
Chapter 78: Descending (Part 6)


『Are you okay...?』(^▽^;)-It was the first thing that came to my mind-.

Jolt had just fallen on his head thinking he would lie on M's lap.

『You're going to pay me back...』-o(;△;)o Jolt was sad, he was going to take revenge-.

『No no no no no no no, this wasn't planned, I swear』-(; ̄ー ̄A - 『(Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)』(खਉख).

M was laughing in my mind at the sudden fall. Jolt happened to stare at me, he was getting suspicious with his gaze, he was getting closer and closer to me.

『ಠ_ಠ (ಠ⌣ಠ)』

『.....(Ŏ艸Ŏ).....(*>艸<).....(*>≧艸≦)...』-I couldn't resist anymore-『Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja(⌒▽⌒)』-『That also surprised me, you looked so happy and excited and PAM, jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja(>y<)』

『Yes you planned it all!』-(-゚д゚-)-.

I go on to throw shocks at me from your hands.

『Hahahahaha, you can't give me *snaps fingers* I'm a ghost, I'm in-to-ca-ble!』-ヾ(`・ω・')ノ-.

Note: No noise is heard when M Phantom Form makes any physical movement. You simply see the movement and that's it.

I was teasing until I heard a small noise.


I walked by to see, Jolt had fallen on the floor on his face.

『I wasted my last energy in attacking you..... Now I can't move.....』-From the floor Jolt was talking to me-.

『What are you, some kind of Megumin but yellow?』-I got down on my knees in front of her-『Now that I say it, you may have similarities? JE, they are both flat!』-( ̄∇ ̄)-( ̄∇ ̄).

『Damn (♯▼皿▼)』

『And that pleases me and excites』-d(>_・ )-『I've said it many times, that I like lolis, and what do all lolis have in common. Exactly! the small, I love the small, I love and adore everything small! although in the only big thing I would like them to have is hair, yes, I really like long hair, Ah!(`▽') Just like you, although with slightly longer hair』

『You're a weird guy, I was thinking of hitting your body when I find it, but I guess I won't do it anymore』-My weird comment made Jolt feel more confident and calm-.

『Right, I'm looking for my body, that's how I bumped into you, since I'm a ghost I can go through these walls, well, bye, I have to keep looking』-Me was saying goodbye to my friend-.

『Hey! You're leaving me here!』-(⋋▂⋌)-(⋋▂⋌)-

『But if I can't interact with you.... else I would have already carried you and taken you to a safe place』-('へ')-.

『...You're right, quickly go find your body and then come back for you to carry me』-Jolt let M leave-.

『Don't worry, I'll carry you like you're a princess』-σ(^○^) I went through the wall to keep searching-.

『Ha....M makes these serious situations become calm, it takes away the insecurity I had』.

M's way of being calms an extreme situation, making it even funny in small moments, but not forgetting, of why he is here.

『Wait..... lolis turn him on...how disgusting....』-Jolt felt repulsed towards M at that moment-.

『Eh?!(・□・;)You can misunderstand with my words.....now you'll think I'm turned on by lolis....』

I got to thinking about what I said to him as I went on my way.


Elsewhere in the maze, a fight was going on.


The steel walls were being cut easily and finely, they were falling smoothly from the large cut.

『What is attacking me? I can't see it....』

Flar was dodging his opponent's invisible attacks on impulse, all this, while on his back was M's body still recovering.

『I see it!』

Flar noticed something coming towards them, he barely dodged it, he could see what it was, a strange small being, that looked like paper, an origami rather, it was like seeing a small Samurai made of paper. It was Kartana, a very dangerous ultra-sentient, only about 0.3 meters long, its extremities are like two sharp swords capable of easily cutting even the hardest material.


Flar from the one kick, Kartana defends himself with his arms.Because of his small size, it was enough this blow to send him away.

『Is that an Ultra-sense?.....These opponents are getting weirder and weirder...』-Fell to the ground, M moved a little from the fall-『Don't worry Onee-chan, I'll protect you』.

Flar saw a small flash in the distance, he stepped aside.


Kartana gave a small cut on Flar's cheek,as he walked by.

『(How fast.....)』

The Ultra-sent moved along the walls swiftly, again it attacks. Flar dodges it and reaches to kick it. It bounces off the ground, Flar goes on to shoot flames from his feet.

Again the Ultraente disappears, it was heard as it moved at high speed, its small size and speed made it invisible.

Flar worried about where it would attack, with the tip of his feet, touches the floor, a whirlpool of fire appeared, this would serve as a defense.

Kartana appeared above, at the mouth of the whirlpool, it began to spin and launch Sharp Air.

The flames at the bottom of the whirlpool rose up and would act as a shield, the Sharp Air simply went through it, Flar jumped back to dodge it. The Ultraente's attack made a deep cut to the floor.

Flar with his arms carried M, he could only use his feet, he was at a disadvantage.

『Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku, the boy is a problem for you, someone you love very much, now he's a hindrance to you』-Karma watched from a screen the fight-.

"I'm getting everything ready, we should leave soon』-Kilar warned his partner.

『Yes yes, but first let me collect this information *sigh* it's going to be kind of sad to leave this place after many years.....』-Karma looked a little down-


Kartana caused a huge energy sword to swing at Flar. Flar again dodged it again and heads for the Ultrant with a kick. The Ultrant also lunges with its slashes, Flar to last regrets, and propels himself sideways drawing flames from his feet.


Flar suffered another cut on his cheek.

『(If I had faced him, we would have been cut like butter, I have to avoid facing him melee....)』

Flar proceeded to do like a dance with his feet, he started attacking from afar, throwing flames in heaps.

Kartana dodges it by moving from place to place and flying. Kartana in the air comes down to attack with Scissors X.

A ball of flame comes out of the ground, Flar kicks it, it was a Flare.

The 2 attacks collide, there is an explosion, Kartana comes with everything, Flar dodges it, the Ultraente sticks his limb in the ground. Flar opens his mouth and throws a Flamethrower.

Hitting Kartana without escaping.

Kartana lifts his limbs causing a strong wind, freeing himself from the flames. He was seen to be badly affected by the attack, he was bruised and on his knees.

『(I must finish this now that I have a chance)』.

Flames appeared from her sides and began to concentrate in front of her, originating a huge fireball.


Flar kicks with all his strength the huge ball, this in turn splits into different flames that would attack from different sides.

Kartana uses Sword Dance, and starts throwing in all directions Psychoscuttle. Thus counterattacking Flar's attack. The attacks that she couldn't counterattack, she dodges them by flying.

He attacks with Empty Wave, hitting Flar and M. Kartana was now behind both of them. I use Sharp Air. Flar turned so that the attack wouldn't hit M.


A cut in x suffered by Flar. Kartana was now behind M. Now use Sharp Blade. Flar turns around again taking the damage.

Flar was bleeding from the cut she had received, but she still held her ground. Kartana stood watching for a while, thinking. The Ultra-Sent appeared behind M. E was going to attack with Fury Cuts.

Flar made a leap to escape, he would propel himself by shooting flames from his feet.

Kartana would appear next to him in the air, and start wanting to slash at them. Flar would dodge it by maneuvering and making moves.

Flar would be worried, a small flash was heard from above, Flar realized it, and pushed back M's body, as if it was a powerful air current, Kartana from the skies was coming to attack, she was going to cut them both if it wasn't for Flar. The powerful air separated the two.


Without hesitation, Flar goes propelling with his feet to where M is, Kartana attacks from the sky with Aerial Strike, hitting Flar full in the stomach, Flar is pushed, but is held back with the floor, he had a cut on his stomach, it was not very deep, as somehow Flar made force so that the attack is not lethal.

Kartana flips, she goes flying quietly to M's body.

『Where are you going....?!』

With his hand on his stomach, Flar in a bad state screams at Ultraente. Flar attacks with his hands, launching a Ring of Fire.

This attack fills the entire path. Kartana flies up to stand in front of M. The Ultra-sent looks at the flame attack, raises his arm, and uses Holy Sword, a powerful energy sword dispelling Flar's attack. Flar narrowly dodges it.

The Ultra-Sensitive sees M's body lying on the ground, as it glowed and slept. He made a small cut on his arm, his surprise was enormous when he saw that this wound that had just been made was being healed. He made another cut on the other arm, which was also healed quickly. Without stopping, the Ultraente began to make small cuts all over M's body, the blood came out as if it was a murder, beginning to fill that small place with blood, the wounds were healed, but the Ultraente kept cutting and cutting, it was as if it was enjoying. It had found its toy.


A faint voice was heard, a trail of blood left all over her Flar, limping , touching her stomach, from her corten in x blood was coming out. Spitting blood she approached.

『Please.....ya don't attack Onee-chan....』-『Please.....ya don't cut him.....please』.

In tears Flar was begging the Ultra-sentient to leave M. The Ultra-sentient looked at M's shoulder, it stopped giving him small cuts, now it would try a more extreme one, if it cut his arm, it will be healed or it would regenerate, it was curious.

The Ultraente raised the right limb. Flar noticed, but he had already suffered so much bleeding that he fell to his knees in front of this scene.

『Nooo!!!!!! Don't do that!!!!』-Flar began to scream and cry-『Cut me! But.... don't touch M!』


Kartana made her move, the scene turned red, a thin cut was seen on M's arm, as if an invisible cut appeared, small blood began to flow out, her arm fell to her side gently, blood gushed from the cut, but the glow did not disappear, neither on the body, nor on the arm.Blue ribbons appeared from the cut on the shoulder, picking up and joining the cut arm, slowly and gently.

Kartana was even more impressed by this.

『...What have you done.....』

Flar whispered, Kartana finally turns around.


A loud scream was heard echoing throughout the place. Instantly, Kartana had been hit by Flar's fist, sending him away from M's body.

Flar was radiating fury and anger, his eyes took on a bright red hue, his clothes were engulfed in fire, fire gushed from his body. His Sea of Flames ability had been activated.

Steel was being melted wherever she went, Kartana attacked without hesitation with X-Scissors.

From the floor came out a flame that attacked Kartana, quickly, Flar gives a Fire Fist to the Ultra. In the air, he caught it with a fiery lasso and began to whip it with the hot steel. While Flar screamed in anger.

Kartana freed himself by making a cut, then he attacked with Sharp Air, Flar hit in the air, and a powerful and sudden Flamethrower came out of the air, hitting Kartana.

Kartana was on the ground, unable to move, Flar approached him with great anger, suddenly, Flar kneels down and touches his head, he was suffering unimaginable pain, he was screaming as if he was a monster. His flames were getting out of control, wildly attacking all around him.

『Where am I?』

Flar stood in a dark place, looking confused and worried at her surroundings. He saw M in the distance, smiling and raising his hand, Flar happily runs towards him.


Suddenly M was cut in several places, making a pool of blood. Flar turned around in fright and saw her other sisters also cut.

Flar began to scream and get upset, bursting into flames and her eyes turned red.

She started attacking everywhere furiously, she felt a strong beat in her heart, she knelt down and started crying, her sharp teeth showed that she was out of control.

『Because...because.....ya don't want to....ya don't.....』

She was crying, letting her tears fall so she wouldn't see what she was provoking.


Flar turned to look, he felt a touch. It was M, the boy moved to embrace her in his arms.

『I'm a monster...this is what I become when I get out of control.... I don't like it....』

Flar was still crying on M's chest.

『That I won't deny, you look like a monster when you go crazy, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing』-『We all have a side that we hate and don't want to show, so what we do is...Accept it, be able to handle it and use it wisely in situations that warrant it, after all, that part is ours too』.

Touch his hands that radiated flames.

『Use it to save, control it, and you will see that what you hide so much, will bring you moments of joy』.

The flames overflowing Flar began to gather in Flar's body. Kartana watched intently, Flar was with his eyes closed while beside him was M Phantom Form.

M moves away, Flar concentrates the flames on his body, the heat became more stable, but it was still suffocating. A dome of flames envelops Flar, Flar is released, like a flower bud, it opens, Flar's hair became flames, his clothes changed to a more elegant and fine, in the center of his eyes was a flame. His ears appeared, his tail became longer and wrapped in fire, his sharp teeth did not disappear. It was Flar's Released Form.

Flar attacked from his fingers, summoning 5 small fireballs, Kartana dodged them, Flar appeared in front of him and from the tremendous Fire Fist, sinking the floor, Kartana pulled herself together flying in the air. Flar throws a firebird, it breaks and more firebirds appear, hitting Kartana, Flar ends up touching Kartana's chest with his finger, leaving a red-hot mark, suddenly, it explodes causing great damage. Kartana falls, this one being defeated.

『I did it Onee-chan』

With a smile, Flar was returning to his normal form.


Flar quickly runs off to where M is.

『But what is this!!!! My arm has been cut off and reattached!!!』 -(○□○)I shouted as I saw my body as it recovered-『Incredible!』 (☼Д☼)『Wait....my arm was cut off?...』

『Onee-chan』-Flar was standing behind me-.

『Flar. I see you're back already』-I was glad to see her-.

Suddenly she rushed towards me to hug me.


『Does everyone forget that I'm a ghost?....』( ̄⊿ ̄)

Flar was lying on the floor, she turns around.

『Thank you Onee-chan』-Flar thanks me-.

『Eh? of what, I haven't done anything, what are you talking about?』-I was confused by his words-('へ').

『Eh?...then....how?.....wait...what?.....』( ・ὢ・・ )-Flar was confused-

『Hahaha (๑'ㅂ`��) I can't do that to you. Yes. it was me, apparently in the Ghost Form I can enter people's minds, somehow, it helped us a lot, yes Syl has very useful and unique abilities』-I was explaining to my friend-.

『Then I will say it again, thank you very much Onee-chan』.

Flar again smiled at me as a thank you.

『You're welcome』o(^▽^)o.

As if I were a prince leading a queen I replied.



We laughed after that moment.

『Eh? You also have scars like me, I just realized』-I pointed my finger at her.

Flar had 2 scars on his body, one in the shape of an X and one on his stomach.

『Those are the cuts I suffered, I must have cauterized them and they became scars』-Flar looked and touched her body-『Do I look ugly?...』

『No no no, not at all, now we rather look the same, we both have scars on our bodies』y(^ヮ^)y.

『I'm glad you like it』-Flar was happy for the comment I made-.

In the next chap, Latios will finally be able to give it his all!

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
