
God of Death

"Alright I will." Zell said. "If only for a while I promise to bring Neuval into an age of prosperity that has never been seen. But only after I have dealt with the gods and my sister."

"That is good to hear." The old king said. "I shall just remain here should you ever need me, for advice or for company. Since I am forever bound here to this place."

Zell sighed. "Would you like me to find a way to free your soul?" Zell asked.

The old kings lit up with hope at Zell's offer. "Do you really think you could?!"

"Yes, I do believe I can." Zell said. "Where is the object that has you bound and separated from the cycle?"

"I only know that it is located in the tomb." The old king said. "I think it is below, where the fog is coming from."

"Then it was an honor to meet you, grandfather." Zell said. "I am glad that we got to know one another before you passed on. I will free you from this suffering now." Zell started to leave the room.
