
Capitulo 121: Isekai (Mira)

I was lying on a tree, where I found a 4-leaf clover, after closing my eyes and making a wish, a little girl with long red hair that reached close to her feet, a strange but at the same time tender dress, her eyes were open, wide open, as if she never blinked, and a smile that to me was cute.

『Good morning!』(⊙ꇴ⊙)

That little girl spoke cheerfully, at this I was just shocked, speechless at what just happened.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIEMPO ATRÁS-----------------------------------------

In the Demon King's castle, King was as usual next to the huge crystal. Some fluttering could be felt, it was Lami who had already returned.

『Ah!(^^) You're back』-King turned to look at him-『Uhm? And where's Doge?

『Onii-chan left suddenly... I think he was worried, he was heading towards the Chaos Faction....』-Lami told what happened-

King worried about quickly, he closed his eyes and a ripple expansion came out of his body, traveling great miles.

『I found them! Looks like you're in trouble....』-King was watching how they were facing the other dragons-.

He quickly stretched out his Mythic Claws, these began to glow an intense color, a power was bursting from these, in front of him he was creating portals, these were getting bigger and bigger, but slowly, these were getting smaller until they disappeared completely. The Mythic Claws lowered their glow.

『This is bad....』-King was really worried, he saw how the fight was going on and the brothers extremely injured-『There's no other way, Lami, go wake up Mira』.

Just as King said, Lami went to her sister's room, where she was sleeping peacefully, wagging her tail in various directions as well as her body.

『Onee-chan..... wake up, wake up...』-Lami moved her to see if she would react-.

Seeing that she didn't wake up and the situation could get worse, she saw her tail as it wagged, so she stared at it, her hand slowly approached it, and suddenly squeezed it. The little sister opened her eyes in surprise, a loud scream was heard throughout the castle. She was on the defensive, protecting her little tail so that no one else would touch it, her eyes were watery and extremely embarrassed.

『How dare you interrupt my adventurous dream, I was already about to become the ruler of darkness, I was going to be known after having defeated with pride and bravery, where I was illuminated by the virgin light, the lethargy of the god millions of years, I was going to be the one chosen to carry the forbidden power, where every time I invoked it, my name would be nothing but wishes. ...』-His way of speaking was something not very common-『But a force that surpassed existence and space itself managed to pierce my greatest treasure, it took me by surprise that not even my 10 thousand reactions and astral spirits could detect it...』-Newly he stood on guard-『Now I won't be able to marry....』(/≧ω\)

All those words were to simply say her last sentence. Lami seeing her little sister embarrassed didn't help but blush to see how tender she could be.

『Just touching your tail.... is no big deal....』-Lami emotionlessly addressed her little sister-.

『That is more than unforgivable !Di deities fall so low for someone of nobility to do so, my precious limb is part of my body, only those who wielded and walked a great path to the torment of the inhuman, where they shed their blood and sweat to achieve it can get to touch it, those to whom I would give my power and soul with all my being, get me out of this darkness so I can find the valhalla』 (Ŏ艸Ŏ)

『.....As usual I don't know what you're saying Onee-chan.....』 -Lami was already lost-『I don't care about the Valkaka or whatever...King needs your help』.

Mira was rubbing her eyes, where that narrowed and tearful look turned into eyes and expression of always being in surprise.



The little girl had already arrived at the main hall, her face of confusion that she had been called made King uneasy. King asked her for the favor where she accepted the little dragon.

『Shi shi shi (〃ω〃) It seems that even the most feared and powerful ruler of the world himself out of the millions in this vast path called destiny, King himself humbly asks me to help people who for me, are already in a very precious place in my heart, ▼ω▼ what he trusts so much decided to fail him, look, just the stars are aligned, the planets---- 』

『Please look.... could you just do it at once....』 -(; ̄︶ ̄)King interrupted Mira-.

『I was just about to get to the part where I tell how I defeated the cow-headed dragon....』 ●︿●

Mira using her powers, summoned several portals, it was as if they were black holes, from these Arnna and Dux appeared, they were extremely injured. Dux looked at Arnna with a smile and Arnna quickly fainted, King quickly became alert and took both of them to a room so he could heal them.

『What happened here?....』 -Mira was worried, where Lami turned to look at her-『Ah!⚆ᗝ⚆ I mean, who interrupted and dared my loved ones to arrive in such a pitiful state...hahahahaha』(^^;)

A noise could be heard nearby, both dragons turned around to look, where they found a human standing uncertainly where she is.

"『I guess this is the Demon King's castle, isn't it? -Kobayashi made a comment.

『You're.....』 -Lami easily remembered her-.

Mira was confused of what was going on, her gesture and head tilt made her express. Lami the first thing she did was to give her a small band on Kobayashi's wound.

『I'm sorry...but I don't have healing powers.....』-Lami was saying while putting on the bandage-『And I'm also sorry for earlier..... I didn't mean to hit you with the curse.....』

Lami was heartily sorry, Kobayashi noticed this quickly and realized that each of these people are good people. Mira who was watching was curious and quickly approached Kobayashi.

『Hey, how come they call you your friends and the word with which they decided to give you and thought it fondly your progenitors?』-Mira was asking Kobayashi-?

『Eh?....-I'm Kobayashi....』-The human was answering not very sure-.

『I'm going to tell you and start calling you by the magnificent name of...Onee-chan』(⌒▽⌒)-Mira was pleased-『And what is it due to you being in our place of life?』

Mira for quite a while has been asking Kobayashi various questions, she was listening and answering what she could.

『Ah!....I had left over what I brought from your world, please accept it....』

From the thick black sphere hovering near Lami, a bag came out where inside was little bit of Dango and Takoyaki, Kobayashi accepted and ate without further ado of what she offered him.

『I also saved for you Onee-chan.....』

At first she looked confused Mira, but then she made a smile and moved to eat, her face as she blushed was tender. But she still had doubts Mira, she knows that for a long time her family keeps things for her not to meddle, she herself takes it as a challenge and as if it were a mystery, she tries to look for herself methods to be told, but sometimes come to be easy by a certain person that take away her excitement a little.

『She is a human from the other world, I can tell by the clothes she arrives wearing, do you think you can provide me with some information Onii-chan?』( ̄^ ̄)It seems her style of words and speech changed from Mira-.

『Well .... I don't think it's wrong to say it...you see.....』

Lami went on to tell her what happened, how this one traveled to the other world and tried to go after Elma, how this one missed his arrow hitting Kobayashi, how they are now looking for a way to save her. Mira was excited by what she just heard, her smile took a shape and got bigger, getting to have a devilish smile for some, her power increased the more excited she got. But out of everything Lami told him, what caught his attention the most was that boy who had several transformations.

『I want to meet him already! That boy who is both a blue dog and a purple cat! I want to see him!』-(⊙ᗜ⊙)-『I want to have fun with him! I want to play with him! He is so mysterious! he sure has a lot to tell! I want to be his friend....』

Her power was increasing more and more she was getting excited, Lami was starting to worry, but her sister's words were getting weaker and weaker, she was reeling, her eyes were squinting.

『I want him to be excited like me too.....I want to spend time with him.....I want to hear his story....』

Apparently she was still sleepy she fell into Lami's arms before she fell to the floor. Lami seeing her sister who had no strength, decided to carry her to her room in her arms, where halfway Mira woke up and she herself decided to go on her own.

『I want her to be thrilled with me.... I want to share my happiness with her.....』

Mira had a devilish smile on her face, it looked like she had plotted something, she was laughing for what she just did just now, with no more and no more strength she fell on her bed so she could complete her dream which will be shortly.

『I already want to play with you....』(#^.^#)

The next morning, Mira had already woken up, today she completed her 100 years dream, she is as good as new and ready to be able to wear herself to the limit. Kobayashi's wound as well as Arnna's and Dux's were already healed, they were as good as new too. When Arnna got to her room she found Kobayashi in it. She was quickly pleased and they had a friendly chat with each other.

Footsteps were noticed, a little girl had arrived in the main hall.

『After a lethargic sleep, I will be able to help my blood colleagues, worry no more! Mira-sama just woke up!』۹(ÒہÓ)۶-Mira with all the encouragement said-.

『Good morning Mira』『You're awake now Mira-chan』『Hello Onee-chan.....』

King ,Dux and Lami were quietly greeting their little sister. Mira slowly walked towards Dux.

『Now that you're better, could you tell what happened? I'm about to die of excitement!』(⌬̀⌄⌬́)-Mira went straight to the bean.

『Well, the truth of the matter was that----』-Dux was about to tell, but was quickly interrupted-.

『The truth is not that a big deal happened, you know, the usual, we try to ask for help and everyone doesn't want to attack, typical no?』(;^ω^^)-King quickly made up an unsuccessful excuse-.

『That was really bad King, how can you lie to Mira-chan』-Dux was addressing King-『What happened was that one day we met a huge boar, apparently it was the Boar King, you should have seen it, it was extremely strong, its fur was harder than steel, its tusks comparable to a dragon's, but we were able to defeat it in an intense fight』(^__^)

Mira listened carefully to what her brother was telling, she was happy to hear that story.

『(And I am the liar....)』(^_^;)

『And if you defeated him, where is the meat?』-Mira innocently asked her brother-.

Doge was silent, it was like this for several seconds. ^^;

『It's because it was too strong, we managed to defeat it but we were also very damaged, so we'd better retreat, the Boar King must also be recovering』.

『....I see, I want to see it too』(^O^)-Mira replied with a smile-『By the way King, do you know where my previous quest left off』-『The last time I was awake, I lost something very precious to me, without further recollection I think it was a book』

『Ah, right, you brought lots of books when you came back from the other world, I know they are very precious to you, leave it to me』(^_^).

『Last time I roamed around was by ....ah! I think it was by this address』-Mira pointed with her finger-

『All right, I'll take care of looking for it』.

King closed his eyes, where from it came out an expanding ripple, he was going through large amounts, looking for that book.

"Did you find it?』 -King asked.

『No...are you sure it was around here? I only found 2 dragons and a human, if I remember correctly, they were the friends of the human I brought.....』

King just realized, he happened to look at Dux and Lami, Dux was worried, while Lami just happened to point his finger at each other.

『Chale....ya la cage verdad?』(・・;)-King was sweating-.

A smile was framed on Mira's face, quickly her power was increasing considerably. An aura burst from her body where at the end she summoned her wings and shot out of the castle like a meteorite.

『I stop her?.....』-Dux had pulled out his wings-

King stopped him with his hands, King just kept quiet, he was worried just like Doge. Mira covered great miles in a few seconds.

『(I want to meet him...and I also want to meet that Boar King)』.




The little girl was in front of me, she leaned a little to get a better look at me.

『Hey, what's your name?』-Mira cheerfully turned to me-.

Kanna who was sleeping, woke up by Mira's words.

『...(I can't believe it! This is real! Maybe I'll become a believer of the 4-leaf clover..... wishes if they come true!أ‿أ I would have asked to save Kanna if I had known...)』-『Loli.....a loli...』

The little dragoness was confused by my first words.

『Loli?』-She said confused-『Loli?

『A loli!!!(≧∀≦)』-I quickly went to hug Mira, she was confused-『Yes yes, a loli! You look so tender and innocent, let me hug you some more』(ᗒᗨᗕ).

『Hey,eh?.....But what a boy.....』(-゚д゚-)-Mira didn't know how to react-.

『Be calm, he did the same thing to me too when he first saw me, he's a pervert just for seconds』-Kanna was addressing Mira-.


Quickly Mira moved away from me, she was on the defensive protecting her tail.

『I won't let you touch it』(●'艸`)ヾ-With flushed cheeks Mira said-.

『Eh? You're a dragon, I hadn't noticed because of how happy I was hahaha』 @^▽^@.

After this first encounter I had with that girl, as always when I see a loli, it makes me want to hug her with all my might, and this was no exception. After minutes we had a chat. One way or another she was very interested in me, I could say too much, and while talking to her, I noticed that at times she tends to say not very normal words when talking, it's like an attempt of Chuunibyou. And she asked me about my story, she was really excited for me to tell her about my story.

『Tell me, is it true that you can turn into a blue dog, and a purple cat?』-Animated the little girl told me-.

Faced with her questions and doubts, I realized several things, I decided to tell her what I experienced so far, the little girl listened attentively to each of my words, her eyes seemed to shine and her smile was even more marked.

『Please let me see you in your other forms!』

At the little girl's excitement, I couldn't refuse her smile, then without further ado I showed my Lucario Form to the little girl. In my palm I created an Aural Sphere, the little girl got even more excited.

『I can do the same thing too!』

The little girl stepped aside and started saying and doing different poses.

『Come here magic and dark power, I call upon you to come and lend me the power, oh god of the impure and sacrificial.....』-She kept talking like this for a while-.

At the end of all his words, he stretched out his arms, which to my and Kanna's surprise, nothing happened.

『Eh? Nothing? Wait a minute! Now if you take a closer look』

She concentrated even more, after seconds a hole appeared, a small black hole appeared in front of the little girl.

『You see, I also possess a great power, it is my sealed power that I rarely have it released, take advantage of every second because you will never see it again』۹(ÒہÓ)۶.

After that the little girl looked tired, seeing how she was sweating made me just now realize that I left something behind.

『By the way, what is your name? My name is M, and the little girl's name is Kanna』.

『You just decided to answer my question I asked you since my soul is gone?』-Mira was standing up-『Shi shi shi my name is Mira-sama, the great Mira-sama just woke up and will bring excitement to this world! 』\(^o^)/

『Hahahahaha, I see you are lively, as if your life is a fantasy』-I was making a comment-.

『Well it is, I was born and raised in such a world, there is nothing wrong for me to express myself like that』-Mira commented-『But people don't get to listen to me.....e talked to several humans, but most of them when I introduced myself escaped from me, and that I hide my wings, tail and horns, they shouted that my face scares them.... with the few people I've talked to and become close to, let's say I was too much that they decided to get away from me....and the world itself.....』-Look I changed the atmosphere of the place-『I would have liked sometimes to be born as another....as cute and tender as Kanna-chan, or to be born as a simple human I would have liked, so I could play with everyone and get excited without harming anyone....』

After listening to her little story of Mira, I wanted to cheer her up, so that she is like before.

『You know what they say, not everyone is going to accept you, there are going to be few who are going to accept you as you are, with your flaws, but if the problem comes to be you, then the best option is to improve, also here come the likes, if you don't like someone or you don't feel comfortable with someone, for example, I like lolis, it is a factor that makes me like you a lot, but if I get to know you well, the feeling of liking or attraction would no longer abound, rather it would be a deeper feeling, I don't know how to say it specifically, but I would start to see you as a friend』.

Mira stood listening to what he was saying.

『I would approach someone I like, that's how it works, and I love lolis, I love them with all my heart, that's why, I would like to be your friend Mira-chan, I don't know what problems you have, but if possible, I will help you. Third Commandment, Help each other if we are in trouble, Penalty: Buy a ramen. It's one of the 5 oaths I have with my friends, I would like to, accept you as you are Mira-chan』.

After hearing that Mira, stood with tears in her eyes, she was about to cry.

『(I didn't believe...I didn't believe that apart from my family, another person would accept me as I am, in the past I killed thousands because of my emotion, I caused disasters because of my mood, I wasn't allowed to express myself or even have fun.....but you come and tell me that you love me....this is something I didn't expect.....this is wrong, I'm starting to get happy, to get excited, my heart won't stop beating fast, you'll stop me won't you? Because I'm on the verge of the extreme.....)』-Mira remembered when she was playing with humans long ago, they were happy times for her, but she quickly found herself in a bath of blood and corpses of her friends, where she was standing in the middle of it all, with her extreme smile and laughing while crying-.

『Okay, then now I'll show you my Mega Form』.

I felt a really powerful aura, a power that even in my Human Form I could feel it. Kanna stood on guard. As I looked I saw that she was Mira, as her smile tackled most of her face, bursting forth a great energy that couldn't be felt before.

『M.....please, I want to have fun, I want to get excited, but every time I do there are always dead people, I just want to have a good time.....but I can't..... please stop me, as long as I'm alive there will be dead people, and a life where I can't see the wonders of fantasy, a life where I can't be the way I am, I've thought it through, and it's not worth it....』-『I hate having this power, I hate having this power, I hate being a dragon....』

I could clearly hear Mira's words, an explosion of air was in the place, where when I saw Mira again she was surrounded by a thick aura around her body, showing her claws, wings and tail, that devilish smile that with those eyes could penetrate anyone.

『Belonging to the Anomenos Family, First Sister, Pithy Emptiness, Mira』-Mira seemed to be excited beyond belief-『Let's play Onii-chan!』

The excitement of wanting to have fun filled Mira's head and heart, she only seeks to play and get excited with people, she wants the same for others, but this power she has, leads her to be in an inner emptiness, she can't stand this anymore, she doesn't want to change, it's impossible for her, she doesn't want to be in a world where she can't be the way she wants to be.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
