
Chapter 47: Welcome

Many things were going through my head, on the one hand one told me to stay, because I was curious and above all I had the feeling of peace of mind that maybe this is another opportunity that life is giving me, because looking at it more realistically it is a very unlikely result... But on the other hand, one told me that I have to continue with the journey, that I don't have to repeat what I did before, if I get to stay and above all to get attached to everything I do here, I know that I will cling as much as I can to not lose it, that's how I always was and .....

When I was in the forest and I was determined to leave here, that was my final decision, even though they told me good things like that I could restart my life with the support of everyone, I really had to give a counter to this, it is not what I really want...it is not what I really want...my ultimate goal is to return to my home, and after I have achieved it, to return to my previous life with everything I have left behind. But I was really forcing myself to do something that I didn't really want to do...

Suddenly I could feel something strange in me, it was strange... although I tried I couldn't, passing to my God Form was getting too complicated, I didn't feel that I was giving off a power as such, I only felt the sensation of forcing something that seems to have been exhausted. It didn't bother me in the slightest, rather the fact that I couldn't made me feel happy, and when I couldn't even summon the portal to travel between worlds, I...I had the perfect excuse to stay here....

It worked out well for me, I didn't have to force myself to leave because I literally couldn't, I could stay because that's exactly what I wanted, I don't know if it's a product of my good luck but things happen for a reason. I was heading back to Kurusu's home to see if I could still have another chance in this world, and when I didn't realize it, I was already back in front of his door, the emotion couldn't get the better of me, I was really happy to have a chance to lead a normal life even if it was for a while. For a while? How long am I going to stay? That's important, isn't it? Well, as long as it takes for me to recover, that's also something I have to take into account. 

I guess knocking on the door would be fine, do they have a doorbell? For some reason I was nervous, I must apologise and now that I think about it seriously, isn't it a bit confusing? First I turn down their offer and then come back here so...being the opportunity they gave me, it even sounds pitiful....

『Regretful dog returns. With his look so tender. With his snout split. With his tail between his legs....』-『Yes...I can't help but think that's my situation, I hope you don't take this the wrong way...』

Also in the whole journey I felt something that made me very suspicious, I turned my gaze back to see what was going on, and as I expected there was nothing strange, it was a quiet day, which made me doubt even more, if I think that's what they are, it's good that I'm back here, I should avoid doing things on my own unless necessary, if I want to lead a quiet life without complications, I shouldn't draw attention to myself again. 

But while I was feeling doubtful about what was going on, I quickly knew that they were going to open the door, because for some reason I could hear a great fluttering inside the house, and every time the seconds passed, the noise was getting closer and closer... I couldn't help but put my head together to the door of the house that...


『Where is!!!! Where is !!!!! Is he really back??!!!!!』

『Calm down Smith-san!!!! You must behave like the adult you are!!!』

『I am calm down!!!! *smiles* I knew you wouldn't refuse my offer!!!! Ahh, that's really a relief, and...where's M-chan? 』

At this Smith burst out forcefully opening the door of the home with joy, and she wasn't the only one who ended up leaving, as Kurusu seemed to be holding her back somehow, it was a somewhat difficult scene to comprehend. But as Smith looked around to see if M was really back, he was nowhere to be seen. As Kurusu looked over to the side, he found the boy who had received a heavy blow to his head, the boy was looking at birds after his return home. Kurusu wanted to go to help him, but Smith quickly beat him to it, and while still recovering from the blow, was holding his hand and shaking it as he said cheerfully.

『Look who's coming back 『COPY00 M-chan!!! I don't know what went through your mind, after you rejected us I thought you wouldn't come back, ahhh, but that's the way of life, many believe that the only option is to move forward and advance, but no!!! You can also go backwards, go right, left!!!! A turn!!! a jump backwards!! a jump forwards!!! and even skip to the end!!!! Although I don't recommend that, it can end badly』-『Thanks a lot Kurusu-chan for making time *smiles*』

『....*sigh*(I'm sorry M-san, that this chick has set her eyes on you...)』

At this I don't know why it brought back a small memory, out of nowhere I was waiting at the door, it quickly opened and ended up hitting me full in the face. I could reason and hear little at that moment, but I could see it somewhat, as Smith was happy for some reason where again he kept bombarding me with many words that I don't have time to understand...is this going to happen again and again? 

Going back in time, since I made the decision to leave this home, of course those who wanted to support me were in favour of taking care of me, protecting me and giving me a chance to rebuild my life. Although everyone had this feeling of pity towards me, there was a much stronger one among all of them, and instead of feeling pity, it was more like a curiosity that can't let go. Although everyone thought that where I was going to go, where my new home would be, or even the meaning of my words, returning to where I belonged...

『Wow, he rejected me, but what a spoiled child, that I was very kind and always take the pacifist route in many cases, all the disobedient ones should learn from Kurusu-chan! He always accepts everything I do *smiles*』

『More like you impose everything on me before I can do anything....』

『Yeah, you're a good boy *smiles* take your reward 』

At that moment Smith was going to take the opportunity to pet Kurusu's head, but before he could do anything, Mia quickly moved to hug Kurusu and gather him to her side so that he could be protected. At this the Lamia gave Smith a dirty look, as if taking away the opportunity she had created for herself. 

『Okay, only you have the right to consent to your guardian, but don't forget that it is thanks to me that you all live together and have the same guardian to look after you, normally each species of exchange is assigned a single guardian and correspondingly that guardian is assigned only one species to look after, if they become fit, in the whole trial period and pass at the end of it all, then they go on to what is the survival of the species, if they are not fit or break laws in the said trial season, it is a very long subject and I know very well that you know it very well, don't you girls? *mocking*』

At that moment, Smith reminded us of the situation of all the species that Kurusu is taking care of, where the look on the agent's face was a bit mischievous because she herself knows what happens in this home and how the relationships are. They all commented that they knew about it and respected all the rules, although some of them said it hiding their nerves, while others didn't seem to care so much...

『Did you listen well Rachnera-chan? I know very well your case and the relationship you had with your former tutors, if I were you, I wouldn't miss this opportunity 』

『I have it clear Smith, opportunity I see, opportunity I take *smiles*』-『And please don't make me remember the past』.

『*smile* Although it was also our fault and incompetence to assign you to tutors not properly classified for species care, we are now somewhat more meticulous about the qualities and characteristics of future species tutors, we want to reduce interspecies violence as much as we can, so again I say, sorry Rachnera-chan』.

At that moment it was clear what their conversation was about, Smith went on to tell and reveal a little of Rachnera's past, which to make things easier and to make a long story short. Rachnera didn't get the best reception when she was exchanged as a species, because of her appearance, which is neither cute nor provocative, but rather the former, which makes you mostly afraid of her, or in the worst case, terribly disgusted. This happened with many people, and the coexistence, even if you try to hide it, is very evident when you feel uncomfortable. This escalated to aggression and Rachnera defending itself from physical abuse, at that time it was more concerned with the care of humans than the species. So when they saw that it was not a good environment they gave Rachnera restrictions and warnings about her behaviour, she was assigned to another guardian, but the story went on and on, although the human guardians tried to take care of her as best they could, that kindness was only a sham and they really hated living with an Arachne. It is a person who prefers the truth, however ugly, over a lie masked by gentleness. That dislike always led to violent and physical abuse, one day you already know her, she trapped her former guardian in her webs so she could take revenge on him, she gets a thrill out of causing pain, you could say she's sadistic?Kurusu arrived to stop her and seeing that her kindness is no sham, well...now she's one of the candidates to stay with Kimihiro Kurusu.

Rachnera was laughing in a way as if not hiding her true thoughts, to this Smith also laughed but well they know what they are talking about. The good thing is that now physical abuse, violence and so on, no matter if it is to humans or species, the weight is equal and fair for all. This only made Kurusu worry more that it is also his job to make sure everything is in order, to take care of everyone as he should, he would never raise his hand to anyone depending on whether they deserve it or not, although guardians also have another very important task, there have been cases where guardians tried to overreach the species in their care, those are paying for their crimes, but Kurusu must be the only human that the species he cares for...want to assault him....

『Returning to the opportunities, that's Rachnera-chan talking, so I don't understand why M-chan turned down this opportunity, he must be hiding a lot more things that we don't know what...*serious* I don't intend to let this situation slip away...』

At that Smith got a bit serious and would take out his phone to make some calls, at this Kurusu got a bit worried as she knows her friend, she never lets something go when she has it in her mind, if or if she is going to follow through because that's the right thing for everyone.

『Hiding? What could my Younger Brother M hide?』

『If he is an interspecies, maybe he hides what species he is, even among us species, there are some rarer than others, maybe young M belongs to that kind 』.

Papi from what he commented in his not knowing, Mero gave him a possible answer to what M could be hiding, where upon hearing this, it could be a possible answer, since at all times he did not comment anything in respect to what species he could be, just knowing such information could put him in the sights of many eyes, just like the case of....

『My Little Brother M is no freak!!!! He's just a normal kid like everyone else!!!!』

To this Papi commented raising his voice at that moment, where upon hearing it all, like it wasn't so easy to agree with him, as everything indicated that M, normal wouldn't be the first thing that comes to your mind if you think of him and they just told him so.

『You're wrong Papi-chan, that boy called M, is anything but normal, we can't take his existence lightly』.

Smith commented while holding his phone to his ear, where he earnestly did not avoid answering Papi like this, who, upon hearing this, was really hurt that he would think of a child like that...without thinking too much about it, he quickly replied.

『Yes, sorry, I was wrong, My Little Brother M is not normal...My Little Brother M is someone special!!!!! And I want him to feel that way, wanted, loved, to know that even though he has no one in this world, he can smile with us...I want to make him happy!!!!』

...Papi without hesitation made that last comment, which everyone seemed to have not expected Papi to say with determination, that he wants to make him happy...it was really something they all agreed on. At this, Agent Smith congratulated Papi for his words, then....

『Let's make your words come true Papi-chan, don't worry, your Fairy Godmother who has a little power of the state will fulfill your wishes *smiles* 』 

『The mere fact that you have power scares me Smith-san...By the way who are you calling? How are you going to get M-san to come back? 』

『Don't be a gossip Kurusu-chan, a mage doesn't reveal his secrets *smiles*』

『(Are you a fairy or a wizard?....)』

『Yeah? he's going to a forest? eh? we've been talking so much? he's talking to himself? he's talking to himself? he started shouting to himself? (oh boy, he's weirder than I thought...) I see...he stretched out his hand? uhm...we'll have to pay for a psychologist too, he must be out of his mind...he started to run back? For the moment just keep an eye on him, let's see where he goes this time....』

『Smith-san, not to meet you already but...are you keeping an eye on M-san?』

At this Smith's conversation could be overheard somewhat, and because Kurusu ended up getting so close to her friend, who the agent when she looked to her side and realised that Kurusu was next to her listening to the call, she quickly became so scared that she even jumped a little to move away a little bit

『Don't just show up unannounced!!!! You really are an expert at upsetting women!!!! *nervous*』

『You better answer me and tell me it's not what I think...』

『*nervous*Just because you managed to scare me without me noticing you, I'll tell you...Since M-chan rejected my pacifist route, I now plan to take him with me, I already said, he's a rare specimen that we know almost nothing about, and that's where the danger he represents lies, we must take him under our care and avoid possible risks』.

『In short...』

『My men are watching him and when I give the order they will intercept him and take him to the agency's facility *smiles* 』 』

.....Kurusu knew it, she was suspecting it from the beginning, that her partner always has to get her way no matter what method she does, it's always been like that and even the situation she's in now taking care of many species is purely on a whim and her friend Smith's idea.... There was a moment of silence at that moment, where suddenly....

『3, 2, 1 --------------------』

『Why did you start counting!!!!』


Smith would start to give a countdown where out of pure instinct to prevent something bad from happening, Kurusu happened to cover his mouth at that moment, where Smith was struggling to free himself, this was what everyone thought, since a voice was coming out of the phone saying that he was waiting for the final order to be given, that is, for the counter to reach zero. Kurusu avoided at all costs that Smith could speak, he was only heard babbling nonsense, where he heard a sound of mouth...

『Ahhh!!!! Did you really spit on me?!!!』

『*nervous*That was our first intimate contact after a long time Kurusu-chan, how did you like it? exciting right?』

『You're still resorting to the nonsense you did as a kid!!!! I told you that's really disgusting』』

『Intimate contact!!!!!!?????』

Quickly this turned into a mess, in order to free himself from Kurusu's grip, Smith literally spat on his friend's hand who out of pure reaction the first thing he did was to move aside because he felt it was disgusting, but the more they talked the more distorted this became, the species who felt something for Kurusu couldn't help but think at first with the "intimate contact" thing that ....

Quickly Smith was wanting to leave the house in order to make M's capture, where inside most of the species were holding Kurusu to ask him questions about his real relationship with Smith, who seems to have had a friendship for a long time now that....

『It's just my friend who's all dumb and stupid!!!!!!!!!』

『Hey!!! What do you have that image of me with??!!!!! you're still a virgin!!!! Virgin and very much a virgin!!!!!』

『I have to be or else they'll take me to prison!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!』

『Where is the target now? Ehh???? What's at the door of the house???!!!!!』

It really did become a mess inside Kurusu's house, that must have been what I was hearing with all the commotion inside the house. Of course I didn't know that, I was still trying to pull myself together to make things right.


Going back to before, my head was still hurting and I think I'm seeing a Smith in front of me... I really don't want to see her again, her smile is one of those smiles that brings you trouble even though she wants to help.

『I'm glad you're back M-chan, we were already going to look for you to convince you to stay, right Kurusu-chan? 』

『Eh?...Yes, it's really good that you're back M-san *smiles*』

At this point I was back in front of Kurusu's home, where the dizziness seemed to have finally stopped as I felt that I was still welcome here. All the while Smith had his hands on my shoulders, where upon seeing that I was finally relaxing and calming down, he would go on to remove them and feel glad for my decision.

『I...ahh...I'm sorry...』-『I feel like I'm shameless for turning down your chance at the beginning and now going back is like...I feel like I'm taking the only safe path left to me...』

It was the first thing I had to say, I really felt sorry for going back in a shameless way as being the only place I have left, I feel like something similar happened before, I remember in my elementary school a strange girl showed up at my home saying that she will never go back home...It was a weird talk now that I remember, she was talking nonsense about wanting to go back to those she considered special and even her family...In the end she ended up leaving but I don't know where she went....

『Don't worry about little things, is it forbidden to make a mistake? You can do it a million times!!!! Although if you do, I don't know whether to call it stupidity or perseverance...anyway! The important thing is that you rethought your ideas and that coming back here is the best thing, you don't have to worry anymore, everyone here is going to help you *smiles*』

『That's right, I'm also relieved that you're coming back to us, how to say, the moment you left, I started to think about where you would go, the last sentence you said did make me think about it a little bit』.

『Sentence? 』 

At that Kurusu started to remember about what M said, that he should go back to where he belongs, maybe it's just his thinking, but in the boy's look I noticed that he was forced and even a bit sad to continue leaving everything he has...And the fact that he went to a forest well....

『Don't think about nonsense Kurusu-chan, that of course wasn't going to happen, and if it did I was going to stop it at all costs, so always keep in mind what I'm about to tell you M-chan』-『Whatever you do and whatever happens with your life, you'll always see who cares, so you have to be happy *smiles* show me a smile, come on a smile *happy* 』

『Ahh.... so?...*smile*?.....』

『Yes, you still have a good smile, but you have to improve it, after all when you are happy with your life, what better to represent it with a smile *smiles*』

.....The things that Smith says...I really can't understand this girl, it causes me a lot of conflicts just to define her as a person, it makes me tense, she is direct and serious with her words, she also jokes with what she says, I think she also tries to provoke the others or keep them at bay in a certain way...And right now she is giving me encouragement that...the truth is making me feel good...

『Come on Kurusu-chan, also say something to the boy *smiles*』

『I'm sorry for putting you in this predicament M-san, but I'm glad you're back, in the first place, if you get annoyed or dislike the idea of us all living together, what can I tell you, in the end it's more fun and exciting, you won't get bored and.... I will do my best to look after you as well as possible *decided* let's all support each other to help you, I am used to this kind of news and don't feel bad about being a member of this household, we will welcome you with open arms, we will support you in all your difficulties and ....*smile* Smiling* Smiling with happiness would be a great achievement for us *happy*』

To this Kurusu also approached me to be able to tell me his words, the way in which he said it to me, if he transmitted in some way security and tranquillity...ahh...now I understand why they have much esteem to Kurusu, you know that being with him everything can go well because that is exactly what he looks for with you....A his words I believe that I could not with this, since quickly I lowered the look where it happened to tremble by all the body, especially in the arms and in the legs. ...I really have this opportunity? to receive the support of these strangers?...If I do, they will no longer be just strangers, they will become very important people to me...this is what I am most afraid of...I don't want them to become so important to me that they can hold me back from wanting to continue with my current goal which is .....

『Ya-kun, do you really want to turn down this opportunity? 』-『I understand very well that, in order to keep moving forward, you need everyone's support, keep going buddy and don't be afraid to be a loved person *smile*』

At this I heard Rino and he was by my side to give me that little push I need right now, which having already decided, I went on to calm down and recompose myself for all my thinking, I stretched out my hand towards the front, towards the 2 adults they...

『Please help me to get back on my way *decided*』.

I was determined and even my eyes were shining that...the 2 adults could tell that, Smith was the first to respond, I thought he was going to shake my hand, but it was all a deception, from one moment to another I could feel that he was hugging me in a calm and warm way at that moment. I didn't expect it but...it really made me more confused about how this chick is really like...It was warm and calm, but I also can't help but feel something else....

『It smells a lot like cigarettes....』

『*laughs* I didn't change my clothes since yesterday, but next time I'm going to smell like lemon!』

『I think...it'll be nice to live with you M-san, not to bother you or make you feel uncomfortable, I'd rather get to know you better *smiles*』

『Yes, I really prefer things to move forward as they should, that Smith is a bit adventurous, I think she wants to get something quickly with me....』

Smith is now in charge of M's care, surveillance and monitoring, so she prefers to have a good relationship with the child rather than a bad one. And if one could notice how it was too much who took the first step, giant steps one could say. Even Kurusu was looking at her companion as if to say that even M realised what her friend was up to...

『It's better to have great trust from the start! You want to get along with me right? You wouldn't mind? 』

『No...it's good, you telling me all that, if it made me calm down from how worried I was, I hope it will also disappear that distrust I still have for you, I feel that you will take care of me until the end...』

『That's right, we'll go all the way with you M-chan *smiles*』

『And also with you Kurusu, ahh...ahh.... can I call you Aniki? I see him more like this...』

『Aniki...*nervous* Yes, no problem M-san (Aniki...that's how they feel about calling you that...)』

It seems that things were going to go well, everything has been settled and now I just had to make a place for myself in this home, I hope that everything goes really well, I understand that it wouldn't be bad to get along with everyone and even get to like them... And the best of all is that...

『With that Aniki and Kurusu-chan? I can tell by your expression that you'll like me calling you that』-『So M-chan, can you call me Onee-chan? yes? *happy*』


『Come on, don't be shy, your Onee-chan will do her best to make you have a good life and nothing will be complicated for you, after all it's your Onee-chan's duty, yeah? Your Onee-chan will work hard! Your Onee-chan will work hard!!! Your Onee-chan will make you smile with happiness. Let's go!!! Tell me Onee-chan *smiles*』

Eh?...What's going on here...why do you suddenly want me to call you that? No...I think that would be too much, I don't trust him enough to start calling him like that...besides, he's demanding it? why???? Does she think she deserves to be treated well for everything she does? Although the truth is I think she does, I still don't think I thanked her for saving me from the Lizardmans earlier last night...When I looked up I could see that she kept pressing me to call her Onee-chan...ahhh...I don't really feel like saying it, I would rather call her Tia....si...she's like those nosy aunts that sometimes are loving with their relatives but straight at the same time, but also let free some mischief that .....

『Hey stop it Smith-san....』

『It's just not fair *pout* I want you to call me special too, ah!!! You don't want to call me Onee-chan because I'm you!!!! Okaa-san!!!』

『(This chick...she's really freaking out...)』

She was getting closer and closer to me invading my personal space, it seems like she won't stop until I tell her one of the 2 ways...No way this chick would be my mother, moreover, I feel it would be unfortunate if this chick becomes your mother, a sister...ahh....I still see her as a gossipy aunt....but....but....ahh!!!! How close she got to me.... fast!!! fast!!! tell her somehow!!!!

At that moment I quickly decided what to call her, it really looked like she was going to do something to me, she opened her arms for sure to hug me tightly, but it really looked like she was going to do something else... but... At that moment Kurusu turned to the inside of her home because the door was still open, where she could quickly see that someone was running out when she saw that someone was in danger, where....


I said it with my eyes closed as I felt like she was going to eat me, plus she was taller than me, really her whole body and shadow was covering me, but....


At that moment I heard a different voice, a much softer and higher pitched one than Smith's, a voice I had heard before and it was the first reason why I wanted to stay here.... Papi had appeared and was in front of me, who without noticing was sitting in the courtyard of Kurusu's home, while Papi was in front of me looking at me without blinking, his wings stretched out...I could only stare at Papi's face which...was enough to make me turn red at that moment and hide my embarrassment.

『Onee-chan....Onee-chan!!!! *happy* That's right! I'm your Onee-chan!!! Welcome home Little Brother M *smiles*』

Eh?...But what...to this I couldn't help but be happy about this, now that I think about it she's the first one to welcome me back to this home I've returned and...it really feels warm...I don't know why, maybe because of the nerves of having Papi near me, but my smile or rather my attempt to smile has returned as if I've gone back years ago...But this didn't matter to Papi, it still made him happy that I can smile back.

『Hey!!!.... Don't forget about me.... could you take your paw off my head Papi-chan?』

At this we heard Smith close by, and before we knew it, Papi had knocked Smith down and was face first in the yard. Papi took his paw off Smith's head, who had dirt all over his face, but apart from that, Papi was very happy that I told him Onee-chan, he seemed to come here quickly because in his eyes it looked like I was going to get hurt, yes...I thought so too...but....

『Onee-chan!!!! Onee-chan!!! *happy* Can you call me Onee-chan again so I don't forget? Little Brother M? *smiles*』

If she was really excited and happy that she said that to Papi, she was really going for Smith but...no, she's more of an aunt....


I was really annoyed by this event, before Papi was already seeing me as a Little Brother, and now with this he'll think that's the kind of relationship I'm looking for with her, I really don't want to...if what I feel is true, I want another kind of friendship to form, one much more personal and intimate...so the first step to do that is to say her name that....

『Papi-nee-chan!!! I...*nervous* I'm back *smiles*』

I ended up saying her name but adding Onee-chan in between...This made Papi even happier that I referred to her by her name. She became even happier and went on to hug me at that moment with complete confidence, she was fluttering around like a little girl while repeating that we are Onee-chan and Onii-chan at the same time. But...I couldn't think any other kind of thing since I think it's too much female contact for me, I think these soft prickles I feel in front of me is....

『It's her feathers Ya-kun, don't be a misthinker 』

『(Yeah...thanks Rino for lowering my waters....)』-『(But still...this feels good!!!)』

It seems that unintentionally the relationships I wanted with Papi, ended up being sustained but not in the way I wanted. To this quickly Papi on having his Little Brother for the first time, wanted to do everything with him, play, go for walks, go to the park, even go with the other kids in the neighbourhood so he could have a better time, they like to play with water guns a lot. Or even recently Papi discovered a really fun place that he goes to every chance he gets, which is .....

『Let's go out and play M-nii-chan!!!!!』

Papi to make the trip faster, I quickly noticed how he put his huge claws on my arms, eh?..wait? does he want to...I quickly wanted to make an excuse for not doing what Papi thinks, where I quickly remembered when I left this home and on my way back.

『Wait Papi-nee-chan!!!! I don't think it's good to go out now, for a while now I've felt that there are people watching us...I might be wrong but they might be the same ones from last night....*nervous*』


Papi at this finished soothing his wings that were about to take flight, but good thing I just remembered that, I don't know who they are, but I really felt their presence very present. At this Kurusu quickly wondered the same thing, but quickly came up with the answer and turned to look at Smith, who...

『Bad people? Well done M-chan!!! Yes! I can feel them too!!! One of them is behind that pile of weeds!!!! I'm going to get you! They sure are kidnappers who plan to take more species for their own purposes, they really are bad people, don't worry, I'll take care of them all *serious*』

『Uhm...I think there are a lot of them, about 20, are you going to be able to take them all Smith?...Wouldn't it be better to call for reinforcements?』

『Only 20? that's a piece of cake, I can handle 50!!! no!!! with 100 at a time!!!!』-『So I'm....eh?...how did you know they are 20 exactly?』

『!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-------......------.....Ahhh...ahhh...intuition?...(Asshole, even in those little things he notices?....)』

『Uhm...you're interesting M-chan *smiles*』

『(Rather be glad that M-san doesn't ask you the same question...)』

At that moment I don't know why, but quickly Smith took out his phone as he walked into the streets, why does she look too calm?...At that quickly Papi thought that now things are safe, so now if they can go and play, but quickly Kurusu stopped him by giving him a little smack on Papi's head since....

『It's preferable that M-chan doesn't leave this home for a while, or at least we've already acknowledged his existence as a normal citizen in society, I know you want to do many things with M-chan and go to many places Papi-chan, but we can't put ourselves at risk quickly by exposing him to the public without an identity, I have that in mind thanks to the case from previous years...So Papi-chan, can you hold back for a few days until everything is in order with M? *smiles*』

『You mean the case of...You heard Papi-san, besides I was going to arrest you because...』.

At that moment 2 guts were heard roaring at that moment, Papi's and M's at that moment. So far none of the household had eaten breakfast, and already with all that had happened the time flew by. Although to say 2 is too little, the truth was that there were 3, since Smith was the hungriest one, he hadn't stopped working for days and now with M's case....

『Yes!!!! Let's go eat!!! Kurusu-chan's food is really good M-chan, you're going to order to bursting *smiles*』

『Yes....(Eh? I'm done with the bad guys? That was really fast....)』

He just asked his men to back off and that he has everything under control M's situation, I thought it was going to be more difficult but...there was no need to worry, when people want to help you, getting into trouble is not necessary, but in accepting things just like that...I remember that I'm one of those people that it's easy to say no to everything...

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
