
Chapter 105: Family Time

『Until the day of the Sports Festival, I will be your Personal Teacher』-M without hesitation said it-『Together we will rise to victory』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///

To the teacher and the children it seemed curious and even confusing, but they agreed without objection. The only one let's say who was with her mind spinning was Saikawa.

『(....How...How did this happen?.....)』⁀⊙﹏☉⁀


『(They are elementary school children, so I have to adapt to them)』-I was thinking of a way how to train them-『(Although I have never trained anyone....(^^ゞlet's see what happens)』

『Well, then what would be the first thing we do Mr. Kobayashi』-The teacher was addressing me-』.

The children were sitting in the courtyard, waiting for us to lead them.

『Ah?....-Let's warm up a bit first, then we don't want to wear them out fast』-It would be a way to save time while I think of what to do next-.

The children started doing exercise routines, they weren't that difficult, more like stretching, loosening up their muscles and jogging in place.


The children were curious, they saw that he was also doing the same thing M. He was also warming up together with them.

『Well children, follow my lead, at the end of the day I will have a surprise for you all, of course, if you all do it right』.

Somehow, this motivated the children in a good way, and there was a slight feeling of wanting to do better, even more already than they wanted to.

『Oh, I see, having their teacher guiding them more closely and at their pace, I strike up a little relationship with them, as expected of you Mr. Kobayashi』-The teacher congratulated me-『Good, then I'll do the same』.

『Yes, as you said』-I was still warming up-『(Although I think the factor was that they will get a prize)』.

I know only one thing in this kind of situation, you have to make a good friendship with your students, with a good relationship, the training will not be noticed as a training, but as having a good time with each other. First is to gain the trust of the little ones.

『Why is the teacher wearing a scarf if he's dressed sporty?』-A boy was talking to his sidekick-『Why is the teacher wearing a scarf if he's dressed sporty?

『Isn't he hot with that on?』-They were asking each other questions while warming up-『His style of clothing is strange』.

『Okay, now let's go around the courtyard, (how many will be okay.....)For now let's start with 5』-Di the new exercise-

The children were jogging the big yard where the Sports Festival would happen, most of them were doing what I told them, but there are some children who wanted to show their speed.

『I can also prove that I am fast』-(○`・Д・')9-That child was passing the joggers, he was running in a fast way-『Wuua, how did M-sensei』

『Remember this is just an exercise, there is no need to expend more strength than necessary, if you want to prove that you are good, do it at the Sports Festival, I assure you that you will be better at finishing all this』(^▽^).

『M-sensei.....is right, I'll show everyone and my parents how good I am, I'm in charge of you, M-sensei』-The boy understood the first time, he started jogging and leveling up with the others-.

『(Though I catch up with him because he is taller)』-I saw a group of children standing at the bottom, they were not jogging, they were taking quick steps simply, not to say walking-『(I have to prove that I am strong, so what I will do will be this)』.

To surprise them, and demonstrate what their Master can do, I ran around as fast as my physique would allow, managing to catch up to that group of children.

"Oh, M-sensei, where did you come from?』 One boy wondered.

『Listen carefully children, wouldn't you like to win?』-I was straightforward, the children were surprised-『Maybe you don't trust yourselves much, but I do, your teacher, your parents and also your other classmates think the same, maybe you don't like this, but just this once, wouldn't you like to be in expectation of them? 』 '・ᴗ・`『If they do, I'm sure their effort will be well rewarded』

I gave a little speech of an attempt to motivate these children who can give extra but don't.


The children looked at me, apparently I was able to please and motivate them.

『Okay, follow me, I will accompany you until you finish all the laps』.

I stood in the middle of the children, seeing me accompanying them, they followed my pace and we all jogged together. To those whose spirits and attitude are above the clouds, I will make them understand that it is okay to give what is necessary and in critical moments to exploit everything, and to those who are below the clouds, I will make them understand that it is okay to make an effort so that they will have a reward that will gladden their hearts.


『....._| ̄|○...('_`;).....('皿`;).....Water....I need water...('・`)....My legs can't take any more..... _ノフ○』-M was really tired, his breathing was really exhausting even to look at, he was sweating like a chicken in the fire-

『M-sensei was the first to get tired』-The same 2 kids from earlier were talking-』.

"I knew that scarf would get him in trouble』.

"Here you go M』-Kanna had brought him a bottle of water.

『Thank you so much Kanna-chan, I can always count on you』.

I stroked her head so I could express my gratitude.

『Ohhhhhhh, yes they are real father and daughter, they both have blue eyes』- ◉‿◉ A child commented upon seeing the scene-.

『(That's pure coincidence)』-Saikawa thought-『(M as Kanna's father....(。・・・。) could say they look like that....)』

『Now let's continue with jumping rope, M-sensei, is this okay?』-The teacher respectfully addressed me-.

『Yes, it's perfect, my arms are stronger than my legs』 ┗(`・ω・')┛

I proudly displayed my scrawny arms, which did not even need to be undressed. Taking hold of the rope at each end, the teacher and I were ready, the children waiting for the order,

『Okay, on my count, 3,2,1,0』

The rope was starting to spin, the children were extremely concentrated and attentive to the rope, jumping synchronized, the teacher if trained them well before it came.

『(The teacher decided this exercise so that I can rest a little)Keep it up children, it's not long now, remember you will have a prize at the end of the day』-『Now those who are going to spin the rope, it's your turn』.


I was bringing huge balls together with the teacher, we also asked a few students for help.

『Okay, now the ball game will follow, it's just a matter of being guided well and having a good control of the ball』-I already had the next exercise-『I had the next exercise-』.

『Unbelievable, that ball is floating』-(∩╹□╹∩)Saikawa was surprised to see a ball coming to us-.

He peeked his head out and we could see that the one bringing another ball was Kanna. Her small body was covered by the ball and gave the effect of floating.

The children were in each of their positions, those who would compete were ready.

『Speed is the most dangerous thing in this game, as you can easily be deflected the ball, as you surely heard once, slow but sure, although you can trot if you want to go faster』.

Saikawa was in this competition, the children started to roll the ball which was bigger than them.

『Don't use too much force, on the curves it will be difficult to stop them, treat the ball with affection, as if you were carrying the most desired thing, and at the slightest carelessness, that being could....suffer!(◯Δ◯∥) 』-I came up with that to motivate them-.

『The most desired thing? To suffer?』

Saikawa looked at the red ball in front of her, it was no longer a ball in the girl's eyes, but Kanna made into a ball.

『I'm counting on you Saikawa』-Kanna's words were tender and innocent as always-.

『Awwwwwww(灬♥ω♥灬) Listen to me, we have to bring this tenderness safely to the goal!(๑♡⌓♡๑)』

She would say to her partner who would also carry the ball with her. (・・;)

Incredibly, Saikawa and his partner were the first to carry the huge ball to the goal, without going a single line past their position.


『Yes yes , they proved that they are very strong, the truth did a good job Maestra』-I was speaking my mind-『Now play the tug-of-war, ╭( ・ㅂ・)و and everyone will face me of course----o(`^'*)』

I was lying face down on the ground, the kids knocked me down in just 2 seconds of giving the signal.

『Why.....how come I lost.....could it be that my students are already sucked...』( 〇□〇)

『We already knew from the beginning that he is not someone strong M-sensei....』(;^ω^^)-One student commented-.

『Well, then this time it will be different, you will face the family then, Kanna-chan, let's show what we are capable of together』.

Kanna was competing in this game, so now she would be on my side, the 2 of us against my students.

『(We know Kanna is strong, but with all of us against her, it will be impossible for them to beat us...)』-Saikawa thought about the situation-.


Incredibly, though it was to be expected, we were holding our own and standing firm despite the tugging and straining of that group of children.

『(How? They should at least be at the edge of the line...)』-Saikawa and other companions were dubious-』.

『Hahahaha, now I'm using all my strength, they woke up the monster inside me』(●`・皿・).

The truth is that Kanna was the one who was doing strength so that we don't lose, I didn't even support in anything with my current strength, although it's true that a monster is helping me, I told him to only use what is necessary, so as not to raise doubts of his true strength.

『It's unbelievable, he looked like a weakling, but actually if he was really strong, as I expected from you M-sensei! 』-That boy who was the first one to give him advice, was encouraged by that fight-.

The boy used more strength and with the help of his legs managed to make us move forward little by little. I wondered what was going on, and when I took a good look, I saw that everyone was very coordinated and following that animated boy.

"Now, step back, left foot! Right foot! Pull!

He was making us move further and further to the edge of the line. Instead of leveling up to his class, this time, I lead the children, so that they can keep up with him with his help.

『We're losing, one more hard pull and we're going to lose』-I had sweaty hands still and it was hard to get a good grip, I needed something to hold on tighter』.

Take Kanna's cap. Saikawa missed me doing this and saw how Kanna's cap, in a moment this was squeezed tightly, taking away her beautiful and tender form.

『Good! I have a good grip, now yes----』

『How....How.....How dare you harm Kanna!!!(ʘᗩʘ')』

Saikawa drew strength from where even she didn't know she had and with that pull of strength, she managed to defeat both of us.


We continued with many more exercises, but now came what we could say the decisive one, practicing for the relay race.

『Okay, to your places』-Said the order.

Here were also participating together Saikawa and Kanna, having them 2...no....our whole team, we will surely win.

『Run as fast as you can! Here if you unleash all your power! grab and hold on to the stake like never before! Don't let go of the stick at all!』

『Baaaaaaa, I still don't understand why I didn't get picked for this game....』-The animated boy disagreed-('・ε・̥ˋ๑)

『Only girls participate, next year it will be our turn』. -His partner said to him.

『Baaaaaa, I would have preferred to be born a girl Σ(T□T)』.

I gave the count, the girls started to run as fast as they could, passing the stake to each of their partners, I watched analyzing the situation, a smile on my face gave the result.

『If we continue like this, we can win without a doubt』.


It was already afternoon, classes were over and the children were retiring for home.

『Tomorrow I will also come, I will bring them what I promised 』(^∀^)ゞ.

At the school entrance, I was leaving with Kanna to go back to the house together, outside Saikawa was waiting for us.

We were the 3 of us again walking through the streets.

『Now, you want to explain to me what is this father thing』-Saikawa said to what he came for-.

『Just as you heard, I'm Kanna's father, that's going to be my task for life』-Explained without any detours-.

『I don't know how this happened or why you became our teacher..... but anything you can expect from a lolicon』(-.-;)

『M is my dad, that's how I see it, and I like it』 -Kanna commented.

『Like him?(*'-`*) If Kanna says so, then I can't refuse』.

『Wow, I didn't think I'd get into this, I was really surprised by these kids, if they were the type to grumble, do their whining, or their little scenes, I sure wouldn't have resisted, I'm not much of a fan of brats』-Said what I thought-.

"Brats? You mean the kids?』-Saikawa was in doubt.

『No no, they are children, brats are easy to spot at sight, they really are good』-『But good thing you waited for us, I need to talk to you』.

Saikawa noticed herself curious, as to why would be the reason for wanting to talk to her.(*'-`*)

『You show yourself as someone strong and of great character, but in reality you are like any girl, who would be sad if she makes even a small mistake, I could tell by seeing you this day, it's bad to have that feeling of pressure and that everything I have to do right, just relax and be normal, I know it's obvious, but you are not alone in this 』.

The little girl didn't blink as she looked at me, the words I just said hit right on target in her thoughts.

『Trust yourself Riko-chan, you've got a lot of it』。^‿^。.

He stroked her head to calm her down, she simply let herself be stroked.

『(It's just like that day in the park...it's as if he saw his daughter in front of his eyes, giving her what she needed....)』

Right here, on the same route as that time, these 3 people, became closer, changing what they thought each other.


The days went on, M together with the teacher were training the children, giving instructions and supporting them in everything. The prize M said was, simply peppermint candy, an easy and refreshing candy for this time.

『¿??M-san?』-Shouta watched from her living room in the courtyard, as M coached that class-?

With everyone's dedication, sweat and good organization, the days went by and finally the day of the Sports Festival arrived. Also in these last days, Kobayashi was coming back later than usual, she was also trying hard for someone.

『I'm going to be able to go to the Sports Festival, so don't worry Kanna-chan』-Kobayashi said a day before the event-.

『Seriously?...*smiles* Aww, I love you Kobayashi-san』

『In the end everything turned out well』.

She was saying at the door of her room, Tohru was also happy watching.

『I love you too M and Tohru-sama, they are my family』.

Those tender words, while hugging Kobayashi, was one of the most tender things I could see in my whole life.

So that I can come Kobayashi, did extra work, and in the end have the day off on the day of the event.




---------------------------------FESTIVAL DEPORTIVO-------------------------------------

The day of the Sports Festival came, that day so long awaited by Kanna, that day for which Kobayashi worked hard and hard, that day for which I trained them for victory, and Tohru.....almenos you made the food.(・ω・)v

『I'm the one who didn't do anything, is what you meant』눈_눈.

The whole school was ready and decorated for the event, starting the Sports Festival. Starting first with the opening parade.

The music was playing and the children from different classes passed to the courtyard, showing with a sign which classroom and grade they are from. It was all very orderly and coordinated, I don't know why I'm not surprised. In the visitor's area, where we and others were, we were cheerfully cheering for our daughter.

"Ah! I saw her, there's Kanna』(`-ω-'๑)-Tohru pointed to the little dragon.

『I saw her too, aww, she looks really cute』-Kobayashi looked happy too^▽^.

Kanna walked in the middle of their group, she was a bit nervous because of the crowd.

『Come on Kanna-chan!!!!Here we will be cheering you on!!!! You can Kanna!!!(*>ω<)b』

I cheered and raised my voice so she can hear me, I didn't mind being the center of attention if it's to support Kanna.

There were also Saikawa's parents cheering her on, who also didn't hesitate to give her support.

『Come on Shouta! You can do it Shouta-kun』

Lucoa was at the other end, cheering Shouta on,the support he was giving the boy were as big as the weas on his chest, these bounced up and down, the little boy looked away in embarrassment.(。・・・。)

『Is she just there to give fan service to wankers?...』( ̄ー ̄;


After the oath, the various events of the Sports Festival began.

『Now start the three-legged race, from the third grade boys』.

That would be the first event.

『Come on Kanna!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و』『Carefully Kanna'・ᴗ・`』『You can my Kanna!!!(`・ω・')9』

We found ourselves cheering her on with everything we had.

『Riko! You can do it daughter』『Courage Miss Riko』.

The mother and maid of the Saikawa family also supported their daughter.

With the shot in the air, she kicked off the first event.

『(It's always good to have a good start, we have to win this one)』.

We got off to a good start with the first team, we're doing well, we could bounce back. The last 2 are Kanna and Riko.

『(Well, only the 2 of them are missing, we will win for sure?....)』

Saikawa started to scream with happiness, not counting with Riko's excitement factor being so close to Kanna.(●♡∀♡) And in the end we were in the last place.

『.....I'm sorry Kanna.....』_| ̄|○

『Don't worry, we'll win the others』.

『Now the race of the ball starts』

A game where you have to roll the huge ball to the goal, we have practiced a lot, so we should win, can Saikawa remedy his mistake.

A shot in the air kicked off the event.

One team went all out from the start, running around spinning the ball at high speed, they took the advantage to get ahead, but at the moment of the turn they couldn't stop the ball and it went out of the field.

『(We have to carry carefully and safely...)』

Saikawa was passing the curve without any problem, she and her partner were doing well. With the finish line already in front of them, they picked up the pace by jogging, we were the winners of this game.

『Well done Saikawa』-Kanna congratulated her friend.

『Hum! It was to be expected from someone like me』( - ̀ω-́ )✧.

It was already lunch time, so we all took a break so we could eat as a family all together. At the rest area, we prepared our place and the food made by Tohru was ready to eat.

『Owwww, it looks delicious』-Kanna was amazed-『Owwww, it looks delicious』-Kanna was amazed.

『Yes you improved a lot Tohru』-Kobayashi was congratulating her partner-

『I could have cooked...but well ,I won't say no to food made by you 』-Take a piece of meat-『Thanks for the food』.

With a quick hand movement, Kobayashi took away the piece of meat I had taken.

『You would have died if you had eaten it』.

I take the flesh of Tohru's tail from my hands, the same one that killed my oven clone.

"How can you bring something like that』-Kobayashi complained.

『It's safe, I swear, I cleaned it and prepared it to be edible for humans』(`๑-ω-'๑).

『This rich Tohru-sama』-Kanna thanked the green dragoness-.

『Ves Kobayashi-san』(・ω・)v

『She's a dragon...』

『Then I'd better avoid that meat, I'm still not too sure I believe in you』-I'd rather not take the risk-』.

『Ah!!! As of no, not that we were already close, I thought you could trust me』-Tohru was addressing me-.

『Put yourself in my position, my clone has died from eating your flesh, it's normal for me to distrust you』.

『Ahhh!!!! On top of me feeding you from my tail and this is how you thank me, you're heartless』 o(`^'*).

『I'm grateful that you feed me from your tail, I appreciate it very much.... but I can't eat it! So I'm sorry』 (o_ _)o

『Hahahaha, don't provoke a fight here, that's all I'm saying』. -Kobayashi already gave the threat.

『This was what I wanted』-Kanna spoke-『A family time like everyone has, I'm so glad I met you guys』.

We all fell silent so we could hear those words from Kanna, seeing her happy was worth all the effort.


『Now the tug-of-war continues』.

Our team would win, of that I was sure, if they are led by that lively boy, we win.

『Okay teammates, let's show what we are capable of!!!』『Pull harder, Left foot back! Right foot now!!!and Jalen!!!!

With his instructions and leadership, he was able to easily but defiantly defeat his opponents.

『Now follow the jump rope』.

Here again I had my doubts, the teacher did a great job with the kids in this game. Her timing of both the jumpers and the rope twirlers meant that we won another game again. The other classes had not prepared as ours had.


After more events, came the relay race, this is the most important one as it is always the last event that gives the most points, we have to win this one if we want to make sure.

A shot in the air gave the signal, our class was in a good position.

『In a little while it's our turn Kanna』.

Confident in her gaze, she was telling her friend to cheer her up. It was one thing on the outside, but inside she had her doubts, it was getting to her to notice how her hand was sweating.

『(Eh?....I'm starting to feel that.....my hand is sweating a lot...it's about to touch me.....I need to calm down)』-The little girl thought.

"Calm down Saikawa, I know you will』.

Kanna held Saikawa's hand, she noticed that she was getting tense and doubtful about her friend. Which with her words and action disappeared. I could see the image of M in Kanna for a few seconds.

She released her hands and relaxed her body.

『Don't worry, I'll pass you the post before you know it』.

Saikawa got into her stance, took her partner's reveal and started running, you could tell she was confident and relaxed, with a touch of confidence in her running style. She passed all the other competitors and took a big lead in the race.

『I told you I was the fastest, now finish this』.

Saikawa passed the scam to Kanna, in it he saw again the image of M in Kanna's, saying to her.

『You did well』.

In the end we won, because of the overwhelming lead that Saikawa gave, Kanna just trotted in order to make it to the finish line. Our team won this Sports Festival.




We found ourselves in that open field, sitting on a bench.

『Thank you for coming Kobayashi-san』-Kanna spoke-『Thank you M for your concern』-『Thank you Tohru for the food』-『Thank you for giving me this day, I will treasure it very much』.

Seeing how the little girl thanked us, we all knew why it was the reason for all our efforts.

『Having won with the help of all of us was beautiful, I hope to team up again』-Kanna also learned of how important team is-『I felt like using my powers, Tohru-sama let's play』. -Kanna still wanted more.

『Eh? Well since you say so, I'll tear you apart in a way that you can't even imagine』 -Tohru after seeing how they competed, she felt like playing-.

『Then I'll play too, I'll make myself show off in front of Kanna-chan』-Me joined in too-.

『I'll join in too!』

Lucoa appeared from the bushes so he could join too.

『Decided, the 4 of us will play until we die!』 \\٩( 'ω' )و ///-Tohru was cheering-.

『Perfect, I'll be able to take my anger out on those punching bags』. (★-皿-★)9-I was animated for some reason, I looked at Lucoa with fire in my eyes-.

Seeing how excited we were, Kobayashi didn't refuse and we could play freely again on that huge grass field from that time.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
