
26. Zombozo & Circus Freak Trio

In the evening we reached the next city.

Driving past the docks, we saw two thieves running with the loot, and the guards were chasing them. Without thinking twice, grandfather stopped and the girls got off the bus.

I decided to leave everything to them, they will figure it out themselves.

In general, it happened. Through the window, I saw Gwen create a disk and throw it at one of the bandits. The disc hit him right in the head and he fell as if knocked down.

Ashley obviously wanted to absorb up the electricity, but then she remembered that she was not allowed to do this.

So she took out of her pocket the stone that I gave her for training. Covering her hand with a stone cover, she threw the stone itself at the bandit. Hit right in the back.

From the blow, the thief was arched and he flew about three meters, after which he lost consciousness. It hurt, probably a couple of bones were broken. Ashley has a good eye.

Must not forget and teach her to fight at least a little.

The girls returned just as the guards tied the failed thieves. I even feel a little sorry for them, but just a little.

Then we went to the city center. And there, Gwen saw the Zombozo circus sign.

Oh, how I do not want to deal with him. With the original Ben, I have little in common, but we have a mutual dislike for clowns.

I still have it from my past life. As a child, I once read Stephen King's 'It', and I must say I was too impressed. Now I hate clowns. This is not fear, just a strong dislike and disgust.

I would love to leave Zombozo alone, but he will do some business, besides, my family may suffer. And I cannot allow this.

While I was thinking, Gwen said:

- Look, circus. Can we go?

- I haven't been to the circus for a long time. This is a good idea. What do you think? - said the grandfather, referring to me and Ashley.

- I've never been to the circus. Mom really does not like the circus because of cruelty to animals, so she forbade me to go there. - said Ashley.

- I have some bad feeling about this circus. Let me first take a look at what they write on the Internet about the Zombozo Circus. - I said and took out my laptop.

Ten minutes later, I finished searching and thoughtfully stretched out:

- Hmmmm….

- What did you find out? - asked Grandpa, knowing full well that my instinct is never wrong.

- I was right, with this circus, something is not clean. In all the cities where the circus came, there were a lot of robberies. Also, after the circus left the city, many people fell into a coma. There were also people who seemed to have lost all their joy and fell into depression. All these people were either visitors to the circus or were near it. But the victims come to their senses after about a couple of months and then everything was fine with them. - I told the information that I had found in truth.

- Horrible. Anything else? - Gwen asked, shocked.

- Yes. This Zombozo has been searched for all over the country for a year now. But he always disappears before anyone realizes who he is. It has also been written about his accomplices. Three mutants. One is called Thumbskull, he has superpower and for some reason a nail grows out of his head. The second is called Acid Breath, he can spit acid. And the last one, Frightwig. She has 'live' hair, she can control it. - I added, already on my own, using my meta-knowledge.

- We need to catch them. - Ashley said, with a warlike spirit.

- I think so too, but first we need to find out what's going on with people. - Grandpa said seriously.

- And for this we need to go on reconnaissance. This is useful to you. - I said and took out the belts with the girls' costumes.

At first, the girls did not understand anything, but I said that first need to put on the belts.

I gave the black belt to Gwen, and the red belt to Ashley. Then they looked at me and waited for further instructions.

- Press the button on the plaque. - I said.

After listening to me, they pressed on the belt and they were wearing suits their own designs.

- Wow. This is so cool. - said happy Ashley.

- It's so light and comfortable. Gwen said with admiration.

- Then thank me, but for now, take off your costumes. According to the schedule, there will be a performance in 5 minutes. We will penetrate there and find out what is happening there. Good? - I told my plan.

Everyone nodded and grandfather took us to the circus, to which we arrived a few minutes later.

First, we decided to enter as regular visitors and see what happens. After Grandpa bought tickets for all of us, I said quietly:

- Be as careful possible, we do not know what awaits us. Don't get carried away by the show itself, don't even laugh.

When we got to the tent, grandfather said:

- Better not to go inside, let's see from here.

We stayed at the entrance, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. And they began to wait for the start of the show.

A couple of minutes later, an entertainer, illuminated by a searchlight, entered the stage and began to greet the audience, after which he called Zombozo himself onto the stage. How creepy he is. Brrr.

Zombozo looks like a clown with red hair and pale skin. He wore a gray and white suit with three buttons, a navy blue blazer, and blue sleeves with black stripes and two blue circles on each stripe.

He also had a blue nose, a navy black hat with a large blue ball, and black shoes and gloves.

Zombozo started putting on a little show to cheer people up.

Grandfather and I didn't laugh because we were totally focused, but Ashley and Gwen were laughing.

- Turn away. Better not to look, since you cannot control yourself. - I said displeasedly and turned them back to the tent. Still, I know how dangerous it is and I can't help but worry.

- Sorry. He's just very funny. - Trying to contain her laughter, said Gwen.

- Yes, it's very hard not to laugh. - supported her friend Ashley.

In a minute they were already in order, but still they did not look, but only listened.

At that moment, Zombozo summoned his machine, which steals laughter and energizes it.

- Lex, look these are the mutants you mentioned. - Gwen drew my attention and pointed her finger at the freaks who were leaving the circus.

- Most likely they are going to rob while Zombozo distracts attention. Go follow them. If you have something to fight, but use suits, they will help you. Ashley, if you attack, then use the cover on both hands and fight like that. - I commanded.

The girls nodded and went after the mutants. When they left, far enough away, I said:

- Grandpa, follow them and cover them if anything.

- Are you sure you can handle it yourself? - asked Grandpa, but rather for show. He understands that Zombozo is only a human being, albeit a mutant. Compared to the robots of Vilgax, Zombozo is nothing.

- Yes. He's only one, and the girls may need help. I said with a nod.

- Good. But be careful. - Max said and went after the girls.

I continued to watch the show.


(Gwen POV)

As Lex said, the freaks really went to rob, and so did the neighboring jewelry store.

As we hid behind the car, Ashley and I donned suits. At that moment, the big man threw a trash can into the window and smashed it.

- So what's the plan? Ashley asked me.

- You are wearing Fingerhead. You will sneak up from behind and hit him with your strength, on the head, with your covered hands. I'll cover you. - having figured out what to do, I told.

- Good. - Ashley said and absorbed the metal from the car, which is why her gloves, to the elbows, became black with red lines.

Walking around the car, Ashley quietly went to the big man. He just stood with his back to us, like the rest of the mutants.

Once next to him, Ashley put her hands together, jumped up and hit the freak on the head with all her might. From this he collapsed, but did not lose consciousness. But for two minutes he definitely won't get up.

- What? - said Acid Breath and turned to us. Just when he was supposed to look at Ashley, my disk flew into his head. From the blow, he flew straight into local Gorgon and immediately passed out.

- What the… - said the Frightwig as the acid guy flew into her.

- Get off me. - said the long-haired woman, trying to take off the carcass of Acid Breath.

When she did it, she was about to stand up when a black fist flew into her face.

It was Ashley, who just came up to the freak girl and hit her.

True, one blow was not enough. But Ashley, wasting no time, hit the Frightwig in the face three more times, from which she was already completely blacked out.

At that moment, I approached Thumbskull, who was still trying to recover, and launched several of my magic discs in his face. He passed out only after the tenth.

- It was easy. Ashley exclaimed and gave me five.

- Easy peasy. - I said with a smile.


(Max POV)

Now, I watched the girls deal with mutants. And I must say that they did a good job. They did not ask for trouble, made a plan and carried it out.

'But still, they still lack attentiveness.' - I thought when I saw how Acid guy came to his senses and got to his feet. And the girls did not notice this, because they were talking and celebrating their victory.

'Well, that's what I'm here for.' - I thought, and shot freak with Lex's shocker. Good thing, I took it for a reason.

From the electric shock, Acid Breath twitched for a couple of seconds, and this time he definitely passed out.

- Grandfather? - asked the shocked Gwen, noticing how I came out of hiding and knocked Acid Breath out.

- Lex told you to be as careful as possible. You celebrated victory too early and did not notice how the enemy came to his senses. - I scolded them.

- Sorry, Grandpa Max. - Gwen apologized and lowered her head.

- Sorry, Mr. Tennyson. - also dropping her head, said Ashley.

- Next time, be careful and constantly monitor your surroundings. - I said, in an instructive tone.

- Good / Okay. - said the girls at the same time.

- But you, all the same, well done. - I said with a smile.

At my words, the girls smiled, pleased with themselves.

- And Ashley, you can call me grandpa too. I'm not against. - I said softly.

- But ... - Ashley tried to argue, but I interrupted her and said:

- I insist.

- Okay, Grandpa Max. - Ashley said dutifully. However, she was clearly glad.

- Well, that's good, and now let's go to Lex. He's probably finished by now.


(Lex POV)

When everyone else went after the freaks, I waited a few minutes for people to get a little weak and not notice me.

Then, I did the same as Ben did in canon. I was just too lazy to come up with something new.

Turning into the Ghostfreak, I just beat up Zombozo and destroyed his device.

He was chatting something, but I was not listening.

By the way, what's really weird is when I scared Zombozo, he really exploded and disappeared. In general, I wanted to kill him, but I could not deny myself the pleasure of scaring him. And he took the BOOM and that's it. I didn't think it would really be that way. Here is a coward. Well, nothing, he will still appear and I will finish him off.

I confess, I had the idea to pick up Zombozo's machine, after all, this is a rather interesting opportunity, it becomes stronger, fueled by the laughter of people, but after thinking a little, I realized that I didn't need it, so I didn't hold back.

When the laughter sucking machine exploded, people started to wake up, so I dumped.

By the way, Ze'Skayr is still swarming in the backyard of his consciousness, but he is not trying to seize control. Apparently waiting for his comrades.

After flying out of the circus, I found my family and, becoming myself, approached them, while asking the question:

- How are mutants?

- The police have already taken them. - said Grandfather with a smile.

- How about Zombozo? - Gwen asked.

- I beat him up and destroyed his machine. Seemingly using it, he was stealing laughter from people and feeding on it to become stronger. When the device exploded, people began to come to their senses. And for some reason Zombozo himself exploded and disappeared. Most likely he ran away. - I said with a shrug.

- Well, nothing, the main thing is that people are okay. Let's go to the RV, it's late and it's bedtime. - said the grandfather with an encouraging smile.

Nodding, we all walked to the mobile home, where, immediately, everyone fell asleep. Today has been a long day.
