
Chapter 71: Tranquility

"Cliston! Cliston! 』-I shouted in confusion, with a pain of sadness.

I started digging with my hands the earth where the portal appeared.

『Cliston! Cliston! Cliston.....』

Little by little I began to make less strength.until I stopped to look at the ground.

Tears began to fall from my eyes, I began to cry, staring confusedly at the ground.

『...If you're crying because I pulled you...I'm sorry, but if I didn't do it you might have lost your arm』-Maya apologized to the boy-.

『No....that's not why....more....thank you....thank you...but, what I'm angry about is.....』


I hit the ground angrily, my tears more noticeable.

『It's the way they took away my happiness and desire』-『I thought I could finally travel with someone, it was like the appearance of a small light going out, only to suddenly go out again』-『I don't like.... when life plays such pranks on you....』

I was venting and with crying I was implying my suffering from this sudden event that happened.

The others were silent for a few moments.

Glace was going to go next to M, but already someone stepped forward before her.

She walked until she was in front of M, the boy looked up, saw a hand raised, it was directed at him.

M felt a quality caress on his head, the hand moved affectionately through the boy's hair.

『I understand it too, we understand it, that someone disappears out of nowhere and we can't do anything. But at least you have a chance to see him again, he also wants to be together with you, he will wait for you and you can make those trips you have longed for since this happened to you.Wherever it is, in the world your friend is now, I know you will get together again. It is my turn, to give you hope』.

Jolt spoke to him tenderly and sincerely while stroking the boy's head.


I lightly said his name then made a smile.

『You're right』-I stood up-『It's not like I'll never see him again, if life gives you a test, you just have to overcome it』-I turned to look at the others-『I'm sorry you had to see that side of me』.

『I already saw you cry when we first met, I'm not surprised at all』-Maya finally gave a small laugh-』-』-『I'm sorry you had to see that side of me』.

『Now I know that part of you』-Sira was saying kindly-.

『You have to be brave to show that side, you have determination boy』-Luna in a quiet but active way said-.

『I think it's not that....(just look at Deku, that one was crying at the beginning because of everything, and I don't think it's because he was brave....now I remember that even with fear and crying he went to help his friend from that slimy thing....Deku showed to be brave from the beginning?)』

『Just express yourself the way you feel, we will help you』-Lea was saying politely-.

『If I see you cry again, I'll be the first one you look at』-Glace said sweetly.

『Crying and feeling frustrated is a normal thing, I think people shouldn't hide it, or so I think』-Flar said tenderly-

『If you overcome that sadness, you'll get up stronger, even if it's a hard fight』-Shizuna also gave a few words-.

『Girls....』-I unexpectedly hugged Jolt,she became flushed and nervous because of how sudden it was-『Let's do a group hug, yes?』

I squeezed my arms a little tighter,Jolt got nervous,but she also responded by hugging me.

『Yeah, at least I'll be the second one in this』-Glace went to hug too-.

『Yes! a family hug』-Flar animatedly went running-.

『Oh, it's been a while since we've done this, I'm joining too』-Luna without hesitation goes to with us-.

『Well, what can you do, make room for me too』-Sira also joined in-.

Maya was pacing backwards. She was blushing and nervous. Someone grabs her hand.

『Come on, we have to go too』-Lea told her with a smile.

Lea started to take her with the others, at that moment Maya remembered M's words.

『You're a little girl or what's wrong with you.... there's no need to hide it how old are you to behave like this?』

Maya smiled and blushed, she also started running towards them happily.

『Come on, you guys can join too』-I turned my gaze-』.

『Eh? us? I don't think it's necessary』-Lugia replied in a calm manner-.

『This moment looks good with just you』-Mewtwo was making a comment-.

『Seriously?( ̄ω ̄) You really don't feel like it? hahaha just come and go, I'm sure you'll regret not doing it later』.

Lugia and Mewtwo were surprised, and without any other choice and blushing they also joined the group hug.

『(We have fallen after all...)』-Lugia was blushing-.

『(But it's a friendly fall)』-Mewtwo stuck even more-.


『Uhm, you guys are leaving already?』-Ask 2 people-.

『Yes, we have other things to do』-Mewtwo answered-.

『Wait a moment Lugia』-I spoke to her, she stopped-.

"Yeah, what's wrong?』

『Let me confirm if you still have a parasite inside your body』.

『You're just going to confirm it.....』(; ̄ー ̄川

Touch your neck and pull your scarf aside to get a better look.

『Well, there's no mark, you're free, but at what point did the parasite leave your body?』

『At the moment I absorbed my strength, the parasite that controlled me returned to Dragonite』's body.

『Ohhhh, I see』(・о・).

『Well, that's it, we're retiring』.

Lugia and Mewtwo were flying away and away from the place.We were waving and waving goodbye to them.

『Well, it's time to do something about this』-Pass by and look at all this barren land that used to be a city-『*I snap my fingers*I got it,Lea, you think you'll be able to turn this whole area into a forest』.

Lea looked at me in confusion.

"『It would be pitiful to leave all this part of dust and dirt,could you?

『With the strength I still have, yes I could』-Lea answered me in the affirmative.

『I entrust it to you』.

Lea clasped her hands together and put them on her chest, closed her eyes, her whole body began to glow green, a green aura emanated and suddenly became large, the area where Lea was standing began to bloom with grass, it expanded even more, turning the barren land into a habitable place, beautiful flowers, large trees and soft grasses appeared. The city that had been destroyed and was dust, is now a beautiful forest.

Lea stopped glowing and opened her eyes, turning to look at M happily. M was lying face down in the soft grass.

They all went to help M from his sudden fainting.





I was starting to wake up, I was bandaged and in a bed that is very familiar to me, in a room that is also familiar to me.

『I'm in my.....house?』

I turned my head from side to side, yes, this is my room.

『Eh....』-There was someone next to me sitting-?

『That's good, you woke up, we were starting to get scared since you didn't open your eyes』-The girl next to me was glad-.

『Shizuna.... how did we get here?.....』-That was the first thing I wanted to know-.

『You were asleep for 1 month, we arrived about 3 days ago here, if you wonder about the way we arrived fast was because, people and pokemons helped us to come back, also today, the news that we defeated God is circulating everywhere, they gave the notice of God's existence, of what he was doing, and of his defeat, a champion who was on his way to the city was able to witness the whole fight, watching from a telescope far away, this champion told everything he saw, people did not hesitate to trust him, since he is a person loved and beloved by everyone』-『I think his name started with Sa. ...I don't remember....he was the first one to help us to come back』

『I see.....』-『I must have fainted from overdoing my body. A month sleeping.....』-『Now that the place where you lived is gone, would you like to live here?』

Shizuna was impressed by what I said, and with a smile she answered me.

『You watch over the welfare of others, it's very nice of you』.

『Well, I was infected by Syl all these years』

『But I'm afraid they beat you to it』.

I responded impressed and confused at that answer from Shizuna.

『The sisters also told me the same thing, I currently live on the 115th floor, right on your same floor, and right next to you』-Shizuna made a playful smile-.

『So now we're neighbors hahaha, nice to meet you』-She was cheerful-.

『The other sisters also started living here, Flar on the 118th floor, Sira on the 54th, Maya on the 100th, Luna on the 180th, Lea on the 15th, Glace on the 116th, and Jolt on the 115th, across from you』.

Shizuna was saying quietly.

『Wait...wait wait wait, we're all going to live in the same building now』-I said confused.

『Yes, they never want to be separated again, besides this building was created by Syl, where people without resources, can live here quietly, but helping and contributing at all times to the organization "Pokelife" which is in charge of taking care of the needy』.

『I didn't know that this building was created by Syl....you continue to impress me still Syl and also make me realize, I still don't know everything about you』-『And how do you know all that?』

Shizuna tilted her head a little confused.

『There's a plaque at the front desk that says so』.

『It was right in front of my eyes and I never knew it....』-(・□・;)-『Maybe I don't know everything about Syl because I'm clueless...』

I got to thinking and remembering my whole life with Syl, from the time I met her until she left.

『This adventure, made me grow up somehow, made me realize, how important Syl is to me, that at the time, I didn't get to appreciate. I started this journey as a Lucario, I met in a cold night Maya, and she explained to me what happened and of her origins, she told me a rumor that I took it as a hope, a false hope, we met Al Papa, I was a newbie back then hahaha , badly hurt we went to the cabin where I met Lea, where I discovered that I could heal myself, the Sea of Flames of a girl who is very caring and loving, a cave where I met a peculiar girl and a horrible event, a city where I fell in love and confessed for the first time, a jungle where I discovered that mermaids exist and the Moon has a shape. An accident that I thought would end my life, but I was taken to the top where I learned many great things. A tearful reunion, a city in chaos, a girl who had to live a horrible experience, the false hope turned out to be true, something that the boy did not want to accept, they fought against a supposed divine being and his companion, where in the end ended with a fight of sudden events of Gods, a friend from the past that only lasted a short time』-『This journey ends with my human form, without accomplishing what I set out to do at the beginning, giving me to understand even more, that my love for Syl, is so great that I can't even imagine』-『I wonder. ...what adventure will follow 』

I turned to look at Shizuna and gave her a smile.

『You should recover first, besides I would rather continue with a quiet life』-Shizuna made a quality laugh-.

Footsteps and voices were heard far away from the room.

『They've arrived』-Shizuna turned to look.

All the sisters came through the door, they were all gathered together, I was with the top up on the bed.

『Hello』-I greeted them and smiled-.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
