
Chapter 86: Phantom Form in Action ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Some bandits attacked a shopping mall, looting everything they could, Shizuna and M prevented them from getting away with it while helping the civilians to escape.

"Ah! Estela, how could I have forgotten about her?

M heads to Estela's so he can help her, but someone else already came to her rescue.

『I am Lam, the best swordsman in the world』.

A 3rd Generation Gallade finished off all the thugs who wanted to harm Estela.

『Appeared.... my true prince』-He looked lovingly, affectionately and desirously at the guy who saved him-.

『As I told you, don't worry, you're safe now』-Lam went to shake Estela's hand.

It was like seeing a princess and a prince in real life, he held her hand delicately and stood up, they looked at each other without blinking even once, so that again their red eyes of both of them shone and blinked.

『Don't be afraid anymore Estela! ( ̄`Д' ̄)9』-M appeared in his Lucario Form-『Now I finish off the bad guys (ง -̀ω-́)ง...Eh??....』

M saw that all the bandits were already defeated. A scene where he reflected the superiority of the strongest.

『Then what did I come here for in the first place....('-ω-`)』-I was returning to my Human Form-?

Lam was surprised to see M. It seems that he had long since become curious about what this boy was like.

『Are you the one who defeated God?』-Lam said lightly-.

『Ah! yes it's me, M himself , hahahaha ┗(`・∀・'●)....(; ̄ー ̄A I'm never doing that again.....』-I regretted laughing so believingly-.

M ran over to where Estela was to check on her friend, passing by the several fallen men left by this recent character.

『Be careful』-Lam warned M-.

『Eh? (゜-゜) *POMMMM*』

M ended up falling to the ground from tripping over the Pinsir's arm.

『Hey...(ノω・`o) if you're already defeated don't keep giving trouble to the others (lll-ω-)』-M turned to the fallen Pinsir-.


『Jaja '・ᴗ・` Despite defeating the being that terrorized the world for several years, now that I see you, I find it hard to believe that you did such a feat, you are someone small, sometimes I think that I should have been the one to defeat God, I am the only one allowed to do that...』-Lam laughed softly at M-'s awkwardness.

『(When people are big they tell anyone they are small...) You say that now ( ̄个 ̄) but you haven't seen me fight seriously』.

M was already with the 2 of them, rubbing his forehead from the fall, M had to look up so he could look at him and talk to him.

『((・・・;) Now that I got closer.....is very big.....)』-The difference in sizes of M and Lam was noticeable-『Well, let's go home Estela, Shizuna must be waiting for us outside』

M was walking away, while all the bandits were still lying around.

『¿? Estela? Is something wrong?』ఠ_ఠ-M turned to look-.

Estela was grabbing Lam's arm with both hands, Lam also looked surprised by that sudden action.

『(-゚д゚-) I'm sorry, it's just... that.....(*'-`*) wanted to be with you some more time』-Estela removed her arms and walked away-.

Lam at this was speechless, looking confused as Estela walked away.

『I hope we meet again』-Lam turned to Estela.

Hearing that, Estela's heart pounded loudly, her joy became great simply because of those words.

『Yes, I hope so too』.

Estela was walking towards the exit, leaving M behind, the girl was so happy that she could only think of that, her cheeks were red and she remembered that moment when Lam saved her.

『Eh?(・∧-)ゞ And now, what do we do with all these bandits?』-M looked at all the fallen bandits on the ground-『The police I guess will take care of it』

『I'll take care of some of them, I'll take them away』-Lam started to pick up the men-.

『Take them (゜.゜)? to where?』-I was uneasy at his words-.

『To the police, where else would I take them to?』(^^ゞ

He went on and on collecting more and more men, he also used his psychic powers to take even more men.

『Before you go, you said before that you should have been the one to defeat God, answer one thing, then why didn't you do it?』-M turned and asked Lam-.

『(^^ゞ I had more important things to do, I had to make myself stronger and prove that the only one allowed that is me, but you came along and well, I also hope we will meet again, maybe for the next one you will show me that seriousness you told me before』-Lam was retreating with a lot of bandits-.


Days passed since that event, since that day, things have been much calmer, really, it's like going back into the water, without the fear of drowning.

『Ufff (⌒∇⌒) how good it feels to have the peace you had before again』-M was lying on his bed, fully stretched out-『It's amazing the peace I feel, it makes me want to sleep, even though it's just early, well.... 』

M took the end of his red scarf and put it over his face covering his eyes.

『A mimir (:3ぅ )』

Sometimes you feel days, that all you want to do, is just do nothing and sleep. But that day they won't let me do it....

『M!!!!』-Glace appeared on top of my bed-.

『AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!(゜Д゜*) Que que quequeu que quequeq pasa Glace? Reggaeton is the best genre? that would be bad news』-M got scared and alarmed saying something incoherent-.

『No, it's not that』(〃▽〃).

『Uffff hahaha what a scare you gave me, then why did you shout?』(^◇^;)

『I decided that I won't back down anymore, that if I want to do something or if I want something, I just have to do it, I won't depend on other people to accomplish my goals, I'm doing all this for you!』-Glace spoke determined and blushing-.

『For me?????...(;'∀`)』-M didn't understand what Glace was referring to-?

『I will fight for your attention this day and all the remaining days, so that someday you will notice me and finally, no longer have to worry about this feeling I have in my chest』-Glace was saying heartily while sitting on M's bed-『Although I'm not the only one』.

More people appeared in my room than I imagined and others than not.

『Flar? wait, what are you doing here?』-M was confused.

『Just like my little sister said, I want to have your attention』米^-^米.

『I'll try my best too, Onii-chan』-('ω`*) Latias appeared-.

『Onii-chan?('ж`;) Although I like the way you say it (^▽^;)』-I looked away and was surprised- 『Eh?!....watch out....you're in on this too Jolt?』

『Whether this is a game or really serious....for some strange reason..(*'-`*)I feel like I should also participate....even if it's complete nonsense』-(*ノдノ) Jolt was at the door of my room-.

『Jolt.....I thought your introduction was very cute』(* ̄^ ̄*).

『Shut up!!!』(-`Д'-).

Look at someone who was hiding.

『It would be weird to me if you weren't in this, Estela』-I looked at Estela who made her appearance-.

『Hahaha('∀`;) yeah well.....I'm not so sure, but it's fun for me, since I don't have other things to do (;^_^A』

『We 5 are into this, but don't worry, we won't burden and inconvenience you, everything will be as usual, just, we wanted you to know (Ŏ艸Ŏ)』-Glace ends with these words-.

『....Do you realize....you just confessed to me?』 (;^_^A

『This....ahhh....this....if....(〃'∀`)』 -Glace was shivering in my bed.

『I just want to be together with Onee-san』 -Flar said cheerfully and energetically- (≧▽≦).

『If you take it that way, I have no problem Onii-chan』-Latias said calmly-.

『Well, I already confessed to him hahaha ('∀`;)』-Estela was hesitating-.

『I would just like to get along better with you, and play a few pranks on you with this jijijiσ (^○^)』-Jolt was giggling playfully-.

『I already had it clear, from before, it was 1 of 2, that everything they told me was serious, or that it was just a game, vero it was the 2』-( ̄∇ ̄) M was calmer-『Oh, I haven't said, 1 of 2』 in a while.

『Ewwhh (〃▽〃) But I do go seriously』-Glace was sad that M doesn't take it seriously-.

『Yes yes yes yes, relax, I know you're going to step up』(∩_∩)-M went to pat Glace's head-.

『Eh?! I'm serious too, so caress me too』(¤﹏¤)-Jolt came up to us-.

『Really? What are you serious about? 』(-∀-)-M was playing-

『I'm going to take it seriously in making jokes, I'll give all my effort』-(๏д๏)Jolt was talking and talking-.

『Ya ya ya ya, here, to shut you up』-( ̄ω ̄)M step to caress Jolt's head-.

A smile came across Jolt's face, just as his cheeks flushed.

『Although your words could also be kinder and even affectionate to me (๑-̆૩-̆)』-Jolt was commenting-.

『But that's the kind of relationship we have...no?』-(─‿─) M didn't hesitate to tell him that-.

『.....(That's exactly why I want to change our relationship).....』(*'ェ`*)-Jolt said to himself in his mind-.

『Don't forget about me Onee-san, I want too』-Flar got on the bed too-.

『I want some of your caress too, Onii-chan』-Latias climbed onto my bed as well- 『Flar climbed onto my bed too-『Flar said.

『I'm left wanting more M』-Glace turned to me-.

『You caressed me too little, you must go on』-Jolt was claiming-.

"『Ah!(ー∀ー;) I have only 2 hands, you know?

While they were fighting over M, Estela was still standing, thinking about that day again, about Lam.


Just as they said, since that morning, they made their intentions clear to me, I thought they would return those days when Estela was very glued to me, but no, everything was happening normally, I didn't feel uncomfortable, much less drowning, everything was as usual, although at first I felt afraid, since Estela was already very glued, and with this I thought it would go to even more extreme levels, but no, this very calm.

I decided to take a walk in the park, where I meet Lea.

"Good morning Lea』

『Good morning M』

It was just an ordinary day where I decided to stretch my legs a bit, I find it relaxing to go out every now and then just to walk around and see if I come across anything interesting. Lea was watering the plants all over this big park.

『Caring for the plants as always』-She looked at the flowers, these were full of life and beautiful- 『Leah was watering the plants all over this big park.

『Tell me, I guess they already told you』-Lea started talking-.

『Yes, if you mean that about my attention, etc , etc, yes, they already told me』.

People were walking past, some people were just staring at how beautiful the park is.

『Last night, Glace gathered us to tell us what she had in mind, she didn't want to do this by herself, since she knew it wasn't only her who wanted you, Jolt, Latias, Estela, Flar and obviously Glace signed up, although I noticed Estela was unsure when she accepted』-Lea commented-.

『You noticed it too, well, she's bad at hiding her intentions』.

『Luna didn't join since she had to train and do many things, Maya doesn't like this kind of things so she just refused, Shizuna said that she likes the way the relationship they have, Sira also refused because of what happened on that day at the beach』

『Hurt her so much that she reacted that way?...(・・;)』-『And you Lea, why didn't you join them?』

『They see you as something else』-Lea happened to see me with a smile-『^ω^I just see you as a friend』

『Hahaha (why do I feel like I just got frizzled?)(;'瓜`)』

I was surprised by his so calm answer that hurt me strongly, although it was more like a slap, thanks to his words he made me come back to earth and not believe me anymore for everything that happened. In our conversation I could hear footsteps approaching.

『Lea!』-Sira was coming with a bag-『Here is the fertilizer you asked for』.

『Ah, thank you very much Sira』.

Sister Sira rushed over to deliver a request that Lea sent her, although it was already foolish of me to even step aside.

『Ah, I didn't realize you were here, I guess you didn't notice I was here too, did you? Sir who hates big breasts』(✿╹◡╹)-Sira spoke in such a...way....

『Err(; ̄︶ ̄)are you really still going on about it? It's in the past, forget it, do you think?"』-M wanted to calm her down-.

『Oh!what I have here, please can you take it off M? look, right here, in the middle, on the big breasts you hate so much』(✿ヘᴥヘ).

Sira was clinging to me, I could already feel her breasts colliding with mine. She was doing it to tease me and instead she was making me angrier and angrier but I had to calm down. But I wonder why is she doing this, is she not ashamed?

『Yes yes .... yes .... yes .... sorry for reacting that way that time...if it makes you feel better that I apologize ....(;~〓~)』-M was backing away looking back-

『No way! I'll make you like big breasts no matter what!』-ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔSira raised her fist-『Ah all boys like them big』

『Not because your experiences with guys who only noticed your breasts has become your trauma! Don't decide yourself that all males like big breasts, there are many like me who prefer small, I'm sorry but.....I will always love and prefer small breasts!!!┗(`・ω・')┛』-Praise my fist to the sky-.

『Call it trauma....you went too far little boy....this then is war, don't you think of all the women who grow breasts?』-Sira was energetic-

『Wait..... so you had the surgery?....』-I was having doubts.

"No, they're natural for me, but think of those women who have had themselves modified so that later a guy comes along and doesn't accept them after all they've done! We hate it and at the same time we accept it, we have no choice if we really love them!

The people who passed by, stayed to watch because of the big noise we were making.

『You're really fucking traumatized! And don't you think about all the girls in the world who are big? some even get depressed because they don't have big breasts, but that doesn't make me sad, what makes me sad is that they don't appreciate the beauty they have, they shouldn't be intimidated by those who are gifted, they also have their characteristics that stand out! people like me who love small know that, we will always prefer small to big!』-I put all my soul into those words-『When you truly love someone, your first eye contact should be the face!!!! Stare into their eyes! Let them collide with your gaze and it will leave a better impression on you-!!!! Look at him as he is in truth and not for what he is and has!!!!

『Buagh.....I can't expect much less from a lolicon....』-Sira looked at me disappointed-Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll).

『I am lolicon and proudly!!!』(○`・Д・')9.

The people who stood watching, began to applaud little by little, at first 1, then 2, 3, 4 ,5, until a large number of people applauding me.

『That's the way to talk!』

"You have my full support!』

『I never thought I'd hear those words, you're the best!』

『Being a lolicon is the best!』

People were commenting and talking, all encouraging me for my speech.

『Enseriously this is happening?....』(; ̄ー ̄川-Sira looked confused at the scene-『Although the last thing if I think you're right』.

Before this moment of glory and having to make a speech again about why I'm a lolicon, I feel someone tap me on my shoulder.

『Please could you come with us』-an officer is the one who spoke-.

『Eh? wait, you are, the one from that time』.

I remembered the officers who arrested me many years ago for beating Syl's breasts. Although now that I remember I don't understand how I did it, I should have been embarrassed but the annoyance was much bigger.

『*snap my fingers*Yes it's you guys, I remember you, wow, even though you're grandparents now you're still going on about being cops, I'm so glad』 -(^ω^)-『Where's your partner? I remember there were 2』.

『Oh! You're that boy from that time, but look how much you've..... haven't changed at all』-His grandfatherly voice was friendly-『Even though you're the one who defeated God and you're much stronger than me, I'm still afraid you have to accompany me』.

『Yes yes, no problem, I'll go with you, so I'll tell you on the way what happened to me and in turn you tell me your life』.

『It sounds good, I have to tell you a lot of things』-The grandpa policeman was taking me....

『Yes! come on, let's go!』(≧▽≦).

Grandfather officer and I were leaving together happily towards the station, while not only the people who were still here were looking at us weird, but rather my female companions.

『That's weird....I've never seen someone leave so happy before when they are stopped.....』(; ̄ー ̄A-Sira was looking at the scene confused-『By the way, why are you using fertilizer when you can take care of them better with your power?』

『It wouldn't be funny in life if everything they put on you is easily solved, putting your effort, dedication and heart into it, in the end will bring you more satisfaction than just snapping your fingers and everything is solved』- 。^‿^。 Lea was speaking from the bottom of her heart-。.

『Well, I guess you're right』 (*^-^)


After walking blocks and blocks, me exchanging anecdotes with the officer, we finally arrived at the police station where I would be reunited with someone from the past.

『Look who I brought』-The officer who took me there said- 『Oh!

『Oh! You're the boy from that time, yes you have..... you haven't changed a bit』-The other officer said when he saw me-.

『Haha, you say the same thing too』-『But I'm surprised that you've even climbed to the top of the ranks』.

"Yes, when I got to have this rank, I was very happy, so much effort, sweat and dedication, it was worth it, every time I remember the day I became what I am, it makes me very happy』-The senior officer spoke.

『And you, why didn't you follow your friend's path?』-I asked the other officer.

『Let's just say that in the end, I ended up liking my current rank』-The grandfather cop said peacefully-『Well, whatever, I'm sorry but you have to be in jail, we got calls that someone was rioting in the park』.

『Eh?..... really? I bet you it must have been someone from the recent generation....eh! Wait, why just me, also Sira must have come with me....definitely must have been one of those with the scarf around her neck』('-ε-`)

『It's only going to be 6 hours, they go by very fast so you can rest easy』-The grandpa policeman spoke to me-.

『¡¡¡!!! Yes, the 6 hours are going to fly by』( ̄个 ̄)-An idea came to my mind.

I conversed for so many minutes with that police duo, we would have continued had not more officers arrived and had to do their job, in the end I was locked in a cell.

"Strange, when I asked the officers if a boy with green hair and red eyes came to drop off some bandits, they answered that no one came, I guess they were sent to another police station』.

Something on the wall caught my attention.

『I didn't think this would still be here hahaha』.

The drawing I made here years ago, it was still there, truth be told I was surprised. I lay down on the bed I had happy for these little memories.

『Well *I snap my fingers* it's time』.

I switched to my Lucario Form to go into my Ghost Form. My soul was separated from my body, I could see how my body was motionless, as if I was sleeping.

『Perfect, let's see, I can become completely invisible, right? 』-I became more transparent and ended up succeeding-『Perfect, now let's see the city』.

I passed the walls of the police station easily, crossing them without any problem, as I am a ghost, I can fly, since in my Lucario Form is something I can't, I looked at the park, entered different stores, different houses, practically entered any place.

『jajajaja this is perfect for spying』-She said cheerfully-『I wonder how the others are, let's go see』.


『Hey, what do you say we use the hot spring bath they just built?』-Luna was talking to Maya-『I'm really sweaty and I was going to jump in, will you join me?』

『Hot spring bath? Yeah, why not, it must be very relaxing to be in there』-Maya finally did agree-』.

Leaving Maya's apartment, they meet Jolt, Flar,Latias,Glace ,Shizuna and Estela in the passageway.

『You guys also go to the hot spring bath?』-Maya saw that they all had their towels-.

『Exactly』-Shizuna answered.

『Where can M be....』-Glace was down-

『She'll show up, let's take advantage of the fact that we're all going to go and have a good time』-Latias comforted her-

They were all going with their towels and what one always carries when going to a hot spring bath, Estela was at the end of them all, walking slowly, still weighing in....



Already inside all those who were going, they find that they were already in the water.

『Oh! You guys decided to come too』-Sira commented-.

『Good evening everyone』-Lea was very relaxed in the water.

『At last if we are all here』-Jolt said-.

Without my warning, Flar quickly runs and jumps into the waters, making everything splash.

『Jjjajaajajajaja feels really good』-Said the redhead-.

『Well, me too』-Shizuna also ran and jumped into the water.

『(I want to do that too....)』-Maya looked like an infant.

Once they were all in the water, they relaxed and just let themselves go.

『Awwwww, this is good for me after a day of training』-Luna stretched her whole body-』.

『Yes, it's very comfortable to be here』-Maya dipped her face into the water-.

And you guys, are you okay?"』-Lea asked Flar and Glace.

『Yes, don't worry, we can control our powers well now』-Glace said kindly-.

『So they won't freeze and they won't burn either』-Flar said cheerfully-.

『I've been in a hot spring bath before, but it was so long ago that I've already forgotten about it, how good it feels』-Latias felt very comfortable-

『Although really, where can M be, he went out and so far he's not coming back』-Jolt was looking at the ceiling-.

『Are you worried that something bad happened to him?』-Latias asks him-』.

『Eh?!....(-゚д゚-) well, maybe something happened to him,no? you don't know, in this world a thousand things can happen, no?('∀`-)』-Jolt got nervous-.

『Be calm, he sure is fine』-Latias calmed Jolt with his words-.

Estela went on and on thinking about Lam, who was completely submerged inside the water.


M had arrived at the building, searching every apartment where her friends live.

『That's strange..... where could they be?』-M was descending through the floors- 『What a strange thing to say.

『I'm so glad they built one inside the building』.

M heard from a male as he passed from apartment to apartment.

『Thermal bath?....(゜.゜).....Uhm...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I see』

Quickly M descends all the floors until he is on floor 1 , passes the walls, flying and flying, until he arrives and....

『Haber haber Uwu 』

M peeks her head in the wall, and sees all her friends naked as they are taking a hot spring bath without them realizing that M is looking at them.

『(This was what I wanted to use it for from the beginning....si.....as I said before ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^ ) is perfect for spying)』

M went into the big bathroom, looking closely at each of her friends, she didn't have to talk otherwise they would find out she's there.

『(Let's see let's see, what do we have here....I look like an old pervert now, but if life puts you on a stage, you have to jump in)』

I approached Jolt.

『(Yes, Jolt doesn't disappoint me, he's just the way I like them, well, in physique hahahaha)』

I approached Latias who was standing next to him.

『(Uhm....she has a nice body, she's very white, becoming pale....that turned me on hahaha)』.

I approached Lea now.

『(She's almost the same as Latias, but each one has her little things, I also like you a lot Lea)』.

I approached Sira.

『(Uhm....big...too big....but in terms of body.....is very well-groomed....surely Sira attracts a lot of males hahaha)』

I approached Maya.

『(Uhm....neither small, nor big....it's like a little more than small....uhmm...I like it ( ̄ω ̄), she has a slim body, I didn't remember Maya looking so delicate)』

I approached Luna.

『(From you Luna are the smallest I've ever seen, I think at Ron's level...I LIKE IT!(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ, now that I look closely, the muscles of her arms are noticeable, so are her legs, Oh! , he's even got his stomach marked, how massive)』 』.

I approached Flar.

『((*^_^*) Flar looks cute to me, he has the body of a girl, although I don't know if it's correct to say so since he's bigger than me...('-ω-`))』

I approached Glace.

『(Now that I look at you closely *swallows saliva* she looks a bit attractive to me, I know she has big breasts and a nice body, but .... what attracts me the most is .... her personality...I like how she behaves and how she reacts, she looks cute and being with her is comfortable and fun, oh! here applies the phrase of, "the important thing is in the heart and not in the body" hahaha)』

I approached Shizuna.

『(The opposite of Flar, it's like seeing someone energetic and fun, but with large proportions, mostly these are the characters that males like)』

I approached Estela.

『(Where is Estela? )』-I saw into the water Estela, I dive too-『(Ah despite being in the water, I haven't returned to my Human Form, being intangible is the ultimate)』-『(I knew it, with the same case of Jolt, I'm attracted to him physically, but in subject I know personality no, they have beautiful turquoise color their hair)』-『(I wonder what he's thinking about?)』.

Estela kept remembering Lam, she couldn't forget him.


The next morning.

『There you are M, I was coming to pick you up』-Latias was at the entrance of the building-.

『Sorry sorry, I'm back』.

『Welcome back』-Latias greets me in a friendly manner- 『Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm back』.

As we were on our way to my apartment for breakfast.

What were you doing last night?"』-Latias asked me.

『I fulfilled one of the biggest wishes of any high school boy, that's what happened 』b(~_^)d

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
