electricity coursed through this small place, Minos was about to leave when he heard a cry of an infant...he smiled, his smile trembled, and his face was filled with anger.

『A baby??.....A baby??.....A BABY!!!????』

The veins all over Minos' body swelled, he was never as angry as he is now, the crying continued, he walked slowly to where the baby was, a hand grabbed his foot, it was the mother who started to squeeze it.

『A baby....』

An electric current came out of Minos' foot, making the mother's whole body explode, she kept walking while clenching her fists, her veins seemed to have life, these were throbbing like never before. Minos kicked, a small box flew out, this one opened where the baby was crying in the raging storm.


He gave a loud cry, when he makes these deaths, Minos always enjoys them, but to be prevented by someone in his moment of happiness makes him angry like never before, it's as if this baby humiliated him just for crying. The baby was already pale, he could no longer cry, his face blue, and his scream, his agony of struggle in breathing, his lungs had cooled rapidly in these minutes he came out.


Minos lunged at the baby to end this, POMMM!!!!! A powerful gust there was as the blow was struck, the storm had stopped and a gentle snow was falling, you could even say it was warm. Minos looked to the side and saw that Amelia had appeared, she had the baby in her arms, where she was warming him, little by little the child was recovering and stopped crying.

『What's going on today...it's supposed to be my fun time! Everyone is conspiring to make me angry!!!!!!』-Minos was boiling with anger-.

『I'll be honest, the first time I saw you I didn't know you at all, you didn't even catch my attention, I didn't feel comfortable with you, and that's exactly why I decided to inform myself, I wanted to know who was the guy I would be working with, that attitude is not normal, when I found out, I didn't know whether to be happy or worried.....knowing about you was a bad decision but necessary, bottom line.... You Minos Kamui, you are a monster, psychopath, swill, scum, vile ,dastardly , trash , despicable, horrible, demon, evil, a being that deserves the worst in the world, and I have seen it with my own eyes, you enjoy killing beings weaker than you, that with your mere touch are already dead, even someone who did nothing to you deserves to be killed, a pure being, innocent, who just came to life, should not meet someone like you!!!』

Amelia lashed out with words at Minos, the baby began to vibrate out of nowhere, it is not known when it started but it vibrated in an inhuman way, electricity came out of his body and without further.....Bom!....That infant ended up exploding in Amelia's arms. The dragoness was shocked by what she saw.

『Yes....but who cares? I don't care, and what others think doesn't interest me! I'm amused and that's all that matters!!』-Minos spread his hands in joy-.

『I'll kill you.....』-Amelia was with a lowered gaze and a serious tone of voice-.

『What?』-Minos looked at the girl carefully- 『What?』-Minos looked at the girl carefully-『What?

『I said.....WILL KILL YOU!!!!』-Amelia was angry to the max-.


Minos was laughing with joy at what was about to happen, Amelia is determined to put an end to this dragon that only knows how to fight and kill.
