
Chapter 4

When Uno woke up, he felt weird. He felt his body hurting a bit, but at the same time, he felt better than before and somehow stronger.

Even weirder than that, he felt something flowing around him. It was as if a constant hot breeze was blowing around him even when he was in his hut with the door closed.

He decided to do his breathing exercises because maybe like that he would make that strange feeling disappear.

When he began to do it, he felt like the breeze had changed its flow and began to enter his lungs. Surprised by this happening, he felt how the heat dissipated little by little in his lungs until just air remained in them.

Then he let out the air and felt how the heat began to travel all across his body until it was absorbed by it. When the heat had completely vanished from his body, he took another deep breath and repeated the process. He continued doing this for a few minutes until he felt that he was somehow full and couldn't continue. It was like that time when he tried to eat a wild boar all by himself, but at the same time, he felt hungry, so it was not the same.

He left his hut and went to the communal deposit, where he met Zeno, who was the guardian of the food that day.

Zeno was one of the men of the village. He was not very good at fighting, but he was intelligent and trustworthy. Usually, he would try to craft new weapons for the hunters or manage matters that involved the performance of the village or the relationship with the other villages. It could be said that if Aed was the one who acted like the chief of the village, Zeno was the right hand of the chief and the one who did the behind-the-scenes work.

"Hey, Zeno. Do you have something that I could eat? " Uno asked while patting his belly.

"Well, we are a bit low on food, but you can have some berries and... Are you taller than yesterday? " Zeno asked confused after a few seconds.

"Am I?" Uno asked back while tilting his head.

"I mean, not much more, but maybe three or four fingers taller", Zeno said while comparing his height with Uno's. "And you look a bit less skinny too... Did you eat something out of the ordinary lately? "

"I don't think so. I can't remember eating anything that didn't come from the deposit... " Uno answered while he thought about his diet of the last few days. "But if I can think of something, I will tell you."

"Ok, that's fine", Zeno said. "If there was something that made you grow that could be used by the other hunters, it would be a great thing for our village... But since we don't even know if something like that exists, it doesn't matter. Well, let's see what I can find for you to eat. "

After that, Uno received his food ration and then left again to see what was going on around the village. Since that day there wasn't any hunting planned, and he didn't have much to do, so he decided to isolate himself in his hut and continue with his breathing exercises because he had the sensation that something would happen if he continued to do it from time to time.

While Uno was doing this, the multiple people who were traveling to the other villages were reaching their destinies, and six out of ten people found the people who they were searching for without any problems, and after warning them about the news that they had received, they turned back and returned to the village. The other four people only found some bloodstains on the ground and some wood pieces lying around the ground.

After seeing this, all four people began to run at full speed to their village, but one of them would not return alive. The last thing that this person saw was a group of slightly bigger yellow foxes being led by a similar-looking fox that had three tails instead of one. In just a second and a few waves of its tails, the man was hurt all over his body and blood began to flow out of his wounds while he tried to run away until he bled out.
