
Chapter 75: Descending (Part 3)

A blinding light ended this encounter, the 2 combatants shot out to opposite sides, hit the wall and fell down in a faint both of them.

『The two of them can't go on anymore』-Karma moved the screen away from Maya's body-『*sigh* I was hoping that my little kukukuku muscles would end up winning (They're stronger than I thought.....)』-The scientist was beginning to doubt-.

The energy field that was holding us back, disappeared, quickly we all went to Maya's aid.

『Her whole body is severely damaged』-Luna said as she took a closer look at her.

『She has many fractures, most of her bones are broken....』-Jolt lightly touched her arm-.

We were all worried, with Maya's current condition, she might die.

『Maybe you can save her』-Glace suddenly said-『You can heal her, come on, do it』.

Glace looked worried very worried, just like everyone else.

『Okay, I'll do it』.

I approached the Psychic who was passed out, tried to touch her head, but I went right through it.

『I can't....I can't....I can't touch her.....nor can I use my healing ability...』-I tried several times to touch her, but my hand just went right through her-.

"Then let's make her touch your body! Maybe then you can share your healing with her』-Jolt said a little upset.

Flar moved my body down and laid it next to Maya, our foreheads touched, we were both with our eyes closed, as if we were sleeping. My body only glowed, only my body....

『Why....why doesn't Maya heal too....』-Glace looked sadly at the scene-.

『*tsch*』-Luna was hinting her annoyance, she looked at the screen-『Karma, you're making yourself want me to kill you』.

『Tee hee』-(ノ≧ڡ≦)-『I'd been told a lot of things, but that I'm making myself want to kill me, I've felt it almost all my life hehehehehehehe』-Like a child, Karma was talking cheerfully-『Karma was starting to spill out of the screen-『Karma, you're making me want to kill you』.

Glace was starting to shed some tears, these fell on Maya's hand, the Psychic's body started to glow, Glace was surprised and looked to her side. It was Latios who was acting and on his knees.

Maya's body slightly glowed a pinkish color, she started to wiggle her fingers, then opened her eyes slightly.

『Guys...』- Panting and with effort she manages to say the purple one-.

『Maya!』-All of us surprised and happy said-.

『Don't throw yourselves at her yet, I'm using Pulse Cure, she'll be able to recover 50%, give me a little time, so you can hug her』-Latios said amicably, bringing us hope unexpectedly- 』.


『Finished』-Latios stood up-『Although it was not as I expected-』.

Quickly, Glace, Jolt and Flar went to hug their sister who gave her all in their fight.

『It hurts....but if it's because of this, I can resist it』-Maya blushed-』.

『I was only able to heal her bones, but the damage from her fight is still there, she was so injured that instead of healing her 50% I managed only 20%』-Latios was saying-.

『The important thing is that she is alive, thank you Latios』-Luna passed by to thank the legendary-.

『You're amazing Latios, you can heal others too, I already want to stop being useless and be able to recover as soon as possible....』-I was addressing Latios cheerfully and sadly at the end-.

Maya launched a PsychoRay, it destroyed a syringe with legs that was going for Buzzwole.

『It's also going to happen upstairs』-Maya was serious-.

Her sisters stood up.

『We don't even have a few seconds of quiet』-Jolt said in disgust.

『(꒪⌓꒪)Eh?』-Maya was surprised-『You can keep hugging me, I want more』(。・・。) -She said lightly-.

『Did you say something sis?』-Flar turned to look at her.

『(・д・) Eh....no no..no..nothing.....(I wanted them to keep hugging me...)(ノ﹏ヽ)』

『We can't stop, we have to keep going down』-Luna destroyed another syringe-』(ノ﹏ヽ).

『It's my turn to stay, you guys go on, with what Latios did I can at least do this job, thanks for saving me』-Thanked the legendary Maya-.

『Yes, don't worry, I promise I'll be back with my sister』-Latios smiled at Maya-.

Maya also responded with a quality and friendly smile.

『...I'm not starting to like this....』-Karma said whispering while biting her nails-".

Maya turned to look at her side, she saw that there was my body now lying on her shoulder.

『Eh?....(。・・。) (I can feel how warm it is)』-Maya was about to caress my head-.

『Hoygan!』-I raised my voice, Maya was surprised and moved her hand away-『You're forgetting about my body again...』

『Ah, that's right』-Luna turned around-』.

Jolt was turning toward me.

『Yes yes yes yes , I'm coming』-Jolly Flar was running to pick up my body-(^▽^).

『(Buah, he beat me again)』-(_ _||||) Jolt stopped-.

『(Next time I'll be more attentive)』-Glace was giving encouragement- ('・ω・`).


We kept going down the stairs as we kept descending with each step.

『Hey Latios』-I walked over to ask him-『How is your sister, sorry for asking, but I'm curious』.

『We're twins, so she looks just like me』-Latios answered me-

『Like you.....(then he would look just like Latios, but red, and with long hair I guess)』-I was picturing in my head of what he would look like-『Something like that?』

『No, you're wrong』.

As if it were a cartoon, Latios could see the image he had in a cloud.

『Although you weren't completely wrong, she has my same clothes but in red, she has a slightly droopy but beautiful look, her hair is longer than mine, it's white and her bangs are red which covers her left eye,unlike me who has blue bangs and covers my right eye, she has a red flower which she wears it as an ornament in her hair.Beautiful orange eyes, something like that』-Latios was describing his sister-.

『Oww, that's what she would look like』.

As if it was a cartoon again, I could see the image she had in a cloud.

『And in her personality, what is she like?』-I asked again.

『Well...she is.... don't let her look fool you, she may have a droopy look, but she is very kind and empathetic, she helps others without expecting anything in return, although she is shy when someone unknown talks to her, once she saved a young man from a Pokemon, he wanted to thank her, Latias got nervous and just bowed to her and walked away』-『Although there are times when she is the first one to speak when no one else does, she is surprised when she sees things she didn't see before, she has a unique reaction I could say in that sense hahaha, and when she is in something critical, she is the bravest among all, her downcast look becomes one you can trust, it's thanks to her that I was able to get out of many difficulties, now it's my turn』.

Latios spoke very sincerely, you could feel the affection and love he had for his sister with those words, I never felt before when they talked about another person like Latios does, it's beautiful this feeling.

『(You 2 really are siblings)』-She smiled while Latios kept talking about her sister-『(We will rescue your sister, and you will never be separated again)』.

『Ah! when we became human, her reaction was unique, you should have seen it, how she was confused and nervous hahaha I'll never forget her face that day』-Latios went on and on talking-.


We arrived at the other lower floor.

"Ah! they're here, this time they didn't delay like before, this fight will decide what will continue from now on, so, let's see, who will be the winner』-Karma said animatedly from a screen.

The energy field appeared locking us all in.

A door opened, but no one was there, no one was coming out of the door, it was as if there was nothing.

"What's going on here, did he give us a free pass?』-Jolt said in confusion.

『No....fíjate bien』-He was attentive- 『No....fíjate bien』.

『Look carefully sister』-Luna was serious- 『Jolt looked more intently』.

Jolt looked more intently and realized that traces of air could be seen,but it was faintly.

『What.....』-Said the yellow one worriedly-.

『It's moving so fast that it's almost unseeable』-Glace was worried.

"It's as if we were fighting an invisible opponent』-Flar was also worried.

That being that was moving at high speed stopped.

『ヽ(^Д^)ノ I present to you the fastest, the fastest runner, the most agile, the one that maybe surpasses several fast characters, like the road runner, Flash, or even Sonic, or even Lightning! б(>ε<)∂.....no(;一ω一一||).....the Lightning I didn't create..... he is the fastest of all....though Sonic also didn't create....though Flash also didn't create...●︿●』

Karma was starting to mutter not so discreetly.

『Well ya!!! I present to you Pheromosa!!!』

The Ultra-sent stopped moving, letting itself show itself to all of us.

『Damn, if only I was fully recovered, I could prove that I'm much faster than her』-I wanted to give my discomfort, since speed is something I'm known for-.

Latios took a few steps forward. He collided his fist with his palm.

『Now yeah, let me fight..... 』-Latios turned around worried-『You'll let me fight.... right?』

『No』-Luna walked forward-

『I thought so....』-(T▽T)Latios was sad-

『I'm sorry Latios, but now it's my turn to fight』-Luna was determined-(T▽T).

『From what I see, I'd say it's Bug type and I don't know what else-.....Maybe it's also Fight type, if that's the case, it would be better if Flar would fight, so it would be m----』-Latios was talking but he was interrupted-.

『No need, I can handle her, it's a new challenge I'd like to face, I want to get myself approved, after seeing how those two purple cats fought, I felt frustrated, what surprised me the most was their speed, it was a fight I couldn't follow with my eyes, a fight that was out of my reach or anyone in this world, I trained these months, I want to test, my new power with her』-Luna said determined and with her head held high-『I will fight, look at me sisters, look at me M, look at me Karma and the guy with the voice』-Luna was advancing , the energy field opened-『Look at me Latios』.

Luna passed by Latios, the legendary looked at him as if he admired her. The field closed, and the Ultra-Sensitive was in front of him.

"Look how strong I've become! With a shout, he finished his entrance.

"Let it begin!!!The Comb-----』-Karma spoke with all the encouragement in the world, but he was interrupted.


Luna kicked so fast that it couldn't be noticed, Pheromosa blocked it with a kick as well, a clash kicked off the fight.

『But let me finish!!! What a spoiled brat, I didn't raise you like that』-Karma was indignant.

The 2 fighters were kicking at high speed, powerful blasts could be felt being expelled with each clash. Luna with her defiant but calm smile was, her arms crossed, with that said she still didn't give her all.

The Ultra-Sensitive also only attacked with kicks, it also had its arms crossed and its cold gaze could be felt.

Luna jumped and was about to give a downward kick.


Luna hit and made a small crater on the ground, Pheromosa was not there, with her great speed she was able to dodge the attack.

You could hear the sound of it moving, but you couldn't see it.

『So you already started to use your specialty』-Luna looked around calmly-『So me, let me show you too』.

Luna smiled, she too disappeared.

Pheromosa was surprised to see her disappear.


Luna punched the Ultra-sentient in the face.

『I hit you! 』

Pheromosa lunged out with great force. It caused a loud impact.Footsteps could be heard, Luna was approaching her fighter.

『I'm sorry, but I'll give free pass to my friends, but I wouldn't want it to be fast, bring out all your power! I know you have more to release, give everything in this fight, please』-Encouraging her fighter ,Luna was someone who only from her could be expected that-.

Pheromosa was surprised, and she too made a slight smile, stood up and wiped herself.

The Ultra-sent began to use Flutter Dance, Silver Wind, and Agility.

Luna responded only with a smile.

『Let's begin』

The Ultrascent responded with a smile as well.

They rumbled loudly again with a crash. They were attacking both of them now with their legs and fists, their attack speed of both of them is beastly.

Now it was Pheromosa who takes a leap, and attacks with a kick. Luna dodges it and goes to attack her with a fist.


Pheromosa managed to block it with her arms, Luna smiled at such a surprise. The Ultra-Sent used Anticipation.

Luna quickly got on his back, and was going to attack with his fist. He dodged it again, now he was going to attack with Triple Kick


Luna blocked the first one.


Luna blocked the second one.


Pheromosa charged with everything, managing to break through Luna's defense, the impact on the floor was bestial, Luna spat blood.

『Not bad』-Luna stood up and wiped the blood with her hand-.

Pheromosa smiled defiantly again. Now from her hands she was throwing spider webs. Luna was so fast that she ran straight ahead, it disappeared, all the webs thrown were destroyed just by the pressure. Luna prepared another fist.


The Ultra-Sensitive blocked it again. He used Anticipate again. It moved away and used Flutter Dance again.

Its speed increased, it appeared in front of Luna, she was surprised, the Ultraente began to give consecutive blows quickly.


The clash of fists could be heard. Luna was able to counter at the last moment. Pheromosa looked at Luna, her eyes glowed a dark color, she had used Malicious.

Luna was going to throw a punch, Pheromosa jumped back, Luna lunged and followed up with her fist. He was going to hit her. From his hands, the Ultra-Sente pulled out Cobwebs, jumped and ended up trapping Luna in a cocoon.

Trapped, Pheromosa, without wasting seconds, used a stomp, hitting Luna, and then followed up with back-to-back kicks without holding back. If he missed this blow, she would suffer a lot and would have a disadvantage, but if he succeeded, he would have more advantage.

With everything the Ultraente was going.


Pheromosa was surprised, a hand came out of the cocoon that stopped her attack. The Cocoon was destroyed letting Luna see how with her hand she blocked the attack.

『This is amazing! Thank you for giving me this amazing fight!』-With all the encouragement Luna broke free.

Luna threw a punch, but it missed Pheromosa because of the distance, a powerful stream of air hit the Ultra-sent, the damage it suffered was huge just to see its face.

『Let's give it even more of us!』-Luna shouted.

A black aura came out of her, this aura turned into ribbons that attached to Luna's body, these ribbons showed a stream of black aura, Luna's hair grew and appeared like small stars on her, her ears and tail appeared, from the black ribbons, they started to look like small yellow rings that glowed.It was Luna's Liberated Form.

Pheromosa instead used several times Agility, several times Flutter Dance and several times Silver Wind.

Both were ready for the final attack that would end the fight.

Without anyone expecting it, Pheromosa appeared in front of Luna, she was so fast that Luna was surprised but could not defend herself.

Pheromosa hit Luna's face with all her strength, it seemed that she sank her face at the moment of impact, Luna flew away, the impact with the wall was devastating, Pheromosa had used Yo Primero, an attack that whenever the user is the first to move and the opponent has chosen a direct damage attack, the user copies the opponent's attack and hits him with her power at 150%. Since Pheromosa appeared moving at high speed it was considered her first move.

The attack that Luna suffered was higher than 150%, with all the skills that Pheromosa used and with Malicious, it could easily have reached 200%.

『Jajajajaja....that one I didn't expect....was a surprise』-Luna was spitting blood and it was difficult for her to stand up-『Thanks to you, you made me see that I still have a long way to go to reach like those 2, I know I will never achieve it, but I don't want to stay behind, even if I'm still at the lowest, I won't stop! I will continue and finish with the goals that I set for myself!』

With a roar Luna lunged at high speed at Pheromosa, she hit her in the chest with great force and power.

『That's the path I chose!』-Animated and proudly Luna said-.

It was a blow so direct and with great power, that now it was Pheromosa who was thrown off the wall by the tremendous impact. She had been defeated.

『I think I overdid it a bit hahaha』-Luna laughed, returning to her normal form after her victory-.

『Incredible...』-Latios looked admiringly at Luna-『(You can become that kind of person....incredible...)』

『*Tsch*』-Karma was displeased-『*Tsch*』.

The energy field disappeared. We were going to go together with Luna. But a rumbling sound stopped us.

『What's wrong?』-I was surprised.

The floor, the room, this whole lair started to shake. The whole place was shaking and shaking hard. From the sheets appeared walls of steel, cubes, whatever you want to call them, the size varied, and they began to separate us from each other in the room. They moved as the shaking continued. The floor opened up and we all fell into what appeared to be an abyss. I was following them as I was a ghost.

The floor where we were was completely covered by the walls, or steel cubes, I managed to see as I followed the abyss.

『Let's see how they advance from now on』-From a dark room, Karma looked at the screen.

At the bottom of it could be seen a being with tencaculus that was his arms, his eyes were glowing, and he had an orb, a sphere on his chest, he was using Psychic to move the whole lair.

『I thank you, Kilar』-Karma was addressing and thanking a Deoxys-.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
