
Chapter 145:February 14

Many days have passed since Iruru showed her true nature and how bad she was, that same day of her massacre she decided to fix what she did, she could erase the memories of the people who observed and witnessed everything, what she did with the corpses was simply to destroy them and not leave any trace, It was the best decision he made because if he hid them or buried them, someday they would come to light, and people would wonder what happened to them to die in such horrible ways, with his magic he managed to clean all the mess he made, the place was like new and the humans were sleeping and would continue their lives as if this had never happened. When I woke up I was in my bed, where Iruru was waiting for me to wake up, she told me about the measures she took, that was the last time we had a conversation, we didn't see each other for a while and the few times I could locate her she avoided me and ran away, again and again and again and again and again every time she noticed my presence she ran away as if there was no tomorrow, I wanted to know what was wrong with her, if it is what happened that day that is the most certain and confirmed, I want to have a deep talk with her.

『Now if you won't run away Iruru』(gΦ皿Φ)g〃.

I managed to find her with the Seikatsu Basho, she was in a forest collecting food, this is thing would be so I was in my God Form, I quickly placed myself in front of Iruru just to catch her.

『Let's have a serious conversation little woman』(*`へ'*) 彡3.

Before I could catch her with my arms, Iruru raised her arm towards me, quickly a Kuikku portal was created where I couldn't slow down and passed through it, when I realized I was in what seemed to be a desert.

『.....BUT WHAT THE SH*T****!!!!!!』Σ"(⚙♊⚙ノ)ノ

And that's how it was most of the time, I gave everything I could but I can't fight that ability, every time I saw her either she was leaving the place or taking me to a far place with her portals, in the end I ended up accepting that she doesn't want to talk to me and I'll wait for her to decide to want to talk, there are much more important things than being chasing someone, things were taking their typical tumble, although I must say it's a bit weird working in a place where there was a massacre and I'm the only one who remembers it, I can't help but remember about that time. ...But then I remember the lolis and it passes (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ.

When I was picking Kanna up from school I may have gotten a surprise, when I opened Kobayashi's apartment I stumbled upon which I knew little.

『Welcome Kann....』

Iruru was in Kobayashi's apartment all quiet, she was surprised when she saw me coming with Kanna, just like me my surprise was not long in coming.

『Aha! I found you crazy』 ヽ( ・∀・)ノ

When he saw me he didn't hesitate in a quick way to get rid of me by creating a portal and sending it to me.

『No, wait! \\(゜ロ\\\)Ξ(//ロ゜)//But let me talk chinga-----!』

Again I was in a place that even I didn't know what this is, this time it sent me to the other side of the world, now know how long it will take me to get back to Japan....but at least with this find out where Iruru is living, I thought he was living in the forest or something like that, but seriously now, even if it is that it sent me to nearby places, although the food in this place if ta good, 10 out of 10 my friends, well, I will continue with my things and the next time I see Iruru I will be the one to escape.




『Valentine's Day?』-Kanna wondered what that day was-?

『Ah! that's right, we are already very close to that day, on Valentine's Day, on February 14 it is normal for people, especially girls to give chocolate to their friends, either to their friends , their family or the most common to give it to the people you like and love, so thank you very much Kanna, I'll go get the ingredients and then, let Kobayashi-san eat them all! 』 O(≧∇≦)O-Tohru was cheerful-.

『If you get a chocolate, it means that person cares about you, even if it's a little in simple words』 -Kanna understood a little as Tohru finished.

Tohru in an energetic and lively way went out to do her shopping, don't be surprised if she also brings something from the other world, which is probably the safest thing, Iruru who had also heard out of curiosity was wondering the same thing, both dragons investigated further and learned that you can make the chocolate yourself, mostly people make it homemade as it gives it a more personal, intimate and meaningful touch, than a simple already bought type like: Have your choco and no jodas que hoy sale el perro a todo terreno ( ̄⊿ ̄) why that? Because it's the first thing that came to my mind xd.

Although of course, that's not how I told you either, since there are many people who don't have time to prepare one and prefer to buy because of how fast it is, but the meaning that it's for someone special is still there, it's not mandatory , if you don't want to do it then don't do it, but if you receive a chocolate from a person on this day, then you will have to give it back to them on White Day, here the thing turns around and now it's the kids who you have to give the chocolate, now that I remember on that day it was all messy for my classmates, they would throw any shit and pendejada to their chocolates, anything or situation was for everyone to get together and they also took me even though I didn't want to, I still don't forget how they made a simple chocolate explode all over the kitchen. ...although also who put on fire a background these glass ones..... I also remember that they blew up a pole with a kind of homemade fireworks cannon, there was no light for several days in the area.... besides being foul-mouthed and making fun of almost everything, they are not bad, they are just the way they are and I really like them, they try to have as much fun as possible and make everyone laugh at their nonsense, they are the very example of why men live less... One had made a shrine here with a picture of God and cool candles...praying to him to pass.... in a science exam..... Another one scored 10 goals in a soccer game.... against a team of infants, and the goalkeeper had no legs!..... another one really believed that a certain drink gives you wings, and almost jumped into the void, another one wanted to prove that cat and crocodile are the same, in a zoo he entered to tame one..... with the theory of..... "Look! Their eyes are the same, they look at you as if you were shit! Hay no pendejo, you've already made fun of me so much bitch, now pendejo you're going to see that I'm the crack! Come closer! Come here! That's it! I'm going to crack you for having already shit on my head several times! Get ready.....I even brought how to cook lizard to the grape....this day....a legend will be forgotten... I will show you the power of the monkeys!...you already recorded it? fiuu....the movie will be a success....now how do I go out? eh? peren! hoygan pendejos! how do I go out shits! you told me just for a little while, friends?.... don't be pussies!!!! ".....It was a scene from a film they were making.....we will always remember you up there wherever you are... we were running for our lives too.....never be around a dog while they eat, especially a pack, they may be all cute and shit, but with their food the truce ends... NO! Holy shit, that's spoiler when we get to the ssfsdfsggead EH world? Who are you? NO peren! you fafkjasfnkajfnaf me Hoygan! FSFSFDFSDF sgsgds...아직 여기 계시다면 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다...!!!यदि आप अभी भी यहाँ हैं, तो पढ़ने पढ़ने के लिए लिए धन्यवाद।....!!Hvis du fortsatt er her, takk for at du leser.....!!あなたがまだここにいるなら,読んでくれてありがとう... Shut him up! Don't let him say too much!!!! Arrested for using Spoiler technique to keep the audience!!! and you , yes you!!! you haven't seen anything motherfucker, forget and pretend this guy never spoke (`ー')Te toy viendo.

Well, I think they understood everything about it with the February 14 thing, Kanna without further ado also wanted to prepare chocolate so she quickly went to catch up with Tohru, who Iruru was still thinking it over.

『Maybe so..... forgive me.....』

Iruru was determined to prepare a chocolate and give it to the person she made feel bad with her action, she doesn't know how to make one, she doesn't know what it takes, maybe she doesn't even know what a chocolate is, but she's going to do it, she's going to do it. While at my work while bringing some creams I did not avoid that in my body snaked by an electric shock I had.

『Jajajajaja alguien se la esta ja*****』( ̄ω ̄)-Yes, it was also the first thing that came to my mind-.




Continuing that trio of dragons began to make their experiments with chocolate, as expected Tohru returned with Kanna, and brought with her by pure miracle ingredients to make homemade chocolate, but also brought with her other things that had life and dubious things without knowing if they are edible, maybe there is no problem with Tohru since she knows how to cook and could instruct Kanna, but with Iruru it seems that she wants to do things alone.

『You're my prey, I can't take help from you, I can do it my own way and you'll see that it will turn out well』.

They made a joke and each one of them started to prepare, not only chocolate, you know the one we all know, but also cookies, cakes, candies, sweets, candies, all based on chocolate which is the essential, practically if it has chocolate, it's fine.

They do this in secret because it's obviously a surprise, an obvious surprise, when Kobayashi comes back from work they don't leave a trace of what they are doing and disguise.

『Uhm, what are they doing?』

Kobayashi asked as he saw that both Tohru and Kanna were standing extremely still in the kitchen looking from side to side.

『Eh? Nothing nothing Kobayashi-san, have you noticed that the sky is blue?』v(・∀・*)-Tohru was trying to act normal-『And that the hundred feet is actually not 100?』

『Oh! Kobayashi-san look look look, there I reload』-Kanna was innocently pointing at a socket-』.

『(Looks like Kanna is getting sucked in by Tohru, she's getting the silly thing...)』-Kobayashi noticed something that the others didn't『Oh, with what preparing chocolate Iruru』

Kobayashi walked over to look at how she was doing it, Tohru and Kanna were shocked as they just noticed that Iruru was still making chocolate. ; ̄ロ ̄)

『Right, February 14th is coming, you're putting a lot of effort into it』-Kobayashi noticed the effort the dragoness was making-『Can I? 』

Iruru without opposing accepted Kobayashi to taste her chocolate, she put her finger into the bowl and took out some of the thick chocolate, before she could taste it she heard a small scream, something strange that made Kobayashi, when she saw the chocolate on her finger she noticed that it seemed to have a gloomy face, she stared at the chocolate confused, even before this face screamed, Kobayashi without hesitation slammed it against the table and wiped her finger there and then.

"The only person I can think of who could do something like that...is you』-Kobayashi looked at Tohru in a threatening manner.

"Huh?! I didn't do anything, they always pick on me! ('・ε・̥ˋ๑)-Tohru was defending himself-.

『It's just that you're the most suspicious and out of habit too, well, I still have strength, shall I set up the table...I see they're a bit stiff』 -Kobayashi stretched his arms.

『I'll take care of that, in a moment Kobayashi-san』. (▰∀◕)ノ

Everyone quickly went to do their things each and prepare for dinner, Iruru kept her preparation, but seeing that Kobayashi didn't even give her a taste, then it means she still has a long way to go.

『It's wrong....』

There are still a few days left until February 14, each one still has enough time to prepare the best chocolate they can make, while at the table everyone was already eating, at the beginning when Iruru came unannounced to Kobayashi's apartment, it looked a bit weird the scene.

『Iruru?』-Tohru looked strange when she saw the dragon.

『I'll live here for a while, and if you don't want me to I'll just go to a nearby forest, well, I know you're not the boss, so I don't think I'll listen to your opinion』.

『Ha?』-Tohru was left confused, where without further ado Iruru entered and quickly browsed the place-『(Did something happen?)』

As the night came, Kobayashi also looked puzzled with this, now she would have to deal with 3 dragons that would live in her home, as it was obvious I ask her why she is here and not with Elma and M.

『I did something wrong, I can't be with him.....』

It was what he simply said, Kobayashi did not understand well, but he also did not refuse Iruru to stay, if she could already live with 3 more people then it will not be a problem with her, besides he also believed that at some point this would be fixed and Iruru would return to with M, she took it as temporary her staying, at first there were some small quarrels with Tohru, as Iruru seems to have something pending with her, but simply the green dragoness ignores her or stands her up, when she tasted Tohru's food, Iruru couldn't believe how good her prey was.

『Oh! I admit it, I was defeated by your food』-After accepting it, she went on to eat with a smile on her face.

Now it's the same, she knows that Tohru is good at this, and besides giving chocolate to Kobayashi she will also give it to her friends, such as M, Kanna will also surely do the same, I notice that she is not the only one who wants to give something to M, she has rivals everywhere she looks which makes her nervous, she would do her best for M to receive her apologies.

In other homes there were also preparations of chocolates to give to that special person, Saikawa with the help of her maid prepared and made improvements in preparing a chocolate cake, white chocolate as well as Kanna, although she had mistakes, the little human would not give up and would bring the best chocolate that Kanna would taste. Curious fact, white chocolate is not chocolate, what it has is cocoa butter, sugar and milk, in case you didn't know, although they are also debating that it should be considered real chocolate since it contains cocoa butter, I'm just saying.

Lucoa for her part is also making chocolate to be able to give it to Shouta's family, even if she is powerful and uses her magic to make it easier, anyway it ends up in a bad and stained way, as it is of no other if not her, Shouta discovered her preparing chocolate where she happily tells him "Shiii" the boy already want them to stop all these events of the goddess that only exists for fan servicie, *cough cough* wankers *cough cough*.

But well, I'm not going to make it long and put every procedure of how a chocolate is made or how they all prepare one, I'm not going to make the same mistake I did at the beginning when I was just writing the story, hahahaha I still can't believe I really wrote all that, I practically searched in the search engine how to make hot cakes xd, besides I'm not sure if I did it again.....I was just starting! don't judge me..... well, yes judge me, that's what I'm here for! Everyone makes mistakes on their first time..(つ﹏⊂) I don't plan to be so detailed about that kind of stuff anymore (≖͞_≖̥) but eh! But that there is a recipe in my story, there is a recipe ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ.

The days passed and each one did their best possible effort, like Tohru they did it with experience and love, a lot of love, I wouldn't be surprised that everyone who ate from their chocolate afterwards would love Tohru very much ( ̄ω ̄) others like Kanna, who did it with care and effort, always thinking about her friends and that they enjoy their effort without anything in return, come on my loli! ҉*( 'ω' )/*҉ , others like Saikawa who worked hard and with help to be able to give a job well done for a well done being, lolis love, I like that (`・ω・ω・') b. While others couldn't or just didn't care , as in the case of Elma and Kobayashi, being an adult is hard ( ー`дー').

February 14 arrived and in the evening we all gathered at Kobayashi's apartment to have a small gathering, and everyone started giving their respective chocolates to the people they love and care about the most.

『Please could you receive my gift Kanna?』(●'艸`)ヾ -Saikawa was carrying a big package in his hands where he put it on the table, when Kanna opened it we noticed that it was a beautifully decorated white chocolate cake-.

We all stared at the huge gift from someone small, this girl really goes all out. Kanna when she saw that she received a chocolate did not avoid getting happy, because while preparing it she felt like eating one by herself, her eyes trembled and happily thanked Saikawa.

"Thank you very much, I made one for you too』.

Kanna warmly hugged Saikawa that the girl again did not avoid screaming from the joy and knowing that her efforts were received, she also received a chocolate cookie from Kanna, which she prepared with Tohru's instructions.

『Siii!!!! I kept it along with the treasures I have!』(ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) ˡºᵛᵉ❤⃛

『Comételo que pa eso te dan te dan( ̄ω ̄).....pera.....tesoros?...』(・-・)-Pase from the dubious to the theatrical....

『Ah! I also made cupcakes for all of you, please accept them』-Saikawa also brought small cakes which we all received-

『Oh! But they taste good! I feel the tradition and culture with what was made』-Kobayashi was glad to eat it-.

『I'm glad you like it, my maid helps me in preparing them』.

『I see, one shouldn't underestimate the power of the maidservants』-Kobayashi was still happily eating the small cake-.

While on the couch was Fafnir playing accompanied by Makoto, who the human received the cake while Fafnir was playing on the TV.

『Ten, this is your share』-Makoto was showing the cake to his friend-.

The latter simply saw it and continued playing, he put it aside, where Makoto started to eat from his side, when he realized there was no longer the piece of cake, he looked at Fafnir and saw that on his cheek was stained with cream, Makoto without hesitation wiped him with a napkin, as if he was a tame animal Fafnir simply left, they continued playing both on the TV.

Tohru quickly approached Kobayashi and cheerfully handed him a heart-shaped chocolate.

『Please Kobayashi-san accept all my affection, love and heart』. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Kobayashi took the heart doubtfully, removed the packaging and saw that if it was a normal chocolate, she didn't give it too much thought and went on to take a bite Tohru was looking forward to that, after seconds of intrigue Kobayashi gave her opinion.

『Yes, they came out good for you Tohru』-Happily turned to Tohru-.

『Eh?』-(。・ω・。)?Tohru looked confused-『Don't you feel something else Kobayashi-san? nose....tipo as if you start to love me more than usual? maybe?...』(๑-ૅૄ-๑)

『No, I'm feeling fine 』

『Hahahaha.....yes, sure, then I'm glad....(what happened to the chocolate?....) Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)』

I was watching and gave a sigh of relief, just yesterday I met Tohru and she told me that she was preparing a chocolate for Kobayashi-san, the first thing I said is that it's very good, but inside she was: She sure put something weird in it, this lizard really doesn't learn, I'm going to follow her, and just as I thought she had gone to the other world and brought a love potion, Uhmmm, I already knew that (-_-)ゞ゛ Without her noticing I could change the chocolate she made with a normal one, I looked at it and you could see that it was something weird this chocolate, I threw it away but of course I wasn't going to leave it there, I passed my hand to my Forma Dios ready to destroy it, what happened if I didn't expect it.

『Well chocolate, I'm sorry but you can't be eaten, although I could keep it and make all the waifus fall in love with it....uhmmm | ͠° ▃ °͠ °͠ | tempting tempter.... 』

Before I knew it I was at the North Pole where a little penguin was watching me and subsequently handing me a penguin (that cupcake).

『Oh, hello Mumble, thank you...』-I felt weird because a penguin was handing me a penguin-『...Now are you going to dance or what?』-I quickly felt the chill-『Pera, what am I doing here?』

I remember it like it was yesterday,ah! no! how stupid if it happened yesterday. Good thing I managed to get back quickly. While I was reminiscing Tohru had handed out small heart chocolates to everyone.

『Hey hey hey hey, hey kid』-Tohru was talking to me-.

Pom, Tohru gave me a finger tap on my forehead where I could finally react, when I realized Tohru was giving me a chocolate in my hand.

『I also made for you guys, I hope you are good』.

I looked at it and could tell it was small, in these 2 examples of Saikawa and Tohru you can see the huge difference between someone you love and your friends, it's okay, it's not something to talk about let alone complain about, I opened it from the packaging and quickly ate it.

『Eh?! Tohru....but what is this.....my chest is starting to throb』-I was surprised and quickly turned red-.

『Are you okay? I'll help you rest if you want? come on..... are you weak or strong? make up your mind at once』-Tohru quickly helped me stand up because I was so clumsy-

『Tohru?.....for some strange reason.....I feel like I love you more....and I don't see you as a fool anymore...』(*'ェ`*)

『Eh? Wait? huh?(-゚д゚-) Don't tell me that.....』

Quickly Tohru got nervous and let go of me where I hopelessly fell to the ground, she was hiding on Kobayashi's back and looking at me confused blushing.

『Nahh, don't believe it, I'm fine, I just wanted to see your reaction, what's wrong? Are you as red as a tomato? hahaha! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』-I was standing up and mocking-『Pera! You're the one who was pulling me!

The green dragon was still unsure of what just happened, at the end of my fun Kanna had also just given me and handed out to everyone the chocolate cookies she made. Now it was Lucoa's turn who she opted for the traditional, chocolate bars, we all received the gift from the former goddess.

『Wouldn't you have anything weird?....as an aphrodisiac?.....』-Shouta was doubtful of the chocolate-.

『Of course not, it's just ordinary chocolate, you yourself saw how M was preparing it too』.

Lucoa not being able to prepare chocolate decided to let me know so I could help him, well, if I already did it once why not again, although what the hell with this woman? you can't be even a single second without thinking something bad? I still don't understand how you end up bathed in chocolate.....

『Now it's my turn! I made chocolates for everyone too!』

I took out several little chocolate balls that I showed to everyone, when I saw Tohru yesterday I just remembered that February 14 was approaching, so without hesitation I made the preparation, piece of cake with the help of my clones. (ؑᵒᵕؑ̇ᵒ)◞✧

『Hey, but didn't only women could give chocolates?』 -Tohru was puzzled by this-.

『¡¡!! I feel oppressed....I need to complain....on that social network....! Bah! Asshole people there are in the world. I like to break the rules, if I want to do it I just do it and that's it 』(゚<||\(・ω・)/|>゚).

Everyone grab even one sphere of chocolate and ate it easily, I didn't avoid wanting to laugh because of what I was seeing.

『(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now if I can say, everything sucks my balls! o.(+・`ω・+).o)』

Sometimes it was too childish that situations like this made me draw a mischievous smile, but all this changed when Kanna took a chocolate sphere and was about to eat it, my gesture changed to one of concern and I quickly stopped her.

『Eh? What's wrong M?』 -Kanna looked at me in confusion.

『Simply, I think this is bad』』 (ノ'ロ`)ノ

Kanna just happened to bow her head, anyway she ate the chocolate sphere where at the moment I saw it I don't think I opened my eyes as wide as I did now because of the surprise.━(◯Δ◯∥)━ン

In all this gathering, Iruru watched hidden, she had a chocolate in her hands and watched how everyone was sharing and having fun, every gift they gave have a meaning, and they all have something in common, they love that person and appreciate it, they are all friends and get along well, is that the same thing Iruru thinks by wanting to give a chocolate too? What is M for her? Are they friends or just acquaintances?

Iruru between these doubts was approaching little by little towards M, such was her ability that made the boy not notice her presence, in her hands she had a chocolate, a heart-shaped chocolate that she found in the trash after getting rid of M, she took it and saw that it was well done, compared to what she did, this one was perfect, this chocolate would be what she would give to M.

With each small step she approached the human and remembered the meaning of that action, what it meant the most to give a chocolate to that person.

『You give it to the person you love』.

Iruru met M, only small centimeters separated him from him, his eyes were shaking and his hands were trembling, and he remembered again all the time he spent with this young man who just realized he met him recently, how he saved her, how they talked, the way he addressed her, the teachings and what she learned from him, how she let him live in her home, the time she yelled at him for the deaths he did, but he still followed him so they could talk and get along again. Iruru brought his arm closer and his fingers were about to touch the boy's back.

M found out and turned to look back, where he found Iruru away showing her back to him.

『(No, this chocolate, it's not for you, not for anyone)』-Iruru found herself looking at the chocolate in his hands-『(I just got carried away hahaha)』.

That was what she realized with all this, Iruru and M have nothing to bind them together, yes, M saved her and all, but there it is, it just stays like this, that it would come to this is because of Iruru's curiosity to see what would happen if she followed this boy, that was what moved her and also her sense of returning the favor, she doesn't want the boy, she doesn't appreciate him, let alone love him, it was just her childish interest moving her body. Iruru noticing all this made a decision, after facing Tohru he would go back to the other world and be what he always was and what M told him.

『Iruru.....you are a dragon』.

Although she had already made her decision, she too would have liked to be like them, dragons who were able to adapt to this environment and world, to live quietly being themselves without hurting anyone. Iruru had her head down and decided to take a step.

Pom! She was hit without her noticing in the head, this object bounced falling into her chocolate heart, it was a chocolate sphere, she quickly turned to look, she found the young boy looking at her, you could still see how he moved his arm to throw it at her, he was with a friendly gesture, where after his action he turned around again, Iruru was shocked and again looked at the chocolate sphere.

『If you get a chocolate, it means that person cares about you, even a little』.

With those words that she also remembered, she took the chocolate sphere and went on to eat it, you could see how her gesture changed a little to a more relieved and normal one, from one moment to the next she was surrounded by all the people she got to know and each one shared her chocolate with her.

『Here you go, I see that you really like what I prepare』-Tohru was handing her her chocolate.

"Here, thank you for receiving me every day』-Kanna handed him his cookie.

"You live here too? Here, I made a lot』-Saikawa handed over his cake.

『Think better about what you're going to do, he got mine too』-Lucoa was handing over his chocolate bar- 『No, I made a lot』.

『I don't know who you are, but I hope we can get along, Happy day hahaha, greetings from both of us 』-Makoto was handing over her words-

『Eh? You don't have much...I'll give you some of what I have, don't waste this opportunity』-Elma who was eating too much, handed over some of the pile of food she had- 』.

"I don't have anything, but, happy day, thank you, it's been fun these days in the house』-Kobayashi was handing her his thanks.

From one moment to the next, Iruru's heart was bursting and full of everything she had just received from these people, she was left with nothing to say and only happened to smile, she had never received such a gift before, and she wanted to be able to fit in this environment.

『I may..... stay a little longer』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
